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The Creek's Favourite Demon (modern AU PRIV)


New Member
@Risky Vetis

The last bell rang and the students sprung out from their chairs. The crowd of noise, rowdy and over excited boys ran down the halls and into the yard only to find the gate locked. The school was out for summer but the poor, old groundskeeper forgot to open the gate in time. As he hurried to open, running in a slow waddle, the boys figured out their own way to get home. The gate was forced open and collapsed on the ground earning a massive scream from the entire student body. The youngers ran and just behind them the older masterminds walked with proud chests. 
The group of five walking side by side, exchanging jokes and banter as they did always but this time it was going to be the last time. 
-Got any idea what you're gonna’ do yet? - a tall redhead asked the boy to his left.
- No idea - He replied shrugging.
And that was the truth. Ellis Jacobs had no goals in life other than graduating high school. He was stumped as for a career choice, he half hoped his parents would be more ambitious for him but neither pushed any ideas or expectations.
A blonde, lanky pillar draped himself between Ellis and the redhead as they walked.
-Maaaan - He started in an excitable tone - I’m going to the city. My bro’s got a room for me at his place. I’m gonna go to bombass parties everyday and get the girls and… - 
He carried on but Ellis zoned out, he may not be the top on the scoreboard from maths but he knew there was no way in hell Luka was going to his brother’s place to party. But he let the other dream, giggling at the demented faces the other was making while talking.

The group carried on down the country road till they reached a row of houses where most of the boys separated and went to their respective homes. But Ellis and the redhead continued on passing fields and more separated rows of houses. 
Kain - Ellis started earning a humm from the other boy. It was the confirmation the
other was listening. 
-You think.. We’ll maybe… see each other when you go off to college? -
Ellis asked cautiously, while Kain snorted in response.
-Dont go soft on me now, fudge, you cheeseball - Kain laughed, patting Ellis on the back, a little too hard but he wouldn’t complain. - About that, I’m staying here. Gotta help pops with the garage… so plenty of time to see you -
Ellis sighed in relief, Kain was his best friend, and in a way his anchor. He knew he tended to get a little … out of it… at times. Kain was always the one to ground him. The thought of the redhead leaving kind of scared him honestly.

They parted ways too next to a large carwash and maintenance shop in between two fields with a row of houses on the other side of the road. Waving goodbye, Kain stepped inside the garage as Ellis carried on walking.
He didn’t get too far down the road before dashing it on a public nature footpath which lead him back where he came from but away from public eye. He only slowed down then the grim, gothic sign Cemetary came to view. He wondered about for a minute outside, picking the wildflowers that grew around. When he had a sizable bouquet he stepped inside.

It was calm, and warm. The birds sang, bees buzzed and there was not much noise apart from a few stray passing cars. Finding the tombstone of his grandmother he laid down the flowers and put his hands to prayer. He was not very religious, neither were his parents. But as the wife of a spiritual priest his grandmother was. He never met his grandfather, he only knew about him from stories, but he felt close to both. 

When he sat like this, staring at the constant reminder that the woman who had brought him up was gone, he reached inside his pocked and pulled out a necklace. It was unusual gift from him grandmother, unusual in the sense she was never one for fancy jewelry. And yet this crafty decor looked expensive and well made. Old too. It was a gold chain with red jewels hanging off of it, they reminded Ellis of rubies but he wasn’t versed in stoned enough to say.  

He sighed deeply looking at the stones glistening in the sunlight. “Its your responsibility now” she said as she passed him the necklace. What could she have possibly meant?
He put the cursed thing away and ruffled his hair aggressively. It was making his brain hurt and it was the last thing he wanted on a day like this.

Finishing his brief appointment he checked the time. He still had considerable chunk of the day left before his parents got home. And what better way to spend a summer's day than dipping your sweaty bottom in the lake. 
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Floating aimlessly through the empty abyss of his imprisonment, a shattered being drifted through the endless darkness patiently waiting mindlessly as he remained trapped by time and space. The circumstances of his banishment unique, the once almighty demon held only a fraction of his former power. Tasked with the duty to destroy the human race, Rymvur had been bestowed great power to follow his orders and protect the mortal realm from those wishing to corrupt it. However, something had gone very wrong. Somehow caught in a war of man, he had stopped him dead in his tracks after decades of peace the world fell to chaos. Simple holy men, priests had defeated him. How? The demon still didn’t know, he was un-killable and couldn’t be stopped by any weapon. Yet, they stopped him and banished him away. Now he was nothing, only an enigma of his former glory and power. His soul divided into five pieces; body, mind, spirit, magic, and power.

These things are equally represented by the four crimson red keystones dangling from an enchanted gold chain, at the center a single crystal stood out from the rest. Shaped like a perfect tear drop, this crystal wasn’t some common mineral or gem but actually a diamond. However, it didn’t appear as such, the cloudy clarity and dark shade of red made it appear almost black. Still flawless and smooth, the necklace was the source of his exile and the source of his exitance in this mortal realm although he remains void of the events and whereabouts beyond the unbreakable exterior. Centuries have passed since and the human world has changed from the last he glimpsed the light beyond, however, his strength wasn’t enough to see more than just that. Over time Rymvur had stopped caring, had stopped trying to break free from his imprisonment. Because it was futile, the magic binding him was much stronger than he was now. Perhaps if he became whole again he could shatter these chains, it would seem they knew this as well and divided him so he may never get the chance to break free from the darkness that dares to suffocate him. He felt lost, broken even. If only...

A sudden flash of light stunned Rymvur, shaking him from his thoughts as the glimpse of the outside world came and went like a blurred line. Having never understood the reason or source to these glimpses, the demon felt like he was being teased with the knowledge that as he remains here unchanged, the world continues to thrive and even evolve despite his absence. It astonished him greatly that the humankind had not killed themselves off yet. Between the greed and hunger for power that consumes them, the demon would have thought the world would have gone to war and destroyed this fragile planet. Perhaps he shouldn’t be surprised since it was obvious that they were being guided by unforeseen forces. Still, why haven't the other guardians done anything? Rymvur may never know, a low growl vibrating down his throat at the sight he had seen moments before. The face of a human child, not yet a man. The sight sickened the blue eyed demon, the mocking of this boy’s existence causing the rage to flare within. ‘Someday soon,’ the demon promised as he glared at the black abyss.
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Ellis had dropped his clothes on the rock but looking at his pitiful uniform in that state he could imagine the scolding he would get. By a force of habit he reached out and folded it neatly on the rocks. While straightening out the trousers the jewel that previously confused him fell to the ground. He picked it up and instinctively tied it around his neck. Finishing his chore he slowly slid down the rocks and into the lake, letting the cool water wash away his sweat and clamminess left by the hot and humid air. Swimming around like this for a few minutes he was relaxing, forgetting the stress of exams, expectations of the future. He truly disliked the fact he had no ambitions, no goals. He would rather be like Kain, an aspiring lawyer with a strong drive. Instead he was a freckly nine-teen year old with a baby face and no plan. He thought of getting a job over the summer. Though he didn't know where. Maybe Kain's dad would appreciate a help in his garage and it would set his friend free to go to university. But he didnt want to lose him to distance. So perhaps a library? He was not a book person exactly but he wouldn't mind a bit of quiet time and old Mrs Norris would probably need the help by now. 

As he pondered and swam he began to feel as though somebody was watching him. He didnt realise how long he had been soaking, the sky was already going dark and his whole body was getting proony. Suddenly he heard a rustling in the bushes over in the direction of his clothes. As if he had been burnt with a hot coal, he jumped out of the water. Running to his clothes he discovered they were trashed, in a complete and utter chaos. More concerned about his school bag he searched it's contents. But surprisingly everything was there. His phone, keys and wallet all in their respective places. What were they looking for? Or maybe did they not have time to take his valuables? 

Taking this as a sign and a warning he put his clothes back on and headed home in the quickest manner possible, the entire way he could not shake the eyes that were staring at him from every corner every bush. He only set out a sigh of relief when he slammed the front door to his house shut and announced his arrival to the parents. Hos mother was sat on the couch watching TV, or more like napping in front of some dumb game show. His father on the other hand was buzzing around the kitchen trying to get the dinner ready for them.
- Ellis cut the carrots for me, I still need to change - his father instructed. Indeed he was still in his work suit so Ellis listened, heading to the kitchen to start with the carrots.When he leaned over the cutting board he heard something jingle and realised he had not taken off the necklace since the swim. He placed it on the side of the cutting board, out of the way and began chopping the orange vegetable.

There was a sudden noise in the driveway outside and Ellis distracted looked out of the window. Not paying attention to the knife, his hand slipped right into the way of the oncoming blade. He let out an exaggerated howl as small droplets of blood started to drip everywhere. Who knew a finger had so much blood inside. As the blood dripped everywhere along the counter he headed for the first aid kit his mother was adamant about keeping around. trying a small band-aid around it appeased the flow of blood and he was free to return to the chopping board. What he didn't expect was exactly what he had found after his blood made contact with the strange jewel he carried with him. 
Pondering the reasons of everything yet nothing in particular, Rymvur has spent decades thinking about anything from the simple to the most abstract of concepts if only to occupy his intelligent mind. Often he wondered the state of the world and how the overall universe, with the absence of a guardian so many things could change very quickly. It was all just a matter of time, time which the demon had tons of. He often wondered if his own actions shifted the tide of fate any, back when the Earth was still young and man-kind had not yet become a driving force to the world’s future everything looked good. Great even, new life flourished and the world was growing toward a brighter dawn. However as intelligence grew within the human’s culture, that path started to shift as they quickly became the driving force of the world’s end.

