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Fandom The Commonwealth Story

Jackson had fallen asleep on the bench until one of the settlers offered a bed for him to stay in, even if it's for a while. How kind of these people. Jackson refused. He'd rather not feel indebted to these people aside from the walls that protect them right now. The mechanical whir of their turrets here were certainly unsettling for anyone who dared to attack people inside. He stood up from his bench and began to go around, talking with the people inside to see what he can find out about Covenant - something like a recon but he didn't really care about knowing the history - he wanted to find who they needed the location from and then deliver the package. But there was no one who stepped up.

He was talking with a rather eccentric settler who was a bit more jumpy than you'd expect a teenage girl to be, but she was certainly a nice person. She talked about the machines she was making to benefit the Covenant and Jackson just continued to listen. It was better than the plastic smiles he got from the others. At least this girl's smile was real as she talked about what she liked.

That was when he heard a scream coming from the doctor's area that made him jump. His hand was immediately under his jacket and he nodded goodbye at the girl before hurrying over to where the doctor's house was. The doctor exited, as Liam pointed out. He let his hand fall to his side, taking his grip on his pistol off. There was a reason he was on edge, and that scream certainly was the reason. There was this deep want to pull out a gun and shoot that expressionless face, but he put it down. Nothing will come out of that.

"You have a super-stimpak with a patrol but not in your clinic?" He questioned, the words coming out faster than he could catch them. This was exactly why he shouldn't be placed to talk with others who didn't give him direct orders to not question anything. "Fine. They went north right? We'll be back with that super-stimpak of yours." He then tapped Liam's shoulder and gestured for him to go. "Just tell me the price. I'll pay for it." Jackson hadn't been a mercenary for this long and not earn a fortune, after all.

He then turned and left the area in search of this patrol she was talking about.
Fuck that doctor. Vaana opened her eyes in the dark room again. Her mind was fuzzy but it wasn't half as bad as before. She took shallow breaths as she looked around. The room was silent. No doctor in sight. No way she would ever come to Covenant for medical treatment. Did every doctor have to be a sadist?

Vaana pushed herself to sit on the table but quickly regretted that. It was as if her brain and stomach did a back flip in unison. She quickly laid back down, hoping the room would stop spinning soon and she wouldn't throw up over herself. She needed someone else to get her up and get her back on the mission. It was something they needed done right away.

"Ja..." A whisper came out. Nope. Her body wouldn't cooperate. Attempting to yell for Jackson only made her even more nauseous and drained a surprising amount of her energy.
Closing one eye and attempting to focus on the shapes in the darkness, Vaana noticed a tray of medical items nearby. Med-X and Buffout. That should get her back on her feet. She would only...

Vaana closed her eyes and froze when she heard the door open. That psycho was probably back and Vaana wasn't in the mood for another round of questions. "...Swanson and take her to the Compound." Vaana heard the doctor say and two pairs of feet walk in before the door closed again.
"No." A male voice replied. Vaana remembered the voice of the mayor from the last time she was there. She was certain the package needed to be delivered to the mayor. After all, he ran the Covenant. "He needs to watch for those two should they return."

The doctor replied in an almost smug tone. "Don't worry about them. They won't be back for a while if at all."
"Alright." The mayor agreed. "I'll get Swanson." He said and paused. "Will she survive further testing?"
"Yes, she's fine. The surgery went perfect and she should be in good health soon enough." The doctor explained.

Liam rolled by Jackson, completely given to panic. "Oh God, God..." Liam muttered. "We need to hurry, we need to save her!" He repeated at Jackson. "What if the patrol already used the super stimpak? What if we don't bring it back in time? What if we don't find the patrol?"

"I should have stayed by her side on the bridge. She wouldn't have gotten shot." If Liam still had his human body, he would have curled up and started crying already. "I should have went in with the doctor. I could have helped. I know about medicine." He blurted out. While Jackson spent time hanging out with mechanics and learning ways how to fix himself, Liam hung out with doctors. He didn't have much experience, though, as panic always overwhelmed him when medical skills were required.

"My sensors are picking up too much movement." He continued panicking. "There's too much wildlife. We'll never find the patrol this way!" He then looked at the dog running by Jackson's side. "Can he try to find the patrol?"
Jackson proceeded forward with his rifle at the ready. Liam was panicking. It was pretty clear since he won't shut up. It was grating on the nerves for a man who worked in the shadows and silence, but he guessed it was normal for someone who isn't used to things like that. How he survived was only thanks to Jay. Well, if this was going to go on, Liam had to get used to one of them being on the brink of death. Far too many cases like that would set Liam straight. Jay wasn't around to put blinds in front of his eyes anymore.

