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Realistic or Modern The Best Years In Grandview High (Always Open)

"Ebba? Thats very unique, what is its origin?" He asked curiously.

"Markus... Thats a nice name. It suits you." he smiled at him.

"Oh you both do? Wow. Thats really cool. Then I guess we will be seeing alot of each other." he smiled. He wasn't sure if Markus liked boys or not. He couldn't flirt too much.

He stepped closer to Markus and touched his chest, then stepped back.

"Sorry... I like your shirt. It's nice." he said smiling at him, then back at Ebba.
Marco was a bit surprised when Yarrow touched his chest, but didn't step back. He just gave a bit of a flirtatious wink, hoping he got the message. His only back up plan would be to mumble a "no homo," afterward. He didn't want to have to do that, though. "Thanks," he smiled at Yarrow.
Drew hissed at her "You think I fucking wanted this to happen, Celeste? You think I wanted to put you in danger? Fuck! I could so easily just leave, and let those motherfuckers barge in here and do whatever the hell they want with you, but instead I'm willing to put my and my friends' lives on the line to protect you! Be a little appreciative and don't make me regret it!" Drew said. He didn't mean what he said entirely, but he didn't have time to explain that. He opened the door quietly and silently lowered himself down before letting go of the ledge and descending into the bushes, quietly. Easy. He then creeped over to his Challenger, opened the car, grabbed his glock from the Glove and loaded a magazine into it, clicking the safety on. He then put it in his waistband and closed the door, walking back around the house and then climbing back into the house. He approached Celeste, who could see the gun jutting out from his waistband. He took her head into his hands, kissed her passionately, and said "Stay safe. This'll be over soon." He then descended down stairs, drew his gun, and waited for backup, which would be there in three minutes.

Ashley was getting bored and decided not to text Luke back right now. She looked over at her phone and frowned. She felt kind of bad for not talking to Celeste too much after French. She sighed and grabbed her phone, looking for Celeste's contact. Once she found it, she tapped on it and lightly pressed the phone to her ear. She listened to it ring, in hope that she'd answer.

C'mon, pick up..." She mumbled as she waited for Celeste to hopefully answer.
Ebba gently punched Marco's arm almost like a warning to not get too carried away. She pushed her pink hair out of her face and shrugged at Yarrow's question, "I dunno, Greek I guess. I don't look into those type of things. She kept her arm on the strap on her messenger bag and stayed distracted my chewing her piece of gum.
((I am so sorry I never got to type a reply. RPN isn't notifying me. I'm supposed to be getting emails when there are new posts, but I never get any emails. The site isn't even notifying me anymore. I'm also in a bit of a pickle here. So far the only character I got to interact with was one that Lexie made, and now that she's out, I have no one to communicate with as of now (since both her characters were my only friends). When the next day in the roleplay starts up, I'll start posting again since I'm not involved in anything.))
Celeste stayed silent, unsure of what to say. What she really needed was a shot of something strong. Why the fuck are you thinking of more alcohol at a time like this Celeste? Celeste watched as he went outside and come back. She noticed the gun straight away and quickly turned away from him. "Fuck you, you ruined this so quickly it's unbelievable." She sat down in her bed as she watched him leave, she didn't know what to think or what to do. She laid back on her bed and stared up at the ceiling, wiping her eyes.

Celeste looked to her side and picked up her phone, quickly answering to Ashley. Her voice was all raspy and she couldn't stop sniffing. "I'm in trouble Ashley, Drew promised he wouldn't do this to me...how could I be so fucking stupid."
Yarrow caught the wink and bit his bottom lip, grinning at Markus.

"I like more then that shirt... If you catch my drift. Im glad im not the only guy who likes guys at our school. Are you gay or bi or pan or other...?"

Yarrow hadn't had a date in forever, he didn't like to be too assertive since he was a bottom and everything but he hasn't had a date in like a year.

He saw Ebba punch him and wondered if he should back off.

