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Fandom The Corrupted Redone (A Pokemon Gijinka RP)

Thilye stood off to the side, looking between Corali and Azrael. They really did know each other. And she was definitely intruding in on whatever situation this was. But, she couldn't help but have been worried about the Shaymin. Speaking of which, how was the small gijinka? She leaned back, glancing back in the window. She didn't see the girl, must have moved to the bathroom or something. She pulled her wings in tighter against her back. Just what could have happened to her?
Tierraroja was about to stare down daggers as the Aegislash glared back at her, until the other finally backed off and did so with caution. A crowd had began to form, and the Groudon clenched her fists as she retained eye-contact with the other girl until turning her attention to Marazul. She looked up at her (as the water type was quite tall) and kept a neutral expression: lips pressed into a line, eyebrows slightly furrowed, red eyes sharp. The Kyogre spoke to her, asking her why she let 'them' go. She furrowed her eyebrows further, as if confused. "Them? You mean the Aegislash? What do you want me to do, beat her up?" Tierraroja asked, almost as if Marazul's question was the strangest she had been asked. Why, she thought, what did 'they' do to her? The edges of her lips curved downwards, as she assessed the situation. Random people were crowing, and the Groudon was never one to be the center of attention of, well, anything. She favored her personal space. Her hard eyes turned to a few of the individuals, more or less just in the general direction of each group. Quite a few became intimidated, a natural response to seeing Groudon right before one's eyes, in the Sinnoh region no less. Tierraroja's presence must have become a shock to a select few. She tore her focus away from the people and returned her eyes back to Marazul.


Crocea eventually ran out of time behind her shield and broke into a run to get herself off of the beach. She pushed people over in order to get through the crowd and occasionally threw a Shadow Ball back at the Legendaries to do whatever she could to get herself away from them, no matter how futile. She sheathed her sword as to have less weight to carry in her hands.


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PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Lotus turned her chin to see what the Ninetales was doing as she lifted the shirt the girl was wearing. Nikki grabbed a bottle of colored spray similar to before, and warned her that it was going to sting. She frowned and forced herself to look away, not wanting to see it all happen. Her hands still intertwined, Lotus squeezed her hands together as her back stiffened, a small whimper escaping her lips as the liquid sprayed stung her skin and burned her lacerations. Her nails dug into her palms, her hands tight together.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Nikki swallowed hard when she noticed Lotus' muscles tighten and her body stiffened. She felt so bad for doing this. It was almost too much to bear, and she sucked in a breathe and sighed, looking at the needle and thread in the kit on the counter. She prayed she wouldn't have to put in stitches so she simply took the bandages and began to wrap her up tightly, but trying to keep her comfortable. "This is going to be a bit uncomfortable, but... It's the best I can do, sweetheart."

Lotus watched through the mirror at what Nikki was doing, as well as she could see from her body mostly being in the way of the reflection. She tried her best not to make too much noise, not to shriek too much or anything. Nikki then pulled out more bandages and began to wrap the girl and her disinfected wounds. Once she finished, the small girl turned around to face the Ninetales and then leaned forward to give her a hug, her arms wrapped around the older woman's neck. "T-thank you." Lotus mumbled, then pulled herself away from the hug as she picked up her dress that she was wearing previously.
Nikki looked at Lotus as she turned toward her. Then suddenly the young girl was hugging her neck. She didn't know how to react at first, then she hugged Lotus back until the little backed away. She felt almost incomplete when that little thing let go of her, and she felt the touch lingering on her skin.

"... N-no problem hun..."
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Lotus then brought a hand back to touch gently at her back under the shirt she was wearing, her fingers quite hesitant while they poked around at the bandages. "How long u-until I don't need t-these?" She asked Nikki about the bandages, placing her hand back in her lap as her legs kicked subconsciously in the bathroom sink. Lotus didn't make much eye contact, her shyness as well as her past experiences teaching her that that was wrong and what she would usually be punished for. Her hands had small red marking on them from when she squeezed her nails into her palms to subside the feeling of the stinging antiseptics.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

"W-well," she started, straightening up and starting to put the things away in the medikit, "first they'll have to be redressed quite often until we're certain it's healed. We might even have to reapply antiseptic." She looked at Lotus and noticed how she refused to look at her.