For countless decades Rymvur and other demons observed the changes of the world, trying to guide the once simple minded being in the right path. However, over time the truth became clear about these human creatures, their destruction and greed were absolute. The demon knew this was going to be the cause of the Earth’s demise, for as their population exploded the land began to suffer. Gaia herself cried for the forests cleared for farm land and structures, the river’s bled as humans threw their trash and waste into the waters contaminating everything around them. They were a disease, spreading vile greed and hatred everywhere like a plague. The fires, the floods, the destruction of the planet they inhabited angered the demon greatly. Here these beings were granted access to this fragile world and within a few short centuries, they were already polluting the air and changing the face of the future.

He could have acted sooner, should have stopped the hunger of power before it could spread. Rymvur, like many other demons watching the world’s swift decline from the shadows. Existing in a parallel realm that co-existed with the human’s Earth, the demons relied on this world’s exitance in order to simply be. With no real physical form, demons can only wonder this world in an ethereal form. Not quite alive, but very real. The humans have always called our encounters paranormal, called us ghosts. If only they knew the truth. For centuries these small encounters have shown to solve nothing, fed up with watching the world burn contracts were made. Demons would seek out individuals with strong spiritual connections and make a deal, binding both their souls together to allow the demons to enter this world and force the change to save this planet. Those of religious beliefs seemed to have the strongest bonds, perhaps because they believed in a higher power other than their own or maybe some other reason. Priests, in particular, became the vessels of the demon’s will, working together to defeat a great evil and save what could be saved.

Rymvur had once made such a contract, binding himself to a human priest who shared the same ideals as him and together they carved a new chapter in the world’s history creating an era of peace in their wake. However, humans are easily corrupted and can be manipulated into doing great evil without a second’s thought. The demon didn’t see the signs of trouble until it was far too late, nor could he escape it either. Now he remains here in this bottomless hole, falling further into the depths of chaos unable to surface for air. The demon had been tricked, betrayed by the person he trusted most and now... Well now, he didn’t trust anyone or anything. Locked away for what feels like an eternity, his soul split into five shards keeping him suspended in a still animation. The glimpses of the world beyond only served two purposes, first it tormented him while he remained trapped here, but it also made him relieved because the world hasn’t ended yet. So long as he has some sort of connection to the Earth, then he would continue to exist. Exist and wait...year after year for something to change. For someone to give him a purpose again.

While he contemplated the reason of all this and why it had to happen, Rymvur didn’t immediately notice the settle white glow growing in the distance. It wasn’t until noises...voices broke the silence that the demon spun slowly through the darkness toward the pool of light. Floating to the portal of white, he eyed the strange outline in confusion not really understanding what it was he was seeing exactly. There were two different voices for sure, a boy and a woman. But why was he hearing this? This wasn’t at all like the blood contract he vowed upon centuries ago with the priest, back then the contract was made in a spiritual matter and they were both had free bodies and minds. But this, from what he was seeing was different. He was viewing the world through someone’s eyes, but the images were blurred and unfocused. Perhaps this was what he was waiting for, the sign...the gateway back...Weighing out his options quickly, Rymvur entered the pool not knowing what to expect.

Flashing weakly in a reddish glow, the diamond at the center of the necklace started to pulse in time with Ellis’s heartbeat as the demon floated into the boy’s conscious. “Where am I?" Confused by his surroundings, Rymvur quickly realized he had no motor control over the body he was within, nor could he shift the direction of where he was looking. It was almost like he was peering through a looking glass, seeing but not being. “Still trapped,” the demon thought growling annoyingly within the confinements of this body. He too stared at the necklace, growls turning more into a snarl of disgust. A slight noise to the side caught his attention, and although he couldn’t direct the human’s attention to it physically, he could at least influence the mind to notice it. Again the rattling noise drew him toward the back door of the house, something was toying with it. No, someone. There was another by the kitchen window hiding against the house wall, Rymvur could hear his heartbeat as clear as day. Two more by the front of the house, waiting close to the entrance. “You are surrounded,” the demon informed the mind he was co-inhabiting, shifting his attention to the woman in the kitchen with whoever he was within. A family member most likely, a man coming out of the hall back into the kitchen must be the head of the household. Mother and father...most likely.

Finding this the best opportunity to test what limitations he had, Rymvur’s thoughts ventured into Ellis’s mind like small whispers of suggestion. “If you want to save your loved ones, pick up the necklace. Call forth your guardian and sends these intruders away, call me forth. You know my name already, just reach into your heart and summon me to your aid.” The demon wasn’t entirely sure he this would work, but since he had no body or mind of his own to freely control...this was better than nothing. He wasn’t even sure this human could hear his thoughts, but maybe...just maybe he would sense his calling and act. Or it could be all for not, the demon didn’t have much faith.
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Ellis heard a faint sound in his voice. It was strange. Was he going bonkers all of a sudden? First being followed then hearing voices. God if Luka find out he was mental hed become the joke of the town. Suddenly he felt the urge to turn his head towards the front door. Someone was rattling the door knob, he heard slight clicks. They were picking his locks! He ran to the front room but his mother was passed out on the couch. She was always tired but this was unnatural, even for her. The deep sleep that consumed her wasn't normal and he was sure that she didn't fall asleep like that by herself. His father could no longer be heard knocking about upstairs. Elli's anxiety rose, adrenaline pumping through his body. The window to the kitchen shattered and Ellis couldn't hold back a gasp.

- Mum! - He tried to wake her up. But if the window didnt do the trick, nothing was going to at this point. He didn't even bother calling his father.

"You're surrounded" he heard a voice in his head say. Of course he was. Of course it always had to be him getting into all kind's of trouble. The pervert at the lake couldn't take the time staring at his body and was now on his way to invade his home. Brilliant, shockingly fitting for the last day of school wasn't it. Getting out of one hell hole just to fall right into another. He stood in the hall not exactly knowing what to do. He grabbed the closest object to him... His mother's pink, floral umbrella. Holding it like a sword he charged into the kitchen with a yell, armed to intimidate. 

The sight in the kitchen was straight out of a bad comedy movie. A thief dressed in all black with a mask covering his face picking up his grandma's necklace. Ellis was not having that. 

- BASTARD - He yelled as the summoned all his strength and with all his five feet and seven inches of pure dorkiness he hit the man repeatedly in the back. The poor bugger fell on the floor with a cry of pain, at this point tears were rolling in Elli's eyes as he continued hitting the man, sobbing. Finally when the thief gave up on the necklace Ellis felt the biggest urge to pick it up. 

He coddled the jewel to his chest making sure it was safe. Since when did he care about this at all? He had better mementos to remember his grandmother by. This wasn't exactly a family treasure, though it didnt look cheaply made it had no sentimental value. Or did it. Ellis had never seen the necklace before, he was sure of it but something made the sight of it so familiar to him. There was warmth emanating from it, looked like it was actually glowing. 

The doors to the hall slammed open and Ellis ran to find two VERY suspicious men. Dressed in black suits... wait... cassocks were stood at his door. The crustiest looking old man walked up to him and like from out of the movie he raised his hand and with a shaky voice managed to rattle out.

- Stand down the son of Barachiel! - At this moment  Ellis was half expecting the thunder to crack and the sky to open up. But nothing of that sort happened. The old man stood there with his hand raised till Ellis lowered the umbrella. He didn't let go of it, still gripping it tightly at the ready. But his posture was a lot more relaxed. The grandpa priest cleared his throat, holding onto a walking stick he waddled in here with. He took his time speaking but when he did it was slow and patient as if he was explaining a math equation to a dumb child. - Good. Now that we're all calm we can explain. We are the knights of the Holy Order, for centuries we kept the earth safe by banishing demons. In your arms you hold a demon's lifeline, an active one at that. If you will not hand that to us you will unleash all hell. Surely such a good boy like yourself will submit to the word of the Lord and give up the unholy artefact you posses on yourself - 

Ellis looked down at his hands and back up at the rickety old man. Who let him out of the care home? He looked like he was going to fall over and die at any moment. 

- R-right - Elliot finally managed. The sensory overload of this ever so eventful night was slowly making him delirious. Surely he was hearing things. Demons? Holy order. Naaaaah he wasn't about that life. Also did that old man called him a son of Belcher? 

- Pass the necklace over - The old man spat. This time his voice was commanding, threatening. Elliot was now asking the question who let him out of the mental ward?

In his head the voice spoke again and this time, upon listening a little closer he recognised the voice. He couldn't pin point it, at all. It didn't feel like he had known this person... it just felt familiar. " If you want to save your loved ones, pick up the necklace. Call forth your guardian and sends these intruders away, call me forth. You know my name already, just reach into your heart and summon me to your aid." 

Stumped for a second Ellis felt his body move on his own. It was instinctual almost, though surely whatever he was about to do he was about to do he was doing it for the first time in his life. Rising the necklace to his lips he kissed the jewels tenderly and with a voice that, although his own, sounded strange to his ear he whispered.

