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The Brass

We think of artificial intelligence, one that thinks like us, walks like us, talks like us, as mere fantasy. That the idea of having something that thinks and breathes and eats is still a long time coming. That's what Allison thought anyways. After a long while of getting over her older sibling's death, she took it upon herself to investigate the incident, caves and tunnels don't just eat people and let someone escape with a severed arm, that's not what caves do. No, something was with them while they were mining, something had to have been. Something we haven't discovered yet. There had to have been.  There wasn't anything that she knew of that could've done something like that, but we're discovering new things every day, right?

In the middle of the afternoon, she sent a call to her best friend, hoping he would pick up, though she knew he would unless he was working or something. Had he started working? She might've known before, but maybe she had forgotten with the incident. It had swept away so many things and replaced it with a burning desire to know the truth, to figure out who or what killed 8 full-grown men and left one to die, figure out what ended what was supposed to be a long operation at the base of Mt. Everest. And she would start with going there herself. Sweeping some of her black hair behind her head, she took a glance at the mirror while waiting for Jordan to pick up, looking at her eyes. Some had described them as lifeless when the Human that owned them was a rather joyous individual if you got to know her. Such was the problem with judging a book by its cover.
"It's Jordan, just Jordan."

He looked down from his tall watchtower. He was a lifeguard at the beach. It wasn't the hottest day but it was warm enough to have a collection of various people.

"You don't have a last name?" The stranger asked, with a hum in her voice, she was trying to talk to him. Jordan smiled and lifted his sunglasses off, looking her in the eye. "I do, I just don't want to tell you" he and his trainee laughed. 

Jordan never thought twice about these girls. A different one came by daily, trying to distract him . His trainee was shorter, and still white from never being out in the sun. 

"She was totally tryna flirt bro!"

Jordan smirked and was about to answer, when his cell phone rang. He flipped it open, and seen the cute picture he had for Allison.

It was her sticking her tongue out and showing off the new hairdo she was trying out. He kept it and put it as the contact picture. Pressing 'answer' in huge green letters, his smile brightened . 

"Whatsup monster?" 

Ignoring the looks his trainee gave him, he put his sunglasses on and gazed over the water. Watching for swimmers.
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"Hey, are you working right now?" Allison asked, smiling just a bit when she heard his voice. It was pleasant to her, like the voice version of chocolate or something. Soothing to the ears, it gave her peace in her darkest moments. "I need you over here as quick as you can be. You also might wanna take err.. maybe two or three weeks off?" She told him with an uncertain voice. "Wanted to go on a bit of a vacation and I thought you could be a cool travel buddy." She wasn't telling him everything though, her main reason for going out was because she wanted to figure out what happened, her thoughts landing on the mining operation every single time. It was going to be one heck of a ride to be certain, and if she was going, she thought he might want to come along as well.
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Jordans mind blanked. "Uhhhh.."

He chuckles nervously, and glances at the curious trainee.

"No, im not busy. Give me an hour, ill be there, Bear." He hung up without hearing her response. 

He turned into a statue and was puzzled out of his mind. 

"Close your mouth Jordan ! Youll catch a fly" the teenager blurted out, practically in hysterics over jordans shocked face. 

"Gotta run to your girlfriiieend" he teased menacingly.

Jordan turned away and quickly thought of a remark, "no, that was your girlfriend!"

"Oh haha Jordan"

Jordan motioned him to follow him down the ladder, "ive got to go talk to the squad leader. Need to cash in my vacation days."

In twenty minutes, jordan had argued with the lifeguard squad leader, showered and changed into his street clothes. Saying one last goodbye to the trainee , who would now have to learn from someone else, he was ready to go. 

Pressing the unlock button on the keychain, his little red car, oldsmobile '95, was just waiting for a driver.

Easily he swooshed the door open, tossed in his duffle bag full of swim gear and towels, he sat in the comfortabe front seat and put the key in the ignition.

The all too familiar roar and purr made his day . At only 800 dollars, at least it drove him A to B. 

