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Realistic or Modern The Camp || Adult Summer Camp - Real World x Jersey Shore like RP [NEED GAIS AND GALS]


The Origin of The End.


Kid Friendly, Adults Only

Hello and Greetings from The Camp!!! Let's cut to the chase; you all know why you're here. For various and differing reasons you have been accepted into The Camp, maybe you wish to get away from your adult life, maybe you wish to press a reset button on your life as it is, and maybe you're here to find love. For the next 8 weeks you will be embedded into a very rural, yet serene and utopia-like setting in a custom crafted and catered summer camp made by some of the world's most experienced rangers, wildlife reservationists, and camp directors. All tailored for adults. All for YOU! This is to fulfill the fun, fantasy dream of the ideal getaway with a social interaction of bonding and getting to know diverse people and things that could very well shape or reshape your perspective on how view the things around you. Time to awaken your inner kid, or maybe put adulting to sleep for a while and JUST. HAVE. FUN! Here at this beautiful camp will be you and your roommates getting to bond with one another while taking on The Camp, as well as the surrounding area and the fun they have to offer. Summer camp activities, added with a twist only adults will grasp. Party games, weekends out in The City, house parties, adult games and festivities, what have you! The Camp will consist of various buildings and sites for you to enjoy everything that you want (or need) to!

Of course with every connection comes a struggle. As the innocence of kids would flow, with adults it's much different. Drama could ensue from people set in their ways, clashes of personalities and interests, perhaps summer love gone wrong? This is the beauty of The Camp, somewhere along the line we stopped maintaining that light we had before, learning and overcomplicating things. Maybe you're supposed to be here, to be still in the moment and live it up like it's your last. Will romances bud or hearts clash? Will these roommates all rise together, or will they end up falling harder than life has hit them before? It's entirely up to them, to YOU. Will strangers become family? Even more? Or will The Camp bring out their inner strife of the world in which they escaped from? Only one way to find out.


The Camp features an eco-tropical built in home, in which the 3 floors built into a centered pool area consists of various rooms for the members to enjoy their stay. Each will have their own room and three bathrooms in the House. Both Houses are complete with cedar oak decor and a full kitchen, lounge, entertainment den, and treehouse. There is no WIFI, and no internet, and no house phone. (You kids and your technology...) The purpose of this is to GET AWAY and actually interact and bond with PEOPLE, not the web and the outside world. Cell phones can be kept however. The Recreation Center features a gaming room, a theater stage, gym, a movie theater, sauna/steam room, The Central Pool (goes as deep as 24 ft!), and more! If you don't feel like staying in, then feel free to head out among the beauty of nature and take on The Camp Trail! 10 miles of forested wildlife and nature that expands around the campgrounds. From hiking, rock climbing, to just running/walking the trail, get your adventurous and outside needs as you see fit! Caves and coves linger all around the camp as well, such as Camp Falls! Beware of some of the more unique wildlife that lurks though. Following the trail shoreside will take you to Teal Point, a small beach among the camp that gives you view of the most beautiful water you'll see, The Camp Sea. Take the trail far or high enough and you move into The City Mountains or The Camp City Cliffs. The Grand Mountains span as high as 10,000 feet and The Grand Cliffs span about 11 miles wide. Rise to the top to see a beautiful scene or to get some fresh air see life at new heights! Or....want to stay low but still feel refreshing! Head out to the Docks! Where Lake Grand awaits or even a canal that leads to the Grand Sea. Take some boats or kayaks and head out into the blue to swim or take a trip around the tropical side of Camp Boca. It all awaits!

The Camp stretches to the body of water surrounding it, known as Lake Grand. Teal Point also stretches to both Lake Grand and the Grand Sea. It is far and wide as you can see from the grounds, but maybe take a companion and boat out to the coves to see it for all it's worth. Swimming, kayaking, boating, and please no skinny dipping! (At least don't get caught...wait caught by who? Anyways!) There's also diving, snorkeling, jetskiing, waterskiing, fishing, whitewater rafting on the rapids, the choices are endless! (We are not liable for anyone that gets injured or drowned, you're adults. You grown.) But if you don't really want to engage in aquatics at the moment and the nature life isn't your niche at that time then...head out into The City.


