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Fantasy The deep woods


Pokemon,Anime,Video Games, pan sexual, and proud

Who are you? I demand you tell me these are my woods and I oversee it's visitors. Oh I see you have wandered here. Your soul is lost in turmoil...

Is it sadness, anger, hatred, magic, loss. Tell me why are you lost here...

I see. Can you tell me how you came to be this way and what your expectations are, and perhaps do you know where you are? Die? Of course you can die... the same as any place else... If you die there is no going back home or even living a miserable, lonely existence here.
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Hello~ Welcome to the Dark Woods
Who are you?
I'm Chrysathium the Queen, you may call me Chrysa though.

Is there a King?
No...why?Never has been.
Why am I here?
To overcome your broken soul~ Good luck
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Hello..I'm Kenobi...
What are you doing here at the abandoned jail?
staying away from people like you...you'd be best to leave me be.
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Hello, My name is Angel.
I can be your guardian angel...at a price of sorts...

It may not be necessary... and if I don't like you in the end I can always kill you.
Maybe I will forget about all that if I grow fond of you, If you need something you can find me in the small hut in the feild
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You seem like you could use some help...

How about I help you and you help me...You don't hold up on your end of the deal I kill you. But If you do I suppose I can help you with what you need. I have always lived here so I know the place well I could really be a big help, but my favor won't be so easy to fulfill either.

I tend to wander the swamp, good luck finding me. Even better luck outrunning me. Names Zander
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Is there something I can do for you?
I don't care go away!

Can I at least know your name?
No, and don't come back to the spiral oaks again!
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Hello there! My names Cherry! You can call me Chi!
Can you help me get out of here?
sorry I can't really help with that kind of stuff but I can sell you the stuff I find in the fields!

With what money?!
Earn money by going on quests and killing stuff for people! Sometimes monsters drop stuff as well (you have to get a roll of 7 or higher with two dice though)
Where can I find your store?
Underneath the sakura trees! They're hard to miss in these woods.
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Hello...don't think this hello means we are on good terms, if I so much as don't like your face I will kill you so i'd just stay away from the palace casino.
Can I at least know your name?
Calloway, now go away your getting on my nerves and I have to go deal with the rat's scratching in the basement.
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Sup, names Aquarius!
What's with this spring?
Oh it's beautiful right! That's why I live here! If you need holy water or anything H2O related this is the place to go!
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Hi! I'm Jule and this is my brother Eric!
What are kids like you doing here?
Hmph~ we may be young but we know more about this place here! In fact we know everyone that lives here! We have really good connections and we even live with Chrysa!
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"It's a pleasure to meet you."

Hello, I am Kurose Hanns, however you can just call me Rose if you so wish. I am a bisexual redhead who had happened to wander into the forest by chance after getting lost. I've had it pretty rough in my past, when I was five I was sold as a slave to a billionaire who abused me for ten years. I guess you could say that scarred me quite a bit, and now I no longer talk directly to people, instead I write things down to communicate. I was actually running away from my "master" when I came upon the forest. I was seeking shelter and a safe place to hide, so I went in. I had never realized that the rumors were real and that I had walked into a place I'd never leave again.​

Well Hiyo, I'm Himitsu Noir... I tend to spy on people. I'm holding up two fingers as you can see and what does two mean, Bi so I'm Bi. Anyway when I snuck into a small police station I ended up setting off an alarm ...Rookie mistake. As the local kid street rat they had a bounty on me so I eventually got pretty good at hiding. In a rush I ended up in this HUGE awesome forest, and since people always said the place impossible to leaf (get it because it's a forest and has leaves)so there has to be some treasure hidden behind the trees, and ill take as much as I can get. But after a while I found a 'house' I kind of live in the basement of the Casino...don't tell Cathaway it's already so hard to hide from her!

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Hi! My name is Alice!
You seem to know your way around..
Yeah I've been here quite a long time!

