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Fantasy The Battle of the Gods


Ya Boi

Who's that guy?

Memento Mori

Azrael always liked that saying. To him, it's a perfect reminder that regardless of your age, gender, or status in life, you will die. We all come to the same end; with you getting a free ride with the God of Death himself. Over time, Azrael had met pretty much every type of person. From commonfolk to royalty, Azrael had seen them all. He's seen the despair that mortals face when confronted by death. The utter sadness and hopelessness on their face when it's time to hop on Azrael's little boat to the afterlife. Sometimes, he'll see someone with a look of freedom on their face. Everyday, every hour, every second. Someone out there dies and it would fall on him to escort them. After centuries of doing this, Azrael thought that he'd seen it all.

That was until the All-Father met the same fate as mere mortals.

Valsen died as peacefully as possible. Zenaida, his twin sister and the Goddess of Life, tried her best but it was not enough. In the end, even the All-Father took a seat on Azrael's boat. No one will ever mention it but the spirits swear that they all heard the God of Death sob as they got closer to the Afterlife. The Land Beyond Life, as Valsen called it, was a strange place. Not even he could fully explain it. The whole experience was... surreal to put it lightly.

Now, the Pantheon was to be tested. Valsen's absence created a void. A new King must be crowned. Preferably as quickly and as peacefully as possible. Oh, and with as little deaths as possible. Azrael smiled to himself. His brothers and sisters were far from a happy family. Egos will rise and tempers will flare. There's a reason why they all avoided each other as much as possible. Sure, sometimes they will see each other and have a small chat but never has the whole family been together in the same room. The idea amused and terrified Azrael. He certainly didn't want to bring any more family members on a boat ride.

The Grand Contest for the Throne was about to begin.

  • Reagan (God of Power and Strength)
  • Anger (God of the Void) Silvana Silvana
  • Gelsek (God of Fate, Adversity, and Villains) Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
  • Amareus (Dragon God of Balance, Magic, Mythic Beasts, and Heroes) Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
  • Udayan (God of Sorrow, Loss, Want, and Morality) Ariel Ariel
  • Maeve (Goddess of Deception, Murder, Beauty, and Love)
  • Yorr (God of the North Winds and Winter) The Shining Man The Shining Man
  • Cognitus (God of Knowledge) Slop Slop
  • Millicea (Goddess of Favour, Luck, and Causality) Damafaud Damafaud
  • Vulkan (God of Artificers, Volcanoes, Forges, Earth, and Fire) June Verles June Verles
  • Nova (Goddess of Space, Time, History, and Continuity) Noivian Noivian
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The Grand Hall was the center of the Pantheon's power. This is where their thrones were originally built. To Zenaida, this was home. Unlike her siblings, Zenaida chose to remain in the palace that Valsen created with the intention of his whole family living there. That, obviously, did not work out as planned. Everyone eventually went out and made a place for themselves. Funnily enough, it will now be the site of the first time that all of them were in the same room at the same time. "And after they all worked so hard to be rid of this place..." she whispered to herself. The Hall was an impossibly large circular room with twelve thrones displayed in a half circle. In the middle of the half circle was the Throne of Creation. It shimmered white light and was enchanted to prevent anyone other than it's rightful owner to sit on it. Hey, no one ever said that the All-Father was humble. To the left and right of the Throne were two relatively smaller thrones but they were still grand nonetheless. Those two belonged to Zenaida and Azrael, Valsen's closest confidants. Eight other thrones were in the Hall, each of them corresponding to one of Valsen's children. They were all designed as fittingly as possible.

The Goddess stood in front of the Throne with her arms behind her back. She tried her best to look as disarming and friendly as possible. Like everyone else, she knew about what was to come but Zenaida felt that it would be detrimental for everyone to immediately begin fighting each other. "Let everyone mourn with the family," she told her twin. Everyone was sent a message of some kind, instructing them to gather in this place to discuss the recent events.


Goddess of Favour, Causality, and Luck
Temple of Luck > Hall of Thrones
Mention: (Zenaida) Ya Boi Ya Boi
"Hm? Father died? "

Millicea inspected the card in her hand meticulously. On the surface of the blank card, a strong white line had formed. She had learnt how to read the signal of the world. Everything held a message.

"This is troubling. Brothers and sisters will fight for the seat of power now. My followers might get killed again. The world can get destroyed, too." Millicea tossed a silver coin to the air. The coin landed softly on her palm, defying acceptable logic and stood on its side instead of one of the two flat surfaces. "But that's why this will be fun," she continued, smiling.

Her thoughts were disrupted by a quick rapping at the door.

"Archbishop, Lord Lariel has arrived with his sacrifice."