The City is a vast and large scale city that features prominence of many idealistic cities from around the world. Want to engage in the urban life? Head downtown where you can hit different bars and clubs, some lounges, and events to feed your party animal! On the commerce side, head out to the City Mall and see the different stores and selections that they have to offer you! (Don't be in and out of Adam and Eve, you silly kids) take a walk among the lavish town, or maybe head to the coast and view Vita Sea from the city among a pier with friends. Head out to top scale restaurants, museums, etc. Heck, sky dive if you want to! (we're not paying funeral bills btw). The point is....this program is made for you to GET AWAY. So you have the endless possibility of doing so how you see fit! The cityscape is also yours for the taking, but c'mon....it'll never be as festive as The Camp, especially with the people you'll have with you.


  1. Obviously this will give way to suggestive and adult themes, wild partying, shenanigans, etc. IC it is encouraged and I want everyone to have a good time. BE MATURE and RESPECT RPN RULES. That being said OOC be respectful and very mindful of people's desires, ideas, opinions, etc. Open minds and hearts is literally the key to this RP IC wise, so let's practice that OOC as well.
  2. IF you have a question, plot event, or idea you'd like to implement of something that would be cool, run it by me. Challenges will sometimes be physical activities, sometimes quiz based, could be chemistry and personal based, and sometimes major plot twists to add flare and drama. I'm always open to my peers and their creativity though, it makes the world go round to me.
  3. PLEASE realize how important you are to this RP. This is a collab RP so everyone will both feed and prosper off of the works of others involved. If you have IRL duties, or can't post for a while, let me know. Do not be selfish, not a good look. Everyone matters, with that being said no one is special. We are all equals. Except Ron Swanson.
  4. The People voted into the Truth Booth will be GM'd the results of the match, as well as the number of Beams the cast will have for that week. Once a character has chosen their partner for the week, they cannot re-pick nor can a person picked be chosen or overruled by anyone else, no matter how random/smart the pick is.
    • Any player that is inactive for a long period of time will be subject to character departure. Just speak with me if you have IRL issues.
    • Things go south in the RP, hate each other IC, NEVER OOC. Be respectful and mindful of the things going on.
    • The plan is to have 6-8 total members, equal gender on each side. There will be NO uneven or accepted characters after that rule is met. If interest isn't that high, then I will make due with 8 characters (4 male 4 female). Anyone else who applies will be placed on a wait list in case a player goes inactive, leaves, or the original characters don't return for The Camp Part 2. Try to make characters unique while at the same time adhering to some archetype or social caste. For example, my character is "The Nerd". There can be The Jock, The Asshole, The Diva, The Romantic, The...you get it. Lol.
    • Fade to black sequences only when it comes to "relations" or any thing sexual other than kissing or mild nudity. There will be adult themes and romance likely so don't be afraid to post those things to an extent.
    • Most people expect this rule to be at the end, but I am a clever lass :) in your CS, please put a quote or sentence in dialogue your character would say, and at the end of your CS, put "Just be grown."
    • If you have a certain plot/event in mind please run it by me. I'm pretty open to those sorts of things. Also, there will be no planning of relationships or crushes beforehand. Just like if it were real, get to know the character IC first and then see where things lead.
    • If it gets to a point where characters get into a fight with each other, then remember keep it interesting and full of drama but don't get out of hand (one-sided or metagaming the other person/people involved.)
    • This will be just like everything a fun RP should be. So if you're not around or become inactive then rpers may jump in and threaten to take, replace, or challenge your character and status in the RP. So it's best to do what's necessary in order to have fun and make your character special :)
    • Some events will be randomized to maintain balance and fairness in the RP. This system will be allocated through Dice Roll. A certain number will bring a certain result, however some events/situations will be decided by the rpers. And in some cases....only me.
    • If you think of any activities that are not on the list that's provided, or a fun event that can't be done while in The City, then please PM me to sell your idea/event. Anything fun and reasonable will be accepted :)

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I have one more question! Do we have to use faceclaims or can we write out the appearance?~ And if we did use faceclaims, what kind?
Is it okay if I simply write it out then? I can show you the CS separately afterwards to see if it's okay with you! ^^"
I'd prefer a face claim but I won't hold it against you should you write it out. And the CS template will come once this gets enough interest so that's fine by me.
I'd prefer a face claim but I won't hold it against you should you write it out. And the CS template will come once this gets enough interest so that's fine by me.
Sweet! I'm actually already starting on it, haha, whoops~ I'll show you once I'm done just in case, but of course I can modify it to whatever template later on!

