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Fandom The Corrupted Redone (A Pokemon Gijinka RP)

As soon as Marazul fell into the ocean, her eyes opened wide and looked up to the surface. Before she try to reach it, the Kyogre saw another gijinka fall in after her. She changed her plans and went to save the other gijinka instead. She rose up to the surface and began to use her hydrokinetic abilities. With them, Marazul created a wave large enough to get the other to the shore quickly. She released the wave and watched as the young woman went towards the shore. She decided to wait a bit before trying to go on land herself. But the storm would still continue until then, making it more to her liking.

A woman in red sat in her volcanic throne, sighing as she slumped back in her rather regal chair, sitting rather lazily. She stood up slowly, standing to her feet and looking up at the ceiling of the magma chamber. She piqued her thin red eyebrows as she noted that it was just a little more muggy today, and she could tell that just by standing up in the hot room. She casually stepped into a pool of lava and slowly made her way out of the magma cavern and out into the open. While residing in Sinnoh, she kept her place in Stark Mountain and stayed with Heatran until finally leaving again.

She felt like it was soon to do so again, as she felt like moving back to her home region as her time was done here in Sinnoh. But, she couldn't, however, unless Marazul would come with. She would have to find the woman, first. Waving at the Heatran, she stepped out of the volcano and was outside.

"Farewell until another time, Tierraroja."

She merely smiled as she turned her back on the mountain. Her smile soon faded as a pillar of water shot up from across the region. Marazul was up again, and Tierraroja could feel the extra moist particles in the air.

Found her.

With yet another sigh, she began to leave for what it looked like to be in the sea by Pastoria.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Azrael ran through the forest, almost leaving her sister behind. She was too excited to see Corali again. It had been years since she'd last seen the woman and she had a bone to pick about that.... "Corali!" After she finished hugging the woman that is.... since she had just seen her. She grinned and dropped the umbrella. Not thinking about what she was doing, she tackled Corali and wrapped her arms around the woman's waist. "Corali!!!"

Location: Hearthhome City, Forest


Aelliat raised an eyebrow at the woman's tone but just grinned and stuck out a hand. "Nice to meet you Cathryn. " He bent down and scooped up the cyndaquil and petted its head. "Hey there little guy. Sorry about the big scare you had. I'll tell you what, you help me get this beautiful lady to her destination and I'll get you to a nice peaceful home, k?" He smiled at the cyndaquil who just nudged his hand for more pets.

Location: Connecting Bridge, destroyed


Fyre was watching a servant clean up the mess she'd made of the man she'd killed earlier. She placed her head against her hand and sighed. She was bored and it was beginning to test her patience. She growled and began to float things through the air over the top of the servant, making her nervous. She had been doing it for a good ten minutes before another person ran in. "Soltae! Where's Soltae!?" The guy turned to Fyre and she narrowed her eyes. "Currently occupied. What is the matter." She crossed her arms and glared at the man. He stuttered too much and she growled. "Report, guard!" He stood at attention and began to speak. "Ma'am! The shaymin girl has escaped! There is no sign of her in the immediate vicinity." He cringed away when Fyre threw a bolt of fire past him into the wall. "Go get Soltae from her rooms...." When he began to protect she barked, "NOW!" He ran off.

Location: Soltae's Castle, Throne Room


Tahl opened his eyes as he heard shouting down the hallway. He groaned and sat up. "I will kill them all....." He turned to the woman he loved and sighed before touching her shoulder. "I believe they are coming this way for you, my dear." He got dressed and sat back on the bed.

Location: Soltae's Castle, Soltae's Room
Corali gave a gentle smile. "What are you doing here? You- ah!" The darkrai honestly yelped when arms wrapped around her, then suddenly she was n the ground. She readied a Dark Void and turned until she could see her attacker before she struck, but stopped the move when she saw who it was. "Azrael?" Her good eye widened in surprise. Behind her, she could see Tsura approaching more calmly with a slight smile.