- Come forth Rymvur, I set you free body, mind and soul. Aid me in my hardships. -

After he said it, he felt himself cringe. This was possibly the most bonkers thing he said in his life and at this point he was sure he was off his rockers. The Holy Order, however, didn't look like they were about to burst out into laughter. Each and everyone of them looked positively mortified.  
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“Come forth Rymvur, I set you free body, mind, and soul. Aid me in my hardship.”

The necklace against Ellis’s heart began to pulse intensely fast, very quickly heating up as the floodgates between the two worlds were opened and the demon was set free. Glowing a bright red, the center diamond tugged and pulled the rubies dangling close by near its surface until they touched. Absorbing the fractured piece within its own core, the magic surrounded the necklace quickly expanded like a visible force or barrier isolating them from anything so that the blood pact between the human and demon could begin in full force undisturbed. Pulling all the shards into itself, the tear shape diamond expanded as the severed parts of the demon’s power were merged back together. The size multiplying from the size of a dime to nearly time times, now the crimson stone barely fit in the palm of a hand, and it was still growing.

Feeling the burning flow of new energy and life course through his being, Rymvur readily complied to the summoning as he accepted the blood contract. He didn’t really care who he made it with, so long as he got out of this prison he would pick anyone since there were very few who had the knowledge or power to control him. He, one of the arch demons chosen to control some of the elements of life and death had very little to fear in the human world. Once he gathered enough strength and regained his magic, there would be nothing stopping the demon from seeking out those who betrayed him and getting his revenge. Currently, there was only one obstacle in the way, this boy who single-handedly have the power to cast him back within the stone. His host would have to be silenced and quickly if he wished to have any chance of claim his ultimate freedom. Drawing on the strength provided by his new host, the demon laughed crudely within Ellie’s mind having found an abnormal amount of spiritual energy swelling within the child’s body.

“Thanks, foolish boy,” Rymvur growled through his host's mind as he started to steal all the spiritual energy he could take to make himself stronger, the demon physically draining the life source out of the boy’s body. The Wind suddenly started whipping around in the middle of the hall, wild like a whirlwind as shadows from all corners of the house started to get pulled toward the center, pooling quickly into a dark mass as the demon began to materialize.  Long crimson hair flew wildly against the winds rapid current as the rest of the blackened furred body began to take shape, muscled limbs sporting massive claws protruding from its fingers and elbows as well as toes and ankles. Narrow and pointed ears pulled back from its canine like snout looked fox-like, but the massive girth of its cord-like tail suggested something along the lines of a reptile. Piercing blue eyes sprung open for the first time in the mortal realm for what felt like centuries.

“Finally...I’m free.” Rymvur’s voice was deep and sinister, his dark intentions obvious as he looked around the small corridor at the intruders before settling on the collapsed boy on the floor. He must have taken too much too quickly, oh well... Like it will matter soon, the demon thought darkly lifting up its sharp steel like claws and advancing toward his host. Intending to take back what belongs to him, the demon had no desire to serve an eternity as a slave to some human. Better to cut out those standing in his way and being in control of his own actions, to take back his life and take sweet revenge on the family that had done this to him. With a menacing smile, Rymvur brought down his claws on the defenseless boy, intending to cut him into two.


Rymvur’s blue eyes narrowed as an oriental slender female figure intercepted his blow, her clawed hand easily blocking his attack. For a moment, the demon simply stared before he understood what she was. Like him, she too was a demon. However, the magical shackles and chains around her suggested a fate he wished to avoid. Whipping around instantly to the small gathering of men behind him, the demon snarled as he realized their intentions. Holy crosses in hand, all of them were mumbling...no not mumbling. Praying. Growling in rage, Rymvur shifted forward and charged the group hoping to interrupt them before they can complete whatever ritual they were performing. He didn’t get two strides before the female demon intercepted him again, putting herself between him and the priests. Something about her scarf through him off for a moment, it almost looked like it was alive. Quickly realizing he would have to get through her, he rose his claws up to cut her down. But she simply dodged aside without giving him an inch, hissing now he continued his attack using all the energy he had stolen from Ellis to get through in time. However without his magic she was much stronger than him, her counters perfect and her dodges precise despite the barrage of blows coming at her from all angles. It actually occurred to him that she seemed bored, really uninterested in engaging him back in a real right. She would probably win if it came to that, yet she disengaged every chance she got as if annoyed really. She was only there to distract him, stop him from reaching his true goal. The priests beyond were already near completion, he could tell simply from the increasing tempo.

Then he felt it, gravity started to grow heavy as he felt himself being pulled to the ground by some unseen force. His strength too was being drained away, stolen from him just the same way he had taken it from his host. “No,” Rymvur snapped desperately trying to fight the greater magical force, standing strong despite the weight raining down on him. However his efforts were in vain, it only took the female demon a single strike with her metal arm to drop him to the ground hard. Hissing sharply, he struggled to fight the growing pressure until something snaking it way around his arms stole his attention. Thin chains, gold in color wrapped around his neck, torso, arms and legs binding him tightly to the ground. “Damn humans," Rymvur snapped at the chains attempted to break them with his claws and fangs but no to gain, they only grew tighter until it became difficult to move anything.  The demon could hear the priests clearly now as their chanting grew louder, he cursed at them with his blue eyes snapping his jaws loudly trying to fight the spell. The Elder approached him then, lowering his walking stick at his trapped form before shouting the last incantation.

Blue eyes shot wide open in pure agony as pain erupted throughout his body, like a raging inferno consuming his very being the fire burned his insides causing him to scream and screech so loudly it pierced the walls of this house. Or would had the priests not placed a dimensional space around them all, containing all the sounds to this small space. Thrashing wildly and scratching the floors in a maddening display of torture, Rymvur felt another change as his body began to change shape. Hair shifted colors and shortened considerably while the dark toned fur transformed to a pale completion of skin. Human skin. Claws retracted back into the flesh replaced with  normal nails as his tail simply vanished. Heart heavy with dread, the demon understood what they had just done. Cursing weakly in a demonic language long dead, Rymvur left himself slipping into darkness as his strength left him.

Motionless, the body left behind looked like one of a young male. Raven black hair hugging the nape of his neck, a well-toned body of a man in his late twenties or early thirties was complete with hard muscles and a subtle six pack. Torn robs shielded his lower form, but it wouldn’t be too much of a surprise to find he was well endowed. “Place the shackles on it, hurry before it wakes. And check the boy.” The Elder priest commanded, sweat heavy on his brow as he stood over the demon now human body. He was leaning heavy on the walking stick now, exhausted from the binding ritual to trap the demon in a mortal form. It was a spell that requires a lot of constitution, which given his age he was starting to lack. As one of his lackeys produced a pair of shackles these too gold in color like the chains, another went over to Ellis checking his pulse and gently trying to stir the boy awake. The life energy Rymvur had taken had been reversed and returned to the boy, giving him again the strength to move normally although he would still feel weak from the initial drain.

Once locked around the demon’s wrists, the chains holding Rymvur tightly against the wooden floor suddenly vanished from sight. However, they were still there as the weight around the demon’s body didn’t change he noticed when he quickly recovered from the intense pain. Blue eyes weakly stared to the side and the wall, the burning sensation was still very much present, but not at all painful enough to be intolerable. Groaning as he shifted his head to the other side, the demon hissed in displeasure at the sight of the female demon just staring at him from nearby. Why? He wanted to ask, but couldn’t find the energy to even speak. He closed his eyes instead, too tired to try to move or do anything. He can remember hearing voices, but they slowly started to grow too silent to hear after a few minutes as he passed out dead to the world.

“The boy is fine, but we are too late. They are bonded, and it's one of the Arch-Demon. Yes, I am sure. It’s a blood diamond. What should we do now? The demon is contained for now, but the boy isn’t safe. Once it starts to grow in strength it will try to kill him again and this boy doesn’t have the necessary skills or magic to stop him. What? Train him? Why? We could just try to lock it up again... Gather the rest of the Elders and... I understand. So it's too late for him, unless he learns how to control the demon he won't ever have a normal life ever again. Do we take him with us then? Or continue to watch them? Yes, as you wish Elder...”
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Elli's eyes fluttered open. He snapped up from the bed panting heavily, sweat still dripping from his brow. What a horrible nightmare, he thought. Looking around the room there was only one thing that unnerved him, colossally. THIS was not his room. It was very simple, neatly arranged for practicality more than aesthetics. The sun dripped in from the light curtains brightening the room, it was obvious he was no longer in his own home. He was not sure how long he had slept, but some time must have passed. He just hoped he wasn't out for like a week.

- I see you are awake

The voice that spoke was raspy and ancient and somehow Elli's recognised it. Upon looking in the direction he noticed a crumbling old man who was slowly approaching with a smile on his face. Somehow it creeped Ellis out to the core but he was not entirely sure why. Maybe it was the impressive display of last night, the elder had magnificent power to him even if he didn't show. But at this point Ellis was not sure if last night was a dream or not. 

- Where am I? - He attempted to ask, but the words came out rougher than he expected. His throat was entirely dry and when he tried to aid it by swallowing he found his mouth was equally dried. 

In a response the elder smiled and muttered "In a safe place". Elli's would have normally pushed but he was far too tired to speak. When he tried to move he felt the soreness of his limbs, the entirety of his body ached from his scalp to his toes. 

