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Fantasy The Chosen of Seven

I have plans to make my CS once you put up the stuff about the mage schools and spells. So if this is a limited capacity role play do would you mind saving me a spot? If it's not then just letting you know I'll be joining. @KiKi Kitsune
I just realized how dumb what I just said was. Of course its limited. The name is "The Chosen Seven" Lmao
I have plans to make my CS once you put up the stuff about the mage schools and spells. So if this is a limited capacity role play do would you mind saving me a spot? If it's not then just letting you know I'll be joining. @KiKi Kitsune
I'm not reserving spots, but rather taking the best based on how the character sheets score.
[QUOTE="KiKi Kitsune]I'm not reserving spots, but rather taking the best based on how the character sheets score.

Oh makes sense.
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]

Oh! My sheet is unfinished! I had to go to sleep last night lol.

I'm sorry mate but please don't use the center align, it's making my eyes bleed.

I shouldn't have to, man.

@KiKi Kitsune I finally finished my backstory, and if there's anything I need to change in my CS, just tell me! I'll fix it as soon as possible. @TRASHLYN and I are sisters so if one of us are ever on, and you can't get the other...I guess it's self-explanatory, lol.​
I will be closing applications on Saturday evening (I am GMT+2). Any new applications will until then are still allowed. After that, there will be 24 hours for final edits before I take in the character sheets to be marked.

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