Location: Nikki's Cabin


Cathryn raised an eyebrow and hesitantly shook his hand when he offered it. He's a shameless flirt. She decided. What other kind of person would start commenting about a stranger's appearance? Still, she needed the guidance. She wasn't stupid. Regardless of the fact that he was a human with fire pokemon-two things she couldn't stand. I'll just have t deal with it for now.

Location: Connecting Bridge (Destroyed)


At a touch on her shoulder, Soltae gave a small, involuntary groan and curled further on her side, not wanting to move. However, when Tahl got up, she opened her eyes with a sound of annoyance. She hated being waken up by others. She stood and dressed, then opened the door to see a guard raising his hand to knock. She narrowed her eyes at the nervous man. "I hope that this was important, or I will be angry." The guard stammered... well, something, until Soltae glared. "Lady Fyre needs to see you in your throne room immediately, my lady!" He cried, then ran away as fast as his legs could carry him. She sighed and looked back at Tahl. "Would you like to come?"

Location: Soltae's Castle-Bedroom
Thilye jumped when the figure - a Darkrai of all things - was glomped by apparently someone she knew. Well, it made sense that pokemon would have friends but due to her surprise she guessed she still wasn't used to the whole gijinka thing yet.

She looked at the darkrai, giving a small embarrassed smile.

"I live in forests, and I couldn't help but notice the cabin, and you had Shaymin which was a total surprise but then Shaymin looked hurt and I knew I could use Heal Bell but you guys seemed to have the situation under control so I was outside watching to make sure she was okay but the wind picked up and I hit the side of the cabin so now I'm here..." she rambled, her eyes flitting to the figure approaching behind the two hugging.

Nikki nodded to Lotus and stepped out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her, "Just tell me when you're ready for me to come back in sweetie~" she cooed as she left, then suddenly realized she had just cooed "sweetie" at some random kid she had never met before today. "... I definitely need to work on that.." She mumbled then leaned with her back against the wall.


Bobby looked at the scene with a mixture of confusion and dismay as more and more gijinka came running from the woods towards his house- this place was supposed to be secret, after all!

@whoever was interacting with bobby I don't know anymore
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Lotus watched the Ninetales as she kicked her legs absentmindedly in the sink that they resided in. The woman then said that she would be back when she was done changing, the word "sweetie" completely going over her head. She stared into the sink for a moment, her green eyes falling onto the drain, as she then thought to herself about the peculiarity of her situation. Why was she so trusting of these adults when all they've ever done is hurt her for their own causes? All adults were the same, or so she thought, but Lotus' pure and innocent heart forced her to be empathetic to others and not necessarily hold judges. She wasn't about being mean to others, as she had experienced such pain herself, so why would she want others to be put through the same situations. But it just didn't make sense to her on why these ones were so nice to her. She shook her thoughts and soon pulled off her white dress with some effort, the most trouble when around her head.

Lotus then placed the garment on the sink counter and lifted the tank top up and over. Pulling her arms through the arm holes, she pulled the undershirt down and pulled her hair out from under the garment. Running a couple fingers through her long green hair, she then crawled across the countertop and stepped down onto the toilet seat after she had closed the lid. Lotus then hobbled down off the porcelain structure by first sliding off of it by her stomach. Only then did it occur to her that she couldn't honestly remember her last hair cut, her leaf-colored locks falling generously down to her ankles in thick tousled kinks. Stepping over to the door, she then knocked on it for Nikki to return. "I'm done changing." she said softly, stepping away from the door as she turned the handle. She was so small that she was practically eye-level with the handle. Lotus poked her nose through the small gap, looking up at the Ninetales who was right next to the door.