"Hey, doc said that surgery was successful." Jackson started and then tilted his head to look at Liam. "By the by, I'm no med expert and you just said you know stuff. But have you ever heard of a super stimpak before? I certianly haven't and I've raided hospitals." He questioned as they went forward. Seriously, he trusted the doctor immediately but that certainly was something. Did they manage to make up a lab here and make something like that? It sounded impossible you know?

"Right. Sparky, go." He whistled sharply and the dog went forward, running as fast as he could and stopping every now and then to sniff on the ground to track down humans. Any human really. Since it's a patrol it should be fresh. His face scrunched up as he looked back at the compound. It was nearly out of sight by this point. He then looked back down the road they were going on and then to Liam. No, he'll go forward for now and see. Once the Covenant is out of sight, then he'll start voicing out his doubts.

He had a bad feeling about that place. But that was natural... right?
As Swanson picked up Vaana up, he managed to knock down a tray of surgical tools and medication.
"Be more careful." The doctor ordered, sighing exasperated. "I have to sterilize these again now."
While Vaana didn't exactly get Buffout or Med-X when she knocked the tray, she did manage to grab a scalpel which she slipped into her glove. She didn't like the conversation she heard and while she might not be able to get herself off the ground, at least she could do some damage if she had a right to be suspicious.

Vaana felt the cold air hit her face and bandaged chest. Dim light passed through her eyelids. She was outside. Vaana's mind was surprisingly clear. She felt like something was wrong. Like she was in danger. That feeling was strong enough to keep her from moaning in pain from being carried around so carelessly. When she heard the Covenant door close behind her and the person carrying her, Vaana knew something was wrong.

"Well... Kinda." Liam paused, thinking back. His memory of what happened so long ago was patchy. He could easily remember events in perfect detail but there were simply holes where a whole story used to be. Like a video with sections cut out. "I remember hearing about it a long time ago but nothing since then." He looked at Liam. "You think she lied?" That was what Liam gathered from his tone. "Why would she do that?"

None of the people there seemed dangerous. On the contrary, they were friendly. Their settlement was safe and they even had a robot giving away lemonade to visitors. Liam had no reason to doubt them. They were friendly - with the exception of the doctor - and they took them in, providing safety and surgery for Vaana.
"I don't know if they would have any ulterior motives." Liam hesitated to accuse them of anything.

In spite of their efforts, there was no sign of a patrol. More than that, there was no sign of anyone even passing through the area.
"Hm, that so?" He said as Liam recounted back to his memories of the past. "If that's the case, then they somehow got that special stimpak. And give it to a patrol..." He muttered. It still didn't make sense. It all didn't make sense. When posed with the question whether the doctor lied or not and why, Jackson knew that he had his theory.

"She should have. It doesn't make sense. Would you send out such an important object with a patrol?" Jackson asked Liam. The logic didn't add up. But just like Liam, he was hesitant to blame them for anything. Though it wasn't because of their kindness, that was all too suspicious to him. No, it was because he couldn't think of anything - any reason as to why they would do this. "That's the thing Liam, I don't know what they're planning."

Jackson looked at Sparky as he got back with nothing. "This is too far for a patrol. And even then, no one's been on this road for quite a while." He grit his teeth as he turned back and began to jog back to Covenant as fast as he could. "Keep up Liam! Something is wrong. And keep your eyes open." His hand was already on a pistol. He knew this place was too good to be true.
Vaana listened to the man's steps. Somehow her mind was racing while her body played dead in his hands. At least, she hoped it played dead. She wasn't willing to risk trying to move a limb just to test if she could. First, he walked on concrete... Then dirt... Then mud? There was a body of water across that road in front of Covenant if Vaana remembered correctly. What was he doing? Was he going to drown her? They spoke about some sort of a Compound. Was he taking her there?
Vaana's mind paused suddenly. Where was Jackson? And Liam? She wasn't thinking about what the man was doing. All she thought was whether the pair abandoned her. Gave up on her.