"Uh... Greek huh? Oh thats fine too." he said, trying to make sure Ebba didn't feel left out. He didn't mean to steal her friend.
Marcus could feel himself being too gay, and laughed a bit when Ebba punched his arm, smiling back at her. He was a bit surprised when he determined Yarrow was also into guys. "Uh.. I'm bi actually, you like guys too? Damn, I thought I was pretty good at hiding that," he laughed, knowing he was awful at hiding his sexuality at that moment. "So what about your sexuality?" Marco asked.
Drew just shook his head, saddened. Why was she even mad at him? It wasn't his fault! He would have thought on it more, but that's when he heard his crew pull up. Evan got out first, and led the charge. 13 Jocks, all armed with something, from guns to 2x4s, charged at the Ballers. Drew opened the door and aimed his glock at Mark. "Drop the fucking knife and fight me like a man!" Drew ordered. Mark obliged, and all weapons were holstered or dropped. Drew ordered one of his men to video tape the Rumble, and combat began. Drew threw punch after punch at Mark, Mark doing the same, and each of them were getting tagged. Eventually, Mark tackled him and was gonna get the better of him, but Drew locked him into a choke from the bottom, straining his neck and slowly draining the consciousness from him. All around him there was battle. People were coming out from the surrounding houses, and cheering. In Grandview, people were used to fights happening every once and a while. No one called the cops. More than few tweets went up. One, called "Grandview News", which was like the official yet off the grid news for Grandview, said "Drew Torres and his Jocks and Mark Armstrong and his Ballers are going at it outside Queen Bee Celeste Donovans house! Both sides seem to be armed, but the Jocks seem to have the upper hand in numbers! Come on down, and route for your team in this unique game!" Because of the tweet, people began showing up to watch the heated battle, only giving it more publicity.
Ebba rolled her eyes and decided to spit out her piece of gum and take out her cigarette box. Somehow she knew she'd be stuck with these two lovebirds for a while so she placed a cigarette between her teeth and offered some to Yarrow, "Anyway, I dunno if you smoke or not but want some?"

Ashley immediately felt a tinge of anger. She had no clue what kind of "trouble" she was in, but if it involved Drew she had two possible things on her mind. She is Drew's friend, without a doubt, but she also knew that he wasn't the safest person in the world. Ashley's words were, slow, shaky, and a bit angry.

What the hell do you mean by "trouble" Celeste? What happened? Do I need to come and get you?" She questioned, rather concerned for her friend.

Celeste was honestly one of the best people she knows and wouldn't hesitate to jump and get her in a heartbeat. She put her phone on speaker and threw on some sweatpants, listening to Celeste incase she had to go and pick her up.

Celeste stared out the window at Drew, Evan, and their 'crew.' She couldn't believe what was happening, she couldn't believe Drew would do this to her. "Me and Drew were just talking and all of a sudden these group of guys showed up at my house, armed." Celeste walked out of her bedroom quietly and into the bathroom. "I'm gonna climb out my back window so I don't have to get caught in all the madness happening at the front, come pick me up, I'm staying at yours tonight...if that's alright with you?" She began climbing out of her back window, it was only a small window, only 2ft above the ground. There was no way that Celeste was staying there tonight, she didn't want to see Drew either, that bastard could go fuck himself. She finally managed to climb out into the freezing cold, only wearing a pair or shorts and a sweatshirt. "Please hurry." She didn't want Drew to catch her before Ashley showed up, she didn't want to see his face or hear his voice at all, at this moment, Drew was completely dead to her.
As Celeste was leaving, a man named James, one of the Ballers, ran up the stairs and ran at her, pulling her down from the window, but not hurting her. "Where you think you're going bitch??" Before he could inflict damage, Drew was on him. He wrapped his belt around his neck and pulled him off of her, yelling "Get the fuck OFF OF HER!" He continued choking him, and yelled to Celeste. "Cel, go!" After this, James managed to get Drew off of him, and wrap the belt around his neck instead. He managed to bring Drew to his knees, and it was clear James intended to kill him. Drew grabbed his gun and aimed it up wards toward James' head, but James knocked it out of his hands, the gun landing at Celeste's feet. Drew couldn't get out of his grasp, James' grip was just too tight. Celeste had two options - Save Drew, or leave him to die. Celeste could probably just threaten James with the gun, other than killing him, to get him off Drew.
Yarrow laughed at Markus. He really was cute.

"Your sexuality is nothing to hide. And Im gay. When I was four, I sneezed and no one said Bless you so the devil entered my body and made me gay." he said laughing. He was pretty proud of that line.

"Nah, I dont smoke but thank you." he smiled at Ebba.

"I know you just met me but do you guys wanna come over to my house?" He asked trying to be friendly.