- You must be curious as to what has happened, dear child - The old man started. Ellis was not sure what to say so he just let the old man carry on, he was staring at the dresser by the bed as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.  - You have made the mistake of your life, Son of Barachiel. Binding a spi...

- Hold on a second! - Ellis yelled, rudely interrupting the older man's rant. He needed answers to questions first, the basics of this conversation. He somehow knew the geezer would flood him with information and only confuse him further. - Firstly, who is Belcher... and... -

- Barachiel, my dear boy was a head angel in the God's guardian army... -

- Right, so like security chief? - Ellis asked, cocking his head to the side which earned him a heartily laugh from the old man.

- In the simplest of ways, my boy. He was sent to earth along with seven others to protect this world from Lucifers influences, seven protectors to counteract the seven sins. Our order, and in a way you, come from those angels though not directly. - Ellis just looked more confused than ever, the old man caught the hint. He needed to spell this out to the boy as clear as daylight. - Your great grandfather was a great supporter of this order. The blood that flows through your veins is his, you carry his power, his magic. You carry the gift of leadership. But you tained yourself, a bind with a demon exempts you from the privilege of leading this order. I'm sure you have noticed my agents keeping an eye out for you when you were toying with that thing. We wanted to wait till you turn of age and you could begin your training to... well.. replace me. However now you are stuck... with this niusence - At this the old man gestured to the door. It was like a movie set up, as if on cue a  man with long hair and blue eyes was brought forth.

He was being currently manhandled by a petite Asian woman which made for quiet a sight. The shackles on his body kept him from escaping but he struggled. He was obviously not going down without a fight. 

- This, Ellis... Is your new responsibility. Meet Rymvur an Archdemon you summoned
Frantically struggling to break free from the magical chains which have bound him, Rymvur has spent the past four days cursing loudly and spitting his hatred at anyone who came to pay him a visit. Currently occupying a rather small steel cage only large enough to lay down in or stand, the demon despised the humans with all his heart as he sat alone in his new prison. Misery has been his only friend, the cold metal floor and bars chilling him down to his very core, the hunger pains of a mortal form annoyed him as well although he wasn’t quite aware of the source. However, of these there were far worse to come. Suffering pain and torture by those who brought him to this hellhole, Rymvur sported several large bruises and cut. The worst injury so far was the most recent, a burn so deep in the flesh that it bleed often. The stinging pain constant, it didn’t surprise the demon to find method to their madness as the inflamed and swollen flesh created a distinctive yet detailed symbol, even the wound held a slight luster to it. From this he could guess magic, but he was still clueless to the purpose. All he knew was it hurt like a banshee, with no relief in sight it made for a long torturous day.

Unable to do anything, Rymvur felt trapped and vulnerable for the first time since his original capture centuries before and hated the fact that he felt this way. He tried to ignore it, growl through the pain and isolation refusing to give up his efforts just yet. However, the chains wouldn’t yield and he often found himself exhausted in this human body. There was no energy left for him, and assuming these priests meant to make him suffer...he would remain in this state for a long time shivering in a cold cage in the dark, hungry and hurt. The anger could only grow, it was currently the only thing keeping him going through these restless nights.

Jerking back at the sound of a lock turning, Rymvur glared at the sight of the female demon staring back at him with that cold red eye. He has learned much about her over the course of the last few days. She was like him, an Archdemon bound to one of the followers of this order and a prisoner to their every word. The chains on her were the same, however he could see that she wasn’t restricted in movement as he was. She could move freely, yet not once has she tried to approach him or speak to him. Even now her lips were thin as she unlocked the steel cage which held him and proceeded to manhandle him out in a hurried pace. “Stop, why are you doing this. Why are you obeying these fools? Hey, I’m talking to you.” She didn’t even to seem to acknowledge him at all as he struggled within her grasp, cursing idly against her smaller form. It was this weak human body that allowed her to do such, Rymvur was convinced sensing that if he was at his full power and had control of his magic he could easily take her.

Growling as the passed through door after door, Rymvur finally learned their destination as he was forced to enter a bedroom where the Elder and his anchor to this world were currently resided in. His eyes narrowed instantly on the mere sight of the old crippled man, he wanted to kill him so bad it hurt to do nothing. But held as he was by an iron grip, he wasn’t going anywhere. Snapping his eyes down to the boy sitting up in bed, the demon snarled in disgust knowing that if this boy had given him back control of his magic he wouldn’t be in this bind. He was just about to let them have it when the female demon more or less shoved him against an empty corner opposite of the humans. Rymvur hissed in discomfort as the impact made him fall back against the brick walls, the burn on his right shoulder again bleeding upon impact against the rough surface. The demon was about to attempt to stand up, however the chains were moving again. This time off of him, but not completely he discovered as the remained locked around his arms tightly binding them together behind his back. The other end of the golden chains simply merged into the wall effectively tying him on a short leash against the corner.

Snapping his jaw firmly as renewed hatred gave him a surge of energy, Rymvur with his feet free now awkwardly pulled himself to his feet and tugged at the chain testing its hold against the wall. It was not going to budge, fine. The demon redirecting his attention back at the humans, fully intending to let them have it. “You pathetic humans, you think these chains can hold me forever. They won't, one day I will break them and kill everyone here. I don’t care if I have to wait a decade or a century, I'll kill you all and everything you hold dear to your black hearts. I will shred...” His ranting was instantly halted by an unexpected shock, so intense that his eyes rolled back in his head as he screamed wordlessly. It lasted all of a few seconds, but the pain was so strong that he could barely breath. Somehow still standing, Rymvur stared at the ceiling shaking from the aftershocks before his knees finally buckled and he fell forward. He would have landed right on his face had the chains holding back his arms not stop his fall and hold him up inches from the floor. Where did that come from, the pain was unlike anything else he experienced.

“Shut up foul demon, you don’t speak unless commanded to. Understand!” The Elder shouted having been the source of his punishment, the burnt symbol on his right shoulder shining white against the flesh as the magic was mentally activated. Breathless for several moments, Rymvur just hung there in pain. The reality of the situation grim, he kept his tongue silent not wanting to experience that piercing pain anytime soon. What other choice did he have? Bound in a corner with no power or magic of his own, he was completely helpless.

“Ellis, understand this well. These demon’s are evil and cannot be trusted. Had you not bound yourself to this...this thing, it would have been destroyed. However, things are complicated now. With both of your souls fused together as one, we cannot kill it without killing you in the process. But don’t fright, there are ways to control these beasts. This will require you to learn as much as you can about yourself and your demon, because now your magic is linked. You can draw on his magic the same way he drained your life force on that night. Once you mastered the skills and spells necessary to control your demon, you can make it your tool. It will be unable to disobey or betray you, you will have a weapon at your beck and call. Against the war that has yet to come, it is a tool that we will surely need against the prophecy.”

Rymvur hissed at his words, hating the implication of being this boy’s slave. This was the fate he feared, knowing that once this happened he would never escape and never be free again. The idea of eternal servitude made him want to vomit, it sickened him how useless he was right now. Damn humans, damn priest, one day he promised to kill them all.

“For now, rest up and get used to your new responsibility. It’s not going anywhere, those chains are controlled by a strong will. Someday soon, you too will be able to control them to better handle your demon. But for now, it will remain as is. I will have food sent in shortly, if you have any questions or need assistance just ring the bell next to the door and someone will be by shortly. Goodnight, Ellis.”

Rymvur waited to lift his head until both the Elder and the she-demon left the room, once they were gone his blue eyes locked with the boy who had summoned him. Although he couldn’t see it, he felt that the necklace was close by. Felt the pulsing of his own heart within the blood diamond pulsing against the human’s flesh, hidden from sight by clothes. Considering what he was dressed in, the demon felt quite bare and exposed. Loose black shorts the only thing clothing this human body, not at all enough to stay off the cold that lingered throughout the brick floor and walls. Pure hatred was the only thing venting through his blue eyes, his raven black hair sticking to his neck and shoulders where sweat clung to his pale skin. Slowly, the demon leaned back up to rest more comfortably on his knees against the hard floor. Like the Elder had said, he wasn’t going anywhere.
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- What am I supposed to do with him?! Hey! - Ellis tried to shout after the old man but when the door shut there was no sign of return. He sighed deeply and sat down on the bed, hiding his head in his hands. Perfect. He was stuck in a room with a demon. A livid demon at that. He had not had much experience with demons, especially not livid ones, but he somehow has the gut feeling that being stuck in a foreign place with one was at the top of the list that he was not in a mood for right now.

He eyed the man... demon... whatever. It was far too human for comfort, piercing blue eyes stared him down until he felt guilt wriggle its way to clench his throat. Somehow looking at the demon he became aware of the necklace still around his neck. As far as he understood from the events of last night it belonged to the demon. Or housed the demon. It was probably his apartment or something, right? Ellis figured that if he gave the necklace back to the man... demon.... maybe he would no longer be so angry. He tugged gently at the decoration on his neck only to find it was not coming off this easy. He gave it another tug but nothing happened. Apparently that bloody thing was stuck on there. So much for that plan.

Conversation. Ellis was thinking of a way to start a conversation with the demon but nothing seemed appropriate. "Hey, I'm like your master now take me home and make me mac 'n' cheese" was probably not the way to go. Ellis considered taking the old man's advice and ringing the bell for assistance. Was it all that good of an idea after all?