Kid Friendly, Adults Only

Hello and Greetings from The Camp!!! Let's cut to the chase; you all know why you're here. For various and differing reasons you have been accepted into The Camp, maybe you wish to get away from your adult life, maybe you wish to press a reset button on your life as it is, and maybe you're here to find love. For the next 8 weeks you will be embedded into a very rural, yet serene and utopia-like setting in a custom crafted and catered summer camp made by some of the world's most experienced rangers, wildlife reservationists, and camp directors. All tailored for adults. All for YOU! This is to fulfill the fun, fantasy dream of the ideal getaway with a social interaction of bonding and getting to know diverse people and things that could very well shape or reshape your perspective on how view the things around you. Time to awaken your inner kid, or maybe put adulting to sleep for a while and JUST. HAVE. FUN! Here at this beautiful camp will be you and your roommates getting to bond with one another while taking on The Camp, as well as the surrounding area and the fun they have to offer. Summer camp activities, added with a twist only adults will grasp. Party games, weekends out in The City, house parties, adult games and festivities, what have you! The Camp will consist of various buildings and sites for you to enjoy everything that you want (or need) to!

Of course with every connection comes a struggle. As the innocence of kids would flow, with adults it's much different. Drama could ensue from people set in their ways, clashes of personalities and interests, perhaps summer love gone wrong? This is the beauty of The Camp, somewhere along the line we stopped maintaining that light we had before, learning and overcomplicating things. Maybe you're supposed to be here, to be still in the moment and live it up like it's your last. Will romances bud or hearts clash? Will these roommates all rise together, or will they end up falling harder than life has hit them before? It's entirely up to them, to YOU. Will strangers become family? Even more? Or will The Camp bring out their inner strife of the world in which they escaped from? Only one way to find out.


The Camp features an eco-tropical built in home, in which the 3 floors built into a centered pool area consists of various rooms for the members to enjoy their stay. Each will have their own room and three bathrooms in the House. Both Houses are complete with cedar oak decor and a full kitchen, lounge, entertainment den, and treehouse. There is no WIFI, and no internet, and no house phone. (You kids and your technology...) The purpose of this is to GET AWAY and actually interact and bond with PEOPLE, not the web and the outside world. Cell phones can be kept however. The Recreation Center features a gaming room, a theater stage, gym, a movie theater, sauna/steam room, The Central Pool (goes as deep as 24 ft!), and more! If you don't feel like staying in, then feel free to head out among the beauty of nature and take on The Camp Trail! 10 miles of forested wildlife and nature that expands around the campgrounds. From hiking, rock climbing, to just running/walking the trail, get your adventurous and outside needs as you see fit! Caves and coves linger all around the camp as well, such as Camp Falls! Beware of some of the more unique wildlife that lurks though. Following the trail shoreside will take you to Teal Point, a small beach among the camp that gives you view of the most beautiful water you'll see, The Camp Sea. Take the trail far or high enough and you move into The City Mountains or The Camp City Cliffs. The Grand Mountains span as high as 10,000 feet and The Grand Cliffs span about 11 miles wide. Rise to the top to see a beautiful scene or to get some fresh air see life at new heights! Or....want to stay low but still feel refreshing! Head out to the Docks! Where Lake Grand awaits or even a canal that leads to the Grand Sea. Take some boats or kayaks and head out into the blue to swim or take a trip around the tropical side of Camp Boca. It all awaits!

The Camp stretches to the body of water surrounding it, known as Lake Grand. Teal Point also stretches to both Lake Grand and the Grand Sea. It is far and wide as you can see from the grounds, but maybe take a companion and boat out to the coves to see it for all it's worth. Swimming, kayaking, boating, and please no skinny dipping! (At least don't get caught...wait caught by who? Anyways!) There's also diving, snorkeling, jetskiing, waterskiing, fishing, whitewater rafting on the rapids, the choices are endless! (We are not liable for anyone that gets injured or drowned, you're adults. You grown.) But if you don't really want to engage in aquatics at the moment and the nature life isn't your niche at that time then...head out into The City.


