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Fantasy The Blacklist - A Fantasy/Punk Post-Apocalypse

Euclid Leaf

Metamorphasis, Genesis, Metastasis

Themes: Magic(Complicated), Sci-fi, Character Focus, Crime, Corruption, Grimdark, Hopes/Dreams, Monster Hunting, Sacrifice.

In honor of someone I respect and wish back; 'Asuras'
I. The Beginning.

"All it took was one thought to destroy the world. It was a near-perfect apocalypse..."

In a time and age long ago, humankind existed as creatures of little significance, mundane beings who were able to change the world around them through only primitive means. We would come to invent and create our own rules and framework to judge the universe, using such knowledge to forge and create things that would slowly propel our societies. But this was merely an attempt to comprehend the abstract laws that bound things beyond physicality. Our minds were a forethought to our true capability, a window into the unknown, but nothing more. We were like talentless visionaries, left only to dream of what would’ve and could’ve been. We were trapped in this destiny, left with only one option into oblivion.

And If it were not for a fateful discovery, it might've continued on this way.

In the final days leading to the apocalypse, this discovery sparked something deep within our weary minds. An epiphany of pure wonder. Some say it was our souls finally connecting to the fabric of the cosmic energies, the direct evidence of our final transcendence. Others claim it was the byproduct of us possessing a unique trait known as Conception, as we reached a collective unification that amplified our thoughts. While its term varied, it was also something quite simple, and yet held limitless application.

To better explain, perhaps I shall speak in terms you will understand. For all intents and purposes, what I speak of, is a form of magic as you think of it today. To you, the word 'magic' elicits thoughts of fireballs and spell books and wands, but here on Threa, it is a far more... cataclysmic. This ‘magic’ was not some source energy from we can siphon into feats of impossibility, used in novelty, to cast bolts of lightning and the like. But a reactive principle particle that listened to our thoughts and manifested them, hence the term ‘Imagination’ used to describe it. This newfound power allowed humans to finally transcend their old destiny, warping reality in whatever ways they could possibly conceive. Truly, a state of 'mind over matter'.

It took only a thought... which is why it spelled doom for humanity.

Once we learned of its existence, there was nothing that could house its presence. Perhaps we were not ready? Would never be. We were unable to control its infinite effects, nor did we have a way to restrict them. In just a few nights, a type of destruction and creation beyond any conceivable magnitude wrought the planet and all things beyond. This magic would have no bounds, echoing our pain and suffering, our dreams and wishes, all at once. Our minds tore into the layers that bound all of existence until our world was consumed in a bright, gleaming essence. This ball of energy floated in the great emptiness of the void, existing all at once, but neither at all. Even the stars themselves could not outshine Armageddon.

And yet, in our final moments, as minds were destroyed, others collided and merged. In a divine flurry of thought, Threa was in a state of change of Flux, torn between and mended together infinitely as the polar hemispheres of our planet crashed and surged in washes of violent Imagination. Those who were able to survive cataclysm, felt the suffering of an entire race and were touched by a sorrow that transfixed their very souls. They sought to end it all.

These twine souls gathered into the center of the cosmic flux, willing their minds into one in order to do the impossible, to reverse the effects of creation, to stop the apocalypse and return Threa to peace.

The minds combined and become One, a mind formed of many. Their sheer thought-power was unmatched by any lesser form, and so they instigated the first ruling of magic on the planet.

The Edictum Arcana.

To prevent such a calamity from happening ever again, the newly created entity then spread their dominating influence across the world, such that no other minds could will their own thoughts into existence uncontrolled and boundless as they did before.

In their final profound act, the entity salvaged the vestiges of their lost world and brought it back from the brinks of nothingness. What happened cannot truly be undone, they knew this, but at least they would be given a second chance. In a flash of light, one that illuminated the very system itself, Threa fused together from its multitude of crumbling existent, and nonexistent parts. However, what they managed to return was only a copy, though a more suitable term would be; a ‘memory’. It was not the same, ridden with imperfections and flaws, as intangibles such as memory will never be perfect. but it was the very least something. Still, one thing was missing from this new home. A void, a loss.

To ease this pain, in the sorrow of all the life consumed in the chaos, the One created a colony souls to which a new generation would be born, hoping humanity would recover and keep it company in this new age of silence.

This version of Threa is new and old all at once, a place of sheer wonder. Indeed, a place of Imagination.

And so goes the history of our ancestors...

Centuries have passed now, and the world is as it was before the apocalypse. Mostly. The lingering presence of magic has left humanity new options to help choose our fates, protected by the Edictum Arcana. A new world of possibility and fantasy awaits us, but also one of equally matching danger.

Will we make the most of our second chance? Or simply repeat our old mistakes.

[Error] File "II" & "IV" are corrupted ...
Compiling remaining data and attempting to re-route (User) to next tab...

Locating Centralization Point...
Failed... Rerouting...
Accessing Secondary Point...

Signal Intercepted.


III. Factions of Neos ß
The children of Humanity live protected from the unnatural world in a great many cities, but the greatest of them all, is known to be Neos ß. It is a place permeated by a plethora of unique cultures and peoples that are both far removed of our own and similar, being the very centerpiece of the known world.