"There!" Liam pointed when they got close to Covenant. Walking along the water, the guard who was stationed the gate was carrying Vaana's body in his hands. Her hands, legs, and head dangled lifelessly as the man walked. Liam stopped his rush. "She's dead." He looked at Jackson and then back at the guard in the distance. How could she have died?
Liam continued closing the distance between him and the guard. When the guard spotted the pair and their dog, he stopped. There was a certain degree of panic in his eyes. It was notable enough that even Liam spotted it. "What..." He looked to Jackson again before continuing. "What are you doing?"

The guard took a couple of seconds before answering. "Your friend." He began. "She died. I was disposing of the body." He explained.
That was enough for Vaana. She heard Liam and the guard just pronounced her dead. Vaana didn't know much about the afterlife but if it involved getting more and more pissed while stuck inside her own body, she wouldn't like it.
That aside, she wouldn't let him dispose of her. Opening her eyes and letting the scalpel slip out into her hand, Vaana got the attention of the confused guard. With a grunt, she stabbed the scalpel in his ear. It wasn't a stabbing weapon so she just caused him a lot of pain but he was still alive.

The guard dropped her and the hard earth didn't take her in a warm embrace. To Vaana it was as if she fell from the top of a building. She let out a moan of pain but wasn't quite strong enough to curl up in a ball. Opening her eyes again, she saw the man looking down on her with an enraged expression and a scalpel sticking out the side of his head. It would have been a hilarious scene if not for the combat shotgun he was holding aimed at Vaana's chest. Even if her overcoat was closed, she would have been very worried about the weapon at that close of a range. Since she had been operated on, however, her protection consisted of bandages around her chest. It would have protected her from a light breeze but not against buckshot. Clenching her teeth and closing her eyes, Vaana prepared for the shot.
There it was. A man holding Vaana - taking her somewhere. Was she dead? Too soon. If the doctor were to be trusted on her word, that was way too soon. This distance would be enough for his .44 to hit. He began to walk slower as Liam questioned the guard. The panic in his eyes was clear. Disposing the body? The joke was as clear as day and he would have laughed if the circumstances were different. You don't dispose of a body like that. Especially since that is the body of a traveller and she had companions with them.

Vaana moved and stabbed the man with... something. He wasn't sure what it was. But the guard dropped her but he was still alive. Jackson's eyes narrowed and Sparky moved forward - faster than normal. He pounced at the guard, pushing the man back and made him lose the grip on his combat shotgun. Jackson was moving behind his dog and then stepped on his left hand and then pointed his .44 right at his head. Between his dog's sharp teeth that could rip apart a jugular if he was ordered to, and the .44 that could blow his head, Jackson was sure this guy wouldn't dare to twitch.

"Glad you're still alive Vaana. Your call, want me to blow him up or do you have any questions you want him to answer?" Jackson asked with a small smirk on his face. Covenant's view of this place wasn't clear. It wasn't obvious that they were hounding on something. It would take a while before they would realize that they weren't in their proper positions for them to enact their plans. He had time. This man would be dead or incapacitated in a few seconds once the woman made his decision. If she could at all. "Uh, blink twice if you want him dead if talking is too tiring for you." He added, waiting for the response.
Vaana sighed with relief as her team knocked down her kidnapper. She relaxed on the dirt beneath her which was a fitting enough bed for how tired she was. Something told her, though, that sleep wasn't a good idea. She had surgery only recently and her body was put under plenty of stress. Letting the darkness overwhelm her seemed like an obviously bad move.

Then he spoke. She was never more glad to hear him speak. It made her feel safe. Taking a deep breath, Vaana closed her eyes. "As much as I'd like..." She spoke slowly between deep breaths. "To know why I was meant... To fertilize his garden... I also want everyone dead..." A smile escaped and she looked at Jackson's somewhat blurry image. "No... Bargaining chip."

"She's alive!" Liam exclaimed. "Thank god." He drove right up to her and stopped, fearing that simply touching her might break her into a thousand pieces. He looked down on her like she was a bird with a broken wing. "And that was great." He turned to Jackson. "You were so fast."

"Kid." Vaana turned her head to look at Liam. "You mind picking me up?" She asked and her mind turned to business right away. "The package. Did you deliver it?" She frowned, swaying her head back to Jackson.
Jackson shrugged. "If you say so." He then looked down at the man who was still gripping the side of his head thanks to the scalpel stuck on it. He then looked at the guy and rolled his eyes. "And you were supposed to be a kidnapper. Guess you weren't trained for mercenaries." He said with a shake of his head and he backed off. "Move and you'll regret it. Sparky's bites hurt when he doesn't want to kill." He gave the man a wink and then looked over to Vaana and then gave the man's hand another stomp to which he whimpered.

