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The Dangers of Crime and Beauty. {Private.}


Ashe is the name. (Pronounced Ash.) ❤


Fleur's heels softly clicked on the marbled like floor of the large and secretive office building. She worked for the most dangerous man of England, possibly even the most dangerous man in the world. She was fine with her job, and sometimes it scared her. She had seen and been through unbelievable things, yet it was almost like her getting a paper cut and shrugging it off. Only the parents truly knew what she did and they were concerned, but happy for her. With her abilities and skills, it was hard to resist. Especially since her temptation had gotten her to fall for her boss, the one and only, Thomas William Hiddleston.

Tom was a dangerous man, someone who shouldn't be messed with. His fellow leaders were the same way, but not as threatening in appearance. The man had wonderful skills, and when he wasn't causing hell for others and rivaling crime businesses, he was the sweetest man ever. A man who valued intelligence and reading, not being sucked into today's technology. He admired Shakespeare and Keats. He enjoyed all types of tea and a nice class of Jameson to wind down every night. How she knew the things? She had been working as his personal assistant for nearly three years now.

Fleur was currently on her way to bring Tom his cup of tea and a file that needed his approval. The other men would be having a meeting tonight and she would be welcomed to join. She usually participated in the meetings, giving her opinion. They had been working hard than usual lately and it had been taken a toll on everyone. Yet they still remained collected. Fleur approached the door and softly knocked on it with her free hand.

Name: Fleur Aurora Colins.

Nickname(s): None.

Age: Thirty-one.

D.O.B.: March 2nd, 1981.

Gender: Female.

History: Will make later, but her mother is French and her father is English, a little Scottish, and Romanian.

Personality: Will develop in RP.

Unnoticeable Features: Her ears have the normal primary piercing and she has a scar on her hip.

Abilities: Will find and update later.

Weapons: Will find and update later.

Fears: Spiders, being buried alive, losing those she loves, sexual abuse, insects.

Other: None that I can think of.



It was simple really. He merely had to focus on the meeting later today without getting distracted with the fact that Fleur would be sitting next to him. Hiring his assistant had to be one of the best and worst decisions of his life. On one hand she was absolutely lovely, she worked hard and she always did her best. Going above and beyond what he asked her to do. On the other hand she was...distracting to say the very least. Fleur was very very pretty, there was no denying that. She was also smart, sweet, and kind. She was one of the few people who could keep up with his mind.

But that wasn't important right now. Right now he had to prepare for this meeting. It was one of the more important meetings he was going to have. Considering that this was a meeting for trying to set up a meeting between him and someone else. There was a heist he wanted to run, and as much as he loved his company, there just weren't quite the right people to do this. To get the plans for Russian Nuclear Bombs. Looking up at the knock he ran his fingers through his hair, leaning back in his chair, "Come in, dear..." He said, already knowing that it was Fleur.

Fleur smiled when she heard her boss's voice. She could also feel slightly butterflies in her stomach. She set her free hand upon the door knob and turned it, pushing the door gently afterwards. It silently opened to reveal her boss sitting at his desk. She smiled and walked in, closing it behind her. Once she was in, she walked over and set his tea down as well as the file he needed to look over.

"How is your day, Tom?" Fleur asked, going over to the curtains and opening them. It was dusk, but there was still enough sun light to let in. She smiled when there were faint rays streaming in through the window. She turned back to his desk and sat down in one of the chairs before his desk. Her green eyes had a smile in them and her features were graced with one. She let her eyes wander the room, trying to distract herself from her boss.




ooc; ugh. it's so short

also I had to change his pic cause I just kept laughing

Tom watched her walk in and some of his stress over this ridiculous meeting faded. Only slightly and only for a moment. He ignored the file for the time being, instead favoring taking the tea in his hand and sipping it lightly. Giving a small hum of approval, that didn't last long until it turned into a groan of annoyance, "Not well I'm afraid...." He sighed, setting down his cup, a grimace on his features.



Fleur's brow creased at hearing her boss wasn't doing well. She hoped everything was okay, but figured it wasn't. She looked at him with concern, wanting to be there to comfort him as she could as a lover would do, but she wasn't his lover. She was his assistant and that was all she was. She was also his friend and bodyguard. It was up to her not to pull any wrong moved because it would ruin her everything. She got up from the chair and gently sat on his desk. She reached out and softly took his chin in her hand, looking into his eyes. He looked exhausted and nervous.