This is where most of your story will take place.

Despite its wealth and boundless entertainment, Neos ß is not the epicenter of free-will without inviting flaws. Shadowed figureheads are free to abuse the public, acts of terrorism, and rampant corruption and neglect plague the city's streets and towers, so thoroughly ingrained into its culture and functioning that many question if it's worthwhile to even try fixing them. The factions of Neos ß spread far and wide, and there is opportunity for those who are ambitious enough to stand above the heads of their fellows. From the most disturbed and violent mages from the circles of 'Discord', the arrogant brilliant-minded hackers pulling influence through their data hoards and black ledgers, to the most valiant and brave officers of the militarized Sanctuary; characters come from every background imaginable in this City of cities.

Maegus Cirriculum

Present since the dawn of humanity's new age, the Maegus Cirriculum serves as the authority for law and order upon Threa. Headed by the Arcane Consort itself, the Maegus Cirriculum is considered the most powerful organization in the world in more ways than one. Gripping control over the way magic functions itself in one hand, and uninhibited jurisdiction when it comes to managing magicians across the world.

Based in Neos ß, the Maegus Cirriclum headquarters is located at the heart of the sprawling neon metropolis and is known in reverence, or disdain, as the Azure Library (or Curriculum Accord). Reaching this place seems almost impossible without some sort of magic itself, as it rests in a floating state that drifts between real and intangible -- All at once. The Azure Library serves as the base of operations for both licensed educators and enforcers of arcane law alike. Whilst the Arcane Consort presides over maintaining and channeling the Edictum Arcana twenty-four hours a day, the task of intercepting those magicians who have found ways to disobey or circumvent the laws is left to aptly trained Maegus; talented magicians with a taste for hunting and combating other mages. While the Edictum Arcana is 'absolute', its effects are not all-encompassing, and thus the Maegus Cirriculum serves to ensure that loopholes are mended where possible, and punished when violators are discovered. Their targets range from the most common street performer looking to wow a crowd with something rarely seen (and for good reason), to the worst of the 'Discord', who weave incredible spells capable of destroying entire city districts. Maegus are selected for their loyalty, impervious moral compass, and uncanny arcane skill. They are peerless among their peers on Threa, second only to those 'one in a million' prodigal mages hidden in the crowds of Neos ß.
-Though they often work by themselves, the Maegus are seldom ever truly 'alone'. They have at their disposal captured magical beasts that are bound within special objects of distorted space known as 'Augers'. These 'Familiars' are beings that, while like the creativity of a human, far than make up for it in raw strength.​
Interception and Sanction of magic is not the sole function of Maegus Cirriculum, however, as the organization also serves as a medium for magic education. Members of the Judiciary, their high ranking society, also serve as liaisons between the Arcane Consort and governors of the Sanctuary seeking to change arcane law, for better or for worse. When certain types of magic usage are deemed too dangerous by the government, it is these liaisons that those of civil power turn to for change. So too is the case when something convenient is needed, but which is currently outlawed.​
The Discordant
Where there is law, there is defiance, and the magic circles and cults of 'Discord' represent such anarchist tendencies in this new world of magic. Loosely defined as any magician that purposefully seeks to undermine the Edictum Arcana, 'Discordants' range from curious teens sitting behind computers trying to figure out the massive Codex that, in itself, is a data stream of the Edictum Arcana as merely a thrilling hobby, to massive crime syndicates using dangerous magic to serve their needs. Anathema to Magus Curriculum, being involved with 'Discord' culture is prohibited and punishable by two forms of law; that of Magus Curriculum, and of the city government itself, the Sanctuary. The goals of individuals within the Discord culture vary widely, but no matter the severity of their activity, it is all highly frowned upon by the general populace. Considered taboo, one would be wise to hide their status as a 'Discordant' from friends and family.​
This dark community primarily revolves around the exchanging of information; how to circumvent an arcane ruling, how to brute force your past a weaker one, among others. A notable location in Neos ß, the district of 'Babylon' is a prime example of the activity of 'Discordants'. Hidden within the vast subterranean train networks underneath the the boonies of Neos ß, Babylon itself serves as a gathering place for outlaw mages to exchange magic spells, hidden as artwork imprinted by runes along the concrete walls beside the tracks, or for 'creative' sorts to find buyers for magical trinkets that have been 'acquired' from the arcane vaults of the Maegus Curriculum. Since its recent surge into notoriety, Babylon itself has become a heavily guarded zone. Nevertheless, the ever-defiant 'Discordants' find a way to exchange information there regardless, either out of spite for the corrupt government, or as an homage to the culture.​
A greedy and ambitious bunch, not all 'Discordants' get along with one another. Sometimes a bad deal or double crossing causes two gangs to wage war, making such a dark and seedy place even more dangerous.​
The Blacklist

