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Fandom The Corrupted Redone (A Pokemon Gijinka RP)


Lotus wiped her face as she began to walk with the Darkrai. She could feel herself physically weakening. She hadn't been really outside and mobile for a long time, so this was strange to her, very strange. She then nodded to Corali when asked to be carried. "Please." She felt weak, like she couldn't be really good for anything; useless and weakening was how she felt inside. She then stopped and looked up at the woman so that she could then be carried. Her legs felt weak again, and she was starting to feel sick from taking in all the sudden fresh air, which was very unlike that of the dusty, stale air back in the dark cell.

Location: Forest outside Soltae's Castle
Corali nodded and picked the girl up. She needs help as soon as possible. "Okay, Lotus. Are you ready?" She asked, then dashed towards the nearest town at as high a speed as possible. Occasionally, she glanced down at Lotus to make sure that she was okay. They were about halfway there...

Location: Heading to Hearthome (Still in the forest outside Soltae's Castle)

The second that Corali picked the girl up, she felt relieved to have all the weights of exhaustion off her shoulders. Lotus hugged herself closely and securely to the Darkrai as she continued moving through the forest. She asked if the girl was ready for something, and all she did was nod, unsure of what she was supposed to be ready for, but didn't have the energy to question it. So, all she did was close her eyes and hold on as long as possible as unconsciousness began to consume her. She tried to fight it, but there was no way such exhaustion would allow it. So, Lotus eventually slipped into the darkness of lacking conscious.

Location: Heading to Hearthome (Still in forest outside Soltae's Castle)
"Ah!" Tsura put a hand to her temple, feeling her head spin. She dropped onto the floor so that she wouldn't fall, holding her head in her hands. A whirling shadow, holding something small and green, moving exceptionally fast... She couldn't see specifics, however. "Sister..." She started quietly. "I know what's coming, sort of."

Location: Hearthome City


Corali rushed through the forest and into Hearthome City. People gasped as she rushed by, but she ignored him. She paused momentarily at the town square, frowning and looking around. Where's the hospital? She thought. It seemed the best bet, and she could make sure that they wouldn't ask questions. She passed a group of gijinka as she walked, but ignored them in favor of hurrying.

Location: Hearthome City

Ollie lay on the roof of one of the few buildings in Hearthome City to still have one. The place always brought back bad memories of Jay, as he died here in its destruction, but now it seemed to be recovering. Oliver had been trying to nap... With extreme emphasis on trying. Below him the sounds of a hyper gijinka constantly echoed out, keeping him from his much wanted nap. After all he's just come from Kanto, where he had been enjoying himself until he got Cato's letter. Apparently Cato needed some sort of company... Living on a deserted island will do that to you. Oliver sighed and looked down on the Gijinka playing with, well more bothering, another Gijinka. His green clothes making him hard to miss on the roof. He decided to wait here for Cato, as he was much to lazy to move.

(Hearthome city)




"Where do you want them?!" Cato asked from behind two huge baskets of berries. He had been on his way to Hearthome City when he ran into the Berry grower trying to get three baskets filled with berries to the city with a very stubborn Numel, not wanting to do anything helpful. Cato instead grabbed two baskets and helped the man get them to the city. The berry grower took the baskets from Cato and thanked him, giving him a few Oran berries as a token of thanks. Cato accepted them and went to look for Oliver in the city. "Now... If I was a lazy doofus where would I sleep." He mumbled as he started looking around.

(Hearthome City)



"Is this it?" The figure asked as he was led into a room deep within Stark Mountain. The trembling man nodded and proceeded to the center of the room where he opened a stone coffin. Inside sat two glowing plates, one red and the other brown. "The earth and flame plates." The figure said laughing as he removed his hood. The man underneath was revealed to be magnificently beautiful, as his white hair settled back onto his shoulders. "You've done your job... Now go." Johan said and the man sprinted by as fast as he could... But not fast enough. The man was suddenly engulfed in flames and fell to the ground screaming as his life burned away. Johan walked to the coffin and removed the plates from inside. "Using a sacred tomb for a hiding place... Clever, but not clever enough." Johan turned towards the now charred remains of what had once been a man and laughed "and you thought I would let you live." His laugh grew louder as he left the cave and exited into the ash covered mountainside.

