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The Cult and Their Goddess


Whoa what's a custom title-
Warning: This is probably going to be a very creepy and horrific sort of RP- that's why I'm calling it a Horror RP. Keep that in mind before you read it.

Anyways, an RP with @Tyrael c: Summary here:

Sage has always been very average. Aside from her awful scopophobia and feminist outbursts, she didn't have many quirks to herself. She was just...Sage. She wasn't very noticeable.

That is, until she is kidnapped by a cult claiming that she is the human embodiment of their Goddess. They call her Amdea, they dress her in fancy robes and gowns, they protect her fiercely and they will do anything she says- aside from let her leave their little church building that they all live in. And they force her into some...rituals. Many of which require blood, both her's and theirs.

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