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The Battle of Sporcizia (FULL)

Pappi Smoske

New Member
(This RP is based on me and my firends own fictional world and is not accepting any players.)

17 days ago

About one and a half week ago a Teraguan trading ship arrived in Tahana claiming that they had been attacked by pirates on their way there. They had lost all of their supplies and most of their men fighting the pirates. This supplied an explanation for the recent disappearances of ships sent to supply the starving Tahanians with rations. They returned to Teragua to brief their leader and council on what had happened and what the Tahanians wanted to do about it, and the Teraguans agreed. They were going to wipe them out. Scouts were sent to spy on the opposition, but it was hard to get a good look and they were left just as blind as before. The Teraguans sent their forces of 3000 ships and 55 000 soldiers, and the Tahanians provided 80 000 soldiers.

Present day:


The searing sun and humid air made the hot summer day an unpleasant experience for the thousands of soldiers waiting at the docks of Whita. They had been standing there for what seemed like an eternity but finally the long awaited moment was about to bless them with freedom of not having to stand completely still. Not a single sound could be heard except for the mellow ocean winds and light waves striking the edge of the harbour. The ships were closing in and soon the soldiers would for the first time see the ones they soon would fight alongside with. The soldiers were wearing the traditional warrior armor consisting out of jaded leather clothing and the skeletons of both their ancestors and foes. Between two of the battalions stood a rather large man, he was wearing a lot more formal and heavy armor adorned with a silken cape. His name was Mikaere Masai, a prestigious warlord chosen to lead this army to war.

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The burning summer sun made the sailors' clothes stick to their skin. Many had taken off their long-sleeved shirts and tied them around their waists, some had even cut the sleeves off. The Amara's great, white sails stood out even in the middle of a fleet this big. Just like her captain, the master admiral of Teragua, Isi Corrint. Her black hair was blowing in the wind and the heat made her clothes stick to her skin. She steered the ship towards the docks with her head held high.

As they approached, they could see that a great amount of people were awaiting their arrival. Rows and rows of warriors, standing completely still. Orders were yelled out by the captains of the first rows of ship that were to dock, the Amara being the first in line. After the anchor was dropped, Isi Corrint jumped off the ship, and landed on the stony harbour. She could sense the smell of rotting fish lying in the sun as she approached the army. It didn't take more than seconds to make out who was the leader. A big, dark man wearing more civilized clothing.

She approached him.
@Mester Smosk

The soldiers had created a pathway to allow for the soldiers to pass through, in the middle of the pathway stood Mikaere who was carefully watching the approaching well postured woman. As she got closer he flashed a slight smile and put his left lower arm over his back and bowed, “Maioha te Whita, lady of the sea people.” his deep voice rumbled in a friendly tone. He had been refining his english as much as possible given the limited time for this occasion but his accent was still thick. The soldiers creating the “walls” of the pathway bowed in the same manner as well, knowing she was of great importance.

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The Teraguan soldiers who had docked stood behind Isi, waiting for a sign on what to do. Isi gave a satisfied smile to the leader, put her lower arm on her waist and bowed so that some of her hair covered her shaved sides of the head. "Greze, I thank you for your shared concern on this matter, on behalf of all Teraguans." Her soldiers stood up straight again. "I am Isi Corrint, commander of these ships. It is very nice to meet you" She reached out her hand toward the big man.
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@Mester Smosk

He firmly grabbed her hand and shook it with his other arm still behind his back as a sign of friendliness and approval. "From now on, your concern is my concern." He let go of her hand, "The name is Mikaere Masai, and I am the commanding warlord of this army." As he said it he carefully drew his arm through the air as if he was displaying the soldiers. "And I must admit, your fleet is certaintly impressive, Isi of the sea people." He said as he looked over her back at the baffeling mass of ships at the docks. He turned his attention to her again, "I look forward to working with you, and your soldiers." he said and flashed another friendly smile.
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Isi looked at the soldiers behind Mikaere, her eyes scanning them rapidly from top to toe. "I must say I am impressed with your army's fitness and discipline." she said. Her eyes wandered up to the tops of the buildings behind the soldiers. She then snapped out of it and said "Let us get to it. Is there a place where there are not as many ears to hear?" Her men that had gathered behind her looked less uncomfortable now, and less frightened.

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