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One x One The Conquer [with Idea and Lyraen]

Name: Hedron Eldar

Titles: (former) heir to the lord of _____

Age: 17

Gender: male

Appearance: Hedron is a rather healthy teen with a slender yet muscular body. He has dark hair and green eyes, being averagely tall. He has thin eyebrows and typically leaves his nails long. Pale skin.nevertheless, this figure still has oddly short from teeth.

Personality: Hedron was born with a silver spoon on his mouth. His standards of living were set way up high for the longest time, and even today he hasn't lost all of them, in spite of having lost everything else. He is a person of truly amazing smarts, being simultaneously rather perceptive, a quick thinker and extremely resourceful. All of this made him into a person always regarded for his talents, especially in terms of fighting as he barely had to put any effort to stay fit.

However, he doesn't just allow himself to sit back and just waste his talents. Although he almost never can joy in anything he does, he has a strong sense of duty and prides himself on having a bare minimum of noble dignity and honor. However, this is a very low bar indeed, as to him, a noble's dignity is dictated not by the means used but by the results achieved, or as he would put it "history is written by those that won it". As such, he will go to nearly any length to succeed in his ambitions.

Although indeed very self-centric, Hedron can't help but want others to meet those standards of what a person deserves too.

Another aspect of his pride is his maturity. He always tries to uphold himself as wise and mature, which he normally is. Patient and calculated, he has manipulative way of dealing with people in general, which he perceives as only right. However, people who dug deeper might actually find many of his behaviors to be rather childish. The way he holds grudges, for example.

One of those grudges is against the very idea that people label him as. As the talented person he is, there was no shortage of people trying to fall into his good graces or trying to get favors or help out of him. Over time, he has decided he prefers peace and quiet over any form of adventure or communication. In fact, to him, isolation is perfect, or almost, given he still needs to meet his bare minimums.

Likes: Isolation, watching soldiers at their work, climatic fights

Dislikes: putting effort into things, compliments, losing, parties

Fears: succumbing to his weapon's power, having his secrets discovered

Quirks: he has several child-like habits, such as sucking his thumb at night. He gets distracted easily.

Weapon and Spirit name: Shame/Nojmet

Weapon appearance: a long black lance with blades on the sides by the end, and the tip is a long red steel blade surrounded by gold tentacles.

General spirit myth/what it represents: Represents the "Mind". [WIP]


-Perfect Network: An ability that improves his nervous system to the point of making it immaterial. It gives him an extreme increase in his speed of reflexes to the point where his system naturally generates high voltage. The great speed of of his system also gives him an inhuman perception of his surroundings, to the finer details. However, this is a passive magic, which he cannot stop at any point, meaning he is constantly dividing his attention between everything that happens around him.

-Essence Thief: he is capable of absorbing power from the essence of anything he hits. This prevents his own mind and magic from being affected by those of another, as well as high level regeneration and even power mimicking. However, the regeneration will more often than not come defective, as the essence stolen is melded into his own even if only temporarily, and the power mimicking can only mimick powers to a much weaker extent.

-Equal Irony:Allows him the use of a series of powerful one use spells that effect both him and his opponent:

•time bomb- attaches a magical time bomb to both of them that exploded in the set time frame for immense damage.

•invensible shield- creates a shield that locks any and all damage for a short duration for both of them nothing inside the shield can move.

•invisibility- makes both of them invisible and inaudible as well as concealing their smell.

•switch - causes both of them to switch the pain, as each wil feel the pain of the other

[more to come]

Price: the weapon slowly drains away his sense of shame, and makes it harder and harder to focus on the feelings of others and eventually even those of oneself's future and past thus reducing one to a sadistic and hedonist goldfish of a person.

Name: Elowen/Ellie Bennett

Titles: N/A

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Photo here.

She is a little shorter than average, with a lean and healthy body despite having a weak left shoulder. She can have trouble lifting heavy objects but other than that she is perfectly healthy.

Personality: Elowen is a very compassionate, affectionate sort of person. She has three younger brothers and has always been a motherly figure for them due to their parents being absent for reasons to be explained later. At the young age of eleven she'd started fightingto support her family. She had to grow up quickly, as itwasn't an easy profession- this was obvious, what with the perils of the possessed weapons in addition to thedangers of being hurt or killed by your opponent. It was particularly difficult for her to do well because she has a weakshoulder. However, she was determined to help her family in any way possible. Herdrive to succeed and hard work she put infor many years made her into a formidableopponent. She places a high priority onhard work and self-discipline, having been the sole provider for her family for half of her life, and she despises people who arelazy and have no ambition. The people she despises even more are the lazy peoplewho don't have to try to reach theirambitions.

Elowen is incredibly mature in certain areas, though in others she can be childish and easily aggravated. She is very passionate about her beliefs and very protective of her family. While she outwardly seems very sarcastic and tough, she gets riled up quickly when she is crossed. If she, someone she loves, or something she supports is insulted she typically laughs it off, but if a certain insult really hits home she can be sensitive and nearly cry at the drop of a hat.

She keeps her standard for her ownmorality very high. If others fail to meet those standards she is easily disappointed and can become emotional when peopleshe holds in high regard fail to meet herexpectations. She often looks down onthose she thinks are immoral.

Likes: Family, improving her skill, andhaving others recognize heraccomplishments

Dislikes: Lazy successful people, people who judge others without knowing them, and cocky people

Fears: Being alone and her loved ones dying

Quirks: She has lot of paranoia at night and cries when she has a sudden, strong negative emotion

Weapon and spirit name: Doubt/Kirneri

Weapon appearance: A typical arming sword with a purple sheath and a round amethyst at the end of the hilt.

General spirit myth/meaning: It represents fear.


-Extrasensory perception: She has the ability to sense the direction of her opponent's next attack, but only if eye contact is made. If her interpretations of what she sees are wrong, she can end up directly in the path of another's weapon.

-Energy Surge: She can receive a sudden burst of power after a significant damage attack, allowing her more time to try and finish out a fight even when injured greatly. This power fades quickly and can only be used very sparingly as it needs several days time until it can be used again.

-Time Stretch: She can cause time to stretch out for a period of three seconds, making it feel like everything is moving in slow motion, including her. This allows her time to think of her next move. This ability requires a cool down near to an hour.

Price: The weapon amplifies the affects of her fears, doubts and anxieties, causing her to have nervous breakdowns in increasing frequency. Eventually she would fear even those things that bring her comfort and leaving her without a desire to continue living.

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