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Realistic or Modern The Apartment on13th Street

Kora looked over at the pregnant and smiled. "Oh nothing. That was probably one of our other residents." She said calmly. She stood up, knowing he was above her at some point. Walking over to the woman, she put a hand on her shoulder. "I will take care of it." She said, going back towards her chair and standing atop it. She sighed and stared at the roof for a moment, thinking about the screams she had heard eariler. It only took her a few moments to think about it before she knew who is was. She looked up and pounded on the roof. "YO JAMIE!! SHUT IT!" She said, hopping back down from her chair and onto the floor.

Jamie stops dead in his tracks, the mice were yelling back? Well Jamie would show them yet! Jamie then proceeds to stomp in place and yell at the floor,

"I DON'T CARE IF I OFFENDED YOUR MICE FRIENDS! THEY WERE CLAWING ON MY WALLS FIRST, SO THAT MEANS THAT THEY ARE SUBJECTABLE TO BE ACCUSED OF THEIR CRIMES! I CHOOSE TO DO IT REALLY LOUDLY SO THEY KNOW THEIR PLACE, SO SHUT IT, RATS!" Jamie yells, he then fixes his clothes and continues down to the first floor before walking out and heading down to the convenience store just a couple of blocks away.

Kora smiled. "Taken care of." She said brightly to the woman sitting down with a hand on her bell. "Mind you no one will bother you. Now excuse me while I go booby trap my friends apartment." She said to him, looking at her before she left swiftly. As soon as she was gone, she let the plastic smile drop. "That little bastard is going to feel it when he comes back." She said to no one, stalking off towards his apartment. She knew how to get into his apartment easily. She kept moving on, her tails falling out of thin air one by one and flopping against the ground. She smiled as she walked up towards his apartment, stepping on the stares carefully until she was at his floor. She walked up to his door and extended a long fingernail towards the door. She pushed her nail into the lock and turned towards the right, giving a satisfied click as it swung open. She smiled and walked in, producing an egg out of thing air. "Now for the fun part." She mumbled, getting to work.

It didn't take long for Jamie to get his Sprite and get back, it never takes long for him to do so since he has done it so many times. He trudges back up his stairs and back towards his room, he stands in his doorway, door wide open, as that little fox, Kora, was doing something with an egg. Jamie simply stands there as he watches her with such shame, Jamie thought that she knew to make it look like no one has disturbed the property.

With a slightly damaged spirit, Jamie shakes his head in shame.

Kora smiled, all 9 of her tails spilling out around her as she finished her contraption. She smiled and clapped her hands together, smiling. She hears him come up to the door, and smiles, baring her fangs. She took her egg that she was holding and placed it in the contraption. "Just in time." She said, setting it off and watching the egg fly across the area she had set up. She knew the egg would hit without fail, because he was to skittish for her to believe otherwise.
"Oh dear, not him again..." Sarah groaned under her breath as the ruckus from above began. Though she hadn't been here long, she had on a few occasions before dealt with the madman who would start shouting for no reason. He had a pair of lungs on him- he didn't even live on the floors immediately above or below them, but his screaming could be easily heard. She wasn't exactly sure who he was- she'd seen a tall fellow before who she guessed might be him, but they hadn't spoken much, and though it was tedious, she usually wasn't around enough to deal with it (Or she lacked the energy). Nathan was another matter- he had gone more than a few times to give the screaming man words, and every time he came back fuming, muttering that Harper should kick him out already.

Once Kora had left, possibly to deal with the menace, she was left alone with the cat and the pregnant woman... Angela, she reminded herself. Taking a moment to look at her, she properly noticed how swollen her stomach was- she must be far along at this point... third trimester or something like that? Sarah thought absentmindedly. "You might want to invest in some earplugs- it doesn't happen too often, but when it does, you'll hear it. The people here in general are night owls, though that's city life, I suppose." she said wryly to Angela as she moves to stand up and stretch. After a few cracks and pops from her joints, she moves to pick up her groceries. She, unfortunately, had some stairs to climb.