The coin on her palm dissapated into thin air. Millicea opened the wooden door and stepped out. Aris, her High Paladin stood obediently outside, waiting for her. Though she knew he was nearing his fourtieth birthday, he looked as young as twenty. Unlike the paladins of other patrons, the holy knights of the Goddess of Luck did not adorn any armour. Their uniform of fate resembled closely that of her priests, a simple white robe. Underestimating their battle prowess would be a mistake even if they looked less intimidating. Millicea was generous to her devout followers. But as the Archbishop, she smiled toward Aris, who unknowingly was speaking to his goddess.

"Very well. Tell High Priest Sabel to take care of the matter. The goddess has revealed her message to me and I must leave at once."

The High Paladin didn't bat even an eyelash at her statement. Known as the Goddess of Whim, she often gave out missions to her followers in return for a favour. The Archbishop, naturally, received her mission more frequently. Aris gave Millicea a small bow and left her alone. Smiling, she closed the door to her room and disappeared from view in an instant.


A voice echoed joyously as one of the throne erupted in bright light. Millicea sat on her throne of splendor, crossing her leg, one on top of the other. Her figure had changed into that of her original form, a woman figure seemingly made of light. Even so, the smile on her face was unmistakable. She wasn't really close to Zenaida. And even more so with Valsen, who she simply remembered as the one who brought her to be.

"Has Progenitor really died? Did he point out a successor? I'm not surprised if it's you or Azrael. After all, the both of you suck up nicely to him since the day of birth," she teased, chuckling. Her throne glimmered as various objects flew out of Millicea's body, covering the armrest with neatly arranged cards and coins.

"I'm joking, dear sister. But the way in front of us is one of uncertainty with no clear effect or reaction," she playfully ran her finger through the curls of her lustrous hair. "I doubt if even Gelsek could predict the end of this matter."
Izuru sat on the branch of a large oak tree, eating a peach. A young man and a woman who LOOKED young were a short distance away from him. They had come for a very special reason. This young man was Artorias Pendragon, the young prince of Cammelot. His wizard attendant, Merlina had brought him here to assist him in becoming king. In front of them was a beautifully made sword, stuck in a large rock. Merlina had asked her former mentor to help her prove Artorias's worthiness. So Izuru plucked a sword he found in a cave and had a dragon burnish it with magical power. He had to make it seem like some big challenge. So Izuru took the sword and stabbed it into a rock. He marked the rock with a runic inscription to make it sound more legit. "Whosoever shalleth draw this blade, shall becometh King of Cammelot". The wording sounded a bit archaic, though this was supposed to be an "Ancient Blade of Kingship". He had even spread a few rumors about it to add to the mysticism surrounding the sword.

Placing his hand on the hilt, Artorias is warned by Merlina that there would be no going back. Artorias tells her that his kingdom needs a strong ruler, there was never a back to go to. Pulling it free from the stone, a golden light emanates from the young prince. He thanks Amareus for giving him this chance to do what he feels is right before riding off. Merlina silently thanks Izuru before disappearing with her young charge. Izuru finishes his fruit before jumping down from the trees. He then feels about his robe for his wayfinder, he needed to go to a specific town so he could help a young spearman become powerful enough to take down a dog monster Galsek was brewing. Suddenly, he feels something new in one of his pockets. Taking it out, its a sealed message from Zenaida. Opening it, he falls to his knees. "Father is dead...." This was bad, his siblings weren't the most stable lot. They would fight for the throne and everyone would suffer. The world Valsen had worked so hard to create and maintain would be gone in a flash. Opening a portal to the home of his father, Izuru swore he would prevent ruin from befalling this world.

The Throne of Creation never changed, it was still warm, bright and felt like Valsen. Wandering over to his throne, Izuru stared at it. It was a simple black seat with soft leather padding and a retractable footrest. Then he saw Millicea covering everything in her own brand of fun. Keeping his hood over his eyes, he addressed his sister. "Hey there Milli, I haven't seen you since we played tic tac toe over that golden coconut". Of course, they never finished that game. A monkey had stolen the coconut. She was in her divine form, which was a tad bright. Izuru only assumed his when he had to assert himself. Other than that, it was big, bulky and blinding. So he preferred looking like a human. Soon he caught glimpse of his older sister, Zenaida. Walking over, he hugged her tightly. "Hey Zeni, you and Az doing alright?"

Ya Boi Ya Boi
Nova had been on her throne already when Millicea appeared. Like her two older siblings, she had never left the home her father had made for her. Bound in service to the king of the gods, Nova had accepted her fate long ago. But now it just seemed... cruel. To think someone like father had died and just left her to deal with whichever uncouth relative should assume the throne.. it wasn’t fair. Things were rarely fair in life, she knew, but it didn’t help to soften the blow.

