The Apartment [Inactive]

Kai watched Noah, he appeared to be very nervous, there was no way he was dangerous. Kai opened the door as he felt more sure. "No this is the place" he reassured him before he could leave. He looked around the hall for a moment. "You not have any other bags?" He asked thinking it was a little strange. "I guess you should come in, everyone's home today although some-one could had gone out for a bit, I don't f*cking know" Kai commented and stepped out the way. He brushed his long hair out his face and looked down the hallway for a moment. "The new guys here!" he shouted.
Hearing this stranger say 'The new guys here' made him feel a little more at ease. He smiles and as he walks in, he says "No other bags, just me and my guitar" He smiles and looks around the place. "Im Noah by the way" He extends his hand to the stranger
Kai looked back at Noah again. "Seriously?" he replied, shocked he had no clothes or anything else with him. "Whatever" he muttered and shut the door after he was inside. He nodded when he found out his name. "Kai Sadoshi" he replied and put his hands in his pockets and walked through the house.
Noah takes his hand back, feeling like an idiot. "Nice to meet you." He walks further in the apartment and looks around. It was nicer than he expected, certainly nicer than living on the streets. He is just standing in the middle of the apartment
Kai looked back at Noah for a moment. "We only just met" he replied to his comment, he wasn't trying to be rude. He walked into the living-room and glanced around, still trying to figure out when the apartment was last hoovered, it was starting to get to him.
Noah chooses to ignore the comment, worrying that he would say something mean. Instead, he decides to give himself a tour. He starts walking in and out of all the rooms. He stops at the kitchen and his stomach growls. "Hey, is it okay if I make myself something to eat?"
Kai looked over back at Noah as he walked to find the hoover. "Yeah whatever, I guess" he replied. He headed found the cupboard and pulled the hoover out and plugged it in then started to clean the entire apartment, determined to make it look almost like a show home.
As he looks through the fridge, he notices that it is stocked very well for a place that belongs to a bunch of kids. He takes out different lunch meats and some cheese and makes two sandwiches. "Hey! You want this??" He calls out to Kai over the vacuum as he takes a bite of his sandwich
Kai paused with the hoovering and turned it off. He looked over at Noah. "Nah, I don't eat that cr*p" he replied. Kai tried to eat healthy and packaged meat wasn't healthy in his eyes. He turned the hoover on and continued to clean up.
Noah stands there, holding out the sandwich. He can feel himself becoming numb and he turns around, wraps the sandwich up, and puts it away. He stands at the counter, staring at his sandwich. It seemsthis place wasn't going to be easy to live in. For a long moment, he reconsiders his redidency there. He starts questioning himself more and more. Damnit. His depression was starting to take over. He picks up his sandwich and hurries into the first empty room he could find. The door slams shut and he sits down in the corner with a blank expression on his face
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