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Fantasy The Battle of the Gods CS Page


Ya Boi

Who's that guy?
* This is just the basic information that we need. You can choose to add more details or format this CS Sheet in any way you'd like.




Appearance (Picture or Description):

Backstory (optional but encouraged):

Relations (optional but encouraged):


Other: (This includes any specific likes or dislikes. If your god(dess) has a motive other than power, this is also the place to put it)


Add a short paragraph about what happened when your character heard that Valsen had died.
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Name: Reagan

Gender: Male

Dominion: Power and Strength

Backstory: Reagan is the youngest son of Lord Valsen. He began training how to fight at a young age. Azrael would often praise his younger brother for his prowess in battle but he never cared about what Azrael though. All Reagan wanted was to please their father who showed no compassion for him. In truth, Valsen loved Reagan the most. If the other gods knew of Valsen's favoritism, it could cause more problems for everyone. The only ones who knew of this were Azrael and Zenaida.

  • Valsen: His father. They have a strained relationship.
  • Zenaida: Reagan's favorite sister. The two of them share a close relationship. They often tease each other relentlessly when Reagan was younger.
  • Azrael: He trained Reagan how to fight. They maintain a close relationship. Personality: The God of Power and Strength is his moniker for a reason. He's a strong and fierce individual who refuses to accept transgressions held against him. He'll often challenge any naysayers to a duel or a contest of skill just to prove a point. He is often labeled as arrogant and rude yet Zenaida would beg to differ. When he isn't training, Reagan enjoys the smaller things in life.

Other: Reagan is capable of wielding any weapon that has existed. His favorite is the Axe.

Reagan stood by the edge of his father's palace. It was an impossibly large manor that floated in nothingness. All around the manor was nothing but darkness. Completely empty. The God of Power remained motionless as he tried to make sense of it all. It had been days since Zenaida broke the news to everyone. Valsen had died. He felt guilty for not being there when it happened. Reagan felt that he owed his father to be there in his final moments. The rational part of him said that there was nothing he could have done anyway. He knew that this day would come. He prepared himself for what's to come and yet the pain came regardless.

"How are you?"

Reagan did not turn. He recognized Azrael's voice behind him. It had been quite a while since they last spoke. In fact, it had been a while since he spoke with any of his siblings other than Zenaida. It seemed odd to him that it took the death of the Creator of All just to bring them together again. "I'm fine," he replied quietly. That was a lie. Reagan felt crushed. Azrael knew better, though. Despite what everyone else would say, Azrael was always the more doting sibling than Zenaida could ever be.

"Come on, child. I thought I taught to lie better than that." "I feel horrible, Azrael." "Aye, that much is obvious to anyone. I mean, when was the last time you've slept?" He hadn't slept since he'd heard the news. Reagan felt a hand on his shoulder. "Ah, I should know better than to ask." There was an odd pause in their conversation. Perhaps Azrael knew better than to continue. So they remain quiet.

Both of them stared at the nothingness around them. "The others will arrive soon," Azrael's said, "We should hurry or else Zen will never let us hear the end of it." That brought a smile to Reagan's face. When they were younger, Zen was practically everyone's mother. Constantly nagging everyone about every little detail. "Well, we wouldn't want that now would we?" Reagan said before turning around and headed towards the Grand Hall. His other siblings were coming and Reagan was determined to look strong.

* Open for Reagan to have detailed relations with the other characters!
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Name: Angel

Gender: Female

Dominion: The Void, Nothingness, Paradoxes


Angel was born from the nothingness around and of Valsen, becoming the first ever paradox. A conscious that grew its own will, though it had none to start out with.

Fiena, Goddess of Time, Wife
Ivlene, Goddess of Space, Wife

Personality: WIP

"Nothing. Such a beautiful word. Humans were born with nothing. Yet, they have come so far for things that once had nothing. They have developed powerful machines to help them and have grown so much. Maybe one day they'll achieve God power. Maybe one day they will one day grow powerful enough to kill the Gods."
"In every world, the strong polish their fangs while the weak polish their wisdom."
"All wisdom ends in paradoxes."
"I have no desire for the title 'King of Gods'. Why? Because its only a title suit for fools who believe that they are all powerful. Little do they realize that even a pawn can take down a King. What is my desire then? My only desire is to protect Fiena, Ivlene, and humanity. Why do I want to protect Humanity? I believe they have the potential to take down the Gods."
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Name: Gelsek

Gender: Male

Dominions: Adversity, Fate, and Villains

View media item 34522Gelsek's true form is that of the massed shadows of every one of his creations and Villains. These shadows form together into a shadowy reflection of who he is talking to when he takes his true form.

Backstory: As long as there is something, there will be that which opposes it. And if there's nothing, then the opposite of that is something. Gelsek stepped fully formed from the first shadow ever cast, laughing like a maniac. He announced his arrival in existence by creating a monster resembling a massive centipede and spoke a prophecy that it would never die at the hands of mortals or gods. The monster (which he had named Chornar) was eventually slain after a mortal tricked it into diving into a volcano. Gelsek watched the demise of his first creation and clapped. Since then he's created numerous monsters (including the first Undead), abhorrent artifacts, dark spells, etc.

Relations: Gelsek treats all his siblings with varying levels of courtesy, staying polite while picking apart what he considers their flaws. He views them with amusement, seeing them as taking everything too seriously and working far too hard to accomplish very little.
Valsen: By Gelsek's very nature he occasionally worked against him, and his numerous creations counter to Valsen's intentions (even if Gelsek obeyed the laws) did little to endear him to him.
Zenaida: Gelsek's repeated resurrections of his favorite villains makes Zenaida view him the way a judge views someone who breaks criminals out of prison for fun. Gelsek has never faced retribution for this, but that's more due to his own powers than Zenaida's lack of trying.
Azrael: Gelsek's repeated resurrections of his favorite villains makes Azrael view him the way a prison warden views someone who breaks criminals out of prison for fun. Gelsek has never faced retribution for this, but that's more due to his own powers than Azrael's lack of trying. Gelsek especially enjoys rubbing his activities in the elder God's face.
Angel: Gelsek enjoys pranking him. Like when he asked what the sound of one hand clapping is and then slapped Angel in the face.
Cognitus: Gelsek possesses the ability to blind Cognitus to possible futures using his power over Fate. He usually does this to avoid spoilers.
Meeraseusa: Gelsek has filled the sea with monsters and horrifying ruins, created nightmares capable of driving men insane, and generally done quite a bit to despoil Meeraseusa's domains.
Vulkan: The ends of Gelsek's machinations often end in or near volcanoes and usually involve messing them up.
Nova: Gelsek's creations and Villains have violated Nova's domains time and again.
Aeryn: (Waiting on finished CS)
Ariel Von Pitar: Gelsek seeks to destroy him utterly.
Yorr: Gelsek clashes on so many levels with Yorr that there is no chance for reconciliation.
Millicea: The only God Gelsek has any kind of friendly relationship with. Sometimes as lovers, other times as opponents, other times as partners, they have come together to play with mortal lives.
Pravicordia: Gelsek has a mixed relationship with Pravicordia. They clash or collaborate depending on what Gelsek is planning.
Reagan: The closest Gelsek gets to playing fair is letting Millicea in on his fun and not using his power over Fate to automatically hand Villains and monsters the win. Gelsek's very nature means that Reagan is the one he takes the most delight in opposing.
Kamukura Izuru: Gelsek wants to get rid of Kamukura Izuru because of how often he spoils his fun.
Eon Rayfore: (Waiting on finished CS)