"... Lotus. Wherever you're from," She said, slowly, looking at the little one, her hands shaking slightly as she closed the medikit, "You're not there anymore. You're in safe hands.... You know, I recognize a whipping when I see one." She subconsciously rubbed her back, "I know whippings all too well.... Whoever did this to you... They can't hurt you anymore. You don't have to be scared."
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Ariel had earned his place in the room he sat in. Challengers rarely came, probably because at least half of the potential ones were turned into gijinkas, and the fact that he was the hardest member of the Unova Pokémon League to reach didn't help, but Ariel did not mind one bit. In fact, he liked it that way- with his ghosts to keep him company, while sitting in his throne, thinking about life and death and everything in between. It was all so... superficial. But anyway, today, it seemed, was different. He called his Pokémon back, stood up, and prepared for a battle as he heard a buzzer indicating that someone was outside. However, ten minutes later, when no one came in, he went to check out what was happening. No one was there. He was about to close the door and call his employees to yell at them, that a challenger is not allowed to leave unless they win or lose, but he looked at the ground and saw a letter. Ah, of course. More orders from the Creator. He sighed and retreated back to his throne.
Marazul gazed at the Aegislash for a short moment before looking back down at Tierraroja, listening in on what she had as a response. She made a good point in her reply, there wasn't much she could think of for either of them to do instead of just letting her go. Her eyes went and looked down at the ground, feeling a bit sheepish for even bothering to ask the question. "I...I just thought that maybe...she was the one who tried to attack me." The Kyogre's voice began to trail off, unsure if she should've even began to speak again to begin with.

Looking back up, Marazul began to see the crowd of people staring at the two legendaries. She made a slight frown at them, causing a few to back away a bit from her. Most humans at this point knew it was her that caused massive storms such as the one above them, raging about across the region. Before she could do anything else, a few shadow balls began to head straight towards her and the Groudon. The Kyogre was caught off guard from any sort of attack and nearly jumped in response to it. Needing to defend against them quickly, Marazul focused her power on the rain pouring down nearby, gaining control over it. With her hydrokinetic ability, the legendary managed to block the shadow balls targeted straight towards both her and Tierraroja.

@PlaguedWithInsanity @TheGoldenGear
explosiveKitten said:
"W-well," she started, straightening up and starting to put the things away in the medikit, "first they'll have to be redressed quite often until we're certain it's healed. We might even have to reapply antiseptic." She looked at Lotus and noticed how she refused to look at her.
"... Lotus. Wherever you're from," She said, slowly, looking at the little one, her hands shaking slightly as she closed the medikit, "You're not there anymore. You're in safe hands.... You know, I recognize a whipping when I see one." She subconsciously rubbed her back, "I know whippings all too well.... Whoever did this to you... They can't hurt you anymore. You don't have to be scared."

Lotus listened to the woman as she explained about her bandages, and she frowned. She would have to go through that again and again? She whined and curled into a ball, knees at her chest. "But, it hurts..." she said, still not meeting Nikki's gaze. "A lot." She held a deep frown, the edges of her lips pointed downwards. The antiseptic stung, and even though she had been hurt so many times before far more severely than this, the little girl was still sensitive and disliking to pain, like anyone her age would be. She looked over at Nikki's hands as she began to put away the medicine kit, and they were shaking, almost like she was nervous about something. She then began to talk to her again, this time about her past. She told her that she wouldn't be hurt anymore, and that she was finally safe. Even though she told her not to be scared, Lotus couldn't stop her trembling and whimpering. She was a mentally scarred little girl, no matter how bright and pure a spirit.

