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Fantasy The apocalypse

Arctic decides to try going to where the girl went and followed her path towards the apartment building but when he gets inside it he doesn't notice her at first so knocks softly on the door. "Hey are you and Hecate in there? My names Arctic. Wanna talk?" He asked in an attempt at greeting her.
Crystal noticed Arctic walking off not knowing what to say to the rest of the group or if there going to say anything at all she decided follow him. She smiles "what I don't get too bother her but you do hehe" she jokes 
Before Arctic walked in to talk to the girl, he turned to Crystal and said "Hey you know shes a bit shy right? Cause you seem to be kinda forcing yourself on her a bit. I would just sit back and let her be. I am going to go in there to see if I can talk to her without making too much of an impression on her. You can come along I guess but if she seems uncomfortable I would just back off for a bit. She seems to be the type who needs to warm up to people." He had told Crystal
"oh is that what I'm doing I've never thought of it that way I just thought I was being friendly, ok I'll keep quiet for now then" she says to him "oh she's coming"
Alice walked up to Arctic a little bit but didn't really leave the building, shew wouldn't look up from the ground and messed with the scope on her gun a little. "W-What did you want to t-talk about.." She mumbled quietly
"I just wanted to say hi to you and see if you're alright. I noticed you're a bit shy and I kinda just was wondering why." He said to her in response. "Do you want to talk to me about it? I know that telling someone can relieve you a bit." He asked.
"I just...I'm worried about hurting you all...There's a lot I can't say and most of it is because I don't remember how It came to be...I have hallucinations all the time and for all I know I could get close to you guys, feel happy for once, and wake up tomorrow realizing it was all another trick or worse..I've killed you all because I didn't realize you were real and saw you as something else in my life..." She mumbled.
"You don't have to worry. All of us are extremely careful and if anyone sees you acting oddly I'm sure they would try to help you as much as possible. You don't need to hide from us. We can help you overcome this. It's gonna be alright... I never did catch your name either. What was it?" He politely asked her
Crystal walks up behind Arctic smileing "he right you know, you have nothing to worry about we can gladly help you in any way we can" she smiles at the girl
"It's very nice to meet you Alice" he greets her and takes a bow. "How have you been since the apocalypse started?" He asked her.
"You're welcome. Each of us have lost something we loved so we can all help each other. Would you like to make a group so we can all stick together and watch each others backs? I know I'd like to do that." He offered her.
"....." She pondered for a moment. I-Is it really okay to do this.....what if...what if I really so kill them....I mean..there's a lot of places here they could hide from me... She thought. Alice took a deep breath and looked away. "W-Well...There is a lot of space here so...I guess it would be okay to set up, I clreared the whole building so, don't worry about zombies getting you in your sleep.
"Awesome Alice. I'm glad to be in a group with you. Thanks for the space too. I'll help anytime needed." He said with a grin
Crystal smiles "me too I hope we can become close friends" she smiles grabbing Hana's hand "just tell me if you ever need anything ok"
(Yep, I dont know how to make extra tabs so just post Character info here and wait for approval then you're good to go for RP which is also here xD


Alice faked a very good smile and walked to her room, after she closed the door a bunch of clicks could be heard form just under a dozen locks she had put on her door, she threw herself onto her bed, hecate bounced a little and landed softly on a pillow as she face planted and muffled a scream into the covers.
(Yep, I dont know how to make extra tabs so just post Character info here and wait for approval then you're good to go for RP which is also here xD


Alice faked a very good smile and walked to her room, after she closed the door a bunch of clicks could be heard form just under a dozen locks she had put on her door, she threw herself onto her bed, hecate bounced a little and landed softly on a pillow as she face planted and muffled a scream into the covers.

(I can make it for ya ;-; It's easy to set up really, I'll hand over all admin controls to you if that's what you'd like...?)
Name:Max 'Lone Wolf' Gore

Age: 16




Real outfit below, add a M1911 handgun and he's set.))


Personality:Quiet and a loner unless he sees someone he's comfortable to travel with.

Bio: "I grew up during the Apocalypse, at age 14 I joined the rebel alliance to try and bring order back to the country, but it seems the military didn't stand a chance, so now we disbanded, leaving and making new cells and bases for people, sadly, half of the rebel population went mad and are simple raiders and bandits. I'm not like them. I left and cut all connections with the bad ones, favors still stand for them though...only a few though."
(Noice, Accepted ^-^, so to catch you up basically all the characters Are meeting up and introducing each other, Alice has cleared out an apartment building and i'm pretty, sure, not certain, but i think people are doing to set up base there. @CERBERUS177 )

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