Personality: Gelsek seeks his own amusement through his Domains. He uses his power over adversity to create artifacts, monsters, and spells of Evil intent, then sets them loose on the world and watches whatever unfolds. He's bound by his Domain of Fate and his own nature to ensure that nothing he does cannot be opposed. If he creates an artifact, it will have a method of destruction, a monster will have an exploitable weakness, a spell can be blocked, nullified, or undone.

Gelsek's third Domain is the one most obvious to those with an outside view. He sees mortals as characters in a story being told to him. He does as whatever he can to make the story more interesting, and he finds villains the most interesting characters. Gelsek does what he can to spur the creation of such characters. A killer's first kill goes undiscovered as a result of 'seeming chance,' and the killer finds he likes it. The King dies after a 'prolonged' illness while the Prince is away, leaving the throne ready to the usurper. A mage 'accidentally' discovers the location an ancient artifact capable of conquering kingdoms. But here again Gelsek is forced by his own nature to ensure that any who oppose these villains have a chance. The detective after the killer 'coincidentally' finds a clue, a prophecy says that the usurper will only die by the hand of a woman born of a man, the artifact has an overlooked weakpoint. But even then, it's only a chance. The killer may escape, the usurper may keep the throne, the artifact may end an age.

And that still doesn't end the troubles. Gelsek will often bring back his favorite villains, either through resurrecting them as Undead, Fating circumstances that result in their revival, inspiring copycats, etc. These only end when Gelsek gets bored of them.

Other: Many mortals foolish or power-hungry enough to pray to Gelsek will either find themselves facing great peril or given a gift that is much more than they expected. All who ask for boons are answered, although the way its given may never be realized. A knight who asks for help slaying his enemy may arrive at his foe's gate to find his foe devoured by a dragon that sees him as a traveling meal. A wizard demanding greater power may seem to get nothing but find insight into a terrible new spell in the rage that follows. All prayers are answered, but few are answered as they were expecting. Gelsek has used his power to ensure this will never become common knowledge.

"Valsen is dead."
"Dead? Really? Oh, that's a twist I didn't see coming. Suffice to say I had nothing to do with it, I was nowhere near done with him."
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Name: Divine Dragon Amareus (Known as Kamukura Izuru in his mortal guise)

Gender: Dragon

Dominion: Balance, Magic, Mythic Beasts and Heroes

Appearance (Picture or Description): (Prefers his human guise, will only assume his true draconic form when asserting his position as a god. However he has been known to assume a number of different appearances in his role as a Trickster who guides Heroes)
Izuru the 2nd.jpg

Amareus Prototype.png

Backstory (optional but encouraged): Born from the Creator of All, Valsen. Amareus was actually raised by dragons in his early years. As such, his divine form is a Divine Dragon. The Dragon Matriarch, Karrell was like a mother to Amareus. She fed him, give him lots to drink and loved him as her own. When he became capable of thought and movement. Karrell began teaching him many different things. Under the tutelage of his foster mother, Amareus learned to read and write. When he got bigger, she trained him to speak many different languages. One day a group of wyverns came and killed many of the hatchlings he had come to know as family. After almost wiping out the entire tribe the wyverns belonged to, Karrell told him where he came from. Fearful of his power, Amareus tried to shut himself off from all things. However Karrell never gave up on Amareus, eventually bringing him out of his despair. Assembling the other tribes, she had Amareus learn from each of the dragon species. Slowly but surely, Amareus learned to fight. As soon as they were sure he could control his power, they started teaching him magic. As Amareus was a god, he could use all different kinds of draconic magic. Soon he became the most powerful Dragon Wizard they had. Grateful for all the help they had given him, Amareus swore to become a god who carried the wishes of dragons. Finally Karrell sent him on his way, he was no longer a hatchling she could keep in the nest. It was then that he met his elder sister, Zenaida. She was the goddess who held dominion over Life itself. After telling her his story, she told him that life held so many more opportunities than life among the dragons provided. Pointing him towards mankind, she instructed him to learn. Amareus then lived among humans. At first it was hard, since humans had so many rules and customs. He was taken in by an old wizard, who taught him much about the mystic arts and human nature. The young god wanted to give up and fly away. However a human girl who Amareus had befriended told him a secret. She held feelings for another friend of theirs. However her shy nature always got in the way of confessing to him. Naturally Amareus was loyal to his friends, so he helped her strengthen her heart. They married later that year, Amareus was even made the best man. It was here that Amareus began to realize his purpose. Perhaps he was a god that helped people better themselves? That village was completely destroyed by bandits one day. Amareus swore revenge on the bandits and wiped them out with fire and lightning. He wondered why humans could be so evil when he had seen them be so kind. While he was sulking in defeat over having lost his human home, his friends rallied the people together to rebuild. Soon that tiny village became a sprawling city. Amareus saw the infinite potential that humans had when they worked together. As he looked at the stars one night, Zenaida visited him and asked him if he knew who he was. Amareus replied that he would know soon. Over time, as the humans lived and died around him, Amareus remained strong. He used his growing knowledge to help the humans make decisions that saved them from disaster time and time again. Valsen then met with his son and asked Amareus what he wanted to be. Amareus responded that he wanted to be a god of balance. Humans and Dragons were creatures who could be good or bad. He wanted to be a god who wasn't aligned with Order or Chaos, rather, he wanted to be a god who encouraged their balancing. One could not exist without the other. A bleak world of Order would collapse from a feral and desperate Chaos. A world of Chaos would be so soaked in blood that a mindless Order would inevitably take over. Valsen brought his son before his siblings and announced that this was Amareus, the Divine Dragon. He was the Arbiter who watched over the balance of Order and Chaos. To further maintain this balance, Amareus would assume various forms to advise heroes into making choices that would protect the world. Soon he became known as the God of Heroes. Amareus has lived for a long time, he has learned a great many things. However his goal still hasn't changed...