He adjusted his mirrors and clicked the seatbelt on. Backing out of employee parking he crawled the car to the highyway and revved his engine. Eager to be there for his friend. The highway was the quickest route, but he turned to the offramp and grabbed two coffees and four chocolate donuts. Now he sped to her house. Once there, he took a sip of his coffee and text her . "Im outside. Com ere slo poke"  he sat in his car and ate and drank happily.
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When Jordan arrived, Allison came out with a smile on her face, walking to his car. "Hey, you got me some gifts?" She asked, snatching a donut and munching on it. "Well, come on in I guess, I'll explain everything when we get in there." She told him before backing off and heading inside the quaint little house. The house was far bigger from the outside than it was from the inside though it got the job done, enough space to store a reasonable amount of space and enough space to live in relative comfort though the living room was a little crowded from things she had acquired from work. That isn't to say she stole, rather they were gifted to her. All around the room, hung up in frames or attached to the little mini-fridge next to the couch via magnets were macaroni art pictures. Could you guess what she worked as? A kindergarten teacher!

"Works gotten hectic but I managed to find someone who's willing to fill in for me." Allison said as she strode through the living room, heading into the kitchen and taking a seat on one of the old wooden chairs which she had been meaning to replace for some time. "How's your work by the way? Think you mentioned somethin' about a trainee? What could be so difficult about sitting on a chair for a few hours and making sure people don't drown? Seems like one of those jobs you don't really need training for, you just go and do it."
Jordan sat and eyed her walking up to the car, he rolled Down the window to hear her. "Hey!" He smiled. He held up the donut, she snatched it quickly.

He tried not to smile as he took one last sip.

Unbuckling and turning off the car, he swung his door open with an audible squeak. Leaving his coffe and the last two donuts behind, he took her coffee from the cupholder and strode quickly to catch up to her.

Her house always had the softest aura, as if he could just breathe in and fall asleep. He wiped his shoes, but still took them off. Closing the door behind them both. Always admiring the new artwork on the wall. He chuckled , "well you do work with , like thirty kids or somethin'. How could it not be hectic?" He put his hands in his pockets and stood awkwardly. Being in the house was not him. He liked outside more.

"What do you need a fill in for anyway? Don't the kids take care of themselves?" He mocked her back, not truly offended, they Liked to tease each other. 

"Hahaha.. Yeah he's just some kid. But he has a lot to learn. Response times, how to keep the victim calm, first aid training... C'mon Allison I tell you all the time! Haha there's more than just looking good for the ladies" he did a hercules pose, showing off his muscles and trying not to burst out laughing, he smiled brightly, "thats just the perks!" 
"Yeah bring it over here you ding-dong." Allison chuckled and shook her head, leaning on her palm with her elbow on the table. "Well, some of the girls might like guys like you but I can't say I'm fond o' meatheads." She said in a joking tone, winking at him with a smirk.

"And no, the kids don't take care of themselves, they're like 6 years old, they do a little more than eat, sleep and poo unfortunately which is the main reason I haven't had any yet. That and most guys I've met are just unappealing as all hell. Remember back in high school I was like the only girl who was single all four years?" She asked, laughing at the memories.

"Too bad the other kids didn't get the message that I wasn't looking for anyone, musta been asked out at least fifty times, thank god the majority of them have stopped though there is that old creeper that I work with.. too bad I can't report him to any higher ups because he IS the higher up."
"Yeah bring it over here you ding-dong." Allison chuckled and shook her head,

He propped the coffee next to her and chuckled along.

"Well, some of the girls might like guys like you but I can't say I'm fond o' meatheads." She said in a joking tone, winking at him with a smirk.

"Hey I have no trouble with that! " He winked back, slightly blushing. His tan face glowed, happy to be teasing each other again. 

"And no, the kids don't take care of themselves, they're like 6 years old, they do a little more than eat, sleep and poo unfortunately which is the main reason I haven't had any yet. That and most guys I've met are just unappealing as all hell. Remember back in high school I was like the only girl who was single all four years?" She asked, laughing at the memories.

"Yeah, while other girls got pregnant and dropped out , we graduated! Well I had plenty o' girlfriends tho. But I'm no baby daddy!" He laughed loudly , really thinking back was good for them both. They needed humour. Whenever they could. 

"Too bad the other kids didn't get the message that I wasn't looking for anyone, musta been asked out at least fifty times, thank god the majority of them have stopped though there is that old creeper that I work with.. too bad I can't report him to any higher ups because he IS the higher up."

"Want me to beat him up like old times?" He replied, still laughing.