Elli's opened his mouth to say something but he was immediately met with a stare full of hatred. He dealt with nasty people in the past, people that disliked him. Their eyes did not come close to the level of poison the demon was spitting his way. Equally as fast as he opened his mouth he closed it. Fearing for his life if he angered the thing in the corner. But staying quiet was not his fashion. Persevering through the uncertainty he stood up.

His legs turned to jelly, they were visibly shaking as we approached the demon, sticking his hand out in a greeting. 

- Hi... I'm Ellis... -
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As the minutes passed in complete silence upon being left alone with this human child, Rymvur took the time to carefully scan the boy’s every feature looking for anything that would hint at combat skills or magical prowess. He was sizing up his new ‘master’, determined to not underestimate these damned humans any longer as it had already cost him his freedom twice now. Really his only shot of breaking free lie in the hands of this pathetic looking child, perhaps a bit of luck or just plain stupidity on the boy’s behalf could get him to reach his ultimate goal. The necklace, once he had it in his possession he would find a way to release his soul from within and return to his former glory. The demon just needed to sit and wait patiently, eventually the human would slip and lose the control over him and when he did...

The thought of chaos and slaughter brought a small smile to his face, for Rymvur had ever intention of killing everyone here including the she-demon. He really desired a fair rematch, at his full strength and her too at her own. It was obvious they were controlling her like a doll, it is very uncharacteristic of a demon to side with humans...especially holy priests who only desire the annihilation of their kind. They must have her under the same spells since it was obviously the golden chains hugged her form as well. They must mostly be there as a reminder, a single thought and she would be just as helpless as he was now. How much it annoyed him how easily these humans could capture him and do this.

Tugging at the chains binding his arms strictly behind him, Rymvur grunted aloud as he pushed his muscles to their breaking point trying to pull free from the chains or the wall. He was testing this new body too, finding the level of strength a slight fraction of his former abilities. Compared to his demon form, this scrawny human body was pathetic as hell. After only a minute of pulling he was exhausted, the demon had no stamina or endurance of any sort and his threshold for pain was none existent. He was also beginning to understand all the other limitations that determined his survival as his stomach continued to ache from hunger and the dryness in his throat made it difficult to swallow. Already his arms ached from the tight chains constructing his blood flow, but it was very obvious that these priests either didn’t care or planned this to keep him in a weakened state. Whichever it was, it was working.

Rymvur really didn’t have the energy or strength to do anything anymore no matter how badly he wanted to do it, so he simply stopped struggling and stared straight ahead at the boy and at the necklace sitting around his neck. The discomfort of the hard floor mildly annoyed him, but the demon did well to control his facial expression as it remained cold and murderous. He didn’t notice his master’s insecurity and nervousness until he started to stand up, his legs shaking like leaves in the breeze. Looking up as the boy had the audacity to approach him this close, Rymvur remained patient despite his sudden desire to bite him. He wasn’t yet close enough to get a solid strike and given his current position, he didn’t even have the right leverage to pull it off. Wait. The demon told himself over and over as Ellis reached out with his hand and introduced himself like this was a formal conversation. Glaring daggers up at the boy, he regarded him for only a second before growling quietly as he started to shift enough to get a foot under him.

"Don't touch me, disgusting human." Rymvur threatened clearly enough as he closed his eyes and began the daunting task of getting up in this uncomfortable position. Honestly, he didn't want to be touched by anyone he didn't trust, humans and demons alike. But priests and any holy figure especially. He often felt like their light, hope, and faith tainted his own being.

Standing up wasn’t entirely difficult, just awkward given the lack of his arms to use for support. But Rymvur got up and looked down at this pathetic human as he towered over him, he stood almost a full foot over this boy and easily outweighed him. It would be easy to overpower him, once he was able. Again the demon calmed his anger, reminding himself that he would only get one chance. His timing would have to be perfect. Allowing the silence to consume them as his master waited for him to give some sort of comply or gesture, it wasn’t until the demon’s stomach growled loudly that he shifted back away from the child. The space allotted to him was only a few feet if the boy was stupid enough to get closer than maybe he could make something happen. Perhaps use the boy as a hostage to escape, reclaim the necklace and be free.

Technically he could chance to trip him, use his superior weight to pin the boy down and demand his release. However, one other thing was stopping Rymvur. The wet blood slowly drying on his right shoulder reminded him of the last punishment he received, he was not sure if this boy could do the same. Either way, he wasn’t willing to chance it, not right now. He could barely stand on his own as it was, only his pure stubbornness was keeping him upright, but not for much longer. No, he would wait. The demon decided, regain back more of his strength and then make a move. For now, he would have to...tolerate this human. That was going to be a chore all by itself, he thought drawing his attention away from the human child for the first time and looked around in the room. There was a single bed on the opposite wall from him as well as a dresser and small writing table and a stool. Given the many feet between him and the nearest object, it was obvious they set this room up in such a way to keep him clear of anything he could potentially use as a weapon. He was in his own little dark corner, isolated in a sense from any human comfort. Whatever...

Letting out a deep sigh of defeat rather than exhaustion, Rymvur slowly started to lower himself back on the ground not fully against the wall but close enough to lean back against it. His arms were already burning from the constant strain, but there was nothing he could do about it other than try to relax and keep the blood flowing into his hands. He was starting to hate this human body of his more than the human boy standing feet away, who he chose to ignore really wanting nothing to deal with him. There was no way he would entertain the thought of civil conversation, he was perfectly fine remaining silent for the next week or so. It was better this way, the demon told himself choosing to stare at the spots of blood on the floor. Again his stomach growled in a complaint, he growled right back. Like he had any control when he ate, if he ate at all. They could starve him because it wouldn’t kill him if they did. They could literally kill him, set him a blame and watch him turn to ash for their own amusement and he would be alive. Alive and trapped...back within the stone.  This sucks.
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The demon was clearly insistent on being uncivil so Ellis decided to follow in suit. He chose to inspect the room ignoring the presence of a half naked demon as much as he could. Thought soon hormones started to kick in. He became.... aware of the other. His human persona, unlike the demon one, was rather enticing. He soon found his desired distraction in a book. It was, of course "The holy bible" but he chose to read it. Pretending to be so into the text he soon came across the name. Barachiel. Reading further and further he was begging to understand why it was that particular angel was the leader of God's army on earth. His destruction portfolio was rather.. impressive. Though Ellis still failed to see how somehow his family all tied into this.

The old man really didnt give him much to go off of. The fact his grandfather, whom he had never met, was a member of the order was clear but the whole thing with the demon and not being able to lead the order. Actually his claim to leadership was interesting enough, he was not religious nor was he particularly impressive. The whole thing was strange but Ellis had been a somewhat supernatural geek. Accepting this as real life came rather easy and he decided not to live in denial when hard proof was right in front of him.

When the food arrived he tried to strike a conversation with the priest who came to hand him the meal. However the priest ignored either of their presences and once again Ellis was left along with the brooding monster in the corner. Well he was not looing so much like a monster, his lanky body was exposed and he didnt look threatening. But Ellis somehow knew the man could potentially kill him within 0.5 seconds if he so wished.

Digging into the simple meal of potatoes and meat along with some veggies Ellis was finally content. Food always cheered him up. Away from home in a strange place, no potential idea of where his parents might be and locked in a room with a supernatural being were... well... far from idea. Unlike the stake, it was just in his taste. 

Getting through about half of the meal finally sated his hunger. He looked down at the plate of a few potatoes and left over veggies and then at the demon.

- Do you... Need to like... eat? - He asked cautiously. He probably should have asked sooner he doubted the demon would accept such a scrawny meal even if he was eating. Something about the demon stroked Ellis as proud. But he still offered his plate, shoving it perhaps a little too close to the demon's face.
Flinching as he shifted his arms trying to find a comfortable position that didn’t strain his shoulders, Rymvur hissed briefly as he tried to get a better look at the burn on his shoulder. Normally it would be healing by now, even the scratches and bruises from earlier that morning were starting to fade completely without a scar. With his fast regeneration, most injuries heal within hours while severe ones heal in a day or two. Yet, this wound wasn’t healing at all. It must be the magic they embedded into his skin, the demon reasoned looking at the white dead skin making a circular shape. It was all inflamed to hell, an angry red that was extremely sensitive to everything. Heat, cold, dryness, movement; it seemed to bother him constantly no matter how hard he tried to avoid irritating it. They wanted him to suffer, he thought grinding his teeth waiting for the pain to eventually pass if it would ever pass.

Being a human sucked, Rymvur thought trying not to shift much yet not at all comfortable to sit still. He was groaning frequently, either between the burn, discomfort, or hunger. It’s only been a few minutes and already he was miserable, how the hell was he could to survive this. The demon continued to think, shifting his thoughts when the door opened and a plate of food was brought in. The smell alone made his stomach ache even more, trying hard to suppress these human needs mostly because he wasn’t human. Still, he couldn’t stop this human body from reaching to its most basic needs, no matter how mentally stubborn he tried to fight it.