In the days of the apocalypse, destructive surges of creation and noncreation, were not the only source of strife for a barely lingering humanity. Where imagination took hold in ways mages intended, nightmares sprouted things unintended, and truly horrific. They existed beyond reality, but at the same time, very much part of it. When Threa was recreated by the One, they too returned, coming crawling from the shadows and from the darkest of hearts. They are monsters, in the simplest form, longing for the chaos and suffering they had been born and nourished from. The 'specks', as they are known, the lesser manifestation of these creatures can be found in all corners, hiding between the countless cracks and nooks in the dark underbelly of Neos ß. Relishing in causing pain and suffering, if left unchecked, one will grow and become more intelligent, and many times more powerful.​
Magus Cirriculum may have officially taken it upon themselves to erase the shadows from Threa in their quest for upholding the peace, but corruption and darkness have long since taken root amongst their once noble ranks. Often, due to the size of the supercity, places are overlooked for more lucrative prospects, being as Named Families have earned a 'right' and 'priority', if you will, of their primary attention and protection. It is this way with much of the Sanctuary's ERASED corps as well, whom are more often than not, too busy dealing with the dissenting population itself, to notice the looming monsters that lurk in the shadow. Of course, some simply ignore the distress signals, knowing far too well the danger.​
The Blacklist, as they have come to call themselves due to being high-priority targets of both the Sanctuary and Maegus Cirriculum, serve as necessary 'villains' across Threa.​
Blacklist members will do whatever it takes to make things right, whether it be taking out a greedy corporate head who plan to further abuse the helpless masses, or to root out the living nightmares that trespass into Neos ß. With what feels like the entire world against them, these vigilantes must use their wits and all the magic at their disposal to achieve victory.​
Their members come from all walks of life, as the only entry requirement is a knowledge of Nightmares themselves, and a will to fight against them. Many Blacklist members are actually former Discordants that have long since abandoned their dark circles and decided to turn their expertise in arcane ability to a 'right' cause. The organization itself is one created upon a bedrock of anger and hatred towards injustice, leading to them to adopting a rather dark reputation themselves, as they will do whatever it takes to cleanse the city that has turned rotten in their eyes. Oftentimes the thing they seek to destroy is a tool at their disposal, stripping pieces and trophies from these Nightmares to create strange and peculiar objects of the 'Occult'. These practices hold them a fearful, yet accepted spot in the public opinion, as something of a 'necessary evil'.​
The Sanctuary and The Rulers Within:
Free-will treads on a fine line towards total anarchy, a mistake that once cost the entire world. The divisions of the governing body, the Sanctuary intends to keep this fine line a bold mark. But who is it that decides what is most beneficial to the city? A parade of political strife and turmoil grips the upper echelon of the megacity, as those with power fight for control over one another. These 'Named Families' are those who have risen into positions of undisputed political and economic power. These families performing a deadly balancing act of trying to remain in power while abusing as much of it as they possibly can. Hiding behind their exuberant and noble demeanor is a truly sinister intention, leading those beneath them to do the very same. The administration and judicial offices of the Sanctuary is ripe corruption as it is piled high in a sea of meandering paperwork. Reforged records from the court dealings, transcribed audit reports, and sign-leased defaulted land claims, all trails of evidence left behind by those who are willing to pay the most a certain given day. Only once the mobs come bearing pitchforks and torches, as a figure of speech of course, do these indulgent aristocrats care to take any form of action. And even then, it is to the most minimalist of standards.​
To resolve the issues of crime and terrorists threats, the Sanctuary have their own dedicated task force, a combined police/para-military foundation which aims to serve Neos ß 'best interest', the Elite Recon Assault Suppression and Extermination Division, more commonly known as ERASED. These militarized forces deal with all matters of conflict and surveillance relating to the city itself, such as keeping constant monitor of the city through the 'Wire', a digitally interconnected network established by zeitgheist member Jung Larc. Their control over private servers across the city has made it easy to use the public system to remotely moderate traffic for trade in and out of the city, apprehension of non-magi criminals, and the protection of its border against outside forces.​
An incredibly vast arsenal is available to the ERASED armed forces, the least of which, includes a whole auxiliary unit of mechanized forces, which ranges from giant autonomous mecha, known as 'Hollow Angels', to independent swarms of scouting and hunting drones. The ERASED soldiers also possess a generous selection of anti-personal weaponry tucked in their armories, which comprises of a number of various mode-changing plasma heated rifles, transformable electric batons for melee, and beam-linked barricades built for emergency-disaster control, just to name a few.​
With versatility in mind, the legions of ERASED police soldiers can handle nearly every situation within all realms of possibility, as touted, proudly so, by their representatives.​
- These military forces even have access to a special division known as the 'Salem', whose special agents, known as 'Witch Hunters', deal with more supernatural cases unsuited by the core body. Populated by talented Maegus lent by the Maegus Curriculum itself, they are ruthless and extremely thorough in their execution of suspected offenders.​
The force is ranked in a basic rank-and-file, with clear escalation of danger between tiers. Wardens direct squads of basic Troopers, who themselves are assigned per city district, with the whole division headed by a single Force Commander.​
The Academies of Thought
Lead by the greatest minds of modern magic, the members of the 'Zeitgheist' collective have taken it upon themselves to focus on the education and research of magic instead of lending their powers towards conquering and spreading control of other factions. Because of their achievement and humanitarian attitude, these individuals are considered some of the most well-respected in the world of magic. Together, they run a number of official 'schools of thought' all across Threa, two of which are located in Neos ß, the school of 'Paradigm' and the school of 'Conception'. The former specialized on physical creation derived from magic, and the latter, on energy-based and 'formless', more cognitively challenging arts.​
Their own research has led to the rapid development of magi-tech. Which utilizes runic spells to create reactions without the need for knowledge of magic to engage, commonly seen in the likes of 'Catalysts', concentrated arcane crystals with a powerful positive polarity. Their efficiency is counteracted with 'reactive' force. As educators, the schools founded by the Zeitgheist are rivaled by the regimented institutions of the Magus Prohibitum. Though, they are more widely regarded as proper research institutions due to their focus on the subject, as apposed to the control and regulation of the arcane itself as seen by the Magus Prohibitum. That is to say, the Magus Prohibitum is fixated more on education and legislature, as their protocol systems shies them away from trying to find new ways to apply magic. Often, the two will work together when it comes to the protection of the Edictum Arcana, as the entity is seen as necessary. Due to their more regimented and law-abiding systems, the Magus Prohibitum offers the Zeitgheist and their students more leeway in 'bending' Arcane Decree (as opposed to breaking it or otherwise circumventing laws).​
Another famous invention are 'Ampere's', vehicles capable of moving based on will alone.​
The Named Families