In human form, she sat with soft, vacant eyes, red and puffy from crying. The goddess of space hardly registered that her siblings were being summoned, despite the fact that she had played a large part in the summoning.
View media item 34522Gelsek sits on his throne in Human form in The Hall (having been one of the first to arrive), not looking at all like he's mourning Valsen. Which he wasn't beyond a plot piece being removed that he wasn't done with. Having grown bored of waiting for the others, Gelsek decides to answer a prayer.
A kid wanting something interesting to happen? A serial killer rises from the grave as a Mohrg to continue his murder spree after being hanged.

Still not interesting enough.
"Ugh, I'm so bored! I'm too bored to even think of a new monster."
Summoning a bowl of Kraken eyeballs, Gelsek begins sucking them down.

Seeing Millicea, Gelsek calls out after swallowing the last of the eyeball he was eating.
"You know anything about this?"
Previous episode
Vulkan was on his throne of pure black obsidian, resting one of his many heads on his arm clearly irritated, while in the other hands wielding his artifacts. The molten trident, a three-pointed spear that was made out of the center of the earth, hot enough to melt through any other material, a hammer gifted by his father that is strong enough to mold the metal at the center of the earth and finally a bowl of alcohol, that he quite enjoys, gifted by his sister Pravicordia.

The reason for the god's irritation being the fact that instead of working in the forge, he had to wait for a messenger for an "important message". Vulkan scoffed at the notion, what could be important enough to stop him from forging? Nothing but his father dying coul-

At that point in the time the messenger arrived, after being hurried through the formalities by an impatient Vulkan relayed the information to him. The messenger smartly took off immediately leaving a perplexed Vulkan alone. A few seconds later on the surface of the world volcanoes erupted echoing Vulkan's cry for his late father. He then ordered some of his attendants to prepare for travel, he would be traveling to the outside world soon...
PresentThe attendants, as ordered, prepared all the items that Vulkan would have needed and were waiting for him next to the door in the big hall that serves as his throne room and welcoming area, an obnoxiously large, eerily empty room. With walls of pure gold that was gifted to him by his followers and with marble columns that didn't seem to serve any purpose other than visually. A castle that could only be rivaled by the celestial realm, his late father's residence, and Vulkan wouldn't dare to disrespect his father by making a better palace, and he isn't sure he could.

Before the attendants had any more time to admire the scenery Vulkan stepped out from his forge carrying a large box on his shoulder and his usual artifacts in his hands. The attendants ignored the box as it was probably a gift for the gods, and greeted their master. After nodding in response the titanic sized molten giant asked his attendants.

"I assume your loitering means that we are ready to go?"
"Yes sir, every single thing you may need on your travels has been prepared and we are ready to leave at a moment's notice.".
"Good we shall be leaving very right now.".

Vulkan then knelt and placed his hand on the ground allowing his attendants to climb upon his back, after making sure every single one of them was on and were ready to go Vulkan stepped out of his palace and begun making his way to the surface.

A few minutes later on the ocean's surface, a small shipping boat notices some bubbles rising from the ocean. A bit worried by the new tectonic activity, the fisherman gave caution to the wind under the pretense that a volcano won't rise from the ground all of the sudden. With that in mind, suddenly a volcano erupted from the ground pushing the small fishing boat with enough force to make it flip twice so it returns back to normal. And continuing to add to the confusion of the fisherman, a few seconds later a giant covered in lava rose from the mouth of the volcano, so after deciding it was enough fishing for today he began sailing back home.

Volcan sat at the top of the recently made volcano looking around for the mountain where the palace where the gods would meet. A task that would be rather easy as he was tall enough for his head to be above the skies, and immediately after finding the palace he begun briskly walking through the ocean, while at the same time evaporating the water around him due to his natural heat. An attendant surprised by the rush asked Vulkan for the reason;

"We are already late, and I want to get there before I get caught by Meeraseusa traversing the ocean again so she doesn't sass me.".

Moments later he arrived at the celestial palace, entering he found a few gods, most of which were in human form for some unknown reason. A problem as he didn't see their human forms in quite a while so it took some time before he figured which one was which. But when he did he gave a respectful nod, except to Gelsek or who he assumed to be Gelsek from the shit eating grin on his face.

He approached his sister Zenaida and after kneeling he allowed his attendants to climb down from him to present her some gifts he had prepared to give, he then addressed her;

"Venerable sister, I hope that you are fine in this time of need. And while I do know that we need to discuss what is going to happen now that father is dead I and I think a few people would like to see so that we may confirm for ourselves.". With that statement, you could see Vulkan hold tighter on the box he carried the entire way here, the brow of the colossal man, who's usually reserved, begun to frown.

Ya Boi Ya Boi Damafaud Damafaud Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Noivian Noivian Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
A Kraken eyeball hits Vulkan right between the eyes. A black stain spreads from the eyeball, cracking apart Vulkan's lava body and forcing him into Human form.
"Let's keep it small, right now."

