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Fantasy The apocalypse


"Oh, so that gives YOU the right to be a little c unt? I'm sorry that a man was an asshole to your friend, ok? I'm feckin' sorry! That doesn't mean you get to sperg out and be a little shit towards all men!" He cups his face with one of his hands. "God, you sound like one of those feckin' SJW dumbasses from before the apocalypse..."
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"it wasn't just one man think more of an inteter school and then some but I don't expect you to understand my feelings on the subject, so don't worry about decideds I don't know you so not having much trust at first is something to be expected don't you think" she frowned at him "anyways even if I don't like your sex doesn't mean I won't hate you as a person so if we stay together long enough made some trust will form ok" she smiles
@BloodyAlice666 @Pikmin100xx @Sylvecune @TheGreyCthulhu

Welsh angrily glares at Crystal. "Hey, ya' bitch! The feck do you have against men?" He looks at the quickly growing group, and realizes he is surrounded by teenagers. Under his breath, he whispers "Is this a feckin' dream...?"

"Real men don't call women 'bitch' you свинья. (Swine.) Unless they are actual bitch, then you walk away." The Russian said to the shorter but older man. Elch looked around and took in the group. 

"Oh my name is Kylian Maneko, but you can call me Arctic. I don't mind what Crystal is saying. She has her reasons as I am sure we all have our own." He says as he greets them and tries talking with them.
Otto takes inventory of the current supplies within the bar, writing down on a little note pad with a cheap pen.

Untouched medkit, No food, No water, basic tools, No firearms or ammo, few different types of alcohol, a decent amount of unbroken glasses, No electricity, and little cash.

"At least this place is fortified, I can make this work for now, hopefully that Russian can bring some people who wants to trade a bottle for supplies", he mumbles. 
She looks at two and smiles "thanks for understanding I'm sorry if I've offended any of you " she bows to the two

She looks at two and smiles "thanks for understanding I'm sorry if I've offended any of you " she bows to the two
Arctic politely returns the bow to Crystal and says "You are welcome. No offense taken." Arctic tries starting a new conversation "So how long have you guys all been alone, searching for people?"
Alice quietly snuck into the shadows and slowly backed away from this confusion, she wasn't used to these emotions, the hatred, she rage, the tint of sadness, all to have it switch quickly to a happy apologize, it was giving her a headache, she hoped no one saw her sneak off.
She looked down "I've been alone for about a good 4 weeks" she says thinking of something "poor Mayaline" she says under her breath hoping no one heard "she looks up ha where did that cute girl go?" She says looking around she then noticed the figure of white hair in the distance she smiles and walks up behind her "ha did I scare you I'm sorry" she smiles at the girl
Arctic walked up behind Crystal and put his hand on her shoulder and softly said "Hey, can't you see shes feeling uncomfortable? Why don't we just leave her alone for now?" He kindly suggested to her, giving a nod to Alice.
She looks up at him and nods "ok sorry I guess I'm not very good at the who space thing"
"Its alright. I'd just start paying attention for that, now that humanity is nearly gone." He advised
Alice blinked and looked down. "I uhm...I'm just not used to..talking to people....This is great and all but....I just...I need a moment to think this over..."
Crystal looked at the young girl with a concern look how long has she been like this, I wonder what she's been thought, how much lost have she seen, all where thoughts that went through her head she looked for the right words to say but could not figure out any that would possibly scare her more "um well it's your choice if you want to stay or not but what ever you choose I hope you remain ok" she blushes hopeing she said the right thing for once
"T-Thank you I just...need to go over this breafly...Me and Hecate." She gestured to Her riffle "Will uh...just be a moment.." She bowed politely and walked tot he back of the apartment building to her secret entrance, she had cleared the whole building from the lurkers and burned them in the back not too long ago, the memory of the foul smell loomed in the back of he rhead and made her shudder as she leaned against a wall and sighed. "What now..." She mumbled to her gun.

(Sure go ahead @Fazy ^-^)
She watched the young girl leave "did she name her gun?" She says to her self forgetting everyone was there for a moment "oh what are you talking about you did the same thing stupid" she says placing her hand on her face 
"Yea I think she named it Hecate. Not sure what it means but the name is kinda fitting for the gun. I like it" He complimented. "Hey its alright Crystal, youre just literally thinking out loud." He reassured her.
"You don't need to apologize. Its alright. All of us are still coping with this. Don't worry" Arctic said.

"Also my name is Kylian Maneko, but you can call me Arctic" He introduced himself
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Alice looked at her Gun for a breif moment, thinking about all the times she had been betrayed, wondering if she could trust them or not, it felt wrong to even think about just leaving them but she was also worried about mainly her gun and the possibility of attacking them in another hallucination.

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