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One x One The Dead Guy and Me

Absinthe said:
Okay, take care of your health first! I'll patiently wait
I wish it was about my health. I got some terrible grades in my exams and need to take them again. Makes me feel horrible.
Oh! Sorry to hear that :( Take a rest and try your best :) at least you get to take them again?
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Busy week at school, exam, reportings, presentations. Then after the busy week, I gorged myself on TV and Manga, as compensation. And before I knew it, it had been weeks since I replied. ;A; I cringe at myself sometimes.
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@Absinthe it'a ok, I know the feeling. I had to take my exams again, so I even I pretty much just left that pressure behind me.

Also, please don't take offense at this, your post contained one of the funniest lines I've seen Ina while, and it wasn't even meant to be funny, lol xD

Thanks for understanding! u___u You've taken it? How was it?

Now I will backread again and try to find out that funny line. xD
Absinthe said:
"Do you remember almost being run over by a truck yesterday? And you were gallantly saved by another. You survived, just superficial abrasion on your body. However, he did not."
Between the poor grammar in some places and the fact the punctuation makes it seem like the nurse is not spacing it out at all, it's like the nurse is telling her that the cakes will be arriving a little late. The visualized tone for that line does not match the weight of it at all, which had me on the floor laughing.

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