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Fantasy The Chimera Project Characters

Coffee Khaleesi

New Member

Character Sign-Up List (will be updated regularly)

Lion: Coffee Khaleesi

Hawk: Budgieboo

Cobra: Wick

Bear: Fireflare

Ram: 2PM

Royal Characters:



Doctor- Avira (?)

Caste Characters:
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Empty Template

Character Sheet

Character Type: <doctor, citizen, royalty, chimera>

Name: <insert name, if your character is a Chimera, also enter in an operative number- your character does NOT have recollection of their name and are referred to only by their operative number>

Age: <insert age>

Physical characteristics: <Describe physical attributes, include any qualities taken on from animal)

Enhanced abilities/Learned skills: <Describe what enhanced abilities your character has taken on, enhanced eyesight, sense of smell/hearing, speed, strength, etc.>

Biography: <insert bio>

Photo: <insert photo>
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Character Type: <Chimera>

Name: <Devora Brax, OP 532>

Age: <23>

Physical characteristics: <Unruly mane of golden curls, petite- muscular frame, razor sharp canines, claws, ears  slightly pointed. 5'4", 110 pounds>

Enhanced abilities: <Enhanced reflexes, speed, agility, endurance, sense of smell, better night vision, sense of hearing, craves raw meat, hunting instincts.>

Biography: <Devora Brax was the daughter of a courtesan and some unnamed lord who disowned the two of them. Growing up in a powder house, Devora learned the skills of charming others and manipulating them to her benefit. Refusing to follow in her mother's career path, she cultivated these skills into con-artistry. She began as just a petty pickpocket and conartist, and eventually developed into one of the more successful thieves in the cities underground black market. Trading noble gossip to their rivals, and cashing in on their vulnerability, and ignorance. News of her dealings traveled fast, making her a prime target for the Chimera Project. Recruiters began harassing her, promising her security, and 1,000 bits in exchange for her willingness to join her program.

However, being a professional con-artist meant her income was more than a meager 1,000 bits, and she refused their advances for a while. All the while, making a killing for her rumor mill, and giving a large share to her mother, who at that time, was the madam of the brothel Devora had been born and raised in, buying the courtesans the finest silks and lingerie, and spending more money on vetting their clientele to ensure the girls' safety. It wasn't until the royal guard staged a raid on her mother's brothel, setting it ablaze and driving them all into the slums of Axia, when Devora was forced to finally accepted the offer. 1,000 bits AND safe and secure boarding for her mother. As soon as her signature was scrawled on the dotted line, she was boarded onto the Royal Hovercar and ushered into the capital, to begin testing for something called the Chimera Project.>

Photo: <Devora.jpg>
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Character Sheet

Character Type: <Soldier>

Name: <Sora Jin>

Age: <26>

Physical characteristics: <6'4", 220 lbs muscular build, right eye is bisected by a scar that begins just above his eyebrow, and runs to his cheekbone, arms decorated with tattoos)

Enhanced abilities/Learned skills: <Proficiently trained in hand-to-hand combat styles: Jujutsu, Taekwondo, and Krav Maga, expert marksman, and well-versed in knife throwing, and fencing>

Biography: <Sora Jin is the son of a engineering mechanic that worked in Axia's power-center. As such his family, though never truly had it easy, were exposed to a more affluent style of living, never having to worry for work, food, or power, his brothers and sisters were free to expand their studies to fields of interest. His older brother, Daisuke, followed in their fathers footsteps, apprenticing at the power-center. His sisters Natsumi and Asuka married into well-to-do families, becoming ladies themselves. But Sora never showed an aptitude for higher learning, or good breeding, however he made a name for himself as he continuously got into skirmishes with other children, and then into paid underground fighting.

It wasn't until he'd been rounded up again by law enforcement when he decided to ditch BitBattles and learn the discipline and skill in trained hand to hand combat. He was noticed immediately, and rose quickly through the ranks. Then, once he was promoted to Captain, his commander offered him a position. Something about babysitting some civvie-turned-super-soldier program that would need his authority, discipline, and experience. Though, he wasn't thrilled to train some has-been crooks into a force to be reckoned with, Sora never turned down a challenge (the pay increase was nice too) and accepted. 

