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Fantasy The Changing Room[Closed]

"Barricade? Barricade against what?" Virgil glared more-or-less in the direction of Akira's voice. "None'a us have the know-how or the tools to make a waterproof barricade, unless there's something you ain't telling me." He huffed and piled a few more cans into the makeshift bag. That'd do - water was more important than food, so he needed to keep some space. "And I don't think anything but water is coming through that door."

He moved for Akira's last position and took a knee, fumbling along the shelves and making some attempt to discern dark grey from ... well, slightly-less-dark-grey. The colors didn't show up so well in the dark. He didn't fancy accidentally pouring oil down his throat.

Fuck it, can't make sense of these. He growled quietly, trying to pry symbols from the dark faces of the cans. Of course, a little light would be too much to ask for.

Like a dream, a flash lanced across his field of vision. Perplexed, he stared for a moment, then jolted back as his eyes flicked shut on delay. Well, shit.

"You found the lights."

Yeah. Thanks. I hadn't noticed.

"Nice job." Sorting the blue from the green, Virgil began piling water into the makeshift bag. Water-to-food, two-to-one. He testingly lifted the bag after a moment, weighting the contents. Greed told him to add more. His survival instinct told him to add more. His brain felt the weight of the bag, and disagreed. If the bag ripped, most would be lost anyway - he had to play it safe.

He draped the bag across his back and scoped out the room momentarily. He was looking for anything of use - tools or weapons - but his eyes were fixed on the other end of the room. A door. An escape. The thought took him, and before he could think to protest, he was moving toward it.

He rested the bag on the floor behind him, pressing an arm against the door and inching through it. Light shone through the crack. Hope. He pushed on.

He stood still for a moment as he took it all in. His eyes traced the far wall into the distance - it was dim, but faintly visible at the edge of the ceiling lights. A metro? A subway tunnel? Train tunnel? The space was colossal - he felt a crawling sensation run down his back as his head tilted back, following the wall up to the roof. The sheer amount of empty space, the void around it was ... unsettling. What purpose did it serve? Where would someone need a structure like this? Why on such a large scale?

He glanced across his shoulder for a moment, then back into the tunnel. One patch - the direction on the left came to a stop. Well, kind of. The tunnel definitely continued that way, but a makeshift barricade had plugged the entrance.


Did somebody want to keep them out of somewhere?

He swallowed and made his way to the edge of the platform. Sitting down, he dangled his legs onto the track, awkwardly flailing his feet at the wall until they found purchase on the ground.

"Hey, watch my back, someone!" He had meant to call back, but his voice fluttered as it left his lips. He found himself watching over his shoulder and peering into the darkness behind him where the tunnel stretched away into obscurity. An unsettling thought struck him - what if the lights went out like this?

No, no no no. He shook his head abruptly, pushing himself onward. No - someone was playing a game against them, and someone was trying to hide something. They had to break the rules - they had to go where they weren't supposed to. He moved on toward the barricade, There had to me some way to take it down.

InsanEleven InsanEleven GamerCarrot GamerCarrot Hel Hel

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