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Realistic or Modern The Apocalypse Begins

((Okay you can post now I just going to be sleeping when you do)) (Z_Z)

((Okay Going to bed I wake up around 6am or 8 am whatever is first, good night(Z_Z)(Z_Z)(Z_Z)(Z_Z)))

Any One Awake

(^.^)(> :D )(> :D )( :P )
((I will post))

When he got in the car he said "Kat we need to get more Meds to just in case we are running out." He said looking at her daughter in the driving seat.
((Hey GoodMorining))

"Look Dad We Need to Find a Place right Now That is near all these things, I don't want my people going out there not knowing were to go" she said looking at Him
Liz was in the backseat of the vehicle, and looked up to see Daniel, and his dad talking. She wondered how his dad was dealing with his son being alive.
((You Ran))

Daniel would look at his dad and say "Dad I am Sorry of what I did, I didn't want you to get hurt that I just left so I told Kat to lie that I was dead" he said looking at him
((@Endless Love you can join in as a towny that survived when we get to a town! :3))

getting in the back he takes out a book that is blank paper, and starts thinking. it was gonna be awhile before they got to the next town, so he was gonna write out what they needed. with a supply list of what they have with them.
Robin would look at his son and say "Why,why in the hell would you do that and Kathrina we are going to talk about this Later" He said yelling at both of them
Liz was listening in the conversation between Daniel and Robin, it looked as if it was getting quite intense. She decided to put in her earbuds, and turn on some ACDC.
She would Look at Her dad And say "Dad What the Hell did I do I mean he told me you to say that to you what should I have do if he is Older then me"
He would look at them both and say "How about you both shut the Fuck up okay. And Kathrina Drive and Daniel we can talk Later" he said

He would look at him and say "Whatever Dad"


"Dev what do you have on the list what do we need" she said looking at him

He would seat back and wait Intill we find a Place to Live at. He would Look at Kathrina and say "Kat I just told we what we need"
devon then looks out the window and plugs his ears.he didn't want to hear arguing from a family that just reunited. he found it weird yet expected.
Liz decided to chime in. "Robin, I know your her dad and all, but she is in charge, and not you!" she shouted back at him trying to defend he leader.
"we need painkillers, aspirin, and some tape, and ammo , with a sander for sharpening the one i have it becoming smooth. it will run out soon."

he thinks " and some duck tape" he adds silently

Mariah had been waiting. Waiting for the unpleasant sound of the groaning, hungry undead. She pressed her back up against the laundro mat window, loading her gun. The inside of the store was quiet, mainly because the people inside had frozen in their tracks due to the spontaneous arrival of their rotting guests. They were simply quivering, staring at her as if she had two heads while she readied her weapon. Mariah wouldn't do much more than glance at them every few seconds. She was just as nervous. Only she had a weapon.​

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