He looked at Liam. "Well, yeah." He said before aiming the gun at the man's knees. "Speed and accuracy is what I boast." Jackson said with a proud smile and he even puffed out his chest a bit in pride. Jackson would offer training for Liam, but he wasn't sure what a robobrain's arsenal is in its entirety and if it could be used for long-range sniping. "I'd teach you how but..."

He then looked at Vaana. "Sorry, but I talked to everyone there and I couldn't find our reciever. And these Covenant people look like they're out for blood. Or well, out for your blood." He said with a shrug. He then looked back at the man. "Where were you taking her? Why?" Jackson's eyes darted to his knee and then back at his face.
"That's cool." Liam replied slowly to Jackson. The sniper was pretty impressive at holding his own and dispatching threats before they could do serious harm. If he wasn't a mercenary, maybe he would have been great at helping those in need. Maybe that's what he did in spite of being a mercenary.

"I'm cool too." Vaana moaned on the ground. "I may look like a dead feral... But it's all just a clever ruse." She said sarcastically. Of course she was sarcastic. She would crack a joke with her dying breath.
Getting serious, Vaana realize how weak and vulnerable she must look. She attempted to turn on her stomach and push herself up but only had energy to turn to her side.

"She's a synth!" Swanson yelled. "That's why we were taking her." Moaning in pain, he repeated. "She's a synth!"
Vaana's eyes shot open at that. He was trying to turn them against her. That was his plan to get out of there. He knew that she had no way of proving she wasn't a synth. "Fuck you!" Vaana spat at him, finding strength in rage to raise her voice. "I'm not." She shot a frown at Jackson.

"She was bleeding." Liam said, confused by the situation. He heard a lot of scary stories about synths but he knew Vaana couldn't be one. She wasn't a machine like him. She got shot and bled. She needed surgery. "There's no way she's a synth."

"Synths bleed." Swanson explained. "You can't tell them from humans. But the SAFE test tells us who is a synth and who isn't."
Liam paused and looked down at the mercenary on the floor. Was that true? Was she lying to them the whole time?
"What does that mean for us?" Liam asked Jackson but Swanson quickly replied.
"She will turn on you when you least expect it." He yelled in pain.

"No!" Vaana's expression turned to horror when she realized that Liam was doubting her. "Don't listen to him! I'm not a damn synth!" She looked at Swanson. "I'll fucking end you!" She threatened but made no move to act on it. She barely had enough strength to push herself up in a sitting position, in spite of the sharp headache she felt as soon as she did so.

Vaana knew she wasn't a synth. Not only did she remember almost everything but she was also accompanied by a sentry bot where ever she went... Until it got fucked a couple months back but that changed nothing. Even some blurs in her memory could be explained by drunken nights.
She couldn't believe she had to justify her humanity. No one could kill her, let alone replace her. "There is no discussion here!" She grunted, practically foaming at the mouth with rage. "I am NOT a synth."
Jackson listened closely to what the man was going to blurt out as an excuse of dragging their friend out of here. That was when he said that Vaana was a synth. Jackson quirked his eyebrows and then crossed his arms, but Sparky was still on him and was prepared to maul if he needed to. But he was interested in this. "No, he's right. Synths do bleed just like any other human." He said in response to Liam, agreeing with the male.

"Guys, guys, calm the fuck down." Jackson finally said when Vaana started threatening Swanson and then redoubling her efforts to convince them that she's not a synth. He then looked at Vaana for a moment before turning back to Swanson. He knelt down and then looked at him straight in the eye. But it looked like he was looking down at him. Pity was evident in his face. "You're that scared of synths huh? So, what? You're going to take her to a disposal? Study her? That what you do to synths?" He felt his rage boiling up. It wasn't the accusation. It was what they plan to do. "You people disgust me."

He then looked at Liam, accidentally pointing a gun at him to get his attention. Of course, Jackson put it down almost immediately. "Hey Liam, I know you're scared about the whole thing but you shouldn't trust something as stupid as the SAFE Test." He then looked towards the Covenant. "But if I know synths, and I know synths, it's not as easy to pick up on it as something like that test I took." After all, if that worked a hundred percent, the Railroad would have picked up on that.

