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Fantasy The Battle of the Gods OOC

i might have to withdraw myself from this rp, i have a few other active rps and dont wanna be in here half assed, i feel like this would have more success with another player than me, sorry to be a bother.
i might have to withdraw myself from this rp, i have a few other active rps and dont wanna be in here half assed, i feel like this would have more success with another player than me, sorry to be a bother.

Ah, that's fine. Thanks for letting us know!

Can we marry our siblings?

Gods do that all the time in myth

We can imply that a relationship happened between them. I'm not entirely sure if they should be married or used to be married.
Nevermind you go on adventures to help humanity, I am a different kind of trickster carry on please ignore me
No, I meant since a lot of gods have a dragon archetype maybe we can make them like the first conscient beings that Valsen created, that's why so many gods are influenced by him
No my backstory explicitly has Amareus come in the middle of the god creating scene
The only reason he's a dragon is because he was RAISED by dragons
He took in aspects of what he had around him
So I see a few draconic gods walking around, maybe we can do something about that?

Well, I have already kind of made the Odin archetype god.

I noticed that too. The Dragon Gods could be the second generation of gods after Zenaida and Azrael.
No my backstory explicitly has Amareus come in the middle of the god creating scene
The only reason he's a dragon is because he was RAISED by dragons
He took in aspects of what he had around him
Well yea but if we go with my idea of dragons being one of the earliest creatures ever made it would make sense why so many early, primordial gods have dragon aspects.

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