"I do not suffer from my insanity, I enjoy every minute of it."
Crocea washed up on shore and was having trouble breathing. She almost drowned from the wave Marazul created, but then again, she would have probably been more likely to die if she just stayed in the middle of the water with no way back to shore. She coughed up the water that had entered her lungs thanks to a helpful NPC who happened to know mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Crocea just got up, gave him a small thank you, and started to walk off.
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Lotus watched the Ninetales as she kicked her legs absentmindedly in the sink that they resided in. The woman then said that she would be back when she was done changing, the word "sweetie" completely going over her head. She stared into the sink for a moment, her green eyes falling onto the drain, as she then thought to herself about the peculiarity of her situation. Why was she so trusting of these adults when all they've ever done is hurt her for their own causes? All adults were the same, or so she thought, but Lotus' pure and innocent heart forced her to be empathetic to others and not necessarily hold judges. She wasn't about being mean to others, as she had experienced such pain herself, so why would she want others to be put through the same situations. But it just didn't make sense to her on why these ones were so nice to her. She shook her thoughts and soon pulled off her white dress with some effort, the most trouble when around her head.

Lotus then placed the garment on the sink counter and lifted the tank top up and over. Pulling her arms through the arm holes, she pulled the undershirt down and pulled her hair out from under the garment. Running a couple fingers through her long green hair, she then crawled across the countertop and stepped down onto the toilet seat after she had closed the lid. Lotus then hobbled down off the porcelain structure by first sliding off of it by her stomach. Only then did it occur to her that she couldn't honestly remember her last hair cut, her leaf-colored locks falling generously down to her ankles in thick tousled kinks. Stepping over to the door, she then knocked on it for Nikki to return. "I'm done changing." she said softly, stepping away from the door as she turned the handle. She was so small that she was practically eye-level with the handle. Lotus poked her nose through the small gap, looking up at the Ninetales who was right next to the door.

"I do not suffer from my insanity, I enjoy every minute of it."
Nikki looked down at Lotus as she opened the door, then smiled and said, "Alright, I'm coming back in then," pushing the door the rest of the way open so she could step in. Then, once again, she picked up Lotus and put her back on the counter, with her feet in the sink. "Soooo... Well, this is going to be odd, but I'm going to need to lift the back of the shirt to get a look at your back. Is that okay?" She looked at Lotus, eager to get back to helping this precious little grass baby.


Lotus stepped back from the door as the Ninetales walked in after being invited again. Once again had she been picked up and set on the counter, as a small frown crawled its way into her face. When Nikki spoke, the Shaymin listened intently, dangling her feet back in the sink. She then nodded to the woman's question, turning around 180° degrees on the counter surface for her to do so. She laced her fingers together and looked down at them on the counter.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Azrael grinned at Corali and got up. "Sorry, I just haven't seen you in forever." She put her hands on her hips. Then she noticed the Celebi and Luxray. "Who are you two?" Her eyes narrowed in distrust.

Location: Nikki's Cabin


Aelliat hummed and put the cyndaquil on his shoulder. He smiled at Cathryn and gestured to the south. "Come on, pretty lady, the other way is over here. We have to go down the side a little to a smaller bridge." He began to walk the way he pointed.

Location: Connecting Bridge (Destroyed)


Tahl watched Soltae carefully while she had her back turned to him to deal with the door. When she turned back to him he smiled at her. 'She's gotten worse since I have been away....' he mentally sighed and nodded to her. "My pleasure." He smirked at her and offered her his hand with a flourish.

Location: Soltae's Castle-Bedroom


Fyre tapped her foot impatiently and glared at the guard in front of her. She couldn't wait to blast him, but first she had to let Soltae hear about his idiocy...

Location: Soltae's Castle-Throne Room
Corali sighed at the umbreon, standing up. "They're friends." She paused, glancing at the celibi. I think. "Some of the people here were helping me out with something." She paused. "I... ah... needed someone with medical expertise that won't go to certain people." She told her. Corali wasn't a fool- she knew many doctors would report anything as odd as an injured shaymin to the corrupted ledgendaries.

Location: Nikki's Cabin


Cathryn frowned at him, following. "Do you have to do that?" She asked, annoyed about his comments about her being 'pretty' already.

Location: Connecting Bridge (destroyed)


Soltae took Tahl's offered hand, walking down to the throne room. She quickly noticed Fyre giving a guard a death glare and sighed, annoyed. I woke up for something stupid, didn't I? She thought, annoyed. "What is it?"
Thilye's near transparent wings folded against her back out of sight, and gave a nervous and embarrassed laugh.

