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Realistic or Modern The Colony

That moment when you stop putting off downloading all the songs on your list because you realize you have nothing else to do.

Then the moment directly afterward when you realize that the speed up download time code for your downloader is still in effect. :o *faints*
400 songs = 1 gig = less than 40 minutes or so on my 1gb bandwidth over here..... how many songs does some have to fill an ipod, then? geez, people are insane.
It's fine probably. Its not starting until tomorrow apparently.
Good Morning everyone! So I've slept on it and come up with a couple things: first off, the equipment everyone starts with will include a note, what it says will be Pmed to you. You choose to tell people what it says or not. Secondly, anyone who joins in later can choose to either wake up and find us or we find them asleep.
So when we can throw up the post? Man, I'm dying here.

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