Looking up at Ellis at he asked if he needed to eat, Rymvur just glared at him with an empty expression unwilling to admit how hungry he was despite how obvious it was. He was being stubborn for two main reasons, he wanted to keep his dignity and pride as a demon and not stop down to the level of a worthless begging human. So when his master practically shoved the nearly empty plate of food in his face, he snapped bearing his teeth as he lifted up a leg and kicked the plate. Vegetables flew everywhere while the porcelain plate shattered on impact with the stone floor, “I don’t need your filfth, you don’t even know what us demons eat. Flesh, human flesh. The fresher the better, I personally like to feast on my prey while they are still squirming, so unless you are willing to sacrifice yourself to sate my hunger, fuck off and leave me alone.” The venom in his words was thick, full of hatred about his current condition and from the thought that he would accept scraps from this pitiful human.

His stomach protested loudly at his decision demanding that something edible is put into his empty gut, but Rymvur didn’t care enough about his own misery to allow such a surrender. He wouldn’t stoop down that low for this body he was trapped within, it wasn’t his will that occupied this worthless form. He refused to admit defeat to these humans. Not now, not ever.

Flinching when the door opened moments later, Rymvur glared at the petite woman who entered with that same stubborn glare unwilling to show his fear. She met his stare right back with the same intensity, staring him down almost as he felt the goose bumps jump out of his skin by her exotic green eyes. For a good minute, this continued before she sighed and turned toward Ellis looking him up and down for any injuries. Finding none, she left without a word leaving both the human and the demon confused, Rymvur could sense the storm coming. Could feel the waves of dread washing over him as the door opened again minutes later and the she-demon entered beside the same male priest who had delivered the food.

“Ellis, would you like to get a tour of the chapel? I can show you to the library or the garden, or we can begin your lessons today? If you are feeling up to it, of course., I know you just woke up a few hours ago so you still might be a little weak. We can always take it slow for now until you regain your strength.”

As he spoke the she-demon slowly stalked over toward Rymvur, her intentions quite clear the moment she grabbed him by the throat and proceeded to pull him from the floor. The priest behind her must have released him from the wall as the chains shifted to crawl back around his torso wrapping his arms behind him keeping his arms useless. He growled and snapped at her, struggling to breathe in the process as her grip tightened enough to bruise. Without much effort, she tosses him over her shoulder and proceeded out of the room with a cursing demon hanging down off her back kicking desperately to get free. It wasn’t long before his shouts of complaint went mute, but the priest in the room seemed unbothered by all this as he patiently waited for Ellis to follow him out into the corridor.

"Tell me, what exactly do you know about Demons?"
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Ellis was glad to get out of the room with the demon. He was not all that good with humans, never mind demons. He was slowly getting there with human interactions, ever since his friends forced him to be social a bit more. But that was only in the very recent times and he was stilll... well learning. 

- I don't know much, sorry - He admitted. It was only a half truth. He knew a LOT about demons. And vampires. Warewolfs. Anything branded fake by common sense lived in Elli's heart and imagination. But the real type of demon, one that moved and speaks poisonous words, changing shape at will and healing almost right in front of Elli's eyes? No, he had no idea about those.

- Well dearest boy, you will have to know. You own one don't you? Do you want to learn Ellis? - It was more of a rhetoric question but the boy still nodded his head. - Demons are the only thing in this world that is not a creation of God, Ellis. They are as old as time, they were... in a way... still done by God's will. See when the Lord governed the heavens he created a legion of angel's that would help him keep peace on earth. He only forbid them seven things, seven things that set them apart from humans. Greed, Wrath, Envy, Sloth, Lust, Gluttony and Pride. These were the sins, the things that humans succumbed to easily. Behaviours our Lord did not think his angels should display. But one of God's most beloved Angels had succumbed to the deadliest of sins - Pride. He was too proud to be second in command, too greedy to accept all that he was given. Too angry to let it be. Other sins followed in suit and soon the Angel was not much better than a mere human. God in his pity sent this creature out from the paradise and it is that creature that created all subsequent demons. They are the very epitome of God's love and forgiveness... -

Ellis was trying to take everything in. It was somewhat similar to what mainstream religion had said about Lucifer, but didn't hell exist before hand? something didn't quiet add up but instead of voicing his concern he let the priest continue. 

- You are currently in possession of one of the original demons. The mould from which subsequent demons were cast. He is powerful, at his will he could destroy the earth. Of course we are here to stop this tragedy and of course you. You can control him... - The priest paused looking at Elli's confused expression.

- Dont you worry, lad, we will teach you all about control over the beast. You will come to find he will be quiet useful to us... err ... you. See, Ellis. Our order exists to keep the peace between creatures our all forgiving God is too loving to destroy. We watch out for them, give them the comfort and privilege of life but forbid them from harming God's creations. And at times we fight demons using the only force, spare for our Lord's grace, that is equal to the force of those abominations  -
Parting ways shortly after entering the cobblestone corridors of the lower levels of a massive cathedral, Rymvur found himself muted by magic as he felt a strong current wrap around his throat silencing his shouts of outrage. Spitting and cursing, not a single sound left his lips as he was carried through the endless halls that stretched in every direction. He easily found himself lost to his surroundings, all the walls and even the cross intersections where the halls split all looked exactly the same, it was like a damn maze. Left, right, straight, right, straight, left, left, left, straight... The demon eventually lost track of his bearings as the she-demon hauled him around for many long minutes before they finally come across a spiral staircase which leads down a dark lightless passage. Feeling a sudden wave of panic wash over him as he gulped, Rymvur couldn’t deny how very strange this fear felt to him. Yes, he may technically be immortal so long as his soul remained intact. However, he wasn’t invulnerable to pain, not anymore... This lingering cloud of doom was something he wasn’t used to, he was a demon through and through. So why was he having this human emotion, the answer revealed itself soon enough upon reaching his destination? There was a lot of pain in store for him...

Meanwhile, the priest escorting Ellis took a brief moment to introduce himself as Jeremy explaining that he was in charge of teaching the newest addition to the world of Angels and Demons. For the next several weeks he would be training the boy about the simple aspects of magic, and about spiritual control. He did take a moment to explain the rules while they walked, mostly in regarding his demon. It was never to leave the lower levels without permission from the Elder first, he explained the dangers of exposing the existence of demons to the world. As they walked a very straight path from the dorm rooms to a small staircase leading up, they entered hallways very different from the rest. The tapestries draped all along the walls illustrated angels and humans mostly, stained glass panels allowed colored light to entrance those who entered this hall eventually lead into the Grand Hall where thousands of followers enter these walls in worship every day. Paying the common folk no mind, Jeremy continued his course leading them to the back where he pinpointed key locations. The kitchen and dining hall, the washrooms, the wide library, the courtyard in the far back with a pretty extensive garden and flower bed, and last but not least, the room where they would begin Ellis’s training.

Located within one of the two towers that connected the back arches of the cathedral, this circular room seemed mostly void of anything as the nearly empty room looked dusty and unused. However, an extravagant looking circle on the floor commanded the attention of the room as flawless lines of what looked like white sand was neatly placed to create a magical circle. “Now Ellis, answer me this. During your brief time with the demon, which of the seven deadly sins do you believe your demon broke to our lord and savior?” Jeremy waited for a response, as he slowly walked around the perimeter of the room pointing his hand at un-light torches that lined the walls of the large circular room. With a snap of his fingers, a small flame roared to life on the perched wood providing the dark room a warm glow that surrounded them completely. Once done he stepped within and around the magical circle carefully looking at the details, inspecting the circle for any flaws or imperfections that could cause problems. A single grain of sand misplaced could spell doom to any using this powerful magic, he found nothing misplaced so he gestured Ellis to carefully and slowly enter the circle.

“It’s important that you correctly determine which sin it had succumbed to in order to better understand its behavior and learn the right method of control. Each sin type requires a different degree of training as well as a different style of discipline. Those demons who commit sloth or gluttony are better trained through hard work and are often rewarded with nourishment for their obedience. Lust is quite similar as well, however, the reward would be spiritual energy, bribery basically. Simple yes, but effective. However, demons who are envious or hateful like wrath require much more discipline and are often times forced into submission through pain and fear rather than a reward system. These demons hate rules and hate being controlled, but with the right about of correction they can eventually be turned. But, those overcome with overwhelming greed or selfish pride are the hardest to gain control of, they are the most dangerous and unpredictable of all the rest. They don’t care about anything around them or themselves, it's because of this that they fight so hard. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain, which makes them the highest risk of a potential disaster to happen. Understanding and discovering which type of sin your demon broke ultimately determines the amount of training you will need.”

Trading places with Ellis as he left the circle again examining it for even the slightest error before standing outside the magical circle with hands pressed together in front of him, Jeremy gave a small prayer before re-addressing the boy. “This place is the only safe zone you will have at this stage of your training, within the magical circle you will be protected from the demon’s magic as you learn to discover your own. Eventually, you will clash with your demon in here, a fight for dominance that will not interfere with the outside world. Now I know you think yourself weak right now, but remember that your demon is just as weak and so you should both be on an even playing field at the start. The concept of this lesson is simply to get you familiar with the aspects of a shared soul, remember you are bonded with your demon and logically speaking you should be able to contact it through your own mind. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Focus on your memory, try to reach deep within and visualize your demon. Try to focus on what it felt like the first time you made contact with the demon, what it had said to trick you into creating a blood pact with it. Those words will reveal its true intent as well as the nature of your bond, it may also show you what sin it broke to become a demon in the first place. What did it say?”