Being the center of technology and intuition, great and ruthless minds have flocked to Neos ß hoping to create a legacy.​
When there are countless millions of names out there, it is almost impossible to make any one stand out among the others. Though many have tried, only to disappear into the droning dreaming masses of nothings -- Those who have shone a stark talent have emblazoned their name and turned it into more than just a word. These Named Families have become so integral to life in Neos ß, that children are taught their association and meaning in schools as part of mandatory education. Being as many of them control major parts of industrialization, research, manufacturing, and/or distribution of common, to even more advanced, products all across Neos ß. It takes a daring soul to break boundaries, and those willing to take risks enjoy the lax laws found here in the hub for scientific and magical innovation.​
- The Lieval are at the forefront of energy and hardware systems, their special arc-power plants providing for the majority of energy in the Neos ß. Against the wishes of her advisers, it is said the newest head of the family, Velliana Lieval, has shown philanthropic qualities, insisting on pushing funding for recreational projects across the city.​
- Specializing in military-grade technology systems, from vehicles and automatons, to firearms and explosives, the Carste family is the warring giant of Neos ß.​
-Though known for its intense programming campaigns to deliver countless applications to the city and abroad, Arndell serves as a market adversary to Onshi Holdings, dealing in computer systems from CPU's and networking, to gaming and entertainment.​
- Sylda presents itself as the true scientists of Neos ß's mega-corporate families, continuing an age-long practice of putting research progress at the forefront of its dealings. Biology, chemistry, physics; from its discoveries stem countless product applications to be sold on the market.​
- Dealing with imports and the harvest of raw resources, the titanic Ferrus control the refining factories and mining outposts that fill the outer districts and beyond. Anyone wishing to acquire foreign products must go through this family.​