(Stark Mountain)

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Aelliat waited for the woman to respond before letting out a sigh of relief. "Well its good that you're okay. I was really worried that Yuri wouldn't be able to get to you in time." He grinned and held out a hand to her, frowning when she rolled away from the cyndaquil.

Location: Connecting Bridge


"Well, I'm here. I was just very weak for a long time, dear." He closed his eyes at her touch and smiled. "I've just barely woken up as it is. Here though, I brought this for you." He held out the dragon plate.

Location: Soltae's Bedroom


Azrael watched her sister with pursed lips. When she spoke up about knowing what was coming their way her head tilted to the side. "And?"

Location: Hearthome City
Tsura rubbed her temples, then frowned at her sister. "I'm relatively sure that it's Corali." She frowned. "Only she... ah, takes up as much space in my visions as she does." It must be the dark typing, mixed with her control of shadows. "She should be here soon, if not already." She stood. "Come on, let's go."

Location: Hearthome City

((Gonna wait to see if kitty wants Nikki to see Lotus or something...))
The sky grew dark as the Sinnoh fishermen sailed further out to sea. It felt like ages since any person had been able to catch something and the men knew who to blame for it. A few of them looked over the edge of the boat, hoping to spot the sea witch or any signs of her. The captain of the ship walked out onto the deck and had a look around at the others. He sighed and sat down. Any chances of finding the legendary of the sea seemed to be very slim at this point, or so they thought. "Sir! I think we've got something!" One of the crew members exclaimed.

The ocean water below began to grow dark and bubbles were floating up to the surface. The crew stood and waited with anticipation for what would rise up out of the water. The first thing that could be seen was long, light blue hair that covered the face of the gijinka. Soon the rest of her body rose up out of the water and she flipped her hair back, revealing her face to the men. One of them gasped, "It's her! It's the sea witch!"

Another went and grabbed a harpoon, aiming it at the legendary, ready to shoot. The woman scowled and brought up a wave to get the weapon out of his grasp. The entire boat was hit by the wave, causing many of them to feel much more anxious than before. The kyogre finally spoke, "Why do you insist on killing me?" The sea began to express her anger as the waves grew higher, "Do you think I want to live in this form? Strike fear into humans?" None of the men replied.

"Of course you don't know. You don't know what it's like at all to be a cursed legendary!"

The storm became worse as Marazul's anger began to well up further and further. Her eyes and red markings began to glow until her emotions finally released into one huge blast from the sea rising up above her. The water shot up for miles above and could surely be seen from an even further distance. The release of power exhausted the Kyogre and she fell into the sea once more.

Location: Coast near Pastoria City

The storm grew worse as the Garchomp gijinka made her way up the route to the large city of Hearthome. She tried to cover herself from the rain as she moved faster and faster. Zara groaned and looked up at the sky. "Who's the one who causes this sorta thing again? Ky-something or another I think..." She thought aloud to herself.

Finally, the Garchomp reached the gate leading into the city. She sighed with relief, but before she could walk through, a huge beam was heard from behind her. She turned around and looked with wide eyes at the commotion. "What the?!" She exclaimed.

Zara felt a surge of panic at that moment. There was no doubt that the same legendary causing the storm had caused that beam of water to shoot up into the sky. The beam continued still and Zara figured she could ask if anyone else knew what was happening in the highly populated city right up ahead. She continued and passed through the gate and made it into the city. Once she saw it, she was a bit surprised to see just how many other gijinkas were together out in public. She marched on and pointed back to the direction she came from, "Sooo anyone here know what that is...? Or am I the only one seeing it?" She asked in a bit of an awkward tone of voice.