Relations (optional but encouraged):
Zenaida: Loves his sister, she helped him find his purpose
Valsen: Mourns his father, wishes to protect his world
Azrael: Thinks his brother needs to chill out sometimes
Gelsek: Wants Galsek to get hit by a chariot moving at subsonic speeds
Vulkan: Likes collaborating with his brother to create new magical weapons and items
Yorr: Izuru thinks Yorr needs to learn to love humans
Reagan: The two do have a solid bond, exchanging snarky remarks and jokes. Izuru even taught him a few moves he learned among the dragons
Mera: While the two have (Indirectly) clashed, he still sees her as his little emo sister
Millicea: They like playing games together, their equally bullshit luck always ends in ties or destruction
Cognitus: He enjoys games of wit or magic with his brother
Pandora: The two of them have been outsmarted or simply assaulted by so much stupidity that they know Izuru should be avoided
Ariel: He thinks that Ariel should embrace his abilities and show everyone he matters
Nova: He loves Nova with all his heart and wishes to marry her, however he struggles to tell her because A: Shes kinda responsible for a lot of big things, why waste time on him and B: He's a god who has flip flopping morals

Personality: Amareus cannot be described as GOOD or EVIL. He is a complex and sometimes nonsensical being. One day he could be playing games with children, the next he could be obliterating your entire city. Unless the fate of the world is at stake, he rarely takes things seriously. Amareus wholeheartedly believes that all things should live in balance with each other. To this end, he guides and mentors heroes who bring change to the world. However, he can also be incredibly cold or cruel. If he feels he has to, he will utterly destroy all you hold dear. Amareus can pull strings to either help or harm those he takes interest in. No one should assume that they can pin down which way Amareus's morality swings at any moment, lest they get caught up in it. Names like "Blessed Mentor" or "Black Devil" could both be used to describe him. When the occasion calls, Amareus can take great pride in some of his Mephistophelian deals, pondering how the individual will use the gift given to them.

Other: (This includes any specific likes or dislikes. If your god(dess) has a motive other than power, this is also the place to put it)
Izuru sat on the branch of a large oak tree, eating a peach. A young man and a woman who LOOKED young were a short distance away from him. They had come for a very special reason. This young man was Artorias Pendragon, the young prince of Cammelot. His wizard attendant, Merlina had brought him here to assist him in becoming king. In front of them was a beautifully made sword, stuck in a large rock. Merlina had asked her former mentor to help her prove Artorias's worthiness. So Izuru plucked a sword he found in a cave and had a dragon burnish it with magical power. He had to make it seem like some big challenge. So Izuru took the sword and stabbed it into a rock. He marked the rock with a runic inscription to make it sound more legit. "Whosoever shalleth draw this blade, shall becometh King of Cammelot". The wording sounded a bit archaic, though this was supposed to be an "Ancient Blade of Kingship". He had even spread a few rumors about it to add to the mysticism surrounding sword. Placing his hand on the hilt, Artorias is warned by Merlina that there would be no going back. Artorias tells her that his kingdom needs a strong ruler, there was never a back to go to. Pulling it free from the stone, a golden light emanates from the young prince. He thanks Amareus for giving him this chance to do what he feels is right before riding off. Merlina silently thanks Izuru before disappearing with her young charge. Izuru finishes his fruit before jumping down from the trees. He then feels about his robe for his wayfinder, he needed to go to a specific town so he could help a young spearman become powerful enough to take down a dog monster Galsek was brewing. Suddenly, he feels something new in one of his pockets. Taking it out, its a sealed message from Zenaida. Opening it, he falls to his knees. "Father is dead...." This was bad, his siblings weren't the most stable lot. They would fight for the throne and everyone would suffer. The world Valsen had worked so hard to create and maintain would be gone in a flash. Opening a portal to the home of his father, Izuru swore he would prevent ruin from befalling this world...
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T H E | T W I N S | O F | P A N D O R A

S O N G | O F | M O [ U ] R N I N G

Domain | Sorrow, Loss, Want, Mortality

Gender | Male

Height | 6'1"

Weight | 172lbs.

Hair Color | White

Eye Color | Gold


Udayan, or Uda, is very quiet and hardly ever speaks. His voice is but a wisp and holds no emotion or strength. His words are flimsy like paper. He is most often seen with the same look on his face. A small frown rests on his lips. His eyes are glazed, distant and have a way of looking beyond people or through them rather than at them. Whereas, eyes can often be described as the windows to the soul, Udayan's eyes let in no light and can not be properly looked into. His emotions are difficult to read, which doesn't matter as he seems to feel nothing but sorrow. Udayan is sad because he is sad. Those that spend extended periods of time with him grow wistful and depressed and for that reason, he spends most of his time alone, not because he's protecting others, that he doesn't care about, but because others tend to avoid him. The air around him is heavy, akin to the air on a stormy day. If asked to do anything, it is most likely he will promptly decline if he even gives an answer at all. If he had hobbies, they would be wandering aimlessly and staring off at nothing for hours on end. Udayan appears truly lost to the point where even he does not know where he has gone.

He appears lazy because of his lack of desire and motivation. He prefers to move very little and to those he does speak to, he will complain often. When his sister drags him around, he's constantly groaning and sighing the whole way. His lack of ambition makes him easy to manipulate and take advantage of, but those that do not want to face the wrath of Maeve, do not upset Udayan.

Despite his more prominent emotion of sorrow, Udayan is still capable of feeling other emotions and even has desires and interests. These he rarely discloses or acts upon, given his nature. A possible paradox could be that his sadness stems from the inhibitors his emotions put on his ability to act and to create his own happiness. Being that it is completely apart of him however, it would never go away but could only be curbed or repealed.

S O N G | O F | [ M ] E N D I N G

Domain | Deception, Murder, Beauty, Love

Gender | Female

Height | 5'1"

Weight | 112lbs.

Hair Color | Black & White

Eye Color | Red


Maeve is a wild and unpredictable creature. She does as she pleases with mild regard to the consequences. Maeve smiles often and prefers to spend her time on the luxuries of existence, the things that derive pleasure and comfort. Anything less will earn complaint or mild disgust from Maeve. Having fun is her top priority. Maeve is sociable and prefers to spend her time with others. While she spends enough time with her fellow gods, her favorite place to spend her time is with the humans, at parties celebrating and drinking her fill.

Her emotions, however, can flip in a second. Her temper is hot and burns quick. When she gets angry, Maeve gets violent. She's unstable as unstable comes but will always come off as sugary sweet at first. When Maeve loves, she loves strongly with all of her heart. It's much easier for her to fall in love with others and because of this she has become attached to others quickly before and it has never ended well. Maeve becomes obsessive and goes all for nothing in the game of love. Getting her heart broken seems to be just as fulfilling as falling in love, because even if it ends poorly, Maeve seems just as happy that way as any other.