He then turned to Vaana. "No one's saying you're a synth. Even if you were, I won't care!" He said. "I didn't work with the Railroad for who knows how many years just to piss my pants knowing I'm working with one right now. As long as you do your job, then so be it. The Institute won't put a synth in this line of work anyway, too dangerous, no pay back." He let out a frustrated sigh, not even caring about the fact that he let out a little secret. He then smiled at Vaana. "But you're definitely human. Now sit tight, you're gonna hurt yourself if you keep doing that."

"Okay." He clapped his hands together. "Liam, Vaana, is that all settled?
Vaana steamed while Jackson spoke and tried to calm things down. She didn't really care about his defense of synths nor whether the test could point them out. What she cared about was how he finished. She was human and he attempted to convince Liam of it. That was all that mattered to her... And that piece of information about the Railroad. That would be something she'd have to remember for later.

Vaana grunted and laid back down. Why did he have to say that? She knew what it meant. Yeah, she was certain she wasn't a synth and Jackson might have believed her as well and Liam might have been convince but, at the end of the day, he still accused her of being a synth. There would always be that doubt in the back of everyone's mind. No matter what she did, she would always be marked as a potential synth. Even to herself. Even her interest in the Institute was suspicious now.
Why did he have to say it?!

Liam accepted Jackson's conviction. After all, he said he knew synths and he said Vaana was definitely human. Definitely. There should be no reason to trust some random man over someone who knew what they were talking about... Right?
"Yeah... You're right." He sighed. "I'm sorry." He looked down at Vaana. "I just... I don't know. Got scared. Sorry." He apologized and waited for Vaana's response.

"Yeah, fine." Vaana grunted. "But now we're going back there and delivering the package." It was either the adrenaline rush that numbed the pain or she simply needed a prod to get over it all. "If I'm gonna be barking at them, I'm definitely not doing it while being carried around like some damsel in distress." She extended her hand towards Liam. "Help me up."

Liam cautiously took Vaana's hand to offer her stability and she began pulling herself up. Her head quickly started to spin but Vaana closed her eyes as she continued to pull herself up. Her legs were wobbling, making her look like it was only pure determination keeping her stable. Vaana felt terrified with how weak her body felt. It was as if there was but a single strand of muscle on her bones.

Finally, though, Vaana stood on her own two feet. Was maintaining balance always that difficult? She frowned at Jackson and let out an annoyed "Woo..."
"Got the package?" She asked, still holding one hand on Liam for stability. "I don't think we'll be able to just waltz right inside." She motioned one hand at their captive. "We'll use him to trade for my gun, safe exchange of the package, and safe exit." Her eyes then fell on the shotgun the man carried. She wanted to be armed but not only was there a chance she might not even be able to carry it but crouching to pick it up was a risk on its own.
Jackson crossed his arms as Liam seemed convinced that Vaana was human. If Vaana was feeling annoyed, Jackson was most definitely already at the brink and got back. He couldn't believe he let himself get angry like that. Wasn't he supposed to be secretive? He muttered something to himself before turning is back to the two for a while as he rubbed his temples again. Amazing, he had just reminded himself of something he tries to forget and allowed his emotions to take over. He was pretty sure that he was going to go insane at some point, if voices were already talking in his head.

He then turned back when Vaana questioned the package. "Pfft, the package? Oh no, it's gone." He then gave her a look that questioned why he doubted him. "Yeah, I have it right here." He said, digging it out of his backpack and then showing it to her, still in pretty much pristine condition. Jackson then looked back at Swanson and then to Vaana. "Wow, we'll be so protected. You hold this." He said, extending his hand to hand her the package. "I'll back us up. If things get messy, we might not make it but I'll go down in a blaze of glory."

He then walked to Swanson's side. "Don't know how important this guy is to the Covenant though. But since he's the guard, I guess they'll let us make the deal." He then frowned. "I hope. Hard to be optimistic when you're on a mission like this. Reward better be worth it." Jackson said with a light chuckle - hollow and dark. Obviously not made out of fun nor was it made to lighten the mood. Facing reality was best for now.

"Another option is for me and Liam to go back alone. But we had no luck with our recepient... Vaana you must be one lucky charm." He said, whether sarcastically or not, it was hard to tell.
Vaana smirked at his remark and took the package in one hand. Luckily, it wasn't that heavy. Vaana felt safer standing on her own and raised her hand off Liam. Walking would be her next challenge.
She snorted at his comment. "Blaze of glory, eh? I'll be lucky if a gust of wind doesn't knock me down..." She sighed. "Lets just hope it won't come to a firefight..."

