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Realistic or Modern The Dead Hills - Out of Character Chat

guys I kind of feel out of place :neutralteeth: because everyone knows everyone and I don't know how to jump in to this one
I mean, I understand what you're saying. If you don't want to do it, that's alright. But we'll welcome you into the family. :)
I want to have Jennifer have a lot of milsurp and antique guns, but they're so uncommon so it wouldn't make sense. Ugh, damn apocalypse and logic
My question is how did Jenn manage to carry all of these guns out of the manor amidst the fire. lol
My question is how did Jenn manage to carry all of these guns out of the manor amidst the fire. lol
I took this into consideration with the first post saying she had a lot of supplies for a week long scavenging trip.

I come smarticle and readify for these criticmally questions
My question is how did Jenn manage to carry all of these guns out of the manor amidst the fire. lol

This is my character's truck basically


I don't even have the beltfed rifle with me.

Boom, owned.

Back to your crying corner now, little boy. (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■) YEEEAAAHHHH
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I can't wait for the day we have to leave the truck or it gets totaled.

Your tears will be my joy that day.
I can't wait for the day we have to leave the truck or it gets totaled.

Your tears will be my joy that day.
I'll bolt myself to the truck so it can never leave me. It dies, I die. And your tears of joy will be tears of pain when you realize you can't take a ride in my badass truck.
I'll bolt myself to the truck so it can never leave me. It dies, I die. And your tears of joy will be tears of pain when you realize you can't take a ride in my badass truck.
Heads up, guys. It’s my birthday weekend. I won’t be posting much, if at all, until maybe Sunday night or Monday.
I guess Jake's is now done too. I may go and make it flow a bit better at the end but nothing major will change to it. Just a few word changes. NEXT PERSON! lol.
I’ll be back on tonight or tomorrow to post. I had a long and exhausting weekend, so apologies if I don’t get to it by tonight.
So uh, after I respond, who’s next? Tombstone Tombstone Crono Crono idalie idalie midnightrose midnightrose

midnightrose midnightrose I could help you get your character in. I think I’ll have time to post tonight. I feel crappy from a cold and I have early classes tomorrow for college, so I won’t be up extremely late, at least late in the EST timezone.
*Nervous sweating* *Talks into collar*
They're onto us
The plot is thickening. I knew there were dark secrets hidden in these WV Hills, but little did I know they were intelligent zombies that pretend to be us and kill us.

The plot is thickening. I knew there were dark secrets hidden in these WV Hills, but little did I know they were intelligent zombies that pretend to be us and kill us.

If it makes you feel better, we feel kinda bad about it man

ANYWAY!! Whats even goin' on y'all, have I missed anything?

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