Jeremy gave Ellis several minutes of absolute silence to gather his thoughts and remember the first encounter, reliving the scenario that had changed his life forever. Smiling when a shift in the air indicated the use of magic at play, the priest started to chant softly activating the magical lines drawn on the ground until light started to illuminate from the floor and rise up creating a wall of translucent light all the way up to the ceiling where a similar circle was also drawn.

“You are in a magical field now, so don’t be afraid to go too overboard. Now try to focus on the link you share with your demon, it is impossible to describe what it is but you will know once you found it. Once you have it, tug on the thread and test the response from the other side. The harder you tug, the stronger your response back shall be. However, the harder you tug, the more damage you inflict to your demon so eventually, you will need to learn the limits of your bond. Although you cannot kill your demon, you can inflict massive damage to its core with a simple thought. For now, we won’t worry too much, during these training stages injury is predicted. Demons have extremely fast regeneration so most injuries inflicted during these lessons don’t last too long, a day or two at most. Alright, refocus, in order to take full control over your demon you will need to quickly claim your dominance over it. Never hesitate, nor pity your demon. Showing any weakness only gives it the power to fight back, so be aggressive if you have to.  Anything to win its submission within your mind, once you succeed there the rest falls into place like stepping stones. Eventually, you will be able to combine your magic to strengthen your power, however, that's a lesson for a much later date."

Walking around the magical circle observing Ellis within, Jeremy kept his hand held in the same position keeping the magical barrier intact as he further explained the dangers of failing. “Remember, this is the hardest step and will take the longest time. You will not get this right away, but if you ever give up you fail and once you fail it's over. Give up and your demon will never obey you. You need to focus and put all your energy into trying to achieve dominance, if you faint from exhaustion or feel that you cannot continue physically the magical circle will automatically disconnect you from your link allowing you time and space to recover for the next attempt. If you feel like you are on the verge of being dominated by your demon at any time, end the link immediately and start again another time when you are stronger mentally. These demons are tricky and stubborn, you cannot allow them to think they are winning because they will push harder to prove you wrong. Once it does win dominance over you, it’s impossible to gain back any control over them.”

The priest let the rest of his words sink in fully before resuming the soft chant, watchings patiently to see just how strong their link will be. Some people in the past weren’t even able to make contact with their demons at first, too overwhelmed with what was happening to them and in denial of the existence of demons. However, those who are more open minded to the world and accept the truth of angels and demons find their connection more quickly with immediate results. Yet, no one has ever dominated their demon on the first try. Jeremy didn’t even expect it as he simply observed, he wouldn’t be surprised at all if Ellis could not make contact yet. Normally, those bestowed with protecting these artifacts are schooled and trained into the responsibility of taming their demon at a very young age. When they do make the first contact with their demon, it's usually at a much older age than what Ellis is now. Often times the call happened in the late twenties or early thirties when their spiritual energy is at its peak. Honestly, the order never expected this demon to make contact with the boy so early, they thought they still had plenty of time. They actually intended to separate the necklace from the boy so that they could start the training necessary to gain leadership over the order and command the next generation of a higher power. He was never to be tainted by this evil bond, however, things have changed.

“Take another deep breath, focus your center and call him. Tug on the thread gently at first, you will know immediately if you can feel him. Sometimes, it's a prick of pain or a wave of nausea. Demons don’t always respond verbally right away, most demons are stubborn to a fault and will try to resist. Just be insistent and keep trying, if you are feeling off in any way or you think you are reaching your breaking point, stop. We can always stop and rest, and continue at any time. So if you aren’t feeling up for it right now, that is understandable as well. Are you ready to begin?”

Crouched down in a similar room somewhere deep within the same tower, Rymver found himself in an entirely different situation. Forced to kneel, his hands were impaled by massive hooks right through the palm of his hands. Anchored to opposite sides of the wall, he was painfully forced to stand stretched at the center of the magical circle, his blood dripping profusely onto the white sand which instantly turned black on contact. Hissing and grunting through the pain, the demon glared at the group of dark robed figures surrounding him all chanting in unison. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he knew it was nothing good as the circle started to light up from above with a brightness that hurt his eyes. Cursing in demonic, promising death upon all these fools. He wasn’t prepared for the invasion which entered his soul as someone clawed their way in, it felt like a dagger was slowly cutting into his chest. Wait... Rymvur stared down at the now gaping hole in his chest that seemed to appear out of thin air. “What the hell is this shit,” the demon snapped pulling hard on his restrained hand only causing himself more pain in the process. He didn’t know that this was just the beginning.
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Ellis followed the priest's instructions. He wasn't sure if it would work. When he closed his eyes he felt nothing. He took a deep breath like the man insisted. Still nothing. It was looking like this wasn't going to happen, not today. He turned to the man to complain but he shook his head, he was determined, unlike the boy. 

- Now now, Ellis, you cannot give up. Try again. Reach your centre -

It sounded extremely corny. But Ellis had to follow. He soon learned that disrespecting the monks, friars, priests and Holy fighters here was not a good idea. A back handed slap was always at ready. He had not experienced it himself but he watched boys, younger than himself, get worse treatment. What made it even more unsettling was how nice these men could be to him right after knocking a child unconscious. He saw no women around it was like they were forbidden to do the same jobs as the men. 

Scared to disobey he reached inside of his mind again. Blackness soon overtook him. Suddenly the pain shot his eyes open and broke his concentration. This time the man seemed irritated when he told Ellis to get back at it. His hissing voice of poison made Ellis immediately close his eyes. This time he was prepared for pain and it wasn't actually as bad as the first time. But it intensified. Slowly he was reaching his own breaking point. He began screaming and thrashing or at least he hoped he was. He no longer felt his body he wasn't able to be awake. He began to panic. There was only one word on his mind and tongue.

-   Rymvur ,  RymvurRymvur,  Rymvur  - He repeated it like a chant. His voice sounded foreign as if he wasn't the one speaking. As if it was somebody else. The pain blinded him and he wanted to tear his heart out at the chance to make it stop.

Then it hit him. The pain he was feeling... it wasn't his. His body was safe, with Jeremy. Wherever they were in relation to where Rymvur was. The demon was the one suffering, he was inside the demon's body. If that even was possible. He realised it must have been just his consciousness. 

Thats what they wanted him to do all along. To get inside the demon's boy, to irritate his mind, to irritate his pain. To break him. His panic only intensified. He realised how badly the demon was treated, and in a way he had a fault in this. No wonder the creature hated him, and other human's for that matter.

He no longer wanted to concur this demon. If it meant releasing him for the world maybe it would be better. Perhaps he could ask Rymvur  to spare his family's lives. In the back of his mind he knew it wouldn't work on the pissed off demon but it was worth the try.

The pain intensified once again and all the could repeat in his mind was a continuous string of apologies directed at the demon. He felt a stinging in his heart separate from the pain, separate for the pity he felt over the powerful being. Guily. Surely it was guilt. He let it happen, he should have realised that a religious cult popping up on his doorstep was not going to make a cotton bud bed for both of them and coddle them with love until he learns to control the demon and they can live happily ever after.

In his mind the blackness was fading, he began seeing chains. A room of chains. Well he was not sure it was a room entirely, it was a blackness filled with distinct metal chains. He tugged on it. It eased his pain. He tugged again.

“What the hell is this shit,”
Hate. Hate could not even begin to describe the amount of anger and rage flowing through Rymvur’s veins as he glared threatening at the cultists surrounding him, these holy people were supposed to be good. Weren't they supposed to passive and sway from violence as the lord commanded it and yet, here they were. Torturing a completely defenseless and helpless demon, despite their purpose to break him he thought it only as the truth. Humans were cruel. They always have been, it was the reason he wished them all dead. Now that he was one, it stabbed in through his very being. He was what he hated most, a human.

Snarling through the pain as the mystery wound continued to intensify, Rymvur grimaced through it all trying to fight back in any way possible. Balling up his fists around the metal hook punctured through his hands, the demon pulled with whatever strength he could muster. Even if he hand to tear himself free, he would get his revenge although he wasn’t at all sure who or what was causing this pain. Screaming as another puncture through his chest stilled him, the demon groaned through closed eyes as he was forced to bear it. It didn’t make sense, it felt like he was getting stabbed from the inside. Like someone was having fun poking holes in his living corpse just to watch him wither and bleed.

Then he felt it, something was tugging at his soul and ripping him apart in the process. “Stop it!” Rymvur shouted out loud and within his mind, keeping his eyes closed in a last ditch effort to find the source of his suffering. However, his mind was crippled by the mind-numbing pain as half a dozen punctures pierced his flesh leaving gaping wounds. His blood was spilling on the floor in gushes now, already he was feeling light-headed from the loss of blood which didn’t help him determine who or what was hurting him. Yet the feeling was familiar...

Snapping his eyes open as another wound tore open his chest, Rymvur cried out struggling to breathe as he collapsed to his knees. He could feel the darkness closing in, his body losing blood too quickly for him to make any sense of this. It was only when he looked up one last time to curse these pathetic humans that he saw their toothed grins, they thought they were succeeding in breaking him. Something within snapped then, seeing their pleasure from his suffering set him off passed the point of no return. They are dead, all dead. The demon promised himself this as he dug down deep within seeking his magic, magic which remained seals since the boy never released it back to him. The boy! He was doing this; this pain, these wounds were his doing.