"I-I'm nobody really, just another gijinka, honest."

She was really hoping her blue eyes in contrast to her grass-green hair didnt give too much away. It's not like she was lying, she was just a gijinka. She just happened to be a Legendary one. But she wouldn't say that, especially with the rumors about what had been happening to the Legendaries.... she looked at the Umbreon, hoping not to raise suspicion.

"I heard there was an injured Pokemon so I showed up..." her voice trailed off.
The storm continued to rage on across the Sinnoh region as Marazul began her to walk to the shore. After waiting a bit for the other gijinka to make it there safely, the kyogre raised her hands above her head and began to move the sea water out of her way so she could walk. About halfway to the shore, she began to used the sea to her advantage again and had a tide take her the rest of the way there. The Kyogre managed to stop it just in time so she wouldn't crash onto the sand. Slowly, she placed her right foot onto the sand before putting the other on it as well. Once she found it to be safe, Marazul stepped onto the sand. She straightened herself up and squinted her eyes as she looked up at the stormy sky. It looked to be same as the last time she saw it, meaning it wouldn't be ending anytime soon. Marazul took a deep breath and took another step in the sand. Almost immediately, she stumbled and became stiff as a response. It looked as if being on land again was going to be harder for her than she thought.

Location: Coast Near Pastoria City
Nikki, once sure Lotus was comfortable, she lifted he back of Lotus's shirt to get a proper look at her back.

She would have gagged at the bloody sight had she not been used to seeing these kinds of wounds. God knows, she had been the recipient of those whippings many times. So rather then gag, she took up the spray, said, "Gonna sting," and began to spray Lotus' back with the disinfectant. Most of those wounds are too open to just simply bind together... Oh god, don't tell me I have to put stitches in this poor thing? she wondered as she worked her best to keep this as painless as possible.


Lotus turned her chin to see what the Ninetales was doing as she lifted the shirt the girl was wearing. Nikki grabbed a bottle of colored spray similar to before, and warned her that it was going to sting. She frowned and forced herself to look away, not wanting to see it all happen. Her hands still intertwined, Lotus squeezed her hands together as her back stiffened, a small whimper escaping her lips as the liquid sprayed stung her skin and burned her lacerations. Her nails dug into her palms, her hands tight together.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

The Royal Sword gijinka stopped after about twenty yards to look back at the sea. Sure enough, someone else was laying face-down in the sand; they were probably also swept up by that sudden (and almost impossibly convenient) wave. She walked over to her and offered a hand to help her up.
Tierraroja crossed the land quite quickly, making her way across the region to locate the source of the water pillar. She found herself to be rather unfamiliar to the region of Sinnoh, as she didn't often go there. The regions that she usually visits are Kanto and Unova, simply because of their more land dominated territories. Hoenn, of course, is where she usually is, but she favors supervising the other region's land as it is her duty to do so, and to oversee that there are no exchanges or vanishing land in correlation to water. Soon enough had Tierraroja located the source of the water pillar, distant from her original place in Stark Mountain of the Battle Frontier area. Now was what looked like Pastoria City, whereas two individuals stood by the coast flanking the sea beside the area. A woman in blue and another in black and gold.

A frown crossed the female Groudon's lips as the woman in black and gold was equipped with a thick black and red-rimmed sword. An Aegislash it looks like. Shiny, as well. she thought, then focusing on the tall woman in blue beside her. Tierraroja stepped closer, her red eyes hardening as she recognized the woman as none other than the queen of the seas, Marazul the Kyogre. She felt a small rumble in her throat as she began towards the woman in black with quick strides. The Aegislash appeared to be getting rather friendly with her, holding a hand of hers and such. Pushing down the feeling of protectiveness and jealousy, she stepped up to the Aegislash and gave her quite the glare and flashed a similar look to Marazul. Tierraroja placed a hand on her red clad hip, almost looking as if demanding some sort of explanation. No sort of kindness was emanating from the Groudon, especially towards the Aegislash as she stepped between the two, the Kyogre behind her as she faced the other woman. She began to tap her booted foot onto the sand repeatedly, looking very irritated with the presence of the Aegislash.