The City is a vast and large scale city that features prominence of many idealistic cities from around the world. Want to engage in the urban life? Head downtown where you can hit different bars and clubs, some lounges, and events to feed your party animal! On the commerce side, head out to the City Mall and see the different stores and selections that they have to offer you! (Don't be in and out of Adam and Eve, you silly kids) take a walk among the lavish town, or maybe head to the coast and view Vita Sea from the city among a pier with friends. Head out to top scale restaurants, museums, etc. Heck, sky dive if you want to! (we're not paying funeral bills btw). The point is....this program is made for you to GET AWAY. So you have the endless possibility of doing so how you see fit! The cityscape is also yours for the taking, but c'mon....it'll never be as festive as The Camp, especially with the people you'll have with you.


  1. Obviously this will give way to suggestive and adult themes, wild partying, shenanigans, etc. IC it is encouraged and I want everyone to have a good time. BE MATURE and RESPECT RPN RULES. That being said OOC be respectful and very mindful of people's desires, ideas, opinions, etc. Open minds and hearts is literally the key to this RP IC wise, so let's practice that OOC as well.
  2. IF you have a question, plot event, or idea you'd like to implement of something that would be cool, run it by me. Challenges will sometimes be physical activities, sometimes quiz based, could be chemistry and personal based, and sometimes major plot twists to add flare and drama. I'm always open to my peers and their creativity though, it makes the world go round to me.
  3. PLEASE realize how important you are to this RP. This is a collab RP so everyone will both feed and prosper off of the works of others involved. If you have IRL duties, or can't post for a while, let me know. Do not be selfish, not a good look. Everyone matters, with that being said no one is special. We are all equals. Except Ron Swanson.
  4. The People voted into the Truth Booth will be GM'd the results of the match, as well as the number of Beams the cast will have for that week. Once a character has chosen their partner for the week, they cannot re-pick nor can a person picked be chosen or overruled by anyone else, no matter how random/smart the pick is.
    • Any player that is inactive for a long period of time will be subject to character departure. Just speak with me if you have IRL issues.
    • Things go south in the RP, hate each other IC, NEVER OOC. Be respectful and mindful of the things going on.
    • The plan is to have 6-8 total members, equal gender on each side. There will be NO uneven or accepted characters after that rule is met. If interest isn't that high, then I will make due with 8 characters (4 male 4 female). Anyone else who applies will be placed on a wait list in case a player goes inactive, leaves, or the original characters don't return for The Camp Part 2. Try to make characters unique while at the same time adhering to some archetype or social caste. For example, my character is "The Nerd". There can be The Jock, The Asshole, The Diva, The Romantic, The...you get it. Lol.
    • Fade to black sequences only when it comes to "relations" or any thing sexual other than kissing or mild nudity. There will be adult themes and romance likely so don't be afraid to post those things to an extent.
    • Most people expect this rule to be at the end, but I am a clever lass :) in your CS, please put a quote or sentence in dialogue your character would say, and at the end of your CS, put "Just be grown."
    • If you have a certain plot/event in mind please run it by me. I'm pretty open to those sorts of things. Also, there will be no planning of relationships or crushes beforehand. Just like if it were real, get to know the character IC first and then see where things lead.
    • If it gets to a point where characters get into a fight with each other, then remember keep it interesting and full of drama but don't get out of hand (one-sided or metagaming the other person/people involved.)
    • This will be just like everything a fun RP should be. So if you're not around or become inactive then rpers may jump in and threaten to take, replace, or challenge your character and status in the RP. So it's best to do what's necessary in order to have fun and make your character special :)
    • Some events will be randomized to maintain balance and fairness in the RP. This system will be allocated through Dice Roll. A certain number will bring a certain result, however some events/situations will be decided by the rpers. And in some cases....only me.
    • If you think of any activities that are not on the list that's provided, or a fun event that can't be done while in The City, then please PM me to sell your idea/event. Anything fun and reasonable will be accepted :)

This is still Open, I'll get started on a CS Page for everyone sometime today!!! I'll probably have people place a writing sample in their CS as well, as I can only take 6-8 people for this RP and they have to be split evenly in gender (half male, half female)

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