"It's nice to meet you, by the way- I'm not around that much, but if you need anything, I'm in apartment 409. Umm, are you good here, or is there something I can get you?" she asked.

Jamie's hand suddenly shoots up, the egg hitting it and splattering causing little clear bits of egg white to land most places, even some of the yolk hitting his face, but his hand absorbs more of the impact,

"Well, I wonder who's cleaning this up." He simply states as he gaze drifts over to some cleaning supplies in his kitchen,

"You seem to know how to make some good contraptions, but every good invetor knows how to clean up after his or her inventions. So, clean up." Jamie states before walking into the kitchen and placing some of his Sprites in the fridge, he takes one and sets it on the counter next to the sink before washing the egg off his hand,

"When you're done cleaning, I will let you have ONE Sprite, only ONE." He says as he opens up the Sprite that he set next to himself and proceeds to sip on it.

"I have some earphones, but that's as close as I'll get." She replied when Sarah told her about getting some Earplugs seeing how loud Jamie was. "As long as its not a daily thing, I'm not gonna worry too much." Angela stood up as well and stretched a bit, but tried to be too excessive because she could hurt her back. "Well, it was nice meeting you as well. I'm pretty sure I am across from you in Apartment 408. So I guess if I need anything, I'll let you know." She took note of Sarah's Groceries. When asked if she needed anything, Angela figured she could use some company because she gets lonely. "Well, if you don't mind, I'd appreciate the company." Her glance went over to the cat, who seemed to be staring at her large stomach. Most animals did that whenever they saw her anyway. As if very few animals have seen a pregnant woman up close.

Kurt allowed the tennants to pet him, the contact something he would loathe in his actual form but somehow very comforting as he was trapped in the little body. It seemed like a semi-normal day now that the new people were moved in, with Kora and Jamie yelling and fighting. it was amusing, and Kurt grinned to himself, thoigh was quite upset that the mice had already come back. He'd fix that for sure, but first...

Looking over from Sarah at the pregnant woman, Kurt padded over to investigate the woman closer. To the humans it might have been midly creepy, considering he was circling the woman several times before stopping in front of her. Well, them, since he could feel the life of the baby. To Kurt it was strange because the life was like any other human in the building he could sense, only a little dimmer, like a candle or something compared to a bonfire. 'A little life,' he mused to himself, then looked up from the woman's round stomach to her face, meowing as his own way of greating and pressing his head against her leg.

(Sorry late. Internet sucks)
Kora growled at him and stood up, crossing her arms. "Well excuse me for having a little fun! Besides, do you have to wake up every morning to yell about something. We have more neighbors now, one of whom is pregnant and I do not want you to send a hormonal woman into a fit of rage and fury over mice in the walls. If it causes you so much agony, catch them and give them to me. I see no harm in eating a few." She said, licking her lips as she went over towards the cleaning supplies and brought them with her as she started to clean his apartment.

Jamie remained silent as he remembers some of the worse things that happened during Vietnam, something including a pregnant woman. This obviously bothers Jamie since he doesn't respond, the discomfort of the Nine Tails does not affect Jamie as he walks back to his bedroom to retrieve something. Jamie later returns, a rather aged book in-hand,

"Listen, Kora, I'm sorry for being loud, I've just been stressed lately. In apology, I give you this book." He says as he hands a book titled "Flowers To Algernon",

"I really enjoyed this book, this is one of the original copies so I want you to take good care of this, ok?" Jamie looked genuinely sorry for all of the trouble he's caused for the tenants so he might as well start with Kora.

Sarah nodded as Angela spoke, quietly musing on how much time she had- she didn't work until tomorrow afternoon, which meant she could probably take at least a little time tonight to get to know her. She had other friends who she spoke with, and there was Nathan, but most were either as busy as her or didn't live nearby... she could do with some socializing.

