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Fantasy The Awakening reupload (always open)


Some guy
Character Sheet (bbCode however you want):



Sexual Orientation:

Race: (Human would be preferable, but there are monsters and shit already, so whatever)

Appearance: (Description is fine if you don't feel like finding a picture)

Occupation: (Soldier, civilian, position, civilian job)

Affiliation: (What alliance or alliances are your character affiliated with)

Relationships: (Your character's relationship with other characters)

Other: (Did I miss anything?)

Edit: If your character has a weapon, it can be weird. Like Clint's. think RWBY. Or whatever else has weird weapons.
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Sexual Orientation:As Straight as a line of text.

Race:PUNy Human.

Appearance:Blonde, Tall, Skinny, White, and Flat.


Affiliation:Cooks United for Tastier Food,a group in 'Merica (Where else is there going be an entire organization about making tastier food?)

Other:Uses a mechanical frying pan that can heat itself to 300 degrees Fahrenheit and a butcher's knife as weapons,and very temperature resistant apron and clothes.
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Name: Clint "Shrapnel" Gunn

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Race: Human

Appearance: Tall, Pale, Feathery black hair that's sometimes in a ponytail, tattered red scarf, tattered red coat, stormy blue eyes.

Occupation: Wanders Greenland, guarding whoever needs to get through that he happens upon.

Affiliation: None

Relationships: None

Other: Has this big-ass sword, the blade itself is as tall as him. It's pretty wide, and splits open to reveal a long gun/weak-for-a-cannon-cannon.
Character Sheet Corliss has always hated her name, which literally means "grief". When she was born her mother dared not hold, or even look at her, her father was away, and the local midwife took one look at her and knew that this child would only bring grief into the world.
Character Sheet

Corliss' father was a general, and he had taught her from a young age on how to fight, how to defend, to kill, and how to play the game of politics. She hated the lessons but it was all she had, so she trained as much as possible and became the best. When her father had been killed in a political ploy her mother blamed Corliss for not protecting him, for not dying in his place. Corliss left her mother and went on to hire herself out as a mercenary, if you want something done or someone dead it's Corliss you asked for.

People scoff at her when they first meet; what could a 5'2, skinny, sweet looking young girl do? She then proves them wrong on the battlefield, reveling in the blood and anger surrounding her, loving the feeling of winning. Some people began to question whether she is even human, but she is, down to the last letters in her DNA she was human.

She likes people, a lot, they're great toys, and she'll align herself with whomever has the most power and will pay her the most.



(That is a dragunov SVD modern black model, one of the best sniper rifles to ever come out of the Soviet Union.)

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[QUOTE="Aquaria Wolf]
Character Sheet Corliss has always hated her name, which literally means "grief". When she was born her mother dared not hold, or even look at her, her father was away, and the local midwife took one look at her and knew that this child would only bring grief into the world.
Character Sheet
Corliss' father was a general, and he had taught her from a young age on how to fight, how to defend, to kill, and how to play the game of politics. She hated the lessons but it was all she had, so she trained as much as possible and became the best. When her father had been killed in a political ploy her mother blamed Corliss for not protecting him, for not dying in his place. Corliss left her mother and went on to hire herself out as a mercenary, if you wanted something done or someone dead it was Corliss you asked for.

People scoff at her when they first meet; what could a 5'2, skinny, sweet looking young girl do? She then proves them wrong on the battlefield, reveling in the blood and anger surrounding her, loving the feeling of winning. Some people began to question whether she is even human, but she is, down to the last letters in her DNA she was human.

She likes people, a lot, they're great toys, and she'll align herself with whomever has the most power and will pay her the most.



(That is a dragunov SVD modern black model, one of the best sniper rifles to ever come out of the Soviet Union.)

[/QUOTE] Accepted
BELL said:
Name: Clint "Shrapnel" Gunn
Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Race: Human

Appearance: Tall, Pale, Feathery black hair that's sometimes in a ponytail, tattered red scarf, tattered red coat, stormy blue eyes.

Occupation: Wanders Greenland, guarding whoever needs to get through that he happens upon.

Affiliation: None

Relationships: None

Other: Has this big-ass sword, the blade itself is as tall as him. It's pretty wide, and splits open to reveal a long gun/weak-for-a-cannon-cannon.
Edit: He mostly deals with the Eaurasian and North American Aliiances, as they're the ones who's territory make contact with Greenland, and Quebec in North America's case.

zacharychi said:

Sexual Orientation:As Straight as a line of text.