Sora is now the Captain of the Chimera Operatives >

Photo: <character.jpg>
Character Type: Chimera

Name: Aaron Fletcher/OP - 378

Age: 22

Physical Characteristics:

  • Human:

    Standing at 5’11’’, with a somewhat lean frame, Aaron looks much more weak than he actually is. Due to his metabolism, most of the fat he consumes burns away quite quickly when he wants it to. Because of that, his body is almost all muscle. He has long black hair, and the one eye that you can see is a deep brown. His expressions are harder to read, not because he’s good at hiding them, but because his jaw and mouth are covered by the white mask he wears. His skin isn’t actually all that pale, it just looks like it in comparison to both his eyes and hair.


  • Out of all the physical qualities he’s taken from the bear, Aaron only keeps one visible. That one, would be his ears. They’re black and almost identical to those of a black bear, if not a little smaller. His other features he tries to keep hidden. He covers his right eye with his hair because of its current appearance. The pupil and iris have both expanded to take up the whole of his visible eye while his left one stayed human. His lower face has also slightly elongated, giving the appearance of a small snout. Along with that, his teeth have grown, larger and sharper. He covers all this 24/7 with a mask. He also has a small black tail sprouting from his tailbone, kept constantly hidden under his pants. He has developed slightly more hair growth, not too much, just a noticeable amount.

Enhanced Abilities/Learned Skills:

  • Great Climber

  • Enhanced Smell and Hearing

  • Night Vision

  • Balance

  • Strength

  • Can Slow and Speed Up his Heartbeat(Sort of like a forced hibernation)

  • Breaking and Entering

Biography: Aaron’s mother died during childbirth, and his father left him soon after. The man couldn’t cope with the grief enough to take care of himself, and certainly not enough to take care of a child. He dropped Aaron off at a small, run-down orphanage. His time there wasn’t anywhere near happy. The caretakers were in it for the small amount of money provided by the government, leaving every child there to fair for their own. At the age of 8, Aaron ran away. Not that anyone noticed. He couldn’t deal with the constant neglect, and he felt he could have a better life on the streets.

For a while, that thought proved to be true. He found a small group of boys, led by a guy they called Finch -he was the oldest. At first, Aaron wasn’t old enough to be of any use, and Finch knew that. Finch also knew that he’d grow up eventually, and his manipulative personality took advantage of that. Finch treated Aaron like a brother. Up until he turned 12, Aaron didn’t have any problems. He was told that once he got strong enough, he’d start working for his spot, but he didn’t have to do it then. However, at 12, the work started. Finch gave Aaron some of the most dangerous jobs, and Aaron knew it. He just couldn’t turn down the guy that had been raising him for the last four years.

Over the years, Aaron got better at the stealing Finch had him doing. But, he wasn’t perfect. After a break-in at the wrong house, Aaron was caught. He’d thought it wouldn’t be that bad, but his years of thievery had finally caught up with him. The man who had caught him knew of his exploits, though he wasn’t extremely well known, and turned him over to the government. He was offered a choice between execution and the Chimera Project. Had he known his memories would disappear, he probably would have chosen execution, but as it was, life seemed better than death so he went with that.

Personality: Aaron believes in loyalty above all else, and that means that the right person can easily take advantage of him. He started off life with no one, and when someone finally took interest in him, he didn’t want to lose their trust. That meant putting himself in danger. He’s always been optimistic, but he was also regularly full of fear. He didn’t like meeting new people, as that put him at risk. After his lose of memory, his base personality stayed the same, but took on more personality traits of the Black Bear he was designed as. Instead of searching for groups to be in, he stays in seclusion. He has an area of personal space that he requires at all times, if it’s not given to him, his fight or flight instincts kick in. He has a lot more bark than bite, but even that bark is quite fearsome. He follows the orders of those he trusts, but outsiders aren’t welcome in his life. One of his most black bear-like characteristics is his love to climb. It gives him a comfort that nothing else can, and he can often be found somewhere above ground lazing about.