Gelsek's grin splits his head in half, the top tipping back to let lose a chuckle before snapping back when he sees Vulkan's scowl.
"Lighten up, lava-head, it's not like it's the end of the world. Who knows, maybe this tragedy will finally get you off your ass to actually DO something. Speaking of doing..."

Shadowy tendrils grab an attendant and hoist them in front of Gelsek upside-down.
"I never understood the appeal of you things, you're not interesting or useful enough to justify your existence and you're nowhere you can be properly used by those who should. Then again, I'm here...."
The shadows behind Gelsek split open into a massive maw, his torso tipping back as if it was entering reality through him as the physically impossible vortex of teeth begins to spin and the attendant is lowered thrashing and screaming into it.

"...so you can feed some of my appetites. Rejoice in giving me a few moments pleasure. It's for this you were created."
Ya Boi Ya Boi Damafaud Damafaud Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Noivian Noivian June Verles June Verles
“Brother,” Nova snapped at Gelsek, her collide followed with a small boom from the cosmos, and suddenly the maw is gone. The attendant is returned to her place by the deity she serves.

“Do not be so mindless and disrespectful towards our siblings,” she warned lowly. “Now isn’t the time to bicker. It’s a time to decide the fate of everything, and fighting won’t help anyone’s cause.”
It had been less than four minutes before everyone started bickering. Gelsek began doing his usual nonsense before she could reply to Millicea and Amareus. All this banter reminded her of better times. As much as she'd like to let them have their fun, Zenaida needed to be in charge here. With the flick of her wrist, the shadowy tendrils disappeared and Vulkan's attendants were freed. She flashed a stern look at the bickering brothers before clearing her throat. "It is nice to see all of you," she began, "As much as I'd love for you to get... reacquainted, we simply don't have the time."

When she was satisfied with how quiet the room had become, she continued, "Azrael will return shortly to report back on Father's condition and what had happened."
Gelsek rubs his now back in place jaw. His shadows continue billowing around his throne.
"Who cares? The power vacuum's the main thing. Do I really have to wait around, there's so much I could be doing. I've got an idea for a new kind of disease."

Gelsek conjures up a viewing portal to the mortal realm.
"If you've got nothing else to do I'll figure out where to start it."
Yorr trudged through the snowy drifts of his home. The sun shinned off every little flake making the ground far bright then it should. The Winter God heaved his shoulders in an overdramatize sigh, he was mentally preparing himself for the inevitable headache that was going to come. There was a reason he'd stayed at the top of the world, and it wasn't for the surplus of fancy social balls. "I don't like this" murmuring to himself. "This is going to be a royal nuisances, and for once it won't be just because of Gelsek"

With a quick flick of his hand, the wind rushed in obeying it's masters beckon. A hale of powerful winds and blinding snow, engulfed Yorr in a growing blizzard. Gathering it's strength, it started to spiral, reaching higher and higher, reaching high into the heavens.

Within the mighty throne room of the Gods. A frigid gale rushed in past the gathered Gods. It circled around the room before slamming its self into the floor. The collection of snow gradually formed into the primordial God of Winter. "Yorr has arrived" he spoke calmly and clearly to his siblings. Whips of air froze at his every word. The temperature of the room dropped noticeably upon his arrival. Only being offset by the flowing magma of Valkan.


Yorr contemplated his gathered siblings simply. He gave a faint look of disapproval as he passed over Gelsek, but gave no other indications past that. Carefully, Yorr picked his way towards where the other Gods had gathered. With each step he left a trail of crystal ice, that slowly expanded behind him. The air around his snowed gently, always giving Yorr a slight dusting of flakes. As he came closer, he suddenly noticed the presence of humans. Yorr gave a labored sigh in response. "My dear brother, do you really believe the realm of Gods has fallen so low to allow the presence of lowly humans here, let alone in the very throne room of our father? Come now I pegged you as one of our smarter siblings" Yorr remarked coldly. As he reached the group, settling in for the wait.
"Ah, yes. As if causing yet another outbreak of diseases wouldn't give me more work to do," Zenaida replied. She recalled the last time her brother caused a massive disease. It ate up a large portion of the Eastern Hemisphere and lasted for about a good portion of four years. Never before had she seen Azrael work as much as he had during that period. The humans called it The Red Disease.

Suddenly, another one of her siblings arrived. It was Yorr, accompanied by his usual icy theatrics. He was pleasant enough but far too dense for Zenaida's liking. It's almost like he just ignored common sense in social situations. The Goddess tried to correct this when they were younger but he never learned.

"Yorr. You look as wonderful as ev-"

"My dear brother, do you really believe the realm of Gods has fallen so low to allow the presence of lowly humans here, let alone in the very throne room of our father? Come now I pegged you as one of our smarter siblings." he said.