Race:PUNy Human.

Appearance:Blonde, Tall, Skinny, White.


Affiliation:Cooks United for Tastier Food,a group in 'Merica (Where else is there going be an entire organization about making tastier food?)

Other:Uses a mechanical frying pan that can heat itself to 300 degrees Fahrenheit as a weapon.
Name: Rathial "Wrath" Basalt

Gender: Male

Age: Mid 20's

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Race: Pure Blooded Human

Appearance: "Wrath" is a very nondescript individual, mostly by design. He is of an average build, just a little short of 6 feet tall. He has very dark red hair he keeps cut short so as to not get in the way of his vision. He rarely so much as brushes it so it often tends to be messy looking. A thin scar runs vertically across his left eye but did not damage his vision. Tends to wear an outfit of dark browns, tans and gray to blend in with his surroundings.

Occupation: Rathial "Wrath" Basalt is a scavenger by trade. He makes a living hunting in the ruins of monster ridden areas and taking odd jobs where no one else would dare wander. It is a very lucrative business... if you can keep your face from getting clawed off. Over the years Wrath has acquired different methods and skills of avoiding... or downright eliminating.. any threats that stand between him and his treasure.

Affiliation: Wrath is a wandering soul who goes wherever he can find work. This often has him travelling along the borders where the reach of the different alliances and governments are at their weakest. He carries the banners of the major nations and switches out his 'colors' to whichever will help him avoid trouble. He was born in the United States, so he does feel a small bit of loyalty to his family that still live there.

Relationships: None, though he has seen many faces in his line of work and some may know him by his name "Wrath"

Other: Wrath's number one policy is to avoid trouble whenever he can because more often than not, it ends up costing him money in the end. To this end Wrath has trained extensively in stealth and subterfuge techniques allowing him to slip by opponents who are not weary and eliminate potential enemies before they become and threat. He is also quick of wit and always tries to talk his way out of a situation if he can.

That being said - monsters cannot be reasoned with... A lesson Wrath has learned on more than one occasion. He is an extreme expert in hand to hand combat. As a boy Wrath learned he has some degree of magical ability and though he never did fully tap his potential (a story to be told at a later time) he does have access to abilities that let him improve his physical abilities. He has specialized gloves and shoes that can utilize his abilities to a devastating effect.

(If anything needs to be tweaked or changed please let me know. Kinda just did this all flying by the seat of my pants lol)
[QUOTE="King Hastur]Name: Rathial "Wrath" Basalt
Gender: Male

Age: Mid 20's

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Race: Pure Blooded Human

Appearance: "Wrath" is a very nondescript individual, mostly by design. He is of an average build, just a little short of 6 feet tall. He has very dark red hair he keeps cut short so as to not get in the way of his vision. He rarely so much as brushes it so it often tends to be messy looking. A thin scar runs vertically across his left eye but did not damage his vision. Tends to wear an outfit of dark browns, tans and gray to blend in with his surroundings.

Occupation: Rathial "Wrath" Basalt is a scavenger by trade. He makes a living hunting in the ruins of monster ridden areas and taking odd jobs where no one else would dare wander. It is a very lucrative business... if you can keep your face from getting clawed off. Over the years Wrath has acquired different methods and skills of avoiding... or downright eliminating.. any threats that stand between him and his treasure.

Affiliation: Wrath is a wandering soul who goes wherever he can find work. This often has him travelling along the borders where the reach of the different alliances and governments are at their weakest. He carries the banners of the major nations and switches out his 'colors' to whichever will help him avoid trouble. He was born in the United States, so he does feel a small bit of loyalty to his family that still live there.

Relationships: None, though he has seen many faces in his line of work and some may know him by his name "Wrath"

Other: Wrath's number one policy is to avoid trouble whenever he can because more often than not, it ends up costing him money in the end. To this end Wrath has trained extensively in stealth and subterfuge techniques allowing him to slip by opponents who are not weary and eliminate potential enemies before they become and threat. He is also quick of wit and always tries to talk his way out of a situation if he can.

That being said - monsters cannot be reasoned with... A lesson Wrath has learned on more than one occasion. He is an extreme expert in hand to hand combat. As a boy Wrath learned he has some degree of magical ability and though he never did fully tap his potential (a story to be told at a later time) he does have access to abilities that let him improve his physical abilities. He has specialized gloves and shoes that can utilize his abilities to a devastating effect.