Jackson made a fair point. It was presumptive of her to think that the guard would be of any value in the trade. What if they didn't really care about him? Jackson's pessimism was contagious but she wasn't going to give up. Pure stubbornness kept her alive many times. She had been told she was too stubborn to die. But it wasn't just stubbornness. They weren't in such a bad situation. Vaana was sure that Jackson had to have gotten out of much worse.

The lucky charm comment made Vaana look away. At least robots - programmed ones, not sentient like Liam - didn't complain about how things happened to go worse when Vaana was around. Yes, she had rotten luck but what was she supposed to do about it? She already blamed herself when things went to shit, she didn't need everyone else putting the blame on her back as well.

"You're right." She nodded, speaking coldly and looking at the water. "You two should go to Covenant and do the swap. And get my gun. I'll stay her and watch him." She motioned a hand at Swanson. "Just go straight to the mayor and go right out. Don't even try to pretend you want to know if I'm still alive. I doubt you'd weave a lie that well." She shrugged and sat by the shotgun, taking it in her hands. "I'll be fine. Just do the swap as quickly as you can. I want to get out of here."
Looks like he wasn't the only one who gets his feelings all tied in a knot. A single comment that seemed to undermine her confidence a bit. He felt a little good that he wasn't the only one who is panicking a bit here. "Hey, I didn't mean anything by that. Serious." He wasn't sure why he said that suddenly. Maybe the sudden shift of attitude bothered him too much? But he was used to it. He was used to keeping them at an arm's length and pissing them off never bothered him.

"And how am I supposed to find our reciever? Just go straight up ask the mayor 'Oh hey mayor, I actually had a job to do and I'm looking for someone who needs a package. Know anyone?" Jackson asked. Like she said, he wasn't exactly a guy with the way of words nor would he actually get it out like that. It was unlikely that the mayor would just give it away.

And if they failed the SAFE Test...

Ooh, he then looked at Swanson. "Hey, has there anyone who recently gone in? Other travellers like us?" He questioned. Maybe if Swanson knows, then he'll be able to swing by without a problem.
"Fuck you." Vaana frowned at Jackson. She didn't need an apology. She needed him to get on with their mission. "I'm fine and I don't care what you meant." She clenched her teeth. They weren't a bunch of kids arguing in a playground. Everyone had issues and it wasn't the problem of everyone else. Vaana was the first who didn't bother sidestepping around other people's problems.

"No one..." Swanson moaned, still gripping his ear. "Everyone left as soon as they arrived."
Realizing she had a drunker bar rant going on in her head, Vaana returned her thoughts to the mission. "Who were we supposed to deliver this to?" Vaana asked rhetorically. "The Covenant." Her eyes were locked on to nothing in the distance. It was as if she saw something no one else could see. "Not some bum in the Covenant, not the guard of the Covenant. We were meant to deliver our package to the Covenant."

"If you were meant to deliver something to an organization, you deliver it to whoever and fuck off. If you're meant to get something in return, you go to the only person who knows everything." Raising a finger, she elaborated. "In every group, there's one person who knows everything that's going on in the group. The leader." She finished and decided to finally get to her point. "Go to the mayor and say you have a package for him from the Benefactor and that you believe he has something for you as well." Smirking, she decided to stop being a smartass. "Want me to write it down for you?" She joked.

Liam didn't like where things were going, to say the least. He felt like he was stuck in one of those spy movies from before the war with dead drops, danger lurking around every corner, and lots of deaths. Those movies never ended well. If they didn't have a tragic ending then they had a bitter one.
He hoped things would end well. Maybe he could convince the two to travel after the job. Traveling always felt safer. They would also see more of the world. Experience what there is to experience. He knew they were just mercenaries but... Who knows...
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Jackson listened as she explained what to do. As expected, he wouldn't be the one to come up with plans. Perhaps that was the reason why he was placed with Vaana? So she could have backup. 'Cause if so, then he was up for it. He was up for anything that didn't need his brain working too much. Intimidation and sniping came naturally to him, but putting things together like she did was not as natural to him. With orders recieved, he nodded.