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Character Type: Chimera, but formerly a doctor. (Scalloped Hammerhead)

Name: OP-142 (Xander P. Mavericks)

Age: 32

Physical characteristics: OP-142 is a 5'11 heavily altered chimera bearing a strong physical resemblance to his DNA splice; the scalloped hammerhead. He has smooth, scaled skin, with two fins on his back, one on each arm and a tail that proves useful when swimming but can get in his way otherwise. OP-142 has a hammer shaped head with slitted blue eyes and a mouthful of many razor sharp teeth.

Enhanced abilities/Learned skills:  OP-142 possesses exceptional 360 degree vision and the ability of electroreception. He is strong, and a powerful swimmer; capable of short bursts of speed and rapid turning. He has a very sensitive sense of smell but his hearing remains normal. He is no longer capable of consuming vegetation. Despite the fact that he doesn't remember his history of being a doctor, OP-142 still retains the mindset of a scientist.

Biography: <insert bio>


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Character Type: Chimera (Common Vampire Bat) 

Name: OP-4666 (Gavin)

Age: 18

Physical characteristics: Heavily altered by the procedure Sixty-Six largely appears as an anthropomorphic bat. He stands upright at 5'4 feet tall, covered in short dark fur, with a with a total of six limbs including his wings, and a short tail. His face is very bat-like with large ears, a snout filled with razor sharp teeth and sprouting thin whiskers from near his leaf-shaped nose. His eyes are red, due to a sudden mutation during the DNA combination process. Chimera Sixty-Six is now on a full hemotophy diet, requiring two litres of blood daily.

Enhanced abilities/Learned skills:  Sixty-Six is extremly lightweight with the ability to achieve powered flight and perform complex acrobatics in the air. His wings are very strong; he can use them to push off directly into the air, support his weight to allow greater movement on the ground, and potentially even during combat. Sixty-six has an enhanced sense of smell and highly sensitive hearing, which allows him to detect frequencies above or below the range of an unaltered human and to navigate using echolocation. The specialized function of his nose-leaf allows him to 'see' in infrared.

Biography: <insert bio>


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Character Type: Chimera (Jackson's Chameleon)

Name: OP-923 (Jackson Maddox)

Age: 23

Physical characteristics: Heavily altered by the procedure OP-923 is 5'7 feet tall, covered in a layer of color changing scales. His hair has been turned into a crest of flexible spines on the crown of his head, and  he has four eyes with one horn above each of his original eyes and a third larger one between his nostrils. The digits on his hands and feet are partially fused together, ending in sharp claws. He has a long prehensile tail. It is sometimes difficult for him to speak due to the drastic changes to his mouth and tongue and his voice has a rasping, hisslike quality that becomes more pronounced along with his emotions. OP-923 can consume some vegetation but requires a high-protein diet; he often feels the desire to eat insects passing by.

Enhanced abilities/Learned skills:  OP-923 is extremely flexible and an excellent climber that has the ability to change color at will (although it can also be influenced by emotion), allowing it to blend almost seamlessly within whatever environment it occupies. He has increased strength and agility but with the exception of sight otherwise normal senses. He has has four eyes, two of which have binocular vision; allowing for accurate aim and depth perception.