Crocea noticed that the Creator of Land had started to walk towards her, and just kept her shield up for as long as she possibly could. She gave up trying to run from the Legends and hoped that somehow she could escape with her life. Surely, once those monsters get near her, she'll be horribly murdered, completely overpowered by the forces of continents and oceans, so all she could do was wait for the inevitable moment to come.


Abel, of course, was attracting a lot of attention.

Whether it was yelling complete nonsense or making jokes that didn't have a shred of comedic value, he always found a way to make people notice him. He sounds like someone who is just annoying in every aspect, but he's almost so pitiable that you can't help but love him. It's a weird feeling when you love something when you have every reason to do the opposite.

Connie was trying to calm him down.

She was always the quiet one of the two. That was to be expected, considering she was just the back end of the main package, but it was almost as if she tried to be emotionally distant at some times. Not distant socially, in fact, she was almost a social butterfly for some reason. Maybe she just had some side of her we can't see. But emotionally, Con was a train wreck of pessimism, negativity, and all the synonyms for those that exist.

Almost everyone in the entire market was looking at the pair.

Location: Slateport Market


Ariel was already on his way to Hearthome. Apparently a prisoner had escaped and was in that area. This was another Legendary though, so he had to be very, very careful, or disaster could strike for him. Not to mention that he is relatively famous and needs to keep his cover as Champion. Who knows why he was sent to get her back. Maybe it wasn't him that was to retrieve her, and was just needed to be there if they needed him. But he was also going for more personal reasons...

Location: Flying in a private jet to Hearthome
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Tierraroja watched as the shiny Aegislash ran away from her and Marazul in fear, as she probably didn't want to end up in confrontation with the elemental duo legendaries. That would only end badly for her, and not at all for the two. The Ground type glanced over at the Kyogre, and frowned at how she was acting. Her eyes were focused on the ground, and she seemed rather sheepish. Tierraroja was highly unamused, and honestly had to push away the creeping feeling of her intense protectiveness that was purely her nature towards Marazul, that in whom she cared much about, even if she would never show it to her. She listened to what the other girl had to say, as she furrowed her eyebrows at her. Her voice was trailing off as if nervous, and she told the Groudon that it was possibly the Aegislash that had tried to attack her from before. A growl rose deep in her throat, as she looked back over at the retreating shiny, a cold glare in her red eyes. "Really? Her?" she asked with disbelief. Tierraroja highly doubted that such a coward would be the one to attack her Marazul, but it's possible, especially when a couple Shadow Balls came hurtling their way. She sneered, looking over at the Kyogre as she jumped in response and began to control the rain that had been storming over the ocean, bringing it over to them to deflect the incoming attacks. Her frown deepened, as the rain was now where they were. Her body heat being so high, each drop sizzled into steam upon contact with her skin. Tierraroja began walking in the direction that the Aegislash had gone in, her composure quite intimidating as she did so.

Marazul looked back at Tierraroja shortly after she had deflected the attack using water. She felt a bit of remorse for doing so after seeing the rather aggravated expression on the Groudon's face as soon as a bit of the rain hit her. Trying to make up for it, the Kyogre began to move the rain water once again, this time making it land in the sand in front of her. Finally, she spoke again, "I...I can't say for sure she was the one who did it...but judging by how she happened to be around here before I made it to shore...I suppose I have reason to come to that conclusion." Marazul responded, a hint of uncertainty could be heard in her voice.

Looking back to Tierraroja once again, she saw her beginning to walk after the Aegislash, who was trying to make an escape from the two legendaries. As much as she wanted payback on the one who tried to strike her, she wasn't sure it was the right course of action to attack without knowing for sure it was the Aegislash who did it. The Kyogre decided to follow after her, keeping a short distance between them in doing so.
"W-what are you going to do once you catch up to her?" Marazul asked, this time in a more confident tone of voice than the one she had previously spoken in to the Groudon.

@PlaguedWithInsanity @TheGoldenGear

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