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Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

@Shawna this isn't a Modern rp, it's more medieval fantasy.
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@SepiaInk your character's second form can't be mythical. I'm sorry for this misunderstanding that I understand is caused by lack of explanation on my part.
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@KiKi Kitsune: Oh, I’m terribly sorry, I should’ve asked you first about that. But could you please explain to me what you mean by mythical? For example, my character couldn’t have the form of the creatures you created for this role-play, like the Cagon? What is the Fauna of this fantasy world like in general?
Shapeshifters can have any real life animal as their form. Any of the animals that I used except the elemental walkers are also available. As for fauna, since there are many different biomes allowing for all different types of plant life depending on where you are. In general, it's similar to RL with some fantasy plants here and there. @SepiaInk
So this world is mostly populated by real life animals? Alright, I didn’t understand that. Thank you for clearing that up.

This changes a lot though. I’m going to have to change a LOT of my CS. Do you mind waiting? Do I still have time to redo my CS? I’m not sure how long it will take me.
I have no idea. To be honest, I’m kind of stuck right now. Feels like I hit a wall. But don’t worry, I’m gonna do my best and try to brainstorm a few new ideas.
This looks so interesting.

Is there still enough time for me to put in a CS? .w.
Javax said:
This looks so interesting.
Is there still enough time for me to put in a CS? .w.
You have about an hour before newcomers are stopped. After that, there will be 24 hours to edit until the final marking starts.
In case anybody was wondering, I have changed the image of the fire god, Pyros and the poison god, Gaidoku. I felt that the previous ones' styles didn't fit properly. I apologise if this has caused any confusion or inconvenience.
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A very rough outline of the rules have been put up. They will be fleshed out more at a later date.

If you disagree with any of them or feel you can't fulfil the requirements, you can drop out now.
Thank you for allowing me to participate in this RP as a side character, @KiKi Kitsune, I really appreciate it. However, this is the first time I’ve come across the concept of side characters in role-playing. What does that entail, exactly? What are the rules, do we have limits to how much we participate or even how we participate in the story?

I apologise if my questions seem silly, just want to make sure my contribution to this RP is a positive one :)

Also, congrats to those who made it to the top seven spots. I hope my character might help yours in your epic quest ^^
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Side characters will not be expected to post as often as main characters. Their roles in the RP will not be as prominent either. If I were to find a comparison, I would say it would be like a prince and his aids. That is to say, in this RP, the side characters would be similar to advisers or followers of the main characters. I'm sorry if this makes no sense. I haven't RPed with side characters before either " ^_^
Thank you, it seems clearer to me now. Oh, by the way, have you decided which of the seven warriors will get which weapons? I’m curious to know who’ll get to solve the puzzle in the Grand Library, since my character works there. I’m excited just thinking about it! (> :D )
xD I have only figured out a few so far. Everything will be announced in the first post. I will need your help with the puzzle when we get there due to your position ^-^
Can I still join right now? I really like this RP and I would like to join (:3)
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