Location: Hearthome City
Soltae leaned forward, taking the plate from Tahl's hands. She looked at it for a minute before it sunk into her body. When it was done, Soltae smiled at him. Not only was he alive and back at her side, but he returned with a plate. It was just like him. "Well, thank you." She said quietly- she could only be like this around him.

Location: Soltae's Castle- Soltae's Bedroom


Cathryn accepted his hand, pulling herself up. "Thanks..." She said quietly, looking away. She was embarrassed at her display of fear, in all honesty, but there was nothing to be done about it. She examined the area and frowned. She was on the side she started to cross from. "I guess I'll have to cross a different way this time."

Location: Connecting Bridge (Burning)
Someone in a bunch of dark clothes rushed by them. So obviously, that was Cherry's cue to bother said person. The young Eevee was in front of Corali in a flash, hopping up and down happily.

"Hi hi hi hi hi! I've never seen you before, what's your name, I haven't seen you here before, OOOO," the Eevee was suddenly on Corali's back, playing with her hair, "OHMIGOSH, look at your hair it's so pretty! I wanna be pretty like you, Nikki is pretty, but your pretty too, how'd you get so prettyyyyyy!" That was when Bobby appeared and placed a hand over her mouth and dragged her away, the young still talking under his hand.

"Er... I'm sorry about that." Nikki said, getting up and walking over to Corali and raising an eyebrow, "are you alright? You seem like your looking for something."

Crocea looked up at the Legendary that was attacking her ship and her men. It was Kyogre, apparently. She was not interested in learning any more. She unhooked her shield from where it resided on her waist and held it up. It expanded in less than a second, covering her entire body and offering very good protection. However, even though she looks like she is defending, she is readying an attack on the "corrupt" gijinka. She will succeed this time. She will take her revenge on the Legendaries. Failure is not an option at this point.
Corali was suddenly stopped by an Eevee chatterbox and stared for a moment, surprised and somewhat impressed with how fast she spoke. When the ninetails approached, she sighed. "Are you from here? I need to find the hospital." She held Lotus securely, not wanting a stranger to see her injuries here.
Rootly heard the commotion, he giggled "oh those poor souls..meeting the sea witch again...oooohohoho~ its sooo delicious...." he kept writing in data, researching some entries the foolish humans made. "My my...seems they where onto somthing, human-poke fusions..."

He cackled again "oh how wrong they where! They say im crazy...heh soltae will enjoy this" he walked out with his notes smiling.
AlannaTrebond said:
Corali was suddenly stopped by an Eevee chatterbox and stared for a moment, surprised and somewhat impressed with how fast she spoke. When the ninetails approached, she sighed. "Are you from here? I need to find the hospital." She held Lotus securely, not wanting a stranger to see her injuries here.
"Uhh, answer your first question, no, I'm not from around here. Why?" She looked at the little girl with green hair in Corali's arms, "Why, your kid sick or something? Cause I mean, me and my friend over there are decent medical people- I mean, we've had to sew up our own wounds, or each other's, or- yeah, do you need help? Cause I'll help." She gestured towards the group and walked over. Bobby could be seen struggling to hold Cherry and Graceon was sitting on his park bench.

@AlannaTrebound @PlaguedWithInsanity
Corali looked over at the 'friend' the ninetails mentioned, then looked over at her. Could she trust her? Could she afford not to? She wasn't sure how long Lotus could hold on... She nodded, unhappy with trusting complete strangers, although they seemed to mean well. "I'll take whatever help I can get for her." She looked around. "But perhaps this is too public of a place..." She added. Did they have somewhere private to go? If not, she could always ask the sisters she helped a while back....

