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Realistic or Modern The Band

he said singer not lead or back up, I made mind clear,because i said lead singer, and put a pic of a mic on my character sheet.
I mispoke. I just wanted to point out that many LEAD singers sing and play piano (Adam Duritz, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Billy Joel, etc.). So by singing and playing keyboard, we can kill two birds with one stone.
I mispoke. I just wanted to point out that many LEAD singers sing and play piano (Adam Duritz, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Billy Joel, etc.). So by singing and playing keyboard, we can kill two birds with one stone.
I will do it,because i like prince, and he played many instruments. Also, Michael Jackson played piano and other instruments too, and i like him too.
I will do it,because i like prince, and he played many instruments. Also, Michael Jackson played piano and other instruments too, and i like him too.
I also respect the idea that members who sing can kinda take turns, as long as we keep within our genre. Speaking of which, what is our style of music, exactly?
Appearance:View attachment 304608
Name: Cole Dylan Marks
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: bisexual
Instrument: View attachment 304638 for recording only View attachment 304639 This mic sometimes. View attachment 304960 Also, this is the piano he plays this piano sometimes.View attachment 304963 Next, he plays this keyboard sometimes. View attachment 304961 He uses this sometimes on stage.
role in band: the lead singer/ pianist
Picture of Instrument:
Personality: kind, hardworking, and kind.
Likes: fun things, singing, songwriting, dancing,and the band
Dislikes: bab things said about the band, bing lazy, bad tasting food, bad dacning, and not waking up early
Favorite Type of Music: rock or anything else good
Favorite Band(s): queen, the jacksons, the jackson 5 prince & the Revolution, Prince & the NPG, Prince and 3rdeyegirl, and etc.
Hobbies: singing, songwriting, and danceing
bio: He was named cole,becuase it means, Victory of the people, and Dylan means, sea.

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