• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ᴢɪᴘ ɪᴛ, ʟᴏᴄᴋ ɪᴛ, ᴘᴜᴛ ɪᴛ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴄᴋᴇᴛ {𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘵}


  • zip it

    lock it

    put it in your

coded by hanthesunbeam
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  • "it was an accident..."

    "but no one will believe me"

    - bae jeong-eun

coded by hanthesunbeam
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* avaline zhao





  • #serene

    * chinese name
    zhao xinyu
    * korean name
    cho yoo-jin
    * n.name(s)
    avie, ava
    * d.o.b.
    15th june, 1997 (23)
    * p.o.b.
    guangzhou, china
    * ethnicity




    #spare ace

    * height
    * weight
    * build
    willowy, slim. (ectomorph)
    * hair colour
    dark brown/black
    * hair styling
    long & wavy, most often left down.
    * eye colour
    * body mods.
    pierced ears only.
    * style

    * faceclaim


♡coded by uxie♡

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you can call me




    • Known As:
      Elvis Lee | Min (Gang Members) | Jade (Clients)

      Chinese Name:
      Lee Ming Yu

      Korean Name:
      Lee Min-Gyu




      12 August 1997 | Shenzen, China


      The Mole

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wayward child

  • requisite
    full name
    katarina lee.

    korean name
    lee tae-yeun.

    kaia, for now. just kaia.

    her family always referred to her as kat (except her father who insisted on always using full names) though her late grandmother used to call her kaia sometimes so she decided to adopt that as an alias for the time being.




    october 29th, 2000.


    zürich, switzerland.

    south korean.

    istp — a.

    spoken languages
    korean, english & german.

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  • Name: Bailey Seo

    Nicknames: While Bailey could quite easily be known as 'Bails' or 'Bail' to friends and students, one would have to talk to others to make friends. The only other name in which Bailey is known for is his korean name, Beom - and the only people who use that name would be his family members

    Korean name: Seo Beom

    'Company' name: While he doesn't want to be associated with his 'company', those whom he communicates to (his workers and those who purchase items from him), he is simply known as 'King Roo'. This name was created after Bailey created the app, Roo, in which students of the university can download and order from. After all, he really doesn't want the police to know of this underground company he has running, right?

    Age: 20

    Role: The Businessman

    Date of Birth: 18th of August

    Gender: Cis male

    Sexuality: Demisexual (straight leaning) - while Bailey has never had a relationship, those whom he has crushed on over the years have been girls who have paid attention to him and created some sort of emotional bond with him. He doesn't really look at people and think they're hot; i like them and want to date them. Rather, it takes him a while to get to know them and slowly but surely, begins to feel a connection.

    Race/Ethnicity: Korean - both sides of Bailey's family are Korean, coming from Uslan, South Korea.

    Language: Korean + English

    Major: Major in Chemistry

coded by weldherwings.

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  • Name: Moon Soo-Ah

    Nicknames: N/A

    Gender: Female

    Age: 19 (kor) / 18 (int)

    D.O.B: November 3rd

    P.O.B: Seoul, South Korea

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Height: 5’5″/ 164 cm

    Weight: 97 lbs/ 44 kg

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: Black

    Body Type: Ectomorph

    Mods: Ears pierced

    Tattoos: X

    Style: X X X

    Occupation: College Student/Athlete

    Major: Economics

    Role: Guilty By Association

    Face Claim: Ji Su Yeon





I did my best to read your eyes to read between your pretty lies

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Park Sun-mi
full name : Park Sun-mi
nickname : her mother used to dote on her how she was her angel; precious and pure. the nickname lost its love as time went by and is now simply a remnant of the past she'd rather not look back on. same goes for the nicknames her ex-lover had given her; princess and doll now feels like filth sticking to her skin and echoes horrible memories. as for other nicknames... slut or whore just does not cut it quite right either, so sun-mi has decided to deal a no nickname policy from now on. for her real name at least.
alias : her aliases may differ depending on the day or mood. sometimes you get to know her as mo-yeon, sometimes as song-yi or yeon-joo - it really depends on the drama that's stuck in her head tbh..
age : twenty-four
gender : female
sexuality : identifies as straight but is at least bi-curious.
d.o.b : 8th of april 1996
p.o.b : bucheon, south korea
role : the mistress