Lying also comes easily for Maeve. Nothing that Maeve has ever said is 100% true. A story may be one way to someone and another way to the next person she meets. She's good at it and doesn't appear to regret any of her heinous ways. Despite her unpredictable nature, she's very intelligent, dangerously so, and knows exactly what she's doing. Manipulating others is second nature to her. Maeve has an air of magnetism to her, as opposed to the heavy, stagnant aura surrounding her brother. People are attracted to her but can sense the danger that lies in being close to her. Despite that, the combination of the two feelings, leave people excited and wanting to spend more time with Maeve, like the exhilarating and addicting feeling one feels when taking drugs. Because of this her time spent with humans is often detrimental to their mental health. She is by no means humble and is aware of her beauty, being the goddess of, and her other shining qualities more than anyone else.

Her violent side, also a rush to the goddess, is one she tends to avoid, as even she has a hard time breaking herself of it. Her dominion over murder leaves her in apathetic blood frenzies. While she has killed before, Maeve has made it a rule for herself to avoid killing humans and only assists, as she can as a goddess, in homicide between humans. Being as she does reign over the aspect of murder, the price of life is both great and meaningless to her.

Similar to the common myth of Pandora's box, the twins creation was destructive to mankind.

To separate humans from the gods, inhibitors were created shortly after the creation of humans, hardships and emotions that could sway their minds and hearts. When the "box" was opened, it was Maeve and Udayan that stood there, side by side, ready to change the world for the humans. Humans now experienced sorrow, love, and want. Beauty was created as a distraction and deception was made to make them smart. Both made them humble. Humans were made mortal and could perish from wounds, illnesses, and time. With mortality, there was murder, the act of ending anothers life before the forces of nature could. And with mortality, there was also loss. Loss could mean losing an item. It could mean losing a bet or losing one's self. Loss in correlation to mortality meant losing a life, and the impact it had on those who were touched by this life.
In the myth, when all was lost, as it had seemed, there remained hope at the bottom of the box. While the same idea is not entirely accurate with the twins, there was something else left that could either been seen as a good thing or a bad thing: love. Maeve who oversees love, and has the aspect poisoned to her by her other domains, is almost a personification of how it can be affected and affect other things in the human realm. Love can conquer all. But love can sway a person to do things they would not normally. Love can make a person kill another. Love can drive a person insane with want and sorrow. Love can be created from beauty and deception. Love can make loss that much harder. And love could bring on a whole new light to a humans mortal life. Love could make it worthwhile or destroy their life. At that point, it is up to mankind in how their take on all of these inhibitors affects their lives.

Because the twins are a manifestation of the inhibitors placed on mankind, the equivalent to worshippers and favor that the other gods may acquire is the impact that their domains have on mankind. If man can overcome these inhibitors and learn to carry on their lives while balancing them, then their influence is less on the world. If their domains take root in the hearts and minds of mankind, impacting the world this way, then their influence is greater. They can be worshipped and their name is known in the human realm, however, favor and worshippers mean very little to these gods and for that reason the favor for other gods has little sway on their opinions of them.

When Valsen died, the twins were indifferent, despite how they may have felt when he lived. As much time as they may spend with the other gods, neither god has ever been honest when it comes to their plans, their ideas or their ethics. For that reason, to the other gods, which direction the twins would take if they earned the throne or simply if they even desire the throne would all be up to question. Still it seems both want to claim the throne for their own and are willing to fight for it. Having the gods who are in charge of mankind's own self destruction on the throne may not seem entirely desirable, yet it would be unclear how much of an affect the two would have if they succeeded. Maeve seems to be the leading influencer on the twins plans to fight for the throne, but both show interest in winning.

Valsen - While Maeve claimed to loved the god, preferring to spend time with him occasionally and called him "daddy", Udayan was impartial and didn't seem to care one way or the other. Once the god had died however, Maeve seemed unmoved and cared very little about it. Udayan who never felt a particular way towards his creator, also did not care about his passing.
Reagan - Udayan finds the god to be too lively for his liking and would complain that even looking at him makes Uda tired. Maeve has had little interaction with Reagan and would not too endearingly refer to him as "cute". She guesses.
Angel - Udayan finds the god to be more tolerable than most and might even conversate with him if given the opportunity. Maeve finds the gods ideals a little too simple and boring for her, but would turn around and say that she actually wants Angel to like her because she finds him adorable and wants to hug him. That said she doesn't really respect him.
Gelsek - Probably the god Maeve most closely can relate with, she finds him interesting and worth her time. While she doesn't go out of her way to spend time with him, she's less likely to decline if he asks her for anything or wants to spend time with her. Because he is similar to his sister, Uda finds himself acting the same way with him as he does her: mildly annoyed.
Amareus - Him and Maeve seem to be just enough alike but just different enough that they probably wouldn't get along. Their similar flippant nature would have them butting heads consistently and she has never had enough interest to test that out. Amereus' unpredictability is too much for Uda to keep up with so the god often forgets the other exists.
Yorr - Both Udayan and Maeve have little interest in this god, Udayan being just as seclusive. It is unlikely Udayan would ever meet Yorr and if Maeve did, she would certainly be unimpressed.
Cognitus - The twins can agree on one thing when it comes to this god. Boring. Maeve would also go so far as to actually find a disdain for the gods lack of feeling and flat persona, being that she revels in all of the stronger emotions, taking pleasure in experiencing them above all else.
Millicea - Meave finds the goddess and herself to be incompatible and for that reason will spend little time around her. Udayan too feels similarly, but his feelings might be subject to change if he actually ever has the opportunity to spend time with the goddess. He would likely appreciate her kindness and simplistic personality.

Vulkan - While Maeve finds the gods domains rather "dirty", she can find respect for the lively god and enjoys his company, as he seems to be able to entertain her. Udayan who had never liked the heat, cares little for the god as if that matters when it comes to the compatibility between the two. It is more likely that Udayan would be too lazy to travel to the gods forge to earn Vulkan's respect.
Nova - For being the goddess of love, Maeve finds little if any love in her heart for this goddess. At first, she found the girl's vacant attitude to be unappealing if not dry, and now her changing personality can now be described by Maeve as irritating and elementary. Udayan enjoys the company of this goddess, or rather how she used to be. Her new, more outspoken attitude however is difficult for him to relate to but when she's quiet and gentle, Udayan actually finds her presence to be pleasant and will even speak openly to her.
Zenaida - Despite her personality being a little more serious than Maeve often prefers, Zenaida is different and for some reason, Maeve decided she likes her. Even if the goddess doesn't like her company, Maeve will, every once in a while, make it her goal to pester Zenaida. Udayan finds comfort in the goddess' presence and she is one of the few he will talk to. Somehow being around her makes him less sad than he usually is which is a miracle in itself.
Azrael - Maeve finds the god to be enjoyable and likes the company of him as much as his twin sibling. His presence tends to make her feel more sane and she calms down a little more when around him. He tends to be a little more fun than his sister which Maeve appreciates. Udayan is impartial to Azrael feeling no particular way but if he absolutely had to be around the god, he'd probably say it wouldn't be too bad.
Maeve and Udayan - The two, while very different from one another are probably the closest to each other than to the other gods of the pantheon. They know each other better than sometimes they know themselves. Maeve tends to take control in the relationship and will often drag Udayan off on her adventures, much to his dismay, yet he never declines and has never been known to say no to his twin sister. As much as Maeve takes advantage of Udayan, she's protective over the god and will not tolerate any ill will towards him. If asked a preference on company or who his favorite god or goddess is, Udayan would answer with his twin sister.


