Other The Debate Circle

Well, here's a topic we can debate on. Remember: what is said within the Debate Circle, stays within the Debate Circle.


Alright. Here's a question for you all to ponder:

When establishing a cast for a FICTIONAL media production (movie, TV show, etcetera), should the characters remain true to their ethnicities in the original source material? This applies to ALL ethnicities, by the way.
Case by case.
Flexibility is fine.
But casting L, a notoriously pale and nearly ghostly-white person, as a black guy by Netflix is going too far. Too far, I say!
Agreed with Sano, this ought to be defined on case by case basis and, in my opinion, it doesn't really matter if you swap two ethnicities over. That is, as long as it doesn't affect the plot majorly - say there could be a whole difference between two characters that could be overcome simply because they're different races. If you make them the same, this would eliminate drama and perhaps dumb down the show. So yeah, as long as it doesn't affect my plot, lil' Kerim is happy.
Also if it's an adaption I'd prefer they'd look remotely similar to the thing they're adapting.
Light doesn't have that hair and L is on the other end of the yin yang from black.
Also if it's an adaption I'd prefer they'd look remotely similar to the thing they're adapting.
Light doesn't have that hair and L is on the other end of the yin yang from black.

Well I think thats the important thing is that the casting of L as a person of color is actually a great decision to play off the Yin Yang relationship / conflict of Light and L. Not to mention in an American setting this only amplifies the conflict moreso.
Well I think thats the important thing is that the casting of L as a person of color is actually a great decision to play off the Yin Yang relationship / conflict of Light and L. Not to mention in an American setting this only amplifies the conflict moreso.
I'd have to disagree.
I think that Netflix literally made L a polar opposite of L in the anime.
For instance, one is pale and the other isn't.
One goes out in public and makes a speech with a mask on telling everyone, not just Light, that he's L, and the other never shows his face until he talks with the cops, and only tells Light that he's L.
One goes out and conducts the missions himself, one assigns people better than himself to do tasks he knows he can't accomplish.
One eats tons of sugar, one doesn't look as though they do.

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