Where can I find you?
At the Rabbit-House!
It's a tavern I own! I live there as well!
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Oh...Hello, you must be new here.
What are you?!
Never seen anything like me well i'm the least of your worries.

What's your name
Where can I find you?
I typically hang out at the rabbit-house
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Um...Excuse me
Go away i'm trying to sleep here~ Yawn*
Who are you?
My names Tigee' Now go so I can sleep~ snore*
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Who are you?
Me?! I'm the guardian of the portal!
Where do you live?
I never hang out in one place you are lucky if you ever see me! In fact I can take on many forms as well!
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I am Crow. I found my way here a while ago after a car accident.. the last in a long line of unfortunate events for my family..

I'm.. not exactly sure how long I've been here. A few months.. a year maybe? Not long in comparison to the.. other inhabitants.. of these woods. I've acted as a.. local healer, I suppose that's how one would describe it.. since I arrived. Someone gave me this mask.. said it was the appropriate garb of a healer.. I suppose the role of a Plague Doctor is the.. appropriate one for a doctor in a place such as this. I live in a worn-down, abandoned hut in the woods.. formerly abandoned, anyway.. strange, predatory creatures come out at night.. and during the day sometimes, too. They.. scar me, sometimes. I've come close to dying at their hands once or twice.. and some of them do.. other things than physically harm you. Sometimes I.. hear things. I suspect some would consider me mad. I.. don't particularly mind it, though. Being mad.. that is. I'm better off for it. I don't mind this living so much for being mad.. it's sort of nice, actually. And I've learned how to.. ward away the worst monsters.. certain charms seem to scare some of them off.. like this cross I traded for..


I haven't interacted much with the.. more normal inhabitants of these woods much.. occasionally, someone stops by, injured, and I heal them and sometimes trade with them.. I stopped by the casino once, but it was far too Noisy..I got a headache from all those flashing lights and ringing slot machines.. the palace is too bright in general.. and Calloway is very threatening..

The only decent place around here is Rabbit House.. nice and cozy and quiet, even if Alice is.. a bit too cheery for my tastes.. sort of annoying.. but the creatures of the deep woods don't bother me there.. and Paige is fine..

The airport is even better.. nice and quiet, although I feel nervous there, sometimes, as though I'm being watched.. why is such a nice place uninhabited? I feel.. paranoid about that place.

The swamp is nice.. but Zander unnerves me.. I go there sometimes to get herbs and mushrooms.. and other interesting things.. but I avoid him whenever I can.. he seems.. predatory..

The jail is nice as well.. and it has some proper medical supplies I can scavenge, in it's medical ward.. but Kenobi doesn't want to be disturbed.. so I stay away, usually..

Angel.. is disturbing.. he's like Zander.. predatory.. but he seems more disturbing.. because of his.. charisma.. I avoid him urgently..

The spring is calm and quiet, and Aquarius is nice enough.. I gather water from there every few days.. it tastes pleasant, and is worth the long walk, to get enough of it to last a few days..

I stay away from the girl in the Spiral Oaks, as she seems to want to be left alone.. I can appreciate that sentiment..

The palace is too bright and shiny.. it's not as bad as the casino, but it still hurts my eyes, and gives me a headache to look at.. I'm used to darkness and dimness now.. and the Queen and those two children are too cheery.. irritating..

There's that shop that Chi runs.. but I have no money.. and I don't fight.. I suppose I could start charging money for my medical services.. but I prefer the interesting trinkets people give me.. like my cross.. maybe I could sell the trinkets I don't want?

All of the nice, quiet, dark places have.. threatening inhabitants.. except for the airport.. but I feel like I'm.. watched there..

The locations with.. more peaceful inhabitants are also too bright, or too noisy, or too cheery.. and I don't have any money to spend at the slots, anyhow.. I'm bored, though.. so I'm going to start exploring the woods some more.. I've found some very interesting things, travelling so far.. I might run into monsters, though.. and I can't fight very well at all..

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