He looked over at Markus and smiled again.
Ebba smiled at Yarrow's comment about the devil. "Seems Daddy's doing good work." She turned towards Marco as if asking permission to smoke. She normally doesn't do it around him but makes sure to show strangers at least once to see what they're dealing with and judge her up front instead of being shocked later. She also waited for him to decide if they were going to his house or not. Either way she didn't much care and she knew Marco would know that.
Celeste screeched as a boy grabbed her but sighed in relief as Drew got him off her. "I gotta go Ashley, be here." She put the phone down to Ashley and stared at Drew, he looked like a monster, she could hardly recognise him, she'd never seen this side to him before and it scared her. She stared at the gun at her feet and she started shaking, there was really no other option than to threaten the guy with the gun to let Drew go, if she didn't, she'd never be able to live with herself. Celeste picked up the gun and pointed it at the boy, tears streaming out of her eyes. "Okay, listen, you better let him go because if you don't, I will not hesitate to blow your fucking brains out of your head." She'd never held a gun before and it felt kind of exciting to be in a predicament like this. The boy didn't move, Celeste was only a petite girl, as if he believed she would shoot him. "I'm gonna give you one more fucking chance, remove your goddamn hands off him or I will shoot you." She started to press down on the trigger as the guy removed his hands from Drew. She walked up to the guy and smacked him over the head with the handle of the gun. She looked up at Drew and handed his gun back to him. "You're a fucking idiot, you know that." She joked, suddenly feeling a little better.
James fell to the ground, knocked unconscious, and Drew immediately grabbed at his throat, coughing. He nodded, acknowledging that he was, indeed, a idiot. Then, the two of them could hear cheering. Evan ran up the stairs, laughing. "We beat their asses, Drew! Their running with there tails between there legs!" When he saw Drew was coughing, and had a large red mark around my neck, and that Celeste and Drew were standing together, he slowly left the room. Drew managed to udder "F-fuck...thanks..." He then fell onto the bed, exhausting. He gained his breath. "Thank you. You saved my life. I'm sorry you had to see all of this, to do that. I need you to understand that I didn't intend for them to come here. I didn't know they were following me. If I did I'd never have come to your place. I swear to you. Is there anyway for me to convince you to forgive me?"
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Ashley's eyes widened and she nodded, as if Celeste could see.

Of course! I'll be there in 5." She said quickly, and hung up.

She threw on her slippers and ran down the stairs as quick as she could.

Where the hell are you going?" Her mother asked, and Ashley just rolled her eyes and ran out the door.

She took the keys to her father baby blue Toyota truck, out of the inside of the garden gnome. She quickly made her way to the truck and struggled to unlock it but after about 10 seconds she had it unlocked and jumped into the drivers seat. She wasted no time inserting the keys into the ignition and started the engine. She pulled out of the driveway and headed to Celeste's house.

About 5 minutes later, she arrived to Celeste's house at the back window. She hopped out of the car and headed towards the window, only to witness Drew being choked by the ballet James and Celeste with a gun at her feet. She felt her eyes tear up and her heart race. She was terrified at that moment and frozen in fear. She didn't want to say anything in fear of getting anyone more hurt than they possibly already were. Tears were rolling down her cheeks as her eyes looked at Drew then, Celeste repeatedly. She saw Celeste pick up the gun and aim it at James. After a bit James released Drew and Celeste hit James upside the head with the handle of the gun. Ashley was already sitting on the ground balling her eyes out in fear, she definitely wasn't one for deadly situations.

Celeste was too much of a good samaritan, of course she was gonna forgive Drew. "I forgive you, but this better not happen again or else It'll be you that'll have a gun pointing to their head." Celeste walked over to Ashley and wiped her eyes. "Hey, it's okay. I'm okay baby." She said, kissing Ashley on the top of the head. She grabbed Ashley's hand and walked her inside her house, bringing her up to her room. Celeste sat beside Drew. "I told Ashley to come, I'm gonna stay at hers tonight." Everybody probably thought Celeste was a complete dickhead for taking Drew back considering that he basically trashed the front yard of the house, and also bought violence upon her, but Celeste found it an experience and a very exciting moment. "I'm sorry for getting mad at you Drew, but to be honest...you can't really blame me." She announced, placing her hand on top of his.
Drew blew a long, long sigh of relief out of his injured lungs when she announced forgiveness. He really thought it was over between them, and that decimated him. He actually felt something about her...love? No, no. Maybe. He doubted it. He wouldn't know. He's never been in such a thing. He hoped he didn't. Love would definitely put a damper on things. From what he'd heard, it was really time-consuming. He looked at Ashley and gave a weak smile. When Celeste put her hand on his, he smiled and intwined his thumb with her's. He nodded as she spoke, and responded honestly. "No, I can't, and I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again." He said. James woke up, and simply left the house.

Ashley nodded and once they reached Celeste's room she slapped Drew in his face.

You reckless fool! You had me worried sick about you two! If I were Celeste I'd not talk to you for at least a good damn week! Ugh, I had to steal my dad's truck to come and pick her up! I was balling my damn eyes out'! You could have gotten killed and possibly Celeste as well!" Ashley was probably angry enough for herself and Celeste.

Her words rolled off her tongue, cold and venomous. She sat on the left side of Celeste's bed, waiting for her to get ready to go to her house.


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