"Ah, yes, that might be nice. I have some tea and stuff at my place if you'd like to chat... or we could go out, if you're up for it- have you seen much of the city yet?" she pauses her blabbering as she notices the cat circling around Angela. "Seems he must like you." she comments with a small smile.

@Kawashima Thunder
"I've seen a good majority of the City. Thank you. Not really one to go out a lot, sadly. But now I have more of a reason to stay home, or not wonder to far, as you can see. I wouldn't mind tea, depending on what it is, because there are types that I cannot drink because they could be harmful to the baby." She then looked down when she felt something rubbing against her leg. It was just Kurt, the Cat that she first saw upon entering the place. When he meowed, Angela assumed that he wanted attention. Sadly, because he was so low towards the ground, she couldn't pet him unless he decided to hope onto one of the chairs. She took note that the cat was staring at her stomach, most likely because he could sense the baby. "I like cats too, but sadly my Husband's allergic to them, so I can't really have any." She then cradled her stomach upon feeling the baby kick again, but she wasn't all embarrassed about it because she found it normal.


Kora finished cleaning up his place, doing so remarkably quick because of his absence. All she had to do was wave a hand and it magically cleaned itself up. She smiled at her perks, happy that she could levitate things easily as she sat there and stared at her nails. But when he returned, she stood strait up, her tails floating around her as she accepted the book into her hands, her tails coming up to mimic her movements and brush his arms as she took the old book into her hands, a bit stunned. "Wow." She said quietly. "I don't know what to say." She mumbled, her cheeks exceeding her norm of calmness in blushing a faint pink.
Kurt almost sighed in relief. Husband, the girl had said husband, so thankfully she wasn't alone and about to pop pregnant. ... Ok, maybe that wasn't the nicest thing to think, and Kurt had to mentally scold himself for his old fashion views on humans again. Still, the knowledge that there were three to the family and not two was comforting to Kurt and he walked around both the woman's and Sarah's legs a few times, doing little figure eights before walking a few paces ahead of them. Stopping,, he twitched his tail and meowed loudly, looking pointedly at Sarah's groceries that were steadily getting warmer, and then taking off up the stairs. He made it to the fourth floor easily before both human women, and went down to Sarah's flat. Nathan was still down with the other new girl, so Kurt didn't have to worry about anything being thrown his way or being shooed away. Sitting on the welcome mat, Kurt looked up at the doorknob in concentration and, after several long seconds, the tumblers inside the lock all fell into place and the door came unlocked with a quiet click.
"Mmmm, what do I have? Ah, I'm not sure... Earl Grey, Oolong, Chamomile, Orange Pekoe, some loose leaf stuff I think. There must be something that you could drink- I've got a shelf stacked with boxes of the stuff, although... hey, he left." Sarah said, losing her train of thought as the cat bolted up the stairs after having circled around the two of them. Remembering her groceries, she returns her attention to Angela. "Ah, well let's go up and see if we can find something that you'll like." she continued, shifting a few of the bags to her other hand so she can offer an arm to her- she couldn't imagine how tedious those steps would be for someone this late in the trimester.

Jamie chuckles slightly as he shakes his head,

"You don't have to do anything, it's a gift from me to you." Jamie says as he pats her softly on the head,

"You don't have to be so embarrassed, it's only a gift among friends." Jamie then walks into his kitchen and retrieves a Sprite, he walks back over to Kora and hands her the Sprite,

"That's a really good drink, I don't want to hear otherwise, got it?" He asks, followed by a chuckle.

"We'll find something." Angela smiled.

As she and Sarah got to the stairs, Angela took her offer seeing how she wanted to help her. "Oh, thank you." She appreciated that Sarah was helping her up the stairs, because being this late into her pregnancy did sometimes make it hard to climb the stairs, which is why she preferred using the Elevator. "The Baby does get heavy..."

