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Fandom The Anti-Angel Headquarter (Afterlife Battlefront RP OOC)

I'm getting on my post right now! Sorry for the wait, I'll try to make it worth everyone's time c;
Hope you guys enjoy the post! I'll be on for awhile, so if anyone needs clarification about what I wrote or has any ideas about anything, I'd be happy to hear them c;
Alright guys I just posted, sorry for it being poor. My plan now would be for 2 scenes, one is that between the fighting between Alia, Aikiro again Tenshi. While the other is Shunichi and Emiko will go recruit Ichigo while she's in the infantry room (Idk how, maybe because the Tenshi sent her here by stab her ? ). Other members that haven't made any appearance are free to join in any scene.
Sopranos Sopranos
Question: would Ichigo's body just fade away and respawn to the infirmary or would somebody need to carry her there? I forgot how this works.
Sopranos Sopranos
Question: would Ichigo's body just fade away and respawn to the infirmary or would somebody need to carry her there? I forgot how this works.
she would just wake up in the infantry with a little blood in the sheet but she'll be alrighty. Be right there your charming leader will come right away!
Sorry about Aikiro's post being small, he doesn't have much to say. I hope that Emiko's makes up for it! They may be a little choppy, which I'd like to apologize about, but I'm pretty tired, so if there's anything I need to fix- I'll do it when I wake up.

P.S - I put that Kaede / Shiri was a female on purpose c;
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I'm just checking in with those who haven't be as active recently- Is everyone waiting for Soprano to post? Because if so, I'll make another post urging it on if I need to. (I messaged Soprano asking if everything's good)
Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi Wang Wang Kylesar1 Kylesar1

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