Oh, Thomas, you need rest. I'm assuming the meeting tonight has you on edge? Do not worry. I'll be there for you, like I always am. You won't be alone and you'll have me go back you up. Plus, I'll always add my two sense in. Don't fret too much. It isn't good for your health," Fleur said, smiling at him. She gently let go of his chin, but remained sitting on the edge of his desk. She was awfully worried about him.
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I feel so bad cause it's sooo short. T_T

He watched her sit on the desk, and he swallowed thickly as she looked down at him with great concern in her beautifully emotional green eyes. He nodded gently at her words and then, without giving it so much as a second thought, stood up from his chair, placed one hand on her waist and the other threaded through her hair as he leaned down and kissed her where she sat.

The time for waiting patiently was over. Who said she couldn't work for him and they couldn't be together. They could prove all those people wrong on so many levels.



ooc;; You have made up for your shortness. Plus, it's not short at all. AND STOP CHANGING THE GIF, DAMMIT.

ic;; Fleur was completely oblivious to her boss's intentions until she felt his thin lips upon hers. She felt her face breakout into a heated, pink mess. Her eyes slid close as she wrapped one arm around his waist, her hand resting on his lower back, and her other hand going on his shoulder. She kissed him back softly, not wanting to seem greedy. She was afraid he would stop if she showed any sense of greed. Her heart fluttered against her chest quickly and roughly as she felt it would burst from excitement and love.

Fleur began to process everything in her brain and she felt slight fear. They could be walked in on and if it was one of the bosses, they could possibly kick Thomas out and make her feel so low. She just continued to kiss him, knowing they would reach that bridge soon.




Tom chuckled softly against her lips as he felt her face heat up with a bright pink blush, and he only tightened his grip on her waist, pulling her closer to the edge of the desk so she was against him. Needing to just be close to her now, to not think about the crazy problems, and situations that his life often entailed. To just...feel for once, as he generally used his brain for everything.

After a long moment, he reluctantly pulled away, resting his forehead gently against Fleur's own, staring into her brilliantly green eyes. His long fingers brushed some of her brunette locks away from her face, and suddenly he spoke, with as much honesty and care he could put into his voice, "I love you."



ooc;; Check ooc chat.

ic;; "I love you too, with all my heart. I have always loved you, Thomas, and I always will. You're hard not to fall for," Fleur said, smiling at him. She pecked him gently on the lips, but she kept her forehead against his and her arms in the places she had them. She had loved Tom before she became his assistant, immediately falling for the charming and handsome man when she had training. It was him who had trained her and given her private lessons. He had given her the knowledge and skills she needed, as well as the compassion and patience she needed when she didn't do something right.

Fleur could easily remember the first time she had met Tom. It was a cool October day, somewhere around early October. She had finally been accepted to the secret crime ring after months of waiting. She had made sure to look appropriate, but ready for training. They had to test her skills and teach her more, after all. She had been there exactly on time. She had accidentally bumped into the gorgeous man, a stuttering and nervous mess. He had been kind with her and continued on his way. It was only when he had returned in dark gray sweatpants and a light blue shirt with black ankle socks on that she knew he was to train them.

Fleur hadn't complained and loved the job even more, but was nervous she didn't reach up to his expectations. It was all about impressing him when she first net him; but it still felt like she was slightly trying to impress him still. She remembered how it was her turn up to the mat, her in her sweatpants and tank top with a jacket over her clothing, but she had removed it. She had ankle socks herself on her feet and she had gotten into position. He had been able to strike a few punches, and it was clear he hated hitting a woman. After all, she was the only and first female accepted at the time. She did, however, manage to land a punch straight to his jaw, a kick to his chest, and she was able to bring him down. She had quickly apologized after and she had held her hand out to him to help him up.