"Excellent." He said before taking the package for her to enact her plan. "This should be enough time for them to think that we searched the entire area for the so called patrol anyway, so I don't think they'd expect a thing." He mused, nodding to himself in the process. "See you in a jiffy. If you hear gunshots... well, we'll burn that bridge when we get there yeah?" Though, he would be happy if it didn't end that way. After all, a whole town plus turrets wouldn't exactly be the most ideal of opponents especially when the enemies are on their home turf. He'd look like a regular raider who picked the wrong fights.

Jackson headed over to Swanson and gave him a shrug. "Sorry for this man." He then gave him the last push so he would fall to unconsciousness - a kick to the noggin. He looked at Vaana. "I needed Sparky to make this look authentic." He then turned and then gave Liam a light push as he began his trek to Covenant. He entered through the unguarded gates and began to look around. Now where would the mayor be? He continued to walk forward asked for directions before they pointed him to a house.

He knocked on the door. "Mayor?" He called out. "I have a special delivery for you."
"Right..." Vaana nodded as Liam and Jackson left. She would have to sit out whatever they had planned. It was one of the few times she wasn't taking the active role in an assignment but she was well aware her wound wouldn't allow her much freedom. Not to mention that the people of the Covenant couldn't see her. Being completely aware she had no place there didn't make Vaana feel any better about it, though. She wanted to be the center of attention.

Her eyes fell on the unconscious man in front of her. They were just going to kidnap her. Just like that. Claim she was dead and then do who knows what. How many innocent travelers have they already done that to? How many lives have been lost because their non-functioning SAFE test?
Buttoning up her shirt and overcoat, Vaana used the shotgun to push herself up to her feet. Her eyes narrowed into thin slits as she looked down on the guard. You need to be taught a lesson. She just wanted to empty the shotgun into the man but couldn't. The Covenant was too close and a combat shotgun had a distinct sound. There was nothing she could do until the pair returned.

Liam kept quiet as they entered the Covenant again. He couldn't see the doctor which was good news for them. If the doctor saw them, they might be questioned why they returned without the stimpak and why they aren't as worried about their friend anymore. Liam decided to let Jackson do the talking with the residents. They seemed too suspicious to Liam to even dare to talk to them anymore.

The mayor opened his door. He was an older, bearded man with a friendly expression on his face and eyes which hid a lot behind them. "A delivery?" He smirked. "And from who would that be?" He asked in an almost teasing voice as if he already knew what the answer would be but just wanted to hear them say it. "It just so happens that I have been waiting for a delivery."
Jackson leaned on his right leg as he waited for the mayor to answer his door. Honestly, he wasn't expecting what kind of person would open that door. Was he also involved in the secret operations of the town? Well, most likely. He wouldn't be mayor if he didn't know the inner workings of his town. It was weird really and he guessed that his suspicions about this place was all well-founded and he will never go back here again.

Then again, thanks to that guard they incapacitated earlier, he probably won't have a chance to go back even if he wanted to.

He watched as the mayor opened the door. Well, he looked like a nice enough man but this place reeked of kindness. Eugh. Still making his stomach sick. "No one else but the Benefactor, our common friend." Jackson replied with a small smirk to mirror the mayor's before presenting the package to him. "But I do believe you have something of mine."
"Yes, yes, of course." The mayor's face didn't change at all at the mention of the benefactor. "We appreciate your employer's assistance in our efforts." The mayor began as he headed to his desk to rummage through the drawers. "It's a shame about your friend. I'm sure if the Benefactor knew, he wouldn't have sent her on such a delicate mission." The mayor said and looked at the pair. "Her being a synth, and all." He paused, staring unblinkingly at Jackson.

"Your end of the deal is a name, place, and time." The mayor pulled out a scrap of paper with some writing on it. "Our contact is highly valuable so I trust you will keep it a secret." He headed back to the door. "I'm sure you know the value of a strong ally." He offered the scrap of paper to the mercenary at his door but didn't let go. Instead, he held tightly to it. "You agree that the synths are a threat to humanity... Right?"

Liam felt uneasy at the exchange. Even more so at what that place was meant to be. What was so wrong about synths? If Jackson said they weren't a threat before, why would the Covenant be so dedicated to finding and eradicating them?
How do they feel about Liam? Did they consider him just as dangerous? He was a human brain in a robot body, after all. The robobrains also had a bad reputation... So why did they just allow him to go around like he's less dangerous than a wounded woman?
Jackson raised his eyebrows. "She was a synth?" He questioned before looking down, if anything so that the mayor wouldn't see his eyes that might betray what he was about to say. "Damn shame. Looks like I'll have to go about this mission alone." Partially true anyway. Well, he knew that the test was bullcrap at best but might as well play with the mayor for now right? At least, until he can get out of here. "I assume you've taken care of her? Can I salvage what she had? I'll need all the equipment I can get my hands on."