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Name: Mera, her full name being Meeraseusa. She also answers to a multitude of godly titles, including Mera of the Deep, Dreamwalker, and Pale Shark.

Gender: Female

Dominion: Goddess of Deep Sea, Sleep, and Dreams.

Appearance (Picture or Description):
Mera is a slender, lithely-built goddess who takes the form of a young woman. Mera's age, while spanning back centuries, appears to be about twenty-five appearance-wise. Her specific height would be around 6'0" - unnaturally tall, but it adds to her more intimidating prowess. She moves gracefully, being agile on her feet and therefore specializing in fast, dexterous combat. Mera's voice oft takes on a somber tone, though she is not always serious in her conversation: she's known for her witful sarcasm and pokes fun at many other gods.

Her facial features are angular and narrow. The goddess's skin is pale and somewhat translucent near her wrists, fingertips, and collarbones, where the veins can be prominently seen and retain a somewhat bluish color. Mera's eyes are blue as well - though very faint in their saturation. Her straight hair is a stark white that drapes to about mid-waist, and is usually unkempt under her helm.

Mera's apparel usually consists of a single, primary outfit. It is composed of a distinct, exquisite buttoned dress (as shown in the picture to the left) spun in black cloth with woven embroidery along its sides. It has seen quite a few years and due to such age it's slightly faded and ragged at the ends. Along with this, she dons matching black gloves composed of lace and small, sewn-in sea pearls. Standard black leggings and leather boots cover the rest of her pale skin. Her entire look has a rather Victorian-era vibe to it, best described. As a significant part of her look, Mera oft covers her face with the silver helm (shown in picture).

Backstory (optional but encouraged):

Relations (optional but encouraged):


Other: (This includes any specific likes or dislikes. If your god(dess) has a motive other than power, this is also the place to put it)
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Gender: Male
6-word long poetry, burnt tree stumps, strips of metal, butchering fish, slightly-salted peanuts, half-washed socks, ransoming pagan babies and sisterly affection.
Appearance (Picture or Description):
The most striking thing one would note upon seeing Ariel is a large burn scar centred in his forehead.

Backstory (optional but encouraged):

Relations (optional but encouraged):
Ariel is prideful and quick to anger tough time and hardship has humbled him considerably. His borderline narcissism has been brutally crushed. His buttons are easily pressed so to say.

Other: (This includes any specific likes or dislikes. If your god(dess) has a motive other than power, this is also the place to put it)

Add a short paragraph about what happened when your character heard that Valsen had died.
Silence. A profound echoing silence. The kind that
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Name: Pravicordia

Gender: female

Dominion: Goddess of Hearthfire, Revelry and Hedonism

Appearance (Picture or Description):

Backstory (optional but encouraged):

Relations (optional but encouraged):


Other: (This includes any specific likes or dislikes. If your god(dess) has a motive other than power, this is also the place to put it)


Add a short paragraph about what happened when your character heard that Valsen had died.
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Name: Zenaida

Gender: Female

Dominion: Life and Order

Backstory: Zenaida, along with her twin brother, was the first of the Gods. She ensures that the balance between life and death remains fair. Valsen created her to be the Judge between the Guilt and the Innocent. Her job consists of bringing life into the world and sending souls to the Land of the Blessed or the Isles of Punishment.

  • Valsen: Her father. They have a very simple relationship. They do care for each other but it doesn't extend past loving hugs and respectful acknowledgements.
  • Azrael: Her twin brother. As you may expect, they have a colorful history. Unlike the rest of their siblings, they see each other on a daily basis due to the nature of their roles.
  • Reagan: They're quite close. Zenaida is more loose and casual when she's with Reagan.

Zenaida is the closest thing the Pantheon has to a mother. She's usually stoic and strict yet loving and thoughtful.

Other: She is one of the two Judges for the Battle of the Gods.


Name: Azrael

Gender: Male

Dominion: Death and Justice

Backstory: Azrael is one of the two First Generation Gods that Valsen had created. His role is to help guide the souls to the afterlife. He brings the innocents to the Land of the Blessed and tortures the wicked in the Isles of Punishment.

  • Valsen: His father. They never had much love for each other. They merely tolerate each other due to their relationship.
  • Zenaida: His twin sister. They work very closely. Azrael finds her insufferable yet adorable. He likes calling her "Zeni" which Zenaida hates.
  • Reagan: His little brother. He taught Reagan how to fight and trained him to wield every weapon in history.

Personality: Azrael is more carefree than his sister. He's the cool older brother than everyone wishes that they had. Despite his cool exterior, Azrael strongly cares for those who are close to him and will fight anyone for them. He takes his role as Valsen's Justice very seriously.

Other: He is one of the two Judges for the Combat of the Gods.


The Throne of Creation. A massive throne that dwarfed everything. A symbol of power. The cruel reminder of what Zenaida had lost. The Goddess sat on her throne which was on the left hand side of Valsen's. Hers was small in comparison to her father's but still dwarfed everything other throne in the Grand Hall. Zenaida remained motionless as she waited quietly. Her face betrayed no emotion. In spite of everything, Zenaida needed to maintain herself. Her younger brothers and sister were to arrive as soon as they'd received her summons. She hadn't seen them in quite some time. Everyone had no desire to remain in father's home and left to create their own. The memory of the day that everyone left saddened her even more. Zen closed her eyes and forced herself not to cry.

"It's done," a familiar voice said. She opened her eyes and found her twin brother walk out of a door that appeared from nothing right in front of her. Azrael looked as bad as she probably did. Neither had slept in about a week as they prepared Valsen for the afterlife. The God of Death patted her on the head affectionately before gazing at the Throne of Creation. "Made sure to reinforce the grave site as best as I could," he mentioned. Zenaida nodded weakly. The two of them remained quiet. Their usual teasing banter was lost.

"Zeni," Azrael said, "Do you remember what we agreed on?" She nodded. The Contest was close. All of their siblings should have received the news by now. The thought of what they would do scared Zenaida. The planet itself would be forced to become a battlefield for a battle that could destroy millions. Azrael and herself were to make sure that that didn't happen.

"I-" Azrael stopped mid-sentence when a loud crash coming from what seemed like outside of Valsen's manor. "Ah, the Littlest God has returned."

Reagan, the youngest of them all. Azrael loved teasing him about being the shortest out of the whole Pantheon.