Biography: <insert bio>



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Character Type: <doctor, citizen, royalty, chimera>

Name: <Tomas Belford>

Age: <32>

Physical characteristics: <Describe physical attributes, include any qualities taken on from animal)

Enhanced abilities/Learned skills: <Describe what enhanced abilities your character has taken on, enhanced eyesight, sense of smell/hearing, speed, strength, etc.>

Biography: <insert bio>

Photo: <insert photo>

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)][SIZE= 28px]U[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 28px]lysses[/SIZE][SIZE= 28px] [/SIZE][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)][SIZE= 28px]T[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE= 28px]horne[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 20px]Baron of Thyste[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]<Character Type>[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]<Name>[/SIZE]

Ulysses Alexander Thorne

[SIZE= 16px]<Age>[/SIZE]

Twenty Seven

[SIZE= 18px]<Physical Characteristics>[/SIZE]

If one gets past the arrogant, annoyed, or tired expressions that Ulysses shifts through, then you might find him to be somewhat attractive. His raven-black hair,piercing ice-blue eyes, defined jaw and symmetrical face gives off a mysterious impression, although his entire life is written down. The boy is entirely free of blemishes, save his scarred knuckles, and has an overall presentable look only further enhanced by his endless use of vests, suits, tuxedos, topcoats, etcetera.

He stands at an average 5'9'' and weighs a lean 170lbs of muscles, with a lithe body that keeps his strength a secret. "TEMET NOSCE" is tattooed in bold letters on his left forearm.

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]<Learned Skills>[/COLOR]

> Experienced Melee Combatant (Wing Chun, MMA)

> Expert Marksman

> Competent Medicinal Scientist

> Competent Engineer

> Diplomat

[SIZE= 18px]<Biography>[/SIZE]

Ulysses was the boy prodigy of Thyste, a very poor sector in the slums of Axia. His father, a hedonistic and neglectful man who'd rather drink himself to death than try to do anything about the terrible state they were in. So that's exactly what Ulysses let him do. Two days before Ulysses turned 18 his father died from his liver giving out completely, and there was no one else left to take over. His mother had left years ago, and Ulysses was an only child.

Immediately he started working to rejuvenate the sector. To get money flowing there needed to be jobs, and to be jobs there had to be workers. Ulysses started by shutting down the bitbattle arenas one by one through going down there personally and beating the shit out of the reigning champions. He then pardoned the arenas' competitors of their crimes, and offered them free courses and rehabilitation to become law enforcement. Using the newly inflated security force he started clearing out drugs and money-launderers. More and more people started going clean and looking for work. He started a project that hired anyone who applied to restore the entire sector's broken down infra-structure.

It took him 4 years and all the money he had access to to get the sector into runnable condition again. At this point he'd made himself an accomplished problem-solver and other nobles started looking to Thyste once more. Trade deals and other business arrangements could be done, money started flowing again. That's when he started looking at the bigger issue.

In his opinion, the country had been run incredibly poorly by the Hail family. The people hated the royalty, and for good reason. Morale, although Ulysses was hardly the empathic type, was not something to be ignored when working with an entire country of people, and the King needed to understand that. The people hold up the country, you just have to manipulate them in the right direction. You can't outright divide them. And now they were on the brink of war.

That's when he caught wind of the new Chimera Project. He was not in position to discuss diplomacy with foreign nations, so he couldn't stop this war. On the other hand, this might mean that he wouldn't have to die in it. With his new steady income and general luck on the economic side, he became a huge benefactor of the project in return for personal involvement in the project if he so pleased. On the surface he claimed it was out of curiousity, on the inside it was a way of exploring new possibilities. Either way, the Chimera Project could become a great resource.
Character Type: Chimera (Jackson's Chameleon)

Name: OP-923 (Jackson Maddox)

Age: 23

Physical characteristics: <Describe physical attributes, include any qualities taken on from animal)

Enhanced abilities/Learned skills:  OP-923 is extremely flexible and an excellent climber that has the ability to change color at will (although it can also be influenced by emotion), allowing it to blend almost seamlessly within whatever environment it occupies. He has increased strength and agility but with the exception of sight otherwise normal senses. He has has four eyes, two of which have binocular vision; allowing for accurate aim and depth perception.