V. This is Who We Are.
You are a Blacklist (detailed above); by all rights, someone that is dedicated to clearing away the filth that has grown and festered within Neos ß, and to an extent even further beyond. Whether be it disrupting the plans plans of nefarious baddies responsible for the suffering of untold millions, eliminating dark monstrosities, or battling against government agents who not only outnumber you, but also possess a near unlimited amount of resources, life on the Blacklist is only earned through sacrifice. In spite all of that, this is the walk of life you chose, the price of a better world. You may come from any background, be it as a former 'Discordant', a selfless soul wishing to protect the weak, or just a vengeful spirit who wishes to do right all the wrongs done to them. It is up to you how your character came into the folds of the Blacklist.​
There is no age requirement to joining the Blacklist. All it takes is a strong heart. Your characters may know one another as familiar faces to the cause, or they may be white badges, unfamiliar with the etiquette and names of the secretive society. Regardless of your inexperience or otherwise, you will come to learn that teamwork and trust is a necessity when dealing the nightmares of Neos ß. Only those who have come together will be able to bear the burden, lest it all comes crumbling into nothingness.​
IV. Misc.
In a world of such potent magic, even those who lack magic will feel its influences. In such a short span of time, this generation of humanity has surpassed all recorded instances of itself in the past. Neos ß is the center of this technological boom, glimmering in a sea of neon and metal wonder. Maegus and Operators alike often work to discover new ways to fuse Science and Magic into an entirely new art-form, and as a result, advancements to both body implants and general convenience have reached new heights, with magi-mechanical body replacements known as 'Metal Jackets' allowing a 'mundane' to achieve extraordinary performance, to correct genetic mutations and physical disabilities. But not all technology is made with utility in mind, the 'Hollow Cores', giant magically-powered robot walkers that patrol the city streets with the Sanctuary Police are an example of this. Mini-Computers and hologram overlays are common sight, and intelligent machines have been built to serve and pamper humanity, walking alongside the populace and heading stores. Feat-Mods are another popular service, surgeries and injections meant to slightly change any aspect of a person they so desired. Overall, allowing the world to be a happier place. To those who can afford so at least. However, not all have their intentions for the betterment of society. In the dark and unsanctioned zones of Babylon, those who want a more 'thrilling' upgrade can physically outfit their body without limit, and even change their appearance drastically, sometimes taking on bizarre forms of fetish. For a price, of course.​
Dubbed, Porcelain Dolls or Reconstructs, these are people who have underwent many mechanical alterations and surgeries to their body, often illegal and extremely dangerous, allowing the user of both inhuman feats and unique magi-science powers. If any of the Sanctuary's agents were to find any of these illegal 'jacks' on you, interrogation usually comes after they compound your arms and legs.​
Willful Threshold - Before the Edictum Arcana, anybody with awareness that magic existed would spontaneously produce spells uncontrollably with their every thought. The Edictum Arcana created a "Willful Threshold" to prevent unintended spell casting. The Threshold is designed such that spells only take effect if the magician purposefully wills it to do so, rather than merely at first consideration. While all individuals are technically capable of performing magic, due to the Threshold's existence, some individuals possess a lesser innate capacity for their will to be strong enough to pass it (thus negating their ability to perform magic at all).​
- Creation of particular objects/manifestation from Imagination can be streamlined and made faster by memorizing the thoughts needed to produce that particular object. A "template" or "spell", if you will.​
Ars Arcana - An umbrella term pertaining to willed magic that falls into the the semi-tangible spectrum, 'that which cannot be touched, but felt'. Highly imaginative, this sort requires great understanding of both an effect and the effected. Commonly learned through visualized thought processes, associated by mental steps and procedures, in order to 'fully imagine' these spells and all their effects. Such as how they will interact with other things or simply how they look like. As doing so half-way will make the spell function improperly, anything other than a complete thought will be made NULL by the Arcane Law for being undefined. The most common instant of this is in 'Elemental' magic, manifestations that mimics destructive elements found in reality. Different from 'Creation' as these effects are often temporary and cannot be held like a real object, therefore cannot be quantified into wealth or saved for later use. As a direct manifestation, these types of magics are only as powerful as the will of the user.​
- Some mages are known to use other objects as 'fuel' for their magic, drawing from sources of concentrated magic to give something of an immediate and ephemeral boost to their own power. These are known as Occultists. However, such objects are rather expensive and rare.​
Inhibitors/Feedback - Counters for spells that create real-world, physical effects, such as fireballs, rolling quakes, flashes of light, etc are known as Inhibitors. Most mages have at their disposal a particular type of defensive spell known as a 'barrier' or 'shield'. These function as a 'direct' spell and must be willed into existence by a mage to prevent short incoming physical effects from harming them, in much the same way as a mundane physical barrier.​
On the other hand, Feedbacks are a secondary type of defensive mechanism, that is a result of a mage's unnaturally strong willpower. These 'personal reality fields', or PRF for short, are used to prevent spells rather than block them outright. Usually, a PRF is a skin-tight zone that all mages possess, which prevents anything not immediately perceived from coming into existence. Thus, a mage's PRF defends them against things such as telekinesis affecting their body, forced-warps, and other spells that create immediate localized effects and meta-physical disabilities at a range. As the PRF is a willed effect, it can be overcome by stronger wills. It is advised for a mage to keep their PRF close to themselves to increase its potency, though the effect can be extended at the cost of diminished strength.​
Creation - A type of imaginative physical-based magic that allows a prepared and well-versed wielder an almost infinite amount of possibility. However, there are a few laws that must be followed as well, in using Creation.​
- Firstly and foremost, all creation spells must follow the Law of Conservation set out by the Edicts Arcana, lest it will be made null and unable to form at all. Therefore, creation from 'nothing' is forbidden, and requires suitable matter. Creation from pure energy is actually possible, as most learned mages will know, and is dubbed 'Alchemy' which includes the manipulation of particles and atoms, but is a forbidden spell type due to its ability to create things like monetary value or radioactive material from essentially 'nothing'.​
- As an extension of the Law of Conservation; secondly, an object created cannot provide more than the sum of its whole mass. You cannot create more bullets than the block of iron can possibly provide in physical matter, for example.​
Creating physical objects generally requires time to complete, especially if an object is made up of multiple elements. This is because precision is required in the construction of things, as objects made haphazardly or half-way will fail to function as intended. Simply put, making bullets from a uniform block of metal takes an infinitesimal amount of time compared to something as 'simple' as a leaf from organic matter, which is incredibly complex in its composition.​
Disassembly - The opposite of Creation, Dissassembly is not a forbidden spell, but has an upper limit to the speed which one can utilize it at, so as to prevent rampant degeneration of large objects (or people). Rule-breakers are known to bypass the limit to create more devastating spells.​
Arcane Acceleration Limit - Part of the Laws of Relativity limits the speed at which things that contain mass may travel. Said speed limit is approximately 760 m/s; or the average speed of a ballistic sniper round. This too can be circumvented by finding loopholes in the law.​
When attempting to circumvent laws contained within the Edictum Arcana, magicians who wish to find loopholes, as they say, have two options at their disposal. There are two 'Schools of Thought' that can afford them greater arcane variety. The first is, in general, is known as "Bypassing", which involves the use of one's imagination (as is necessary for all magic) to create alternative paths or complex layers of thought to misguide the Edictum, in order to generate a spell that is normally made impossible to cast. This usually involves intense thinking on physical systems, such as chemical reactions, energy transfer, etc. As the Edictum Arcana is not infinite in its statements, there are ways to get around ideas or imaginations normally barred from usage. Education and hard work is necessary to achieve this school of thought. It is for this reason that few, if any, lawless mages of the Discord culture are unintelligent. Most are almost too intelligent, for their own good.​
The second school is known as "Crashing". Magicians who utilize this school of thought to overcome the Edictum are far rarer than even the one above, and are colloquially known as "Crashers". Rather than relying on finesse in their Bypasses, Crashers lean upon their sheer mental fortitude to "break past" the Edictum Arcana, albeit only barely. While the Edictum Arcana is considered "absolute", with a growing population of mages throughout the centuries, the potency of such an influence has dwindled, leaving room for powerful minds to brute-force their way past the invisible barrier that is arcane law. Usually spells cast in this manner are highly volatile and very difficult to control or keep precise due to the effort put behind merely trying to materialize the effects fast enough to not be stunted by the Edictum.​
Note: I do not own any of the posted images, unless stated otherwise. All intellectual properties go to their respective creators. I will probably include more of my own invention as time goes on. If it goes on.
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You guys really like to prank me. I always get so many notifications thinking something crazy happened. > . <;;
Sorry about the lack of updates on all fronts. I've been a little busy the past few days with IRL work. Luckily, I got a free window of time soon. I will be looking to approve sheets and such later tonight.
Kloudy Kloudy