It was a good memory for Fleur, but it was a very long one. She was glad she had chosen to work with the best crime bosses and was able to become an assistant one. Now since she had admitted her feelings to him.
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Tom smiled sweetly at her words, taking the time to simply enjoy the moment when...his phone started buzzing on his desk. Glaring down at it, he kept his hand firmly against Fleur's waist as he answered in a huffy, annoyed, and incredibly short-tempered voice, "What is it exactly you want?" He snapped, his fingers tightening unintentionally.

He listened carefully, his jaw clenching as he swallowed thickly, not liking what was said. Finally he sighed and then said,
"Alright...Yes, I've got it." Finally he hung up and then looked to Fleur, "The meeting is in twenty minutes." He grumbled, angrily.




ic;; "
Darling, it's quite alright," Fleur said, laying a sweet kiss on his jaw. She gently moved one of her arms to take his hand in his. She smiled at him and brought his hand up to her lips. She laid a kiss on each of his knuckles, her eyes closed as she did. When she had finished, she laid a kiss on the top of his hand. The kisses were sweet and loving.

Is it the meeting you're angry about or is it something more?" Fleur asked, concerned. Her thumb stroked the top of his hand and she had concern in her gaze. She was worried about him.




"Both." Tom spoke simply, enjoying the attention he got from Fleur, as he looked down at her, his free hand coming to rest against her thigh, feeling the fabric of her pants under his fingers and idly wishing it was her skin instead. "I just wish I could spend more time with you...In a thoroughly non business setting." He added, kissing at the top of her head, "I know that you'll be with me in the meeting, but love..." He smirked against her lips as he leaned down to kiss her, "The things I wish to do to you require a tad more of a private setting."



ooc;; Sorry for the length.

ic;; Fleurs's face turned into a dark blush and she and could feel heat radiating off of it. She looked down at her lap, still holding Tom's hand. The hand on her thigh was rather distracting and they both knew it. She remained silent, due to not knowing what to say. She looked back at Tom and gently leaned forward. She kissed him once more. She quickly pulled away only to gently push him on the desk to lay back. She assumed kissing him once more when she had managed to sit on his chest. Surely, the meeting could wait?



ooc; Here. Happy?

Tom let her move him how and where she liked, his hands moving to rest against her waist as she kissed him again and he returned the action eagerly. Twenty minutes before the meeting. Twenty minutes was plenty of time. It simply meant they had to work quickly that was all. And considering that this was something they had been building up to over...what four years now? He was sure they would make it, and well...if they didn't there was no harm in being five or maybe ten minutes late, was there?




ooc;; I'll do the timeskip.

ic;; Twenty minutes later, Fleur was slipping her foot into her second heeled shoe and she bent down to tighten the strap. She felt her face still red from the events before and she could feel her heart racing. Never in a million years would she think she'd be doing something like she did with Tom. She felt heat travel up her neck and to her cheeks once more. She was mentally swearing at herself.

Fleur finished strapping the heel to her ankle and she stood up. She walked over to the mirror and fixed her hair and makeup, seeing as she would never leave without it. She smiled at Tom and kissed his cheek, her freshly applied lipstick still wet and leaving a dark mark. She knew there was lipstick in other.... places. She was grinning to herself as she noticed h hadn't finished with his tie. She tied it for him.




Tom was buttoning up hie shirt, watching Fleur adjusting her heels, with a small smile on his face. He had pulled his pants back on and began tying his tie once more when the lovely woman came over, distracting him somewhat and then finishing his tie for him. Not bothering to clean his cheek just yet. "We should most assuredly do this again...When we have more time love." His voice a low purr, and filled with dirty promises. Moving from her he went over to his desk, picking up his suit jacket on the floor and slipping it on and then grabbing the spare pocket square from his desk drawer. Wiping the mark on his cheek and then folding it neatly and tucking it into his pocket.

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ic;; Fleur blushed bashfully and nodded. She tucked a strand of hair nervously behind her ear and she picked up the folders for the meeting. She smiled and went to the door, knowing Tom was following behind her. She led the way to the meeting room, noting that it was only Ben, Mark, Tom, and herself in the building. It was always like that on meeting days. She continued walking, stopping at a door.

Once she got to the door, Fleur opened it for Tom, watching him enter before she did. She sat down, seeing as her seat was next to Tom's. Since they had practically started a relationship, this was going to get very interesting. She figured he was going to fool with her during the meeting.


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