height : with a height of 5′3 (161 cm), sun-mi is more on the petite side. you could often find her being taller than her actual height due to wearing heels lots of the time.. but time has changed, and running in heels is not her greatest strengths.
weight : her usual weight fluctuates around 99 lbs (45 kgs), however, the last months have really not been easy on the stomach - so if you weight her right now, she would probably be around the 92 lbs ( 42 kgs).
hair : her hair looks duller, more disorderly and has lost most of its previous waves due to not having had a perm in a while. it does still fall down her shoulders, ending mid-waist, and holds the same black colour. there has been the contemplation to dye it another colour ( she always wondered how it would look blonde) but time flies when you are on the run - so the chance has not yet fallen onto her path.
eyes : you will meet a warm, brown colour when you gaze into her eyes, accentuated by a prominent set of eyelashes.
skin : her skin has known better days; hidden underneath the layer of foundation and clothes, you may find a map of discolouration from scars and bruises alike. they form the physical manifestation of the past she's now on the escape from but if anyone asks, it was just one hell of a fall down the stairs.
build : thin & petite. sun-mi is certainly not the fittest and her physique reflects that. however, don't be quick to underestimate her: her resolve has kept her alive so far and the adrenaline might just be enough of a stimulant for you to get a proper kick in the stomach and punch to the face.
fashion : being the mistress of an infamous mafia boss did have its perks. for example, sun-mi got to live a life of luxury fashion galore. what? she could not help it that her ex-lover liked to shower her with the occasional gifts. if someone were to describe her style, it would be along the lines of bold opulence. think of a tight black dress, a chic red coat or a deep purple suit. of course, her current situation brought changes to the wardrobe. there are less bright colours involved, more jeans than dresses. minimalism now reigns and the mistress has lost her crown, but that's okay because deep within, she yearns for just that. simplicity.
- synopsis
once a person teeming of positivity, innocence and unconditional love. now a bearer of too many faces, most unknowing who the real sun-mi is. which one is true? could it be the lone woman sitting by the bar, flirtatious in communication and certainly not opposed to a bit of fun in the night? or is it the meek stranger you accidentally bump into, overly apologetic and adoringly clumsy in her ways of expressionism. or, perchance, you get to encounter the sun-mi with a glare on the visage, purpose in her step and bite in her remarks. all of it could very well be theatrics, or perhaps there is a little bit of truth to every persona. no one knows, not even her at times. you see, sun-mi has come to regard herself as an actress playing the role of a heroine in a drama; has learned to evolve into different roles, changing behaviour on the whim like one does when shooting different dramas. whatever the scene at hand needs, she will become. some might view it as manipulative or downright crazy but with one foot in her own grave, her life is bound to require some improv to keep it on the roll.

sun-mi does not do friends, not anymore. hell, she does not even do acquaintances. whatever version of her you encountered ever since the escape may very well be an illusion or a feverish dream, the connections you think to have established being, in reality, akin to nothing. in her eyes, you are only a fleeting moment, an insignificant character who just happened to be at the same place at the same time. don't take it personally, having connections is just not something she can afford at the moment. maybe in the future, where a constant threat of death isn't stalking her like a shadow. or maybe never - because that degree of vulnerability is something she does not want to subject herself to anymore. either way, you will probably only catch a glimpse of her before her imminent departure. but, on the off chance that you do get to spend some more time with her, you will find that there are some traits that never change regardless of the mask.

sun-mi is paranoid, though she deserves to be. there are phantoms chasing her day and night; a whisper in her ear, an ominous hand on her shoulder, the cold-pressed metal of a barrel against her temple. everyone could be them, anyone could be him. she has hallucinations, finding his face in strangers, and watches how mundane objects morph into that of a knife or a gun. maybe it's due to trauma, or maybe it's because she's fucking tired. plagued by nightmares and previous memories, sun-mi has become a full-fledged insomniac. it makes her disoriented and quite short-tempered as well. as for loyalties- she was loyal to the point where the proof laid in the bruised markings on her skin, so that's a thing of the past too. this time, and from now on, sun-mi only chooses one person worthy of devotion, and that is herself. so don't expect much from her, she won't either.

but sun-mi is not all vices, despite them pouring out after being suppressed for so long now. there is a resilience to her, an unwavering determination to get through this and build something new for herself. her old passion still lives inside as well, and it comes through in unbridled excitement when one of her favourite dramas releases an episode, or when she sees an animal in need. despite how the mistress conducts herself as, her heart has not turned completely to stone yet. there is still a current of care underneath the maelstrom, an instinct to help those suffering. maybe out of her own sense of vengeance, wanting nothing more than to make her abuser beg for his life, or maybe there are still pieces of the old sun-mi alive and kicking. if her life has given her any skill, it's the ability to make split-second- decisions. to run, or not to run? to draw that one pocket knife from her bag or not?

sun-mi runs her life on fear, yes, but it's the one thing that keeps her alive, keeps her surviving - and that's all that matters.