Well, since your character is actually the only finished one, I can only comment on him. As if stands, I think Kypher is on -Hold- as his history and powers seem to be misaligned and lacking key details. If you make the changes according to my advice, notify me and I will re-assess the character again.

This is by no means an attack towards you. I'm only being so critical because he is a veteran character and, as such, is held at a higher standard. My main concern is that his magical ability, which does not fall into the conventional subjects, and is considered very experimental. Even for Alchemy standards. I understand you must know the volatile nature of dimensional magic. Which is probably why you only gave him the one power, but magic is more complicated than simply using one's 'imagination' to create things. There are certain laws that must be followed. And if not, requires immense mental fortitude in order to bypass said laws. And then the processes of managing proper mental focus afterwards. I will not blame this on you. I think there must be some clarity issue somewhere that I will look into later.

Anyway, I might I'd like to re-clarify that the Edict Arcana prevents unlawful, chaotic magic in the first place. And by performing illegal magic, through somehow bypassing the arcane law, is a difficult feat for most studied mages by itself. Not only that, but a magic essentially capable of warping space/time also requires a character to also possess extensive knowledge of numerous experimental and 'established' scientific laws, as well with what they are tampering with and how. Not to mention where, as just a look alone doesn't provide enough information as to where a place is. Now, I'm not asking everyone to be a physics genius or demonstrate proper scientific knowledge in any manner in the roleplay, as I do not know everything 100% myself. But the character's history does not suggest adequate knowledge, or understanding, to use, let alone control such a difficult craft at the level noted. Through intense practice maybe, but certainly not over 2 years.

Unique magic specific to users can exist, as 'Naturals', but should not be seen as an easy way to bypass arcane law. It certainly helps, but beyond basic use, there is still a steep learning curve needed to perform greater feats.

Now, to bring things back to a more positive note, as I do not think the character is bad in any way. A simple solution to this problem, while keeping the core design of the character the same, is limiting the effectiveness of the ability. Blinking short distances, or bypassing physical terrain, such as a wall or two, through portals is much simpler than transversing long distances, miles even, through one by vision alone. And over two years, it would certainly be easy to do these shorter portals rapidly. Feel free to throw in another spell or two in there to compensate for the loss of power, and if this so happens to be his unique talent, please label it also.
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Euclid Leaf Euclid Leaf the willful threshold is it a property of the world, detached from the people, or is it something the arcana places on individuals? AKA is it like an enchantment on individuals thus affecting them specifically or is more like a law of physics existing whether there are any individuals or not? (Like say, is a simple rock affected by the willful threshold or is it restricted to affecting only beings who could cats magic?)

Also I take it since it can be confused, that it's boundaries are related to a person's perception of what they are attempting to do more so than what they are actually doing? (If I was trying to turn a rock into gold, would the amount of gold I could produce be equal to the total sum of the mass of the real rock or would it equal the total mass I believed the rock had?)
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Euclid Leaf Euclid Leaf I wasn't quite sure what we were going for in this RP, so I just kind of made a character and decided to just edit it to fit better after you've cast your verdict.