Biography: <insert bio>


View attachment 236932


Approved! You may begin posting with this character as soon as you wish! 
Ulysses Thorne
Baron of Thyste


<Character Type>



Ulysses Alexander Thorne


Twenty Seven

<Physical Characteristics>

If one gets past the arrogant, annoyed, or tired expressions that Ulysses shifts through, then you might find him to be somewhat attractive. His raven-black hair,piercing ice-blue eyes, defined jaw and symmetrical face gives off a mysterious impression, although his entire life is written down. The boy is entirely free of blemishes, save his scarred knuckles, and has an overall presentable look only further enhanced by his endless use of vests, suits, tuxedos, topcoats, etcetera.

He stands at an average 5'9'' and weighs a lean 170lbs of muscles, with a lithe body that keeps his strength a secret. "TEMET NOSCE" is tattooed in bold letters on his left forearm.

<Learned Skills>

> Experienced Melee Combatant (Wing Chun, MMA)

> Expert Marksman

> Competent Medicinal Scientist

> Competent Engineer

> Diplomat


Ulysses was the boy prodigy of Thyste, a very poor sector in the slums of Axia. His father, a hedonistic and neglectful man who'd rather drink himself to death than try to do anything about the terrible state they were in. So that's exactly what Ulysses let him do. Two days before Ulysses turned 18 his father died from his liver giving out completely, and there was no one else left to take over. His mother had left years ago, and Ulysses was an only child.

Immediately he started working to rejuvenate the sector. To get money flowing there needed to be jobs, and to be jobs there had to be workers. Ulysses started by shutting down the bitbattle arenas one by one through going down there personally and beating the shit out of the reigning champions. He then pardoned the arenas' competitors of their crimes, and offered them free courses and rehabilitation to become law enforcement. Using the newly inflated security force he started clearing out drugs and money-launderers. More and more people started going clean and looking for work. He started a project that hired anyone who applied to restore the entire sector's broken down infra-structure.

It took him 4 years and all the money he had access to to get the sector into runnable condition again. At this point he'd made himself an accomplished problem-solver and other nobles started looking to Thyste once more. Trade deals and other business arrangements could be done, money started flowing again. That's when he started looking at the bigger issue.

In his opinion, the country had been run incredibly poorly by the Hail family. The people hated the royalty, and for good reason. Morale, although Ulysses was hardly the empathic type, was not something to be ignored when working with an entire country of people, and the King needed to understand that. The people hold up the country, you just have to manipulate them in the right direction. You can't outright divide them. And now they were on the brink of war.

That's when he caught wind of the new Chimera Project. He was not in position to discuss diplomacy with foreign nations, so he couldn't stop this war. On the other hand, this might mean that he wouldn't have to die in it. With his new steady income and general luck on the economic side, he became a huge benefactor of the project in return for personal involvement in the project if he so pleased. On the surface he claimed it was out of curiousity, on the inside it was a way of exploring new possibilities. Either way, the Chimera Project could become a great resource.

Approved! Thank you! You may begin posting as soon as you wish! 
Character Type: Citizen

Name: Eris Malakai

Age: 27

Physical characteristics: At 5'9 with perfect posture and a commanding aura Eris can be imposing and intimidating when the situation calls for it. She is also extremely beautiful and tends to draw eyes wherever she goes. Her white hair and golden eyes are rare and often coveted, Eris flaunts her beauty and charm whenever she feels it can help her achieve her goals.

Learned skills: Talented orator and performer, a competent fencer but prefers to use twin swords, artful writer, formidable strategist

Biography: Eris Malakai grew up the daughter of two prominent members of the anti-monarchist movement. She was taught that the monarchy was unjust and corrupt, filled with deceit and outdated law that disregarded the common man. Her surroundings only confirmed this as her parents, though firmly middle class, would take her into the heart of the city often where she would see much poverty. While she was growing up Eris's parents were very publicly outspoken about their distaste for the monarchy and were largely regarded as the leaders of the opposition. When an ill-fated coup, executed prematurely by some of the Malakais' followers, went south it was Eris's parents who were arrested for high treason. When she was 13 her parents were sentenced to death and executed. She went to live with her rich aunt in a more affluent part of the city until, when she was 18, she left to return to the heart of the city that would always be her home. From then on she continued her parents' movement and work. At 27 she is now somewhat of a celebrity in the city and her most recent and vehement protests have been aimed towards the controversial Chimera program. As much trouble as she causes to the royal family she has spent the past 9 years becoming simply too high-profile to assassinate discreetly. An icon of  the people's rebellion it is feared by the monarchy that, were she ever to be taken care of, there would be a revolt among the general public such that the monarchy may never recover from.