"I should go and check on him. You know how he can be when he gets... distraught," Azrael said before leaving the Grand Hall. The memory of Reagan destroying her throne out of anger made her smile a bit. Truly, her youngest brother lived up to his moniker.

If Reagan was here, then that meant that everyone else is close. Zenaida quickly stood up and tried her best to remain calm. It would not do her or the whole world any good if things got chaotic quickly. Suddenly, a portal flashed before her.

Zenaida tried her best to smile. "Welcome home, child," she said.
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Name: Yorr

Gender: Male

Dominion: God of the North winds and Winter


Backstory: Yorr was born with many of his other primordial brother's and sister's, during the creation of their father's world. The world was still young and needed help shaping itself. That's where Yorr helped. Yorr blew into the budding world from the north. It was here at the top of the world Yorr made his domain. Mountains made of towering glaciers and white stricken meadow of freshly fallen snow. A creation all to his own. The ignorant human will call his home a frozen wasteland, uninhabitable and untamed. Though humans never look past what's in front of their noses. Never taking in the bigger picture. Still no matter what human's will say Yorr was satisfied with the beginnings of his work. Taking a small break from his work, he decided to explore this world their Father had made and check up on his siblings.

Yorr blew around the world on his wind, leaving a frosty trail of winter behind. His travels, especially later i life. Would typically earn him a scolding from Zenaida. Something bout killing to many humans and upsetting the balance of life, or something like that. Personally he had always found Azrael to be the more reasonable out of the pair. Thankfully for his headaches he spent most of his time seated in his attic domain. Occasionally he'd come down to freeze over a city or go visit another siblings.

Now if you haven't figured it out already Yorr is not fond humans, and frankly neither do they. As he sat on his frigged seat to the north, he watched their Father's world. He saw the rise of new Gods and the constant rise and fall of man. He was skeptical about people, and it seemed to only be reinforced over time. It didn't help there were very few people who worshiped the God of Winter. When they do actually make offerings, it's often to ask him not to do his job. Naturally his response is less than kind. Due these less than friendly interactions, the humans have labeled his as a unloving, distant God, the embodiment of a cold heart. Yet Yorr will not lower himself to human stories. He sits high above humans, with the Gods

  • Valsen - As their Father, Yorr has great respect for him, but not much of a relationship past that
  • Zenaida -
  • Azrael -
  • Angel -
  • Congnitus -
  • Meeraseusa -
  • Nova -
  • Ariel Von Pitar -
  • Gelsek -
  • Milicea -
  • Reagan -
  • Pravicordia -
  • Kumukura Izuru -
  • Vulkan - His fellow brother, he made Yorr's precious staff of Absolute Frost

Personality: Yorr's personality can be quite a chilling experience when you first meet. You cold imagine how a human might feel if they ever got the chance to meet him in person. Yorr looks at the world like a chess board. Every piece a new opportunity. Considering many possibilities, and not resting till he can find a perfect solution to it's fullest potential. Yorr expects nothing but the best from himself and those around him. He's found few Gods to reach his standards. Among human's, the potential is sub zero.

Preferring the cold isolation of his domain, Yorr is blunt and has a straightforward thinking. He may not may not be as smart or as knowledge;e as some of the other Gods, but underestimating this God could cost you more the frostbitten toes.

Other: Yorr is thankful for what his Father created, it is something that Yorr would never be able to do. However He believes their Father created a fantastic base, a base that needs to be built upon, perfected. So if no one else will do it, Yorr believes he could, given the chance

Yorr idely strolled through his lands in the frozen North. Stepping gentley, a harsh winds of snow continually swarled around, lightly speckiling his cloths with fat flakes of snow. close to his heel fallowed his trusty companions. An odd collection of animals fallowed their master without hesitation. An odd shift snapped Yorr out of his dreaming. He was a God and he could tell somthing drimatic changed.

His suspicions were confirmed when the messenger came. "New, terrible news, quite terrible" he muttered. "This will change much" he leaned upon his staff contemplating the possible reactions due to the news, but in his mind he already knew how this would end. ''Come now, we must gather with the other"
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Name: Cognitus

Gender: Male

Dominion: Knowledge (yes, the God of Knowledge)

Appearance: WIP

Backstory: As one of the Creator of All's first sons and somewhat of a black sheep amongst the Gods, Cognitus was an initially highly looked-up on and well-respected God - which shouldn't really come as a surprise, given his designated dominion. Appointed by Valsen, the Father of All as the God of Knowledge, he was essentially and literally an older brother to the Gods that ruled over domains like Discovery and other subcategories of Knowledge. Appropriately, Cognitus is nigh-omniscient - second only to the All-Father. He had spent most of his time secluded from the other Gods, and even his own Father; never once had he allowed the opportunity time he could've spent on indulging himself in his own curiosity go to shameful waste.

As a result, and much to the All-Father's disappointment, Cognitus' reputation amongst his siblings began to gradually deteriorate. Many had went as far as to label him as arrogant, apathetic and worse. The Father's seemingly limitless love and affection saved him withal, - for it was Him who convinced his siblings to put up with and understand the sorts of God he was. Due to his nature, Cognitus never bothered to converse with his siblings unless absolutely neccesary - meaning practically no one knew of what his experiments and researches were about. That was, of course, until one not-so-fateful day.

As the God of Knowledge, Cognitus wasn't born with the sorts of ability most of the other Gods wielded; pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, and transformation, to name a mere few. He was a tad jealous of them, and from said jealousy spawned the Cognitus' passion for studying the Gods' powers and creating Magical Artefacts. His first ever artefact was the Eye of Wisdom, nicknamed Odin's Eye by human myths and legends. As as result of his studies, he had come to grasp lightly the functions and inner-working of the All-Father's children and the Divine Essence that flowed through them all. He had learned that it was indeed possible to harness and repurpose said essence, and it was this very discovery that gave birth to what mortals referred to as Magic.

The Eye of Wisdom, as intended for personal use, is a golden eyeball that repurposed the Divine Essence that flowed through one of his godly organs. Upon installing it into his right eyesocket, said eyeball crushed entirely that of Cognitus, and harvested the Divine Essence that was contained within it, allowing him to channel it in any way he wishes - which in a sense, granted him abilities mortal would've considered as nigh-omnipotence. In short, he can do whatever he wishes (within reason); create life (again, within reason), manipulate atoms (to a certain extent - he can't manipulate anything that has Divine Essence imbued into it), manipulate the elements, etc.

As expected, the All-Father was but pleased at one of his son's heretical deed. Infuriated beyond any God's wildest dreams, the All-Father banished all of his existing children from his realm, destroyed it out of sheer rage, and made himself hidden to all the Gods, distancing himself. At the time, Valsen only had a merely handful of children - those who ruled over the primary domains, namely (Death, Life, Chaos, Order, etc.) Most of the other Gods came after the event.

