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Realistic or Modern The Cursed Laboratory ll Character sheet + info



Tavern brawl!
Roleplay Availability
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Here’s the character sheet and info!


Scientist - The reason for the lab! These people run the place. Their white lab coats and many books mean that they are in charge. That also means that they are responsible for everything that happened to the lab and its occupants… Should they be trusted? None the less, it doesn’t matter. These people are back with one mission. Use their big brain to create something to stop the zombies and restore peace to the cities and towns.

Guard - All guards are thickset male characters. They carry either a gun or taser on them and are normally considered a “bonehead.” They all wear the same blue uniform and shiny black boots. It’s their job to protect others from the experiments and guard the lab. In the past, they took care of “Exhibit C” although no one is quite sure what that meant. There should be more guards than any other profession.

Tech - Theses humans are just as smart as the scientists, but more likeable. Less stuck-up and more causal. They have no uniform and usually carry a laptop or many phones on them. Their job is to collect data on the web to help the scientists even though they don’t get a long as… uh… well as they should.

Janitor and Truckers - Just what they sound like! Tuckers bring supplies back and forth from the lab. Janitors do have a dark blue uniform and are always ready to clean up the mess! However, these are rare amongst the Scientists, Guards, and Tech people. Even though their jobs are boring, they are much needed.

Exhibit C - No one knows… maybe this is the rouge experiment trying to kill everyone-? ((Taken!))


Eyeball - The most common. Once seen, one can never stop watching or move until it’s squashed

Dino-mole? - no one is quite sure what this is. It’s basically a small, cat-sized blind t-Rex with no arms. They are very strong and they hunt down any living thing for meat in “packs” Sometimes, if they are around people think they hear screams. It’s really just the pack communicating. Probably discussing a way to kill you.

Carnivorous flower - What it sounds like! These things will bite your ankle and if it pierces your skin, game over. You will turn numb and it will slowly eat you… gross.

Moving statue - it will follow you when you aren’t looking… if it catches you it will never let go. You’ll have to get someone to break it and save you.

(Feel free to make up monsters! The only requirement is that they aren’t very hard to defeat and can’t learn anything)

Character sheet:

Full name:










Backstory (summary of it):


That’s it!

(I may not fill out a character sheet)
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Full name: Luke Huang

Gender: Male

Age: 42

A well groomed Chinese American man. He has short black hair that has begun graying and swept to the left. His eyes are a dark brown almost black and he wears a perpetual scowl on his face. He is a little shorter than average height at 5’ 8 but that doesn’t bother him. He has a decent amount of muscle on a thin body.

Job: Scientist (a Chemical Engineer specifically)

Personality: Authoritative, Harsh and unwavering. Luke expects the best of everyone around him and isn't afraid to let you know when you fail to meet expectations. He cares little for the personal business of others and is unwilling to converse on topics he finds uninteresting. Like your home life for example.

Family: His father, a first generation immigrant is alive and living in the fenced city along with his younger brother who used to work as an online entertainer.

Relationships: Luke was married. He lost his wife and unborn child at the start of the zombie breakout.

Likes: Chemistry, Self help Books, and himself.

Dislikes: Other people, idiots, zombies and Chinese (language)

Backstory (summary of it): His father immigrated to the US Married young and had two sons. Then divorced. The boys were raised by their father Liu who was a janitor and pushed his boys to make a better living so they could take care of him. Luke, being the oldest, excelled in school and got his masters degree quickly. He learned Mixed martial arts to stay fit and married Shantay, who he had met at the gym. The apocalypse broke out, stole everything he loved from him and he only recently reconnected with his father and brother. The three of them heard of a city in Canada and traveled there not long ago

Favorite quote “Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be.”
― Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
Full name: Luke Huang

Gender: Male

Age: 42

A well groomed Chinese American man. He has short black hair that has begun graying and swept to the left. His eyes are a dark brown almost black and he wears a perpetual scowl on his face. He is a little shorter than average height at 5’ 8 but that doesn’t bother him. He has a decent amount of muscle on a thin body.

Job: Scientist (a Chemical Engineer specifically)

Personality: Authoritative, Harsh and unwavering. Luke expects the best of everyone around him and isn't afraid to let you know when you fail to meet expectations. He cares little for the personal business of others and is unwilling to converse on topics he finds uninteresting. Like your home life for example.

Family: His father, a first generation immigrant is alive and living in the fenced city along with his younger brother who used to work as an online entertainer.

Relationships: Luke was married. He lost his wife and unborn child at the start of the zombie breakout.

Likes: Chemistry, Self help Books, and himself.

Dislikes: Other people, idiots, zombies and Chinese (language)

Backstory (summary of it): His father immigrated to the US Married young and had two sons. Then divorced. The boys were raised by their father Liu who was a janitor and pushed his boys to make a better living so they could take care of him. Luke, being the oldest, excelled in school and got his masters degree quickly. He learned Mixed martial arts to stay fit and married Shantay, who he had met at the gym. The apocalypse broke out, stole everything he loved from him and he only recently reconnected with his father and brother. The three of them heard of a city in Canada and traveled there not long ago

Favorite quote “Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be.”
― Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
Whoa! Love it :D thanks!
Full name: Nova Foster

Gender: Female

Age: 21 years old.

Appearance: Standing 5’2” tall, Nova is a fair skinned lady, She has shoulder length straight dark brown hair, with a streak of blue. Nova has a heart shaped face, and a soft jaw, she has a small nose, and medium sized ears, soft cheekbones and full on pretty coral pink lips. Her eyes are a warm light brown, thin smooth eyebrows. She is described to be short, and has a very narrow torso, but muscles are on both arms. Nova wears a simple bland clothing most white t-shirts or black hoodies and doesn't bother her time with fashion.

Job: Technician/ Hacker

Personality: Grumpy, snappy, and hard-working, Nova can be told she is impatient and constantly in a foul-mood, she can easily get mad or start grumbling something, she never seemed to expect that people will grow smarter, or can do anything better, but truly, she just wishes the zombie apocalypse to be over which is why she would be more into her work than socializing.

Holly Monroe (Mother, deceased)
Kyle Foster (Father) Her father currently lives in the city working as a janitor.

Relationships: None at the moment. (Open though-)

Likes: Coffee/Caffeine, books, computers, math, digits.

Dislikes: Drunks, Zombies, idiots, fools, slow or dull people, cold.

Backstory (summary of it): Nova is a 21 year old lady, who works at the lab. Her whole life was dedicated to avenging her best friend's death, Ellie Flynn, when she was killed in the year 2030, by the zombies. She grew up, normally at first with no signs of the apocalypse. Her mother and father always fought when she was little and her life was a mess, her only ally or person who stood up for her was Ellie, shortly after she turned 8 her mother and father divorced or more like her mother left her with her drunk father who constantly used verbal abuse. But after the apocalypse appeared both her father and herself had to engage in a more dangerous things, scavenging was the main thing. Her father quit being a drunk and began working harder and moved toward a city. After the apocalypse took place Nova had to find a place where to work to provide a living for both herself and her father, she sent the money she had to her father. She had a high IQ, and was scouted by the lab or most likely she found the lab herself and wanted to work there, but she didn't know the dark secrets it held...

Other: Favorite Quote -
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
― Mahatma Gandhi, Popular Quotes
She always has a tablet in her hand or most of time or else she would have headphones, she would always seem to have dark circles under her eyes.
Awesome! But ouch- almost all of the dislikes (except zombie lol) are C- XD

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