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Realistic or Modern The Colony

So. Much. Writing. Ughhh. By the way everything you had on you except clothes and bags and stuff is gone. So no money, no gum, no matches. Also, I'm working pretty much exclusively on a phone.
I'm ready for first post.. remember no interaction until everyone has posted once and please wait to post a second time. I would like everyone to post once before the spam starts.

And so it begins.
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Great, autocorrect got to my first post. This is starting absolutely great... But seriously, it is starting. Yay! *goes to bed*
Sorry if I took too many liberties with the surroundings and such, if I did just tell me and I won't hesitate to edit my post.
Alright, I didn't know that.

And I was trying to hint the sign would have been created by soldiers or something. I'll fix it however.

Posting soon then.


Posting soon then.
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Your items took some thought like Whisker's.


Two things, Why hasn't anyone read their damn note!? And I've already seen everyone while they slept so when my second count is off I'll know something is wrong lol just saying.
Jack did read his note. He just doesn't trust much of what it says. And I know you did, but Jack doesn't. :P

Sam was pretty much in shock, she glossed over the words only enough to register that there was French in it.

I can edit it so she pays more attention to the note and less attention to her surroundings
I may just be confused because I know what every note says and each ones littlw mystery. Also, we are waiting on the smexiest fish of them all to post I believe.

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