Over the countless years, Cognitus had done no more than study the humans that populated the Earth and their constant evolution. He did so simply because of the lack of Gods he could study, as most of them have practically made themselves invisible to each other. He had crafted countless powerful magical artefacts coveted by mortals as well, and is responsible for indirectly helping further the mortals' very shallow understanding of 'Magic'.

Relations: Valsen, the Creator of All

Personality: "Ironically enough, we Gods have very one-dimensional personalities. This is resultant of the powers we wield and how conveniently hassle-free most of out lives are compared to that of mortals." -Cognitus

To put bluntly, Cognitus is apathetic; he is the celestial equivalence of a psychopath, for he is entirely and absolutely detached from any and all emotional empathy. He had, however, taken it upon himself to practise cognitive empathy for the sake of maintaining somewhat stable communications.

He is highly perceptive and sharp, no doubt - so much that half the things he utters sound cynical. He has maintained the reserved and secluded part of his personality throughout the years, and his sense of curiosity hasn't notched down a tad as well, it seems.

Other: Cognitus realised that the grand race that is about to take place amongst the Gods is the perfect opportunity to not only further his studies on his siblings, but possibly test out his prized artefacts. Moreover, the outcome of said race has piqued his interest. Who will reign the new Ruler of All?


"Then that's the end of that. Life happens. What's there to it?"


"Of course I know he's the All-Father. But what about it? That is curse even we Gods bear. The curse of life."


"How does a God die, you ask? I don't expect you to understand, but think of it this way - above clouds resides the sky. And above the sky lies the ubiquitous stars. There is no such thing as absolution, a mere illusion of it, however."


"I suppose that didn't answer the question you proposed. But it does answer a myriad others, so you're welcome. Now then, this conversation's dragged on for long enough. I appreciate you bringing me news of such gravity, but know you not that I am now the closest anyone gets to omniscience? I sensed his death moments before the first witness fell victim to the awful sight of his corpse, whoever that may be."


"Aye, how long it has been since the last time two sons of the All-Father conversed. Very well, but the day grows late, I fear - you ought to to take your leave now. Thank you ever so for the capital elixir. Even a God can enjoy good liquor every now and then. If you'd be so kind?"

With that, Cognitus effortlessly weaved a portal for the God of a guest of his, and helped him on his way out of his prestigious library. Drained both mentally and as consequence physically, the God of Knowledge shuffled over to his reading corner and threw his primordial arse onto his beloved brown leather recliner. He closed his eyes and assessed the situation at hand once more - this time without that bloody hindrance of an irksome God pestering him.

Father's dead. Now what? Dammed wankers are probably going to wage ragnaroks to secure that bloody throne - best use this perfect opportunity to the best of my abilities. What can I get out of this..? Ruling the world sounds like too much of a bloody hassle. A time-consuming one, at that. What can I get out out of this..?

Oh my, this should fare me well. My siblings will need my sort of aid to earn a and edge in the upcoming war. This should be the perfect chance for me to study them once more - to the observer goes the spoils. Or so I hope.
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Name: Millicea

Gender: Female

Dominion: Favour, Causality, Luck

Her trueself shows itself as a white silhouette of a woman with long hair and generally slim figure. In front of her followers, she shows herself as a white haired woman.
back cover 1.jpgVale.jpgBackstory:
Born into being by Valsen was a manifestation of the infinite pathways of the world and factors that determine it. Millicea held power over the representstion for reaction, retribution, and endowment of power. Every action ever done, every sin ever committed, every choice ever made, all had a predetermined result in reaction to those choice. One thing stood in defiance against the rigid and cold rule of the world: Luck. A factor unaccountable by numbers, independent from others. While mortal may calculate the probability of a certain event, luck at the end would pick the result against all odds.

Millicea, since her birth, held highly this principle. Nothing was set in stone. Everything was a gamble, and only luck may determine the success of a future. A hardworking man may got fired due to an economy collapse. An extravagant noble may live for a prolonged time due to a beneficial trait of his bloodline. Hardwork, effort, trickery, treachery. All actions that strive for a reaction, would bow down when luck is involved.

In myth and legends, Millicea was mentioned times and times under different guise and name. Known to be one of the gods that mingle with her followers often, the story her actions in the mortal realm was numerous and variated. Kind hearted men helping a beggar to be bestowed by the gods, children alone in the world possessing a magic artifact that had a huge stroke of luck. Her intervention on the mortal realm created many myths based on her various disguises and artifacts that channeled her power.

The priests and acolytes of Millicea's temple were known of their whimsical nature, following their heart to their content while also holding firmly to reality. Their belief is surrounded around equivalent exchange, where a favour could only be granted through something of similar value. Those asking for 50 golds of coins must sacrifice 50 golds of coins beforehand. A more generally accepted part of her temple relied everything to luck. Failure and success of humans attempt is all relied on the goddess whim. The contradictive doctrines of her temple, along with the jumbled stories of her actions, gave her another title from the historians and religious circle: The Goddess of Whim.

  • Valsen: Progenitor. Indifference is her base attitude toward the one who had created her yet only interact in a businesslike manner with her.
  • Galsek: An adversary, a partner, an ally, a nemesis. Millicea's relationship with Galsek is one of twisted fate with forked paths and unclear standing. At times they collide together, bestowing a villain with their blessings to create a story of their liking. On another story, heroes with a divine weapon marched against the evil overlord with the help of the patron goddess. They may not always be on the same side, but a meeting between them guarantee a story worthy to be told, and amusement for the god and goddess.
  • Amareus: An adversary, a partner, an ally, a nemesis. Similar to Galsek, her interferences with mortal often cross the path of this god of magic, balance, mythical beasts, and heroes. What could spin a story than a hero to cheer on and a dragon to defeat?
  • Azrael: Source of story and finder of interesting mortals. The God of Justice often comes to her asking for a bestowal of luck for specific individuals, to change the way a branch of fate moves. She abides most of the time. The mortals under the God of Justice sight are interesting.
  • Vulkan: The only artificers among gods. Millicea sometimes visit his forge to ask for little trinkets. A holy sword for one of her chosen heroes, a necklace for a holy maiden. She spends some time chatting with him when she visits, but her interaction with him stops at that.
Willful. Millicea, before her duty toward the humans and love for her family, will prioritise her whims and needs. Her allegiance is akin to the wind; Free, everchanging, unconfined by space. Her emotions and instinct rules her goal, though a twisted logic and rational way of thinking govern her mind. As freedom is the core of existence, trust and betrayal is a concept foreign to her. There is only the will of oneself. Alliance forms when the will have a uniform goal. Betrayal happens when the goal no longer intersects. Millicea's true allegiance only lies on herself.

In the battle for the throne, Millicea is not firm on any path. She might support one party. She might ask for the throne. Worthy of the title Goddess of Whim, Millicea's actions will be determined by how events unfold and her whims.

