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Fandom The Anti-Angel Headquarter (Afterlife Battlefront RP OOC)

Corgi Corgi Ho boi we have a tsundere queen