Location: Hearthome City


Lotus stirred in her unconsciousness, as her eyes had eventually opened at the sounds of others talking, and I wasn't just Corali. She curled in the female Darkrai's arms, then peeking around at her surroundings with paling green eyes. The first person she saw in front of her was a woman with blonde hair, whom had a fiery aura. "C-Corali?" she mumbled drowsily, looking up at the woman holding her. Her eyesight was still somewhat blurry, and everything ached. Her lacerations that covered her arms and legs were beginning to burn.

Location: Hearthome City

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Zara sighed and stomped her foot onto the ground to let out her frustration. She crossed her arms and looked back towards the direction of the route she went down to get there. Her look went back up to the beam of water, which appeared to have grown worse at this point. The dark sky became even more so and the water in the beam began releasing some of its water. The sea water came down like heavy rain and quickly reached the city. Zara covered her head and looked up again to see lightning beginning to strike down from the sky. Suddenly, a loud crash of thunder was heard and nearly made the Garchomp jump at the sound of it.

Location: Hearthome city

@PlaguedWithInsanity @explosiveKitten @AlannaTrebond
Nikki noticed Lotus stirring immediately, and when she heard her speak, well... Her heart melted. This little girl was an utter cutie pie. She had those soft green eyes, and a pretty white dress, and those little flowers in her hair, and it was all just a bundle of cute, so much cute she did t know how to answer Corali, just stare with an adoring expression.

Loud footsteps were approaching them. Bobby shouted, "No, CHERRY!" And suddenly the Eevee was up on Nikki's shoulders, her face right in front of Lotus's face and with a big, sharp toothed smile. "EEEEE, I didn't see you when I came over here the first time, HIIIII!" She shouted, practically jumping out of her skin excitedly, her big fluffy tail wagging around, as Nikki struggled to get her off. Suddenly, there was a loud clap of thunder, lightning flashed, and rain began to fall. Steam rose off Nikki whenever a water droplet fell on her, but Cherry didn't pay it any attention.

@AlannaTrebound @PlaguedWithInsanity
(I know this interaction is cute and important and all, but a huge bolt of lightning just crashed down loud enough to make a big and strong Garchomp jump.)

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

(I edited it. Also Lotus was supposed to be scared of Cherry jumping in her face... >_> maybe she's not as easily scared as thought she was... I figured she would run away...)
(I know, I was going to write out a post about Lotus' reaction, but I also wanted everyone to not be ignoring Lunar...)

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way



Before Corali could answer the Shaymin, a brown haired Eevee girl suddenly into the picture, shouting excitedly right in Lotus' face, with long sharp fangs. Not even noticing the Ninetales staring at her so intently, she squeaked and shoved her face and front into Corali's chest in some sort of effort of getting away, merely because that was as much as she could do while in someone's arms to get away. Then did a sharp cracking of thunder as well as a crash of lighting sound. Shaking, Lotus curled into a ball in the Darkrai's arms, as tears again began to form. Rain then began to pitter down, dampening her dress and slicking down her hair, her pink attached flowers sagging from the water. She shivered, squeezing her knees to her chest in Corali's arms.

Location: Hearthome City

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

((@explosiveKitten Psst. Get rid of the 'u' in the tag.))

Corali looked down when Lotus woke up, about to respond, when the Eevee came back, getting right into the little Shaymin's face. She seemed startled and pressed her face against Corali, and then it started raining- with lots of thunder. She frowned. Kyogre is upset. She made a mental note of that, then nodded to the others. "We need to get out of here." She gave the young eevee a look. She wasn't mad at her, exactly, but she was a bit annoyed that she scared Lotus as soon as she woke up. She looked at the ninetails, who had stared at her. "If you got a good look, you know that she needs help." She told her pointedly.

Thilye traveled through the forest that day, making sure that everyone was safe. She had heard rumors of pokemon going evil, but nothing had actually happened here yet. No pokemon or gijinka alike had been "corrupted" as far as she knew, so she didn't feel like there was any iminent danger. But she still kept the thought in the back of her mind as she moved deftly through the maze of wildlife she knew so well.

Location: a forest outside hearthome city

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