Character Type: Citizen

Name: Eris Malakai

Age: 27

Physical characteristics: At 5'9 with perfect posture and a commanding aura Eris can be imposing and intimidating when the situation calls for it. She is also extremely beautiful and tends to draw eyes wherever she goes. Her white hair and golden eyes are rare and often coveted, Eris flaunts her beauty and charm whenever she feels it can help her achieve her goals.

Learned skills: Talented orator and performer, a competent fencer but prefers to use twin swords, artful writer, formidable strategist

Biography: Eris Malakai grew up the daughter of two prominent members of the anti-monarchist movement. She was taught that the monarchy was unjust and corrupt, filled with deceit and outdated law that disregarded the common man. Her surroundings only confirmed this as her parents, though firmly middle class, would take her into the heart of the city often where she would see much poverty. While she was growing up Eris's parents were very publicly outspoken about their distaste for the monarchy and were largely regarded as the leaders of the opposition. When an ill-fated coup, executed prematurely by some of the Malakais' followers, went south it was Eris's parents who were arrested for high treason. When she was 13 her parents were sentenced to death and executed. She went to live with her rich aunt in a more affluent part of the city until, when she was 18, she left to return to the heart of the city that would always be her home. From then on she continued her parents' movement and work. At 27 she is now somewhat of a celebrity in the city and her most recent and vehement protests have been aimed towards the controversial Chimera program. As much trouble as she causes to the royal family she has spent the past 9 years becoming simply too high-profile to assassinate discreetly. An icon of  the people's rebellion it is feared by the monarchy that, were she ever to be taken care of, there would be a revolt among the general public such that the monarchy may never recover from.

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Approved! Thank you! Please begin roleplaying as you are ready! 
Zappy notes: This'll be an oddball but I hope it's accepted. I also understand that this is not as long or as detailed as other Character Sheets here and my posts on the main thread will be the same. Please be patient with me for I'm trying to work on detailed responses.

Character Type: Failed Chimera 

Name: No name.

Age: 35

Physical characteristics: He large shoulders and toned body from his grizzly bear counterpart. He's lean and his body arau is the embodiment of the poverty of the lower classes. Sometimes however he'd have the face, fur, and maw of a grizzly. Along with its size and his soft bear paws. ( :3 )

Enhanced abilities: Fighting prowess, strength, and pain resistance 

Biography: No name (his old name is Medved) due to the fact that his past life was erased from the experimentation. However he was deemed a failure as his animal features would disappear back into his skin and reappear causing immense pain. He had been tricked into believing he was a success and was being sent to his first mission. Not wanting to go in the first place because 'Medved' believed that this would increase the pain of his transformations, this caused him to escape. Since then however he has made his home in an abandoned warehouse near the testing and training facilities. 

Photo: IMG_0044.PNG


@Coffee Khaleesi

Yes! I totally spaced this, sorry @Coffee Khaleesi!

But, I do feel the need to ask since I'm so late on this, @ZappiestAbyss, would you be OK with me playing a bear chimera as well(totally fine if you'd rather I not)? Perhaps as your replacement or something since your character was a failed experiment? Although mine wouldn't know that.
Yes! I totally spaced this, sorry @Coffee Khaleesi!

But, I do feel the need to ask since I'm so late on this, @ZappiestAbyss, would you be OK with me playing a bear chimera as well(totally fine if you'd rather I not)? Perhaps as your replacement or something since your character was a failed experiment? Although mine wouldn't know that.

Yeah no! The bear is my thing and I'm incredibly offended that'd you'd even ask that!!! Rude!!!! 

I don't care. XD

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