"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Crocea glared back at Tierraroja for a second before realizing that both of these two were the Legendaries she had been on the trail of. Because of the Groudon's obvious type advantage, she found that the best course of action was to take a step back and pull out the King's Shield. A small crowd was forming around the three of them, and there had been at least a gathering since Crocea had washed up and the man had called to save her life. The Yellow Death, as she would like to be called eventually (since that's what her name literally translates to), didn't care, and continued what she was doing, which was slowly but surely backing away from the two powerful opponents.
Marazul looked up towards the other gijinka in front of her, offering a hand to the clumsy land walker. The Kyogre hesitated to respond to her, afraid she may pull something on her being one of the hated legendaries of the world. Before she could finally make a decision, a third gijinka arrived at the scene near Pastoria City. Immediately, the legendary recognized who it was that showed up. Tierraroja, the guardian of land and the being that she had known since her earliest memory. The Groudon was clearly irritated by the other Gijinka with them, making Marazul a bit nervous about what sort of wrath she may bring upon the Gijinka. Her worried emotions began to show on the outside as a group of pedestrians began to notice the small group on the beach. The other witnesses would only make the whole situation worse than it already was for her. Before Tierraroja could react in any other sort of way, the Aegislash began to walk away from the two. A logical response, seeing as she was dealing with two opponents that could easily overpower her. Marazul straightened herself up and looked at her as the Aegislash backed away from her and the Groudon. "A-a-are you going to let them go like that?" She spoke quietly to the other legendary, stuttered a bit before getting the words out of her mouth.
Her eyes widened upon hearing the Darkrai's words. Azrael turned swiftly to look at Corali and began to look her up and down. "Are you hurt? is everything okay?" She knew she was acting out of character for what most people saw her as, but she actually was like this with those close to her. "They didn't do anything did they!?"

Location: Nikki's Cabin


Tilting his head, Aelliat looked at Catherine confused. "Do what?" He was acting completely normal.

Location: Connecting Bridge (Destroyed)


Tahl looked around the room and smirked when he saw Fyre notice him. She didn't ever like him, since he was too 'close' to Soltae. He leaned in and licked Soltae's ear while chuckling. "We could always just go back upstairs and leave them to deal with whatever it is.." He spoke against her ear in a murmur.

Location: Soltae's Castle- Throne Room


Fyre stood quickly when Soltae walked in, her eyes narrowing when she saw long lavender hair on her companion. Only one person had that hair..... Fyre growled and clenched her hands to keep herself from trying to yank her mistress from the jirachi, knowing it wouldn't be welcome. She grabbed the guard and threw him at Soltae's feet. "Tell her what happened." She barked at the man and he began to repeat his tale.

Location: Soltae's Castle-Throne Room
"What?" Corali started at Azrael for a moment before realizing how it must sound. "Oh, no. At least, I'm not hurt. It was for someone else" She told her, knowing that the girl would panic or jump to conclusions if she didn't straighten it out right away. She smiled slightly. Her concern was touching.


Cathryn frowned slightly. "You know. The..." She waved a hand in a vague gesture. "The flirting." She had never been around humans long enough for them to flirt, and it threw her off.

Location: Connecting Bridge (destroyed)


Soltae glanced over at Tahl when he spoke. "Tempting..." She said softly, then looked down at the guard. He was beside himself with fear. As he told her about how he fell asleep on duty, she narrowed her eyes, then her look turned into a glare when he told her about nightmares. On top of all that, the shaymin- subject sixteen- was gone. "So, Corali was here." She stated, angry enough that she sounded calm. She was the only one skilled enough to infiltrate the castle without her knowing- plus the nightmares was a huge help.

Location: Soltae's Castle- Throne Room

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