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Fantasy The Chimera Project Characters

also, i feel like i kinda need someone to make a royal family so that i have a monarchy to antagonise but until then i can probably come up with something
It's not my place to say, but I think it would be PERFECT to have like one "failed" Bear Chimera and one "successful" attempt? And then they maybe meet each other, reactively hate each other, and then they come together and they make glorious changes????

I don't know?? I just think that'd be very interesting??? I am going to make either a civie or a royalty character. But, I definitely may wait on adding them until I see what characters get made in the meantime (I don't need to dominate the roleplay!)
I hate to crush the hopes and dreams of some but 'No Name' (Medved (slim shady)) most likely will run from or fight the other Chimera. He's insane and has become paranoid of the upperclasses and the guards. He doesn't know he's a failure and instead believes himself to be a deserter. Believing that the guards/chimera would want him dead or imprisoned because he abandoned the cause. I would also like to note that he follows what's left of his moral compass and sees the Chimera and Faction governments as "The Bad Guys".

Character Type: <Citizen>

Name: <Soraya Jaclyn>

Age: <22>

Physical characteristics: <5'6", 100lbs, silver eyes, heart shaped face, petite build, scrawny frame due to lack of nourishment>

Enhanced abilities/Learned skills: <Con-artist, deft in slight-of-hand, excellent pick-pocket>

Biography: <Soraya Jaclyn, like so many other citizens, grew up in Axia's service sector. Her mother was a private tutor for a few of the lower-level nobility class families, and her father was a chauffeur by trade. Her family lived paycheck to paycheck, sometimes barely having enough bits to pay their monthly bills, taxes, as well as for power- often forced with making the choice between food on the table or lights to for her mother to read, and work by. They always counted themselves lucky by not being among the beggar class, with no other option than to steal and cheat their way through life.  It was by no means an ideal situation to grow up in, but despite the hardships they faced, their little family did well enough, they were content with their lot in life, and felt blessed that they had acquired enough connections, and enough resources, that they could afford to teach their little Soraya the same things the noble girls knew, which may afford her a better future than what her parents had, and really, what more could a small hard working family ask for?

That is, until Soraya's father was accused of conspiring with anti-crown sentiment, treason, and was taken away in a violent raid on her home, and the homes of other conspirators. Her mother, was disgraced, and nearly immediately lost her contract tutoring with all but one family, and suddenly the Jaclyn families were faced with no income, no power, and no connections, They were now the beggar class that they had worked so hard to distinguish themselves from. Soraya, 15 at the time of her father's incarceration, against her mother's whim joined the very same anti-crown organization her father was accused of, harboring deep, intense disdain for the Hail family. There, she was taught to provide for herself, and her family, at all costs, and that started small. It started with ripping off the noble families that had never done anything for, or the citizens like her. Eventually, she would set her sights to taking down the Hail family, and reclaiming the future that was stolen from her family.>

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Character Type: <Royal-Hail family >

Name: <Daria Yvonne Ava Michelle Hail >

Age: <26>

Physical characteristics: <5'9", 140lbs, dark featured, slender limbs, )

Enhanced abilities/Learned skills: <Fluent in English, French, Dutch, and Spanish, educated in all areas of diplomacy, foreign policy, clean-energy laws, and domestic matters>

Biography: <Daria Yvonne Ava Michelle Hail is the youngest child born to the ruling Hail family of Axia. She has never experienced, hardship or adversity. Archetype of the spoiled, rich, daddies girl. >

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Character Sheet
Character Type: Failed Chimera 
Name: OP 360th
Age:17 years olds
Physical characteristics: 5'0 ft / 100lbs 

She is a light weight and fairly thin in build, though setting this information aside she is fairly physically fit due to her life at the bottom of the social ladder. 
Enhanced abilities/Learned skills: Minor strength, Great swimmer, Can breathe underwater, Slight of Hand 
Electricity -Though consider having a lot of potential in creation it was learned that it had multiple flaws and a requirement to work. 

(Trail results)

  1. Hydration is important as this ability seem to dehydrate 360, causing them to drink a large amount of water for this ability and to stay healthy. 
  2. Limited use 360's electric organs do have limits to how much voltage it could put out before it become fatigue 

Biography: The name of  360  didn't matter as files report she was born to two begger parents, they did odd jobs around the kingdom but didn't have enough to support their child. Though at the bottom of social ladder the pair wasn't about to let their low standing damper their spirits to survive, they would teach the 360 how to play on the emotions and to be a pickpocket. Becoming quick skilled with the slight of hand she would take her meager prizes back to her parents, and thus this how the small family survived 360 families would be swept up once the country called for "Willing" subjects for a number of minor tests. It was determined that 360 joined at the urging of its family desire to earn a better income while being part of the first number of test subjects 360 would go under the knife. As the scientist was still dabbling on how to improve and perfect a method of chimera production, with a minimum effect on the person appearance. The idea was to graft organs into the body, as this method would allow for them to maintain a human appearance.Thus to prove this 360 and five other were put under the blade all having an electricity organ and other hybrid organs inserted and connected to their bodies natural system. Two died during the surgeries with their bodies rejecting the organs. While another died during recovery after their ability manifested it's suddenly killing themselves and a number of medical staff. 

360 and their brother unit would survive long enough to start their training beginning to hone the control of their ability, with training finally starting they began to show promise with their ability and control.The male was obviously stronger of the two. While 360 had better control and technical skill with her electricity. They were usually housed in water tanks as they could breathe underwater and were more comfortable in the water vs dry land. Though 360 and her brother unit were shown to make great headway their "model" line would be discontinued after the male electricity organ suddenly began to degrade and he suddenly was consumed by his ability only ashes in a small pit was all that remain in the training room. Luckily the boy was the only one there as the walls of the room were also singed from this detonation of lightning. It was considered too dangerous to keep 360 around with it abilities though not willing to waste their funding they pushed 360 finish date forward and lulled their creation with a  false graduation party. 360 was placed on a mission with "Medved" and sent forward hoping for the best that they could stall the enemy, and to buy time for them to finish the latter five chimeras that are considered success.

Color pallet for the clothes goes as such- Jacket- Forest Hunter Pattern / Boot -Khaki / CombatRucksack- Olive Green/ Shorts- Forest Camo/*Wears a black sleeveless shirt under jacket*

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Haha a little OOC never hurt anybody! I figured everyone had just gotten busy and didn't want it to die off as soon as it started going haha!

Also, I'm a little needy 
Sorry! My classes this semester are a bit crazy, so I kind of spaced rping. If you're ever waiting for a reply from me for more than a couple days, feel free to tag me! I'm working on a reply now so it should be up soon.

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