It was almost like a door opened upon discovering the culprit, Rymvur could feel Ellis within his conscious now as the constant babbling of apologies instantly annoyed the demon. “Get out of my head!” The demon shouted, shaking himself mentally to fight the darkness closing in. Determined to stop his agony and get revenge, he shifted whatever concentration and energy he had left to find his cursed master and end this once in for all. He wanted him dead, if he ended up killing himself in the process...so be it. Searching deeper than he ever thought he could, he found Ellis not within his own mind. But in his soul...within the stone in which he was trapped.

Chains hung across the darkness everywhere, hanging from every direction and angle like a maze. Located within his center, Rymver found his prey tugging at the core of his being. Like a shadow, the demon materialized out of thin air before Ellis with a glare that promised a very painful and slow death. “So little roach,” the demon shoved him away from his anchor to this realm, forcing his master away from the one thing that could destroy him. “You really thought it would be that easy, to kill me without a fight. Well, you are sadly mistaken.” Advancing quickly with a growl, the demon snatched Ellis with a quick grab at the throat and easily lifted the smaller body. Here, within his soul, he was still stronger than this child. But, the demon was no fool. As much as he wanted to end it here and now, he did not want to be destroyed in the process and since their souls were bound destroying one would destroy the other.

Giving Ellis one good squeeze to deprive him of spiritual energy, Rymvur through him into the darkness away from his core and away from his one and only weakness. “Try that again and I will make your life a living hell, because like it or not you are stuck with me. And I don’t plan on going anywhere soon so keep your scrawny hands away from my soul.” The demon warned driving his master further and further away from his soul, not wanting this boy anywhere near it on a spiritual basis. Physically his soul could not be destroyed, not while the blood diamond remained intact. Considering it is invulnerable to try to break it, the only way anyone could hurt his soul was how Ellis had just done. Now that Rymvur knew what he was after, the demon will use everything he has to protect it. He would use everything at his disposal to make sure this boy can never kill him. But in order to do that, the demon would have to do something drastic. "I hope you are ready for your punishment!”

Watching Ellis’s body from the other side of the magical circle, Jeremy grinned as he patiently waited for some indication of success in making contact with the demon. He noted the change in magic surrounding the boy and widened his smile as the first step in breaking this demon was already taking root. However, the priest looked troubled and his growing concern shifted as the nature of the magic within continued to shift randomly. He thought briefly that they were already fighting for dominance and the shifts were signs of the struggle, however, the magic showed otherwise. Shadows swirled around in the mix of wind and lightening, a clear indication that the demon was showing its true colors as they clashed against the light barrier that protected Ellis. It seemed as if they were trying to break out, but the priest knew the magical circle would keep it contained. Then he saw it, shadows started to swarm around the boy’s body rapidly entering through his mouth, eyes, and nostrils.

Instantly seeing the bad omen, Jeremy stopped chanting immediately and called out to Ellis to end the link that instant. However, when no response or movement indicated he heard, the priest cursed and stomped on the sand which made up the magical circle. Sliding his foot through, smearing the line thus breaking the barrier the magic which was trapped within seemed to explode across the room snuffing out all the torches. For a few heartbeats, the magic lingered before fading away leaving the boys body laying in the middle of the floor limp. Rushing over to Ellis’s unmoving form, Jeremy gasped at the change in the boy’s appearance. Distinctive blue markings were placed throughout his body. Under his eyes, on his hands and arms and down his back. They stopped short of the lower torso, was the demon trying to possess him? The priest wasn’t sure, however, he knew one thing. This demon was more dangerous than any other they have dealt with in the past.
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Stirring off and on throughout the night and sometime into the next day, Rymvur didn’t know how long he had been out of it or where he was at all as he found the same darkness awaiting him every time he opened his eyes. Everything was black and cold, his body felt like it was frozen down through his bones and into his very core. Almost like he was encased in ice, but when he attempted to try to move the demon realized the grim truth. Weak and severely injured, his body didn’t respond to his commands as the numbness from blood loss made him utterly helpless. This had to be rock bottom, he hoped cursing mentally how much he hated this frail human body. If he had his real form, his fur would keep him warm against this mind numbing chill. He couldn’t even really think about anything, his focus solely on how miserable he was. Beyond cold, his stomach gave an eerie reminder how hungry he was. But like everything else, he had no control here.

Closing his eyes to try to rest, Rymvur found sleep unreachable as the steel bottom of the cage he was locked in stole any warmth that coursed through his veins, if felt like ice water was running through his veins. Stilling him and causing him to want to pull himself into a fetal position to hold himself, but a prick of pain from his chest and hands killed that desire. Right... The demon thought back at what had happened, how his master had intentionally tried to kill him. For a moment his anger reared hits ugly head, but it didn’t last. Laying there shivering, there was little else Rymvur could do. He used up whatever energy he had in reserve cursing his master, now his tank was completely empty. If they took him now, well...he would be nothing more than a doll on strings. Just like they wanted. How he wished to be anywhere than here, the demon would rather face the wrath of God than be here. Hell, he would gladly march back to Lucifer and accept his judgment. After what he did, perhaps he would be better off dead.
Ellis awoke in his room. This whole entire body sore, his eyes felt swollen. He was sure he was covered in bruises and wounds but upon inspecting his body he found it to be very healthy. He sure as all hell did not feel fine though. The way he felt Rymvur hurt by the priests,  the way he felt the demon hurt him, it couldnt all be a dream. It had to be reality. The cold words of the demon still sounded in his mind. All he wanted to do was free him. All Ellis wanted to do was to get away from this place just like the demon. Why did the other hate him so much? The thinking hurt his brain so he flopped back down on the bed.

No. No this was not a time to feel sorry for himself. No matter how tired his body was he moved it. Moved it pretty fast. Out the door and upwards. No. Downwards. He slid downstairs, he knew deep inside that this is where the demon was held. He could possibly be wrong but he would find him. Ellis so truly believed the only reason he hurt the demon was because of that priest. He wasn't sure how to get inside Rymvur's mind without the priest. He wouldn't have normally been able to do a thing. The staircase went on forever. But he was able to reach the guards, monks with their faces hidden.

"Who goes there" one exclaimed, moving to block Elli's path. At this point the boy was tired, grumpy, hungry and quite frankly mad. These were not Holy men that he was dealing with and surely he wouldn't treat them as such. Not being able to pass being a mere prisoner here he did the only reasonable thing. Pretend and lie. He hoped this would work otherwise he was in trouble. 

"Well, well," he began gruffing up his voice more than it already was. He slumped his body in a causal manner, something he would imagine Rymvur would do. "I see you already forgotten me, little lambs of God. Did I not give you enough trouble to remember your whole life"

It was brief. But there was only one person in this entire complex that Ellis knew of that this monologue would match. apparently so did the monks as they stepped away with a gasp. Trying to avoid the contact with the "Archdemon" Ellis took his chance and walked past them. When he was out of the eyesight he took off running in general direction of wherever. Ellis did not have the time with him but he could swear it was mass time. There was no guards spare for the two monks, no apprentices. The area was clear and it was rather unnerving.

Surprisingly enough his instincts lead him to the cage where the demon was kept. It made Elli's whole stomach churn with disgust. To hold somebody in such grim conditions was... appalling. His heart gave a tug. He held back his tears as he gave the door of the cage a pathetic tug. 

- How do I get you out? -
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Laying motionlessly within the reinforced steel cage meant to hold him captive, Rymvur stayed there completely aware of the mounting misery and pain coursing through his weak human body. He could do nothing but curse his own misfortune as he lay in the dark oblivious to everything around him as he remained solely focused on how helpless he had become. Even with his demonic healing factor which could heal all these wounds in a few days, this body was too weak at his current state and wouldn’t even start the process of regeneration until he could receive substance either physical or spiritual. So oblivious he was, he failed to notice the sound of someone fast approaching the chambers he was held in. Nor did he feel their presence as they stood only feet away from his cage. It wasn’t until he felt the sharp tug from the other side that he grunted in displeasure, opening an eye to see his master looking down at him. Glaring back with whatever hatred he could summon, Rymvur held Ellis in a threatening gaze for only a few moments before exhaustion tugged at his heavy lids. Even now, as angry he was at the human child. He could not do anything, how pathetic. The demon thought, closing his eyes wanting so much to say what was on his mind, yet unable to speak.

“Why do you even care?”

The words were said within his own mind, and although Rymvur thought them private he was semi-aware of the link that they now shared. It was like an annoying tug of war, but somewhere within the back of his thoughts, he was aware that his master had no intentions of harming him right now. Knew too that his master blamed these evil priests and didn’t understand why they treated him...a demon the way they did. The answer was obvious. Because he was an Archdemon, plain and simple. Rymvur was stronger than them and evil to boot, so they took special care to keep him restrained and weak so he could never gain the upper hand to fight against them. Unwilling to deal with anything at the moment, the demon pushed against the invading force willing his master to leave him alone. Unless he intended to break him out, heal him and set him free, the demon wanted no part of Ellis whatsoever. Even then, he would never be free in the true sense of the word. Together they were bound for eternity, together they would die. Such a cruel fate.

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