Hey, you don't want to set up a Discord for the RP or anything?
Idea Idea

The 'Willful Threshold', among a few others, is a universal law that is overseen by the Edicts that prevents humans from spontaneously casting magic like they had been able to in the past to prevent cataclysm again. Obviously, it is not a 'natural' one. The One and the Maegus Curriculum help maintain this set of laws. You can see it as a massive enhancement or arcane suppression placed upon the world, therefore affecting humanity, rather than something intrinsic.

And magic is essentially a science for mages in this universe, because of the Edicts maintaining order and its laws are often absolute. Meaning, something is allowed or not. No maybes. If a character doesn't know something enough, they probably won't be able to create or change it. As it is stated, doing something half-way or improperly will result in something that might look like what you want, but will fail to function as intended. The objects need to be suitable matter as well, i.e. a simple block of rock, which is actually somewhat complicated, can only make other rock-things. Otherwise, one would require more material in addition, lest it will be prevented from forming at all. Changing the properties of a specific item, or making things without adequate suitable matter from 'nothing' is deemed Alchemy. But as for your example. No matter what you believed the amount should be, the 'Law of Conservation' would not allow you to create more than its actual mass. This is the most difficult law to bypass.

I hope this answers your questions. :^D

Euclid Leaf Euclid Leaf I wasn't quite sure what we were going for in this RP, so I just kind of made a character and decided to just edit it to fit better after you've cast your verdict.

Hey, you don't want to set up a Discord for the RP or anything?

Sorry, I missed your post. That's fine, take your time, that's why I didn't critique your character yet. Though I did label a set of themes that hopefully, helps set the mood and tone of the roleplay.

And I don't plan on using a discord anytime soon until we've established a more concrete cast. I'd like to get as much traction on the site if possible before I close the doors for the first round. I don't want a mega-cast, but I want to get a large chunk then drain out the dedicated people from the many as I can
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Idea Idea

The 'Willful Threshold', among a few others, is a universal law that is overseen by the Edicts that prevents humans from spontaneously casting magic like they had been able to in the past to prevent cataclysm again. Obviously, it is not a 'natural' one. The One and the Maegus Curriculum help maintain this set of laws. You can see it as a massive enhancement or arcane suppression placed upon the world, therefore affecting humanity, rather than something intrinsic.

And magic is essentially a science for mages in this universe, because of the Edicts maintaining order and its laws are often absolute. Meaning, something is allowed or not. No maybes. If a character doesn't know something enough, they probably won't be able to create or change it. As it is stated, doing something half-way or improperly will result in something that might look like what you want, but will fail to function as intended. The objects need to be suitable matter as well, i.e. a simple block of rock, which is actually somewhat complicated, can only make other rock-things. Otherwise, one would require more material in addition, lest it will be prevented from forming at all. Changing the properties of a specific item, or making things without adequate suitable matter from 'nothing' is deemed Alchemy. But as for your example. No matter what you believed the amount should be, the 'Law of Conservation' would not allow you to create more than its actual mass. This is the most difficult law to bypass.

I hope this answers your questions. :^D
It does assist quite a lot.

But it does leave me with a couple new doubts then. I was under the impression that the edictum arcana was a force from some kind of collective unconscious that atributed laws to magic via it's own influence. So, it's artificial and human-guided instead?

Now regarding your first answer if it's attempting to supress humanity, I take it that it won't bother acting on something that is non-sentient or dead, would that be correct?

And about the second answer, how can one misguide the edyctum, if the mere misinterpretation can cause things to fall apart or not work?
It does assist quite a lot.

But it does leave me with a couple new doubts then. I was under the impression that the edictum arcana was a force from some kind of collective unconscious that atributed laws to magic via it's own influence. So, it's artificial and human-guided instead?

Now regarding your first answer if it's attempting to supress humanity, I take it that it won't bother acting on something that is non-sentient or dead, would that be correct?

And about the second answer, how can one misguide the edyctum, if the mere misinterpretation can cause things to fall apart or not work?

Sorry, I had corrected myself in post. The suppression is placed over the World, thereby affecting humanity. It prevents 'imagination' from becoming rampant. So if there was a way to perform magic without imagination, as is in the case of Nightmares, who are anomalies in both mind and power, than it is possible to overcome the Edicts. But unintelligent life-forms are not shown to possess any clear capability of higher-thought which is necessary for 'Imagination' in the first place. You are correct that the One is a collective conscious of many great minds, but the entity is not perfect nor all-powerful. Hence it needs help from other sources to maintain order, especially with the growing rate of humanity, namely of the Maegus Curriculum, as stated in their own information tab.

Prizzy Kriyze Prizzy Kriyze

I answered your question in the last post, again sorry.
Sorry, I had corrected myself in post. The suppression is placed over the World, thereby affecting humanity. It prevents 'imagination' from becoming rampant. So if there was a way to perform magic without imagination, as is in the case of Nightmares, who are anomalies in both mind and power, than it is possible to overcome the Edicts. But unintelligent life-forms are not shown to possess any clear capability of higher-thought which is necessary for 'Imagination' in the first place. You are correct that the One is a collective conscious of many great minds, but the entity is not perfect nor all-powerful. Hence it needs help from other sources to maintain order, especially with the growing rate of humanity, namely of the Maegus Curriculum, as stated in their own information tab.