"As I recall, all my friends asked you out! Hahaha I told them you wouldn't go for those asshats. A couple beatings made them stop bothering you ." he smiled lightly. Reminiscing couldnt last, no matter how fun it was . He sat on the closest chair and his brow furrowed. "What did you really call me over for , Allison?" His voice turning quiet, "a trip or something?"
Allison nodded in reply, taking a sip of her coffee and closing her eyes. "Well, I figure that these last few weeks have been hard on us. And.. we could both use the vacation, right? So.. I've been saving up for something and I figure this is the best place to spend it, no?" She asked, looking up at him with a smile.

"You know how I love my time off, remember how much time I took off of school? I went damn near three or four days per week, actually I recall back in twelfth I didn't have a single full week. My parents were pissed." She said with a laugh before standing up and going to the fridge, fishing out some food to warm up for the both of them, just some Chinese food she had bought the previous day.

"So, you up for it?"
Jordan paid close attention , the way she talked , how she said it and what she really meant. He looked out the window and his mind wandered. A trip, away? Together? 

"Sure , i'd do anything for you.. But is this the right time?" He watched her warm up the food.

"Were close friends, but .."

He stammered and his mouth hung open. He weighed all his options. His mind swirled

"Well.. Wait, is that why i had to tallk my manager into giving me days off? .. Screw it, where do you wanna go!?" He jumped up and smiled. "We can drink in mauii or drive the streets in Italy!" He glowed with glee. 
"Well, I was thinking maybe I'll keep it a surprise until then." Allison replied, setting the now-warm food in front of him before sitting back down and munching on some of the food. "It's somewhere special though, I promise. It'll be a whole new adventure for the both of us." She said with a smile, putting a forkful of food into her mouth. Something was nagging at her from deep in her stomach, some sorta instict that was telling her it was a bad idea but all she cared about was getting there. "So, when do you think you'll be ready?"
Jordan opened his phone and checked his bank account. 

"Give me a day."

Picking at the food he felt unsure. 

He stood up and smiled assuringly, "let me get my affairs in order.." His eyes lit up, "i dont want the women to miss me."

He lightly laughed and began to walk out. 
"Pfff, whatever loser." Allison smiled and cleaned up what he left behind before following him out. "Alright, well, swing by here whenever you're ready, I can pay for everything, just need you on board." She told him, taking another sip of her coffee.
"I'll come if you never ask to pay for everything ever again" Jordan smirked. He slid on his shoes. Looking back at her, "No girl of mine is going to pay for me." He teased and did the duck lips face. 

"Hahahaha just kidding Allison!"

He grinned and turned the doorknob. "I'll call you."

As he stepped out he waved and continued to his car. 

That was the strangest visit he ever had, he hadnt had a good laugh with her in what seemed like years. Was she back to her old self? He pondered. Starting his car he drove home. Only $3400, he could afford a ticket , a cheap motel, and some food daily. That's three paychecks saved.. I'll pull in some favors , that will make a difference, he calculated . Jordan had made many friends working the beach, but his best bet was his rich parents. Not millionaire rich but could afford a showhome and a car for each. Jordan wasnt keen on borrowing from them. It made him feel like he couldnt make it on his own. Everything he had, his car, his tiny apartment, his friends. "It was all me." He mutteres to himself. Focusing in his accomplishments, he made the call while stopping for a last fill up of gas. "Hey mom, i need a loan"

Jordan went to sleep that night, restless and uncomfortable. What is this trip supposed to be ? A fun time, singing kumbaya around the campfire? He grumbled, tossed and turned. She lost a sibling, "and i lost a friend." He finished his sentance aloud. Hoping tomorrow that time will tell, he shut his eyes and tried to sleep.

Already having all his clothes packed , his needs and his wants. He was ready for this, he needed this. Some time to calm his spirit and time to just talk to an understanding girl. If that was going to be allison, then cool. Theyve already gotten along for years. How much better could a few weeks get ? Now he was in a deep sleep.
Allison didn't sleep for the majority of the night, just planning and working. It was going to be a secret until they got there, assuming Jordan could figure it out though she didn't have any doubts in her mind that he could. He was a smart person, dependable to say the least though she feared dragging him into her personal quest would bring more harm than good. When all was said and done and everything was completed, Allison headed off to bed, waking up at about 12:00. She wasn't exactly fond of mornings, that was to say, she absolutely hated them though she could get by with a coffee or two, which was exactly what she went for as soon as she had smothered her laziness enough to get out of bed.