(If anything needs to be tweaked or changed please let me know. Kinda just did this all flying by the seat of my pants lol)

Accepted, do you want Wrath and Clint to know each other?

I'm getting off for the night.
BELL said:
Accepted, do you want Wrath and Clint to know each other?
I'm getting off for the night.
I would not mind. He could have worked a job with him or if you just want to know Wrath by his work/reputation that works too. I wanna use everyone to help develop my character. Makes it more fun for me that way.


Name: Capt. Fenris Fenrir

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Race: Human

Occupation: Military Doctor

Affiliation: Medic for the U.S. Air Force, Doctor for the Mafia, Private Armies, and Assassins

Relationships: None, but open to anyone

Weapons: Standard pistol, rifle, and knife.

Other: Fenris wears a mask all the time. Nobody knows for certain why since he's always changing the story. He free-lances in genetic researches from time to time with the Russians.

Special Ability: Unbreakable. Whether it's because he's used to bloody messes, has assassins for his clients, or was tortured in Afghanistan and Britain while they pumped chemicals into his system for years, Fenris acquired an immunity to truth serums, mind control, or anything that forces information out of him or coerces him to act against his will. The only thing that will make him squeal was if something important to him was on the line.
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Zer0 said:

Name: Capt. Fenris Fenrir

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Race: Human

Occupation: Military Doctor

Affiliation: Medic for the U.S. Air Force, Doctor for the Mafia, Private Armies, and Assassins

Relationships: None, but open to anyone

Weapons: Standard pistol, rifle, and knife.

Other: Fenris wears a mask all the time. Nobody knows for certain why since he's always changing the story. He free-lances in genetic researches from time to time with the Russians.

Special Ability: Unbreakable. Whether it's because he's used to bloody messes, has assassins for his clients, or was tortured in Afghanistan and Britain while they pumped chemicals into his system for years, Fenris acquired an immunity to truth serums, mind control, or anything that forces information out of him or coerces him to act against his will. The only thing that will make him squeal was if something important to him was on the line.

Name: Cinder Agnes

Gender: female

Age: 18

Sexual orientation: straight

Race: human

Occupation: engineer

Affiliation: She works for the U.S army and for whoever hires her she doesn't really care

Relationships: TBA

Personality: she loves to fiddle around wth things that are distracting which is how she stops herself from being bored. She can be quite chatty and annoying, when she gets angry or loses her patience you wanna be scared. She tends to be quite Loud and absent minded.

Other: she likes guns and explosions

Her guns:

Beretta 87 target


Mssr rifle

Vxnessa said:

Name: Cinder Agnes

Gender: female

Age: 18

Sexual orientation: straight

Race: human

Occupation: engineer

Affiliation: She works for the U.S army and for whoever hires her she doesn't really care

Relationships: TBA

Personality: she loves to fiddle around wth things that are distracting which is how she stops herself from being bored. She can be quite chatty and annoying, when she gets angry or loses her patience you wanna be scared. She tends to be quite Loud and absent minded.

Other: she likes guns and explosions

Her guns:

Beretta 87 target


Mssr rifle

Accepted, welcome!

Name: Marvin Sangly

Gender: female

Age: 69

Sexual orientation: heterosexual

Race: human

Occupation: strategist

Affiliation: whoever hires her as long as she agrees with their motives.

Relationships: none yet

Personality: Marvin has a sharp tongue, and knows when to use it. She is very open but shows a tough exterior to Show she is not helpless. She is very cunning and smart with her words And has a leaderlike persona.

Other: even though she is old, she is quite nimble and uses pressure points to disarm people.
Whale said:

Name: Marvin Sangly

Gender: female

Age: 69

Sexual orientation: heterosexual

Race: human

Occupation: strategist

Affiliation: whoever hires her as long as she agrees with their motives.

Relationships: none yet

Personality: Marvin has a sharp tongue, and knows when to use it. She is very open but shows a tough exterior to Show she is not helpless. She is very cunning and smart with her words And has a leaderlike persona.

Other: even though she is old, she is quite nimble and uses pressure points to disarm people.
Hooray! An old lady! Accepted!
Probably because it was normal (until the fire nation came) until homosexuality became a thing.

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