"I understand. I will keep my mouth shut about him and make sure I'm not followed." He then looked back up at the mayor and exchanged the scrap of paper for the package. But the mayor didn't let go. For an outsider, a mercenary, this shouldn't even be a question. It shouldn't matter what he felt about those synths. "I do. If too much of them appear... who knows what they'll do to us humans." He said with a resolute nod and a straight face.
The mayor nodded and let go of the paper. The paper said exactly what the mayor said. Boylston club. Paladin Stone. Midnight. The mayor seemed to study Jackson as he took the paper but, in the end, seemed satisfied with the man. "Right. You should hurry, though." The mayor warned. "You may have enough time until midnight but if the contact gets there before you, he won't wait." He said and turned to walk back to his desk.

"She won't be a problem to anyone anymore." The mayor replied dismissively. "Her weapon and other items of importance are in the clinic. Tell the doctor I sent you." He stopped halfway to his desk and turned to Jackson. "Be sure to tell your employer of our assistance in your efforts. I'm certain they will appreciate our help." He took a step back towards Jackson. "We are interested in further work together." He smiled.

That smile made Liam feel uneasy and was thankful Jackson was doing the talking and not Liam. There was something unnerving about everyone in the Covenant and the mayor was no exception. Liam, however, understood clearly what the mayor was aiming at. He believed Jackson had some sway over this Benefactor and could present a favorable image of the Covenant. That was the only thing which made Liam feel things will go well. The mayor wouldn't attack them if he believed Jackson could talk to the Benefactor.
He looked at the paper and then sighed. Of course, he should have gone to this mayor before this whole shebang with Vaana. But oh well, he can make it. "Noted." Jackson replied to the mayor as he mentioned that the contact won't wait. He wondered if Vaana is up for travelling quickly. Well, she'll have to make do. They had a job after all.

Jackson nodded once again and was about to leave when the mayor talked about telling the Benefactor of the help that they've done. Oh? Excellent. "I'll be sure to tell him. We will contact you when he has decided." He said with a nod. He then gave him another nod of farewell and then turned and left.

He knocked on the door of the clinic. "Hey, mayor sent me. He told me I can get the stuff that my companion had earlier. I'm here to salvage her shit." Jackson called out.
After a few long seconds, the door opened. The doctor watched the pair and smirked as Jackson explained what he was there for. "No longer interested in her well being?" The doctor asked, still standing in the doorway. "Not going to ask if she's still alive?" The doctor blinked slowly before taking a step back and moving out of their way. "Her items are there." She motioned to an end table by the side of the door.

On it was not just her gun but other items. Her gun was in perfect condition. Carefully maintained with a lot of time and effort going into modifying it into a masterpiece. There was also a jet, mentats, and a bit over two hundred caps in a small plastic bag. The two final things was a worn flip lighter and closed, silver locket which seemed to receive as much care as her gun. The locket looked like it survived the war untouched.

Liam could see only the table where Vaana must have been operated on. It was nothing like those in hospitals he had seen. The wood table was bloody with several small pools of blood underneath. It looked more like a butcher's stall than an operating room. Maybe they didn't have room for a full surgery room but that place looked horrible.
"Mayor said she was a synth. Can't trust one of them, you know?" Jackson replied with a shrug. The sooner he can get out of this place, the better. Spitting at the mention of synths was not like him, nor did he like it. There was a reason he was part of the Railroad. Well, before, at the very least. But he still didn't like badmouthing synths that don't even know that they were synths.

He looked at the items for a moment. He took the pistol and examined it for a moment before placing it inside his coat, at an empty holster. He then practically swept the others into his bag. "Those should fetch a pretty penny." He muttered to himself. Not much of a chem user himself unless he really needed it. Getting addicted to those weren't ideal and some chems don't really help him and his sniping. There was that silver locket and he could wildly guess that it meant a lot to the woman since it looked like she took care of it a lot.

He then turned, his eyes only passing the area Vaana was operated on and then headed towards the door. "Well, thanks for that doc." He said, exiting the building before looking back for a moment - seeing if she wanted anything. Jackson was internally hoping that she didn't remember about the whole payment stuff since, technically, they weren't together anymore.

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