- likes : watching kdramas, fashion, theatre, art (paintings in particular), animals, revenge, midnight, ballads, very spicy food
- dislikes : flowers, loud noises, being helpless, violence, anything that has to do with that damn mafia, secrecy, coffee, idk maybe having a target on your back,
TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of abuse
once upon a time, a baby girl was born on a spring day. the mother, unspeakably overjoyed, named her sun-mi because she truly believed this was a gift from god. sun-mi's father was never in the picture, but that's okay, because her mother loved enough for two parents, or three parents... or four... yeah, to say that sun-mi's mother cherished her child would be an understatement. you see, sun-mi lived a pretty sheltered life; her mother's over protectionism/borderline helicopter parent behaviour caused her to be homeschooled right up until high school. she was not allowed to play with other kids either, thus her childhood mostly existed within her own house. sun-mi was allowed to watch tv and boy, did she watch it religiously. it started with the usual kid shows like pororo or dooly, but then she discovered kdrama, and a whole new world opened to her. it became the highlight of her day - no, her life - and the young sun-mi began to fantasize about the romance portrayed in the dramas, wondering when she'd get to experience that as well.

it was due to this immersion, that she started high school with a certain romanticism about life in general. fellow students found her naive, dumb or downright delusional, and it did not help that her mother threatened to sue other parents for the tiniest things either. so sun-mi did not have many friends during high school either, but throughout the years, the attention from male peers did increase. she got to receive compliments and even small gifts, to which sun-mi was over the moon, nevertheless, no actual dates came from it. it was okay though, because little did she know that she'd get to meet a certain owen lee a year later..

it was during her job, later in the evening. sun-mi had somehow managed to get a job as a server in a more high-class restaurant ( some might argue it was due to looks rather than actual skills) and she'd been assigned to a table full of men in expensive-looking suits. dutifully, she put up her best smile and went to serve the group.. however, during the dinner, sun-mi found herself sharing glances with one of the men in particular. he was obviously way older than her but there was something about the way he carried himself that drew her in. he was so classy and mature, a stark difference to the boys back in high school, and - if she may say so - desirably close to those CEO characters she'd seen in her kdramas. sun-mi found her heart beating loudly, blush donning her cheeks when he complimented her appearance, stomach churning when their fingers brushed against each other as she handed him the check. could you really blame her for saying yes when he asked for her number and, subsequently, out to dinner a week later?

to sun-mi, it was crystal clear. this was the love they spoke about in all the kdramas; the unconditional kind that made you feel more alive than ever before, the kind that was reserved for no one but the one. no, it did not matter that he was already married - that was because he had yet to meet her. no, she would not listen to her mother's crazy rantings about the man and how he was tainting her innocence - her mother knew nothing about their love. no, it did not matter that he was involved in some shady business - it did not erase the man he was to her. the person she'd been waiting for all her life. he loved her, trusted her enough to whisper secrets of his business late at night. it was a privilege she thought... right until it became a burden. right until she not only became his mistress - the secret confidant - but his personal target of any outburst as well.

it did not start out so bad. the first time was a mere slip of the hand, as he would dub it after in an apology, and sun-mi forgave him instantly, because that's what you do, wasn't it? she loved him, so she believed him. he was not like this, not to her. but then it started to happen more often and the fits became more unbridled, more violent. sun-mi would come to curse herself for not leaving sooner, would come to despise how foolish she was in her beliefs that everything would get better and that she should stay because she promised to weather any storm by his side. she continued to endure his abuse for two more years, too intertwisted in her own delusional notion of love, before she truly realized this life was not worth the pain.

it took another half year to truly escape that life, bound by the secrets he spilt. sun-mi managed to get the help of a gang member, a boy named jung-hoo, who also hoped to get away from the criminal life he'd been leading. their plan worked, partly. she escaped, he didn't. sun-mi does not dare to think about what happened to him (she already knows) and instead focuses on what's ahead. she spent a few weeks bouncing between the cities and villages near Seoul, never staying at a location for more than a few hours at the time, thinking of a survival plan. there is no distinct plan yet but the ex-mistress figured out that it was best to abandon the northern cities and opt for the south. so here she was, catching the first bus she saw heading into that direction..

coded by incandescent

  • "give up"

    "you can't escape this orbit"

    - oh jun-myeong

coded by hanthesunbeam
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