The Avatar Above You Went To Jail, Why?

Arrested because you were wrongly accused of eating someone's sandwich. Of course, you resisted the ridiculous arrest, kneeing the officer in the crotch. You turned and ran, sprinting down an ominous alleyway as a group of SWAT Team members chased you down. You pull out Desert Eagle from your pocket, stopping for a moment to waste one of the experienced soldiers, then race up the nearest ladder in a flash. As you reach the top of the building, you sprint to the edge, leaping across to the next roof. By now, a police chopper has it's spotlight on you, pursuing you as you bound roof to roof. As you race on, the whizz of a bullet fly past your ear, turning for a moment before being struck in the leg by another shot. You push on, making your way into the nearest apartment building as you assess your wound. Shrugging, you realize it's only a scrape. 'That guy was a terrible sniper..' Is the first thought that came to your mind, but it's quickly interrupted by the bang of door. A heavily armored man rushes you, tackling you to the ground before you can react. You grunt in pain, the wind being knocked out of you as a towel is slapped over your airways, quickly sending you into a deep sleep..  

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