"Hm? Father died? "

Millicea inspected the card in her hand meticulously. On the surface of the blank card, a strong white line had formed. She had learnt how to read the signal of the world. Everything held a message.

"This is troubling. Brothers and sisters will fight for the seat of power now. My followers might get killed again. The world can get destroyed, too." Millicea tossed a silver coin to the air. The coin landed softly on her palm, defying acceptable logic and stood on its side instead of one of the two flat surfaces.

"But that's why this will be fun," she continued, smiling.
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Name: Vulkan the Molten Lord.

Gender: Male

Dominion: Artificers, Volcanoes, Forges, Earth, Fire

Appearance (Picture or Description):

Backstory :
Vulkan is, like many of his siblings, a primordial being. But surprisingly he did not start as a giant man with three heads and 3 legs and seven arms. , at his birth in the celestial plain, he was accidentally dropped in the still forging world below and he landed in a volcano. Many assumed the young god to have died in the smoldering magma of the earth's core. But to the surprise of many years later, after the earth was formed a giant volcano erupted out of the large expanse of the ocean creating a new landmass. Out of the mouth of the volcano rose Vulkan, claiming to be the same god that disappeared in the center of the earth many years ago.

You see, the fire of the planet's molten core didn't disintegrate the god like many assumed, instead, it forged and molded his body to the point where it was not only strong enough to sustain the smoldering heat but also strong enough to make it his realm, though it did end up making him rather disfigured compared to his family with a red cracked skin and multiple heads and limbs. Valsen welcomed his estranged son back to the pantheon and baptized him as Vulkan, to represent his ascension to the outside world.

He then became the smith of the gods creating everything they would have ever needed. But he still dwells at the center of the earth, the only way to get in through the volcanoes. At the center of the earth resides an obsidian palace where he spends his time creating and displaying items of great workmanship. And at the center of that, there is the center of the earth, it's extreme heat too much even for some gods, which Vulkan uses as his forge.

Relations (optional but encouraged):
All gods have something created by Vulkan, therefore he isn't on bad terms with anyone excluding obviously the person who dropped him. Though most gods do stray away from his realm, due to the smoldering heat and he hasn't made any friends due to his appearance. The only person he ever respected was his father due to him accepting him for who he was.

Personality: Surprisingly speaking, Vulkan is one of the most three-dimensional gods much like the realm he resides in. In some tales, Vulkan is viewed as having a kind, friendly and peaceful nature, loving his work, in which he was making things for others. He was often bitter about the way some of the other gods treated him. He is also a very prideful god and fair god. If you make yourself worthy by coming to visit him in his forge, resisting the smoldering heat you would have gained his respect.

Worship: The temples of Vulkan serve as meeting halls for crafts-persons, especially armor and weapon-smiths. The temples contain some of the best forges and are the closest thing to a factory. Many craftsmen gather to pray for inspiration and blessings before starting their next project. Typical sacrifices to Vulkan are made upon the Altar of Making, a large slab of iron with a flaming brazier atop it. Sacrifices usually are various metals, even precious metals such as gold or silver and finely crafted items which are thrown into the fires to be consumed.


Vulkan was on his throne of pure black obsidian, resting one of his many heads on his arm clearly irritated, while in the other hands wielding his artifacts. The molten trident, a three-pointed spear that was made out of the center of the earth, hot enough to melt through any other material, a hammer gifted by his father that is strong enough to mold the metal at the center of the earth and finally a bowl of alcohol, that he quite enjoys, gifted by his sister Pravicordia.

The reason for the god's irritation being the fact that instead of working in the forge, he had to wait for a messenger for an "important message". Vulkan scoffed at the notion, what could be important enough to stop him from forging? Nothing but his father dying coul-

At that point in the time the messenger arrived, after being hurried through the formalities by an impatient Vulkan relayed the information to him. The messenger smartly took off immediately leaving a perplexed Vulkan alone. A few seconds later on the surface of the world volcanoes erupted echoing Vulkan's cry for his late father. He then ordered some of his attendants to prepare for travel, he would be travelling to the outside world soon...
Name: Nova

Gender: Female

Dominion: Space and Time, Continuity and History


Backstory: Third born of Valsen, Nova's primary purpose in life was to serve as an aide to her father. Adviser, assistant, trusted historian, Nova served many purposes. She was one of the few present when Valsen died. Until now, Nova's days had been filled with loyal service to her father.

  • Valsen
    • Father, mentor, boss, there was a lot of ways to describe him in Nova's eyes. She had a close and personal relationship with him, and was deeply crushed by his passing.
  • Gelsek
    • Through her time in service to Valsen, Nova hadn't had much of an opportunity to apprehend her brother for his creations' violations. She views him with bitter and untrusting eyes.
  • Amareus
    • Nova views Amareus as a bit of an enigma, his uncanny flopping of morals and ever-shifting personality like a new puzzle every time she sees him. A puzzle she so desprately wants to solve.
  • Maeve
    • Their relationship is strained and awkward, if nothing else. While it's clear to Nova that Maeve doesn't think highly of her in the first place, Nova's attempt to come out of her shell is met only with more criticism, a point that the spacial deity severely hates.
  • Udayan
    • The embodiment of sorrow used to be surprisingly vocal. While Nova often found comfort in his somewhat silent nature, to the point of almost being easy to be around, that was back when she was still in service to her father. Nowadays, he seems less like a friend and more like a hindrance to her new budding personality.

Personality: Having lived all her life in direct service of her father, Nova isn't very outspoken or loud. She's very much like the cosmos - quiet, ever-present, silently moving and working things in the background. She was a pawn, and happily so. Without someone to serve, however, she's started to emerge from her shell, revealing her natural assertive, optimistic and almost aggressive side.

Other: Nova is not interested in the throne at all. She'll primarily serve as historian, assistant and adviser to whoever winds up on the throne next.

She hadn't moved in days. Sitting at the side of an empty bed, the sheets nicely made, the deity simply stared at her hands. Many meteor showers and other cosmic events had been put into motion on the world, events the other gods and godessess, her siblings, would know as a sign, a summons back home. A comet hung in the sky, reflected in her hair as Nova sat in her human form. This had been the bed she had watched her father die in. Her eyes, dead and emotionless, watched the pillow as if to still monitor his face while he slept. But he wasn't there now. Not even his body remained.

Nova wrung her fingers. She wanted to curse her brother, curse Azrael for taking him away from her, curse Zenaida for not giving him more time... but she knew. All things came to an end. And time marched on. Space ever expanded. Stars twinkled and snuffed out, while others flickered to life, and time marched on. Never faltering, never failing. Her shoulders sagged. Hues of purple and blue lit up her soft curls. Meteors fell from her eyes in the form of tears - another shower for all on the earth to see.

Time marched on. And so must she.
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