"No problem-it's just a drag that the elevator's still broken, would certainly make things easier. I doubt that thing's ever going to get fixed." she sighs as the two of them gradually start climbing up. "How far along are you with the baby? And also, you mentioned that you're married. If you don't mind my asking, where is he- is he planning on joining you here?" Sarah said slowly, hoping that the question wasn't too personal. She didn't want to be rude and pry, least of all to someone who she was just getting to know, but curiosity got the better of her.

@Kawashima Thunder
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Kora blushed a bit darker at the pat on her head, looking like a little enraged kitten as she hurried to pat the hair back down to her head, heaving a sigh as she was satisfied with the appearance, unknowingly letting one small piece stick almost strait up from her head. "I was not embarrassed." She called out, taking the drink and crossing her arms.
clarinetti said:
"No problem-it's just a drag that the elevator's still broken, would certainly make things easier. I doubt that thing's ever going to get fixed." she sighs as the two of them gradually start climbing up. "How far along are you, with the baby, And also, you mentioned that you're married. If you don't mind my asking, where is he- is he planning on joining you here?" Sarah said slowly, hoping that the question wasn't too personal. She didn't want to be rude and pry, least of all to someone who she was just getting to know, but curiosity got the better of her.
@Kawashima Thunder
"Seven Months, its a boy. My Husband won't be joining me for the next couple of weeks. He's away on a Business Trip overseas. He said he'll join me here when he comes back. I just don't know when that will be." Angela answered. As they walked up the stairs, Angela's back started to hurt. But she did her best to put up with it. With Sarah there to help, she wouldn't be falling or anything anytime soon. Half-way up to their floor, as Angela held onto Sarah, she eventually held her stomach as well, as it was starting to feel a bit heavy and started to hurt a bit.
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"Congratulations! That must be exciting. Well, I suppose maybe not, since you've been doing this for seven months already and such, but still... You seem to be doing pretty well for being so far along, especially if one feels up to travelling - from what I know, most people would just rest at home." Sarah exclaims, feeling only mildly foolish for her enthusiasm. For a few seconds they continue to struggle up the treacherous steps, giving her a moment to think of her next words. "Ah, I see... that must be difficult, not knowing when he'll be able to come back and everything. Hopefully, it will be soon- then he'll be carrying you up the stairs and allow you to get some rest." she replies as she turns to face Angela, noting that the latter seems to be getting tired. "It's not much farther- just a dozen steps or so more." she points out, trying to sound as enthusiastic as she was moments ago- it fails.
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Jamie had a small laugh at the sight, he was genuinely happy at the moment, and this was a truly rare moment,

"As if, you were totally jealous!" Jamie says as he flings his arms. Jamie then walks into the living room and turns on his TV before plopping down on his couch,

"If you want, you can watch some TV with me, but I ain't doin' much apart from that." Jamie says as he watches the TeleVision with such content.

Kora stared at him for a moment, before laughing her gut off, and arm slung around her waist as she howled. "Oh, seriously! That is all I do for a living boy! Watching Tv is my favorite thing!" She said to him, plopping down next to him and letting her tails create a comfortable nest to relax in before opening her soda and taking a nice long drink.
clarinetti said:
"Congratulations! That must be exciting. Well, I suppose maybe not, since you've been doing this for seven months already and such, but still... You seem to be doing pretty well for being so far along, especially if one feels up to travelling - from what I know, most people would just rest at home." Sarah exclaims, feeling only mildly embarrassed for her enthusiasm- she recognizes that she may seem foolish, but she's too tired to care at this point. Turning to face Angela, she notes that the latter seems to be getting tired. "It's not much farther- just a dozen steps or so more." she points out.
"Thank you." Angela smiled. "Everyday, when I don't think I can possibly get any bigger and then I do." Her stomach then started feeling like it was getting heavier with each step. Thankfully, it wasn't that much further from Sarah's apartment. Her ankles were also starting to hurt from the excess climbing.

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