Prizzy Kriyze Prizzy Kriyze

I answered your question in the last post, again sorry.
And about the other questions?
Oh, I didn't see the last bit.

To misguide and bypass the Edicts, it is possible, as I described in the 'Loopholes' tab. The Edicts are touted as 'absolute' but it needs to place priorities in certain areas, and as such, has occasional weak spots. Typically in outdated statements of its laws, weaker spots in the 'arcane barrier', or simply has not enough lines to take account for all circumstances. But all these methods are rather difficult.
Oh, I didn't see the last bit.

To misguide and bypass the Edicts, it is possible, as I described in the 'Loopholes' tab. The Edicts are touted as 'absolute' but it needs to place priorities in certain areas, and as such, has occasional weak spots. Typically in outdated statements of its laws, weaker spots in the 'arcane barrier', or simply has not enough lines to take account for all circumstances. But all these methods are rather difficult.
I see... Well, then I will what I can come up with after my exam tomorrow
Sorry, I had corrected myself in post. The suppression is placed over the World, thereby affecting humanity. It prevents 'imagination' from becoming rampant. So if there was a way to perform magic without imagination, as is in the case of Nightmares, who are anomalies in both mind and power, than it is possible to overcome the Edicts. But unintelligent life-forms are not shown to possess any clear capability of higher-thought which is necessary for 'Imagination' in the first place. You are correct that the One is a collective conscious of many great minds, but the entity is not perfect nor all-powerful. Hence it needs help from other sources to maintain order, especially with the growing rate of humanity, namely of the Maegus Curriculum, as stated in their own information tab.

Prizzy Kriyze Prizzy Kriyze

I answered your question in the last post, again sorry.
Well technically I am done with my character. I only meant that I'm open to critique on it now, because any issue you see in it are the issues that I'm open to editting now that I am done.
Prizzy Kriyze Prizzy Kriyze

Oh, sorry. I will look over them now...

Your character follows all of the correct procedure, though I will have to give some warning. Possessing a metal jacket hampers with a mage's affinity towards conjuring some forms of magic. Imagination and Willpower is core in magic, but certain enhancement spells, such as physical must be cast separate and two-fold for the metal and the body. As they are not the 'same'. Thus it is more difficult to maintain such things, unless one were to forgo one for the other. This split focus also makes it easier for another mage to break such a spell.

Other than that, welcome aboard.
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Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom A tip, though do take my words with a grain of salt, but I don't think mental powers work at all in this world, against nightmares and other mages at least, because of that feedback thing.
Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom Idea Idea

Oh? I wasn't aware another sheet was done. Please notify me, especially on WIP sheets. I don't always have to the time to scan for sheets. And sometimes I plain forget. Thanks in advance.

And while that is true, the Feedback of a mage prevents unwanted effects from hitting them, they are as strong as a mage's Will. As such, stronger willed mages can overcome another's feedback through sheer force of mind. Though again, it's easier said than done. And not all people are mages, so it's fine to have such an ability. It's only common amongst our characters, and some of our adversaries, because of the 'occult' nature of the Blacklist itself. But most of the population hasn't the mental strength to overcome the Willful Threshold to cast magic, so most people don't have a Feedback to prevent such things. Of course, it's illegal, but you know.

We don't give a fuck, to put it nicely. :^D

And again, because of the mechanical nature of the character, not only will their natural Feedback be weaker (in this case, very weak) than a normal mage, but sometimes, if the mechanics are poor quality, it might affect the fluidity of their magic and such.
Eshspoyeofdoom Eshspoyeofdoom Idea Idea

Oh? I wasn't aware another sheet was done. Please notify me, especially on WIP sheets. I don't always have to the time to scan for sheets. And sometimes I plain forget. Thanks in advance.

And while that is true, the Feedback of a mage prevents unwanted effects from hitting them, they are as strong as a mage's Will. As such, stronger willed mages can overcome another's feedback through sheer force of mind. Though again, it's easier said than done. And not all people are mages, so it's fine to have such an ability. It's only common amongst our characters, and some of our adversaries, because of the 'occult' nature of the Blacklist itself. But most of the population hasn't the mental strength to overcome the Willful Threshold to cast magic, so most people don't have a Feedback to prevent such things. Of course, it's illegal, but you know.

We don't give a fuck, to put it nicely. :^D

And again, because of the mechanical nature of the character, not only will their natural Feedback be weaker than a normal mage, but sometimes, if the mechanics are poor quality, it might affect the fluidity of their magic and such.
I wasn't saying it wasn't fine, but I happened to read that ability and I thought the person deserved a warning about the potential weakness of the ability.
Idea Idea Yeah, I just wanted to elaborate because you said it didn't work at all on mages, which is only half true. I didn't want any misconceptions. You'd be right about the Nightmares though. Won't work. Don't even try hallucinating one. Will not recommend.

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