As soon as she made her coffee she went out to the living room, turning it on to some weird cartoon before laying back and watching, awaiting a call from her soon-to-be travel buddy.
If Jordan was going to jump into something crazy like this , he'd have to force himself awake. Stretching underneath the covers he yawned and lied awake. Glaring at the window , it was morning . the sun always seemed to shine right in his eyes this time of year. He propped his head up and patted the bed around him. Grumbling, "wheres my phone" he found the charger wire and traced his fingers up, grabbing his cell. With one hand tucked under the pillow beneath his head, he thought of calling Allison. Flipping his phone with his free hand he looked at the time. 9:37? He bursted out laughing. Shes not even awake yet ! He giggled to himself and kicked the covers off. He sat up, and thought what to do in the meantime. He walked to his kitchen and had a full cup of nice cold water. His mind awake he now knew what to do. Brush teeth , eat breakfast, bathroom break. And check his account to make sure the deposit was in his account. His parents sent him an extra four thousand. He was set for the next few weeks. Maybe they understood how much this trip meant to him. He was excited, even if there were some sly intentions going on. He knew full well, she was keeping something from him. But talking to her always felt that way. Shaking his doubts from his mind was going to be difficult. He instead doublechecked his clothes and found a girls sweater. He laughed at himself for having such bad morals. It was from a one night stand years ago. He walked to the garbage and tossed it. With time to burn he repacked , only having two bags to pack made for an easier and lighter trip . 

He couldn't burn any more time , at eleven he started throwing things in his car, and taking out the junk. "Ah crap! My dufflebag.. " he sighed and had to take it in , empty his moist clothes and leave it in the washer for when he got back. Pleased with his Clean looking car interior, he set off to Allison's. He must've burned enough time, cuz now he felt he was late. "Pick up pick up pick up" he muttered, he was already calling from outside the quaint home.
"Hey, whats up?" Allison asked when she answered the phone, a show being heard in the background. "Where are you? I think I heard your car outside of my house but I'm not sure." She said before standing up and heading to her door, peeking out and smiling a bit. "Oh, well there you are." She said before hanging up her phone and opening up the door, letting him in. By the door, there were a few pictures that had apparently been swept away by the fan, though she quickly picked them up and put them on the fridge. "Have you got all of your stuff ready?" She asked as she went to the couch, taking the spot she had left.
As soon as she answered the phone he turned off his car. Opening his car door he unbuckled and hopped out .

Before he could answer her, he spotted her at the window and began walking to the door. Just as he mentally prepared himself to see her, she swung her door open with grace. He stood inside the doorway and watched her pin up her kindergartners pictures. As messy as they were, it seemed to him that she kept every single one. She must want a little lecher for herself one day, he smiled at his thoughts of her chasing a black haired child with her eyes. Wild as she used to be. "Yeah, man, I think I'm ready. If you told me where were going, " he said with a begging for a hint tone, " I could've packed for the weather! My poor scuba gear just wondering where I'm going." He sniffed jokingly sad.

As she sat on the couch he shut the door behind him and bit his lip. Twirling the black lip ring with his tongue, he all to casually leaned against the door.
"It's a surprise though you might wanna bring a jacket.. or fifty." Allison said with a chuckle. The thought of children did cross her mind at times though it wasn't an often one, as much as she loved children she didn't know if she could handle her own. She still had to find the right person but what if that person was a girl? What if they didn't like kids? It was a scary thought which was why she had stayed single for as long as she had. The only one that held some amount of appeal was Jordan though they were basically siblings. 
He straightened up from his relaxed position and huffed, "uhh.. What's that?" Jordans face turned white, "are you telling me.. Were going somewhere cold?!" 

He immediately regretted his wardrobe choices in his pack. "Let's swing by my place again haha" he had already made up his mind to do this , so he wasn't going to be deterred by a colder climate. "You have coffee? We can pick some up quickly. Err.. What time is our flight?" He asked her, but got distracted by his phone lightly vibrating in his pocket. A text from the trainee, "dude, a girl is asking for u what do I say?" Jordan smirked and replied swiftly, whilst casually glancing up to listen to Allison. Waiting for her response , he put his phone away. 

Black sweatpants always felt weird with a phone in the pocket. Like his pants would slip at any moment. Smiling to himself, he was even more excited to get out of town now. Knowing what he would be coming back to . 

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