L-Lowly human...?

Her right eye twitched in annoyance. If there was one thing she hated, it was being looked down on. On purpose or otherwise. "Ah, the Winter God arrives," she said coldly, "Along with his thickheadedness, I see." Zenaida quickly forgot about her plans. With a snap, she was enveloped in a bright light. When the light died down, her human form was replaced with her godly appearance.


"Godly enough for you, dear brother? "


Goddess of Favour, Causality, and Luck
Hall of Thrones
Gravitational Force Gravitational Force , June Verles June Verles , Ya Boi Ya Boi
Mention: Noivian Noivian , Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia , The Shining Man The Shining Man

A peal of laughter echoed in the Hall of Thrones, as she dubbed the Great Hall. Truly, the conflicts between siblings were one of the most amusing quarrels in existence. How many civil war was evoked by a neglected second prince? How many death result from the jealousy of a sister to another? Revenge, as far as she was concerned, was also another form of favour, albeit a twisted and unjust one. And what could be more exciting than a quarrel between gods, who hold power over the world? Of course, given that all of her siblings would arrive soon, she needed to delay the bickering. They shouldn't fight...yet.

"Now, Gelsek, be nice and stop the mindless massacre for a while. Amaraus had just sent off a chosen child and my priests were off to prepare their yearly festival. The story caused by these factors is too good to be destroyed for now," she threw a playful smile toward the God of Villain, unpertubed by his earlier attempt to devour a human.

"Besides, I think the matter with Pregenitor will be more interesting. I have never caught a clear glimpse of his fate, and it seems he is out of your judiciary as well, " again, she let off a melodious laughter. "Isn't this interesting? The first story gods can get into that we don't know the end off! However..."

She glanced at the attendants Vulkan had brought with him with a look of disapproval. While the God of Forge's seclusion was the cause of his ignorance toward some norms of the Great Hall, letting mortals seeing their realm was considered a taboo for her and several of her siblings.

"Even if they are your attendants, brother, mortals shouldn't be involved in a matter between gods. Zenaida, can you send them out? Living after meeting Gelsek is the limit of my luck for them, considering they see my naked form without any right to do so," her eyes emitted a dangerous light. Though she had higher tolerance for mortals than Gelsek, that tolerance only stretch to her followers and those with interesting path in front of them. A few craftmen? If she didn't have a good impression on Vulkan, she would have asked Gelsek to make their life more... interesting.
Vulkan was caught off guard when Gelsek's eyeball him right in the eye. Immediately a spark of energy was sent through his body, which surprisingly didn't startle Vulkan this time but instead, he tiredly sighed. While at first, the eyeball seemed to affect Vulkan it effects was almost immediately neutralized which resulted in Vulkan responding to Gelsek.
"Brother I am disappointed, you clearly know so much about me to state what my place is so carelessly is but you don't know that I've been stuck in this form since I was an infant. Father did say he could do it but it would take some time as it was something he made that cemented me in this form, unfortunately, he is dead now. And I still don't know who dropped me but I could safely assume it was your craftsmanship right?".

Gelsek's treatment of his attendants didn't seem to annoy him in the way Gelsek expected and surprisingly said attendant didn't even flinch after it was spewed out whatever Gelsek put it in. So after Yorr made his entrance in his primordial being of the snow and criticized him on his attendants Vulkan left out a tired sigh and got up holding his attendant and addressed his brother.
"I fully agree with you brother, humans shouldn't be in the allowed in the throne room of our father, and if someone did do that I would pulverize them myself but these attendants aren't human. I would have taken some human attendants but they just aren't built as they used to be, since the twins damned them to mortal life and all. Therefore I just made my own" He said as he grabbed one of his attendants by the head and legs with his fingers and pulled it apart revealing an elastic property to it, and he continued to show off his invention by covering them in lava, which didn't seem to even bother the attendant.

"They are made out of the same material I made your staff from, so they can survive extreme temperatures but if even Millicea finds them innapriopiate... though brother" as an unexpected smirk appeared on Vulkan's face," I thought you would've found them quite cool". At that point, Vulkan shoved his attendants out of the throne room trying to hide the giggle instigated by his joke, unfortunately, he forgot he had multiple heads including on his back.

Damafaud Damafaud The Shining Man The Shining Man Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
As Vulkan pushed the last of his attendants out of the Hall, Azrael and Reagan arrived just in time to see the Fire God stifling his laughter. It made for a rather... odd sight. Without missing a beat, Azrael quickly walked past the attendants and patted Vulkan on the back, "Glad to see you, brother. Looking hot as always!" Reagan rolled his eyes before nodding at the multi-headed god. The two of them made their way into the Grand Hall.

Zenaida stood in her godly form with an irritated look on her face. One could only wonder what pissed her off this time, Azrael thought. "Sister! You look..." he paused, trying to not piss her off even more, "...dazzling, I guess?" He quickly moved on before she could reply. "Gelsek! How long have I been waiting to tear your face off for that bison stampede? Bah! We'll discuss that later. We have more pressing issues." He quickly turned to Millicea who sat on that splendid throne of hers. "Milli! My favorite sister! Oh, am I glad to see you here."

Since he barely knew anyone, Reagan remained to himself. Sure, he knew of them but he never made it past the friendly greetings and promises of not killing him. As the God of Death greeted everyone, he would just... awkwardly wave and not know what to say. He only really recognized Amareus from the training that they've had together before but even that was brief. Being around all these older deities made him uncomfortable.
Izuru saw Reagan looking uncomfortable and walked over. He wrapped the young god in a big hug. "Hey Reagan, I haven't seen you in a while!". Izuru had been the one to teach Reagan certain fighting techniques, magic and knowledge that he felt Reagan needed. He had made sure to treat his brother with respect and kindness. Izuru had been a hatchling too once. It seemed as if Zenaida was still greeting people, however Izuru wanted to hang with Reagan. So he summoned two of his children to attend to these matters. Well they weren't exactly his children, he had mimicked Valsens creation technique and made them. However Izuru loved them as his children. Appearing from a bright light and a cursed pillar respectively, were Michelle and Lucifer.

Michelle.png Lucifer.jpg

To help with the workload of keeping balance, Amareus created the Four Blessings and the Four Curses. Originally he had just created Michelle and Lucifer, however Luci fell from grace and become a cursed existence. So he gave them three new sisters each. Michelle, Raphaela, Gabrielle and Muriel served the side of Order. Lucifer, Leviathan, Asmodeus and Satanna served the side of Chaos. Eventually, humans began to worship them as well. Nudging them over to Zenaida, he gave them the task of handling any official business while he was with Reagan. "Of course Father, I shall make you proud!". Michelle was always so willing to help her creator. "Geez Dad, Michelle is already doing this...WHY AM I HERE?!". Luci had a bit of an attitude. Izuru snuggled them both and told them that he summoned them both for balances sake. Now alone with Reagan, he began to have a simple chat about all sorts of different things

Ya Boi Ya Boi
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Yorr's interjection had cut off Zenaida as she tried making her speech. Yorr really didn't care for formalities, and Zenaida had always been long winded since he could remember. Yet another reason he'd steered clear of his sister. " Yes much better dearest sister, I do believe spending as much time as you do has made you a little softer, hmm, I'd say mostly around the middle" With all the she had wasted on lecturing him in the past, had had picked pointers to end the conversation quickly. "Celestial forms are far more flattering, I assure you" It was always the slow freeze that burned the worst in the long run.

Of course Milicea and Gelsek where over in their own little word, laughing about some plot. They two always seemed to be scheming something in the human's world. Not that he cared what they did, it's just half the time it's at his own expense. Oh dear.

Milicea added a quick footnote adding onto Yorr's concern. However Vulkan was quick to point out their flaw. Demonstrating his servants inhuman qualities. "Hmm, you surprise me Vulkan" Reamaing stubborn, he didn’t want to look weak openly taking back his statement. For now, that was as close to an apology as he was willing to give, for now. Yorr considered him and Vulkan to be on good terms so he decided to drop the subject quickly. Thankfully the appearance Azreal directed his attention elsewhere. "Ah brother it is good to see you again" Azreal was one of the few Gods Yorr actually enjoyed. Gladly leaving the tension to make conversation elsewhere.

(Slightly edited to fit his personality more)
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T H E | T W I N S | O F | P A N D O R A

Maeve had been sitting in one of her favorite places when she heard his voice. However faint it was compared to the loud music and voices of the club, every word was crystal clear and she set down her glass so hard it shattered against the bartop, spilling whatever alcoholic cocktail the bartender had made for her all over the black marble counter. A small smile rose to blood red stained lips, although nobody could tell as the lower half of her face was covered in a respirator. The whole outfit, including hair, eye, and skin color was just another human appearance Maeve took on to blend in with the populace.

"So he's dead..." Maeve whispered as she moved the glass shards around in her palm, marveling at the way that they didn't even scratch her skin as much as she would have liked it to.

Slowly she turned her head toward the male sitting beside her, dressed in a similar style as she was. He switched appearances less frequently than she did but she'd be able to recognize the broken look in those eyes anywhere. She tilted her head, her hair spilling over her shoulder. Udayan blinked a few times, his lidded eyes regarding her favorite club with mild annoyance before returning to his sisters face.
"I could feel it. The loss of our siblings..." He breathed a sigh, feeling out for the proof he was talking about. "But I'm sure everyone can feel it... Knowing you, you already have plans in mind regarding this... What are we going to do, sister?"

Maeve threw the glass on the counter before hopping down from the barstool. With a mix between a sigh and a groan Udayan followed her as the two walked through the crowds who parted for the twins. Maeve was a celebrity in the prestigious club, known as the owner, and whether it was because of her social skills or her beauty, the human goers admired her and were awed by her presence. The club was a little different from the average hangout. It was exclusive and one had to prove themselves before the goddess before they were given a membership. Judgement was forbidden. There was no legal presence and no laws to be followed. People were free to act on their most base desires wherever and however they pleased in the club. Drugs and alcohol were passed around like water. Self harm and harm of others was common. And the VIPs consisted of a group of twisted and malicious people who enacted weekly murders simply for the pleasure of it. There was dancing, gambling, and private rooms. The club was a dangerous place and only for the humans that were shown to be most involved in Maeve's domains. It was probably the closest thing she had to a temple or church.

Pushing open the doors to the balcony, they instead entered the throne room, both still in their human forms and Maeve took the lead, having waited for this moment her entire existence.

Maeve and Udayan strode into the throne room, with Udayan trailing behind Maeve. The goddess had always taken center stage and Udayan had always followed her, preferring to leave the decisions up to his sister as those kinds of things tended to be more exhausting than Udayan was ready to deal with. He figured they might have walked in on something quiet but it appeared the gods and goddesses who had already gathered here were already bickering. Udayan huffed a sigh into his mask as Maeve walked straight up to the group with her hands on her hips and, knowing her, a malicious smile on her lips. Maeve was dangerous and worse yet, alluring. She reminded him of the Sirens in the old stories humans used to tell. He'd lost count of how many humans she'd lured to their deaths in her time without actually landing the killing blow.

He preferred to only watch from afar, being as confrontation was not his strong suit. If it were any other situation, he wouldn't have been here. His throne was probably the most unused and would have collected dust if dust existed here. And yet, he strode over to it, and sat with such a deep sigh, it sounded like it might never end. He cradled his chin in his hand and fixed his eyes on the group of gods and goddesses, preparing to watch for gods know how long.

Maeve, who had joined the group by this point, fixed her eyes on the twins of life and death and chuckled bitterly.
"So I hear a certain father of ours has died, has he?"



Goddess of Favour, Causality, and Luck
Hall of Thrones
Ya Boi Ya Boi
Around: Noivian Noivian , Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia , The Shining Man The Shining Man , Gravitational Force Gravitational Force , June Verles June Verles , Ariel Ariel , Ya Boi Ya Boi
"Let's skip to the heart of the matter, brother," she interjected Azrael's pleasantry with a smile.

"Is Progenitor dead, or alive?"

Frankly, that was the only question that mattered for the meeting. Anything else was of a lower importance. Death of Valsen, disregarding the gods various feeling toward him, would result in a void of power at the pinnacle of the realm. A void that would be coveted by the many gods and goddesses that might lead to the first war between them.

Living for so long, Millicea had turned her interest to stories around her life, compiling an archive of various narration of fate, all interfered by her or another. Unlike Vulkan, whose domain ruled the volcanoes or Yerr, who ruled the cold land, Millicea's domain crept lower, seeping into the everyday life of the mortals. From a wife cooking dinner for her family to a king struggling for his territory, she was free to give a nudge here and there, slightly changing the way their fate turn.

Now, she tried to do the same to her siblings.
In an instant, Azrael grew quiet. His usual joyful grin disappeared. All eyes fell on him, waiting for an answer. You would think that it should be easy, right? A simple 'yes' or 'no' would suffice. It took another minute or two before Azrael found his voice. He looked at everyone and did his best not to falter.

"Yes. The All-Father is gone. His spirit now lies in the Land Beyond All."
The silence is cut by Gelsek's shout of annoyance.
"You mean the old bastard's not fully gone? He's still somewhere? Then there's still the possibility he could be brought back and this whole meeting was pointless. Unless..."
Gelsek weaves a Fate.

"The All-Father shall never return to life. His influence ends with his death and only his deeds and memories remain."
The others realize that Gelsek has just forced an inescapable Fate. By binding his very being into the truth of his statement, he's made it impossible for his words to become a lie for as long as he exists.

Gelsek relaxes.
"Now then, there's still the matter of deciding who sits on the vacant throne."

A Tarot deck appears and the cards begins shuffling themselves before flying in a cloud around Gelsek. Any fortune-telling device created by Gelsek is 100% accurate, even if the actual meanings only end up being realized after they happen. These devices are outside his and Millicea's control, since any meddling on their part would force the telling one way or another. Gelsek almost never uses this ability, since he dislikes having anything outside his control.
"And unless any of you want to risk a chance Millicea can't meddle with, I'd suggest you all step back and let me take it."
Lucifer wanders over to her uncle and kicks him over. "HEY!!! IF I CAN'T MESS AROUND AND HAVE FUN, YOU CAN'T EITHER FOULSEK". Michelle bows to Zenaida and runs over to them. "Lord Gelsek, you have just pushed the possible destruction of the world closer. While I do agree a new ruler must be chosen. Such reckless methods could result in the deaths of many humans". Izuru looks at Gelsek and stares daggers at him, did he just do that? Patting Reagan on the shoulder, he walked over to the deck. With a wave of his hands, he throws all the cards into the air. They turn into this new thing he made up...confetti. Then he turns to Gelsek and waves his hands around like a mystic, which he was.

"Gelsek, you're a punk who was born a god... having you on the throne is like giving a toddler a knife... it won't end well. We do need a new Chief Deity... just someone who isn't a mistake like you, you abomination"

Lucifer looks at her father with surprise. Usually he talked about most of the gods so fondly, seeing him be so VENOMOUS was a rare sight. Snapping his fingers, he called the rest of his children to his side. Assembled on his right were Michelle, Raphaela, Gabrielle and Muriel. On his left were Lucifer, Leviathan, Asmodeus and Satanna. "As the God of Balance, I challenge your claim to the throne"


Maeve almost laughs when Gelsek says that they should let him take the throne. Him? As much as Maeve liked the god, as opposed to the others anyway, and his attitude, she wasn't about to just let that happen. The idea was laughable. Zenaida and Azrael were more deserving of the throne than him and Maeve was prepared to dispute their place on the throne as well. It wasn't that she wanted the throne entirely, even though she did want a place on top. Maeve's desire for power was only thwarted by her desire to make things interesting. A poisonous smile rose to her lips, one hidden by the mask and she cupped her chin in her hand, tilting her head to the side.

"You, Gelsek? Honey..." She sounded out the endearing term, almost hissing it out with a roll of her eyes. "I'm sure there are more deserving god's here that would disagree. Or at the very least, would have something to say. What makes you think you're better than any of them? In my opinion, someone like Zenaida or Azrael should take the throne."

Her gaze moved around the group once and she shrugged with a sigh, faking disinterest.
"Well, I mean who is to say for sure? Maybe we should vote? But that might only lead to a more popular god on the throne, even if they don't deserve it..."

She paused again, her face morphing into one of preturbance and concern.
"What are we to do then? I only want to see the best for all of us of course..."
Her voice dripped sincerity. But being the god of deception, one couldnever tell with her.

Finally the goddess pulled off her mask. Following the lead of the other god who had spoke, Maeve smiles and says, "I too challenge your claim to the throne."

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Goddess of Favour, Causality, and Luck
Hall of Thrones
: Gravitational Force Gravitational Force , June Verles June Verles , Ariel Ariel
Around: Noivian Noivian , Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia , The Shining Man The Shining Man , June Verles June Verles , Ariel Ariel , Ya Boi Ya Boi

Hearing Gelsek prideful declaration, Millicea let out a scornful laugh. Binding fate? Unchangeable outcome? Did he just step into her domain and said she is powerless? Oh, sometimes she wished she could rip his smug face off, one bit after another, until he was all scattered on the river of time.

"Gelsek, brother, even if my domain overlaps with yours, your control is minute over causality."

A pristine blue die appears on Millicea's palm. She tossed it toward Maeve's feet, lazily declaring, "six." The die rolled to a stop, stumbling a few times on the smooth floor, revealing a six. With a smile, Millicea turned to Gelsek.

"As I have told you many times before, brother, causality is about certainty. The true branch of unchangeable fate, like the throw of my die," she purred. "Of course, influence by gods can change the causality, but that, if I allow it. I can protect the original causality, or change the order of the event, if it's within my control. "

She pointed a finger at Gelsek. A card shot itself at Gelsek's temple.

"And nothing add uncertainty of an event like the presence of multiple gods. Politic between gods? If you tell me your artefacts can predict the outcome, I might as well resign."

A puff of hot air escaped Millicea's lungs. Really, certain fate? He trampled right into her domain! If she let him do as his wish, what would her domain be? This brother of hers was greedy at times and arrogant. That fate binding prophecy? Her domain didn't perceive it. What a joke. The result of this shift of power? Please. It wasn't that she couldn't interfere, but as everyone could interfere, the result was as certain as nothing.

"I nominate Vulkan for the throne! Compared to you, brother and sister, at least he is stable like a mountain."

She stared at Gelsek and Maeve with a hint of ridicule. Of course, she didn't really want Vulkan on the throne. Or anyone else for that matter. What important was to announce a third nominee to add to the chaos. Granted, she would be happy if Vulkan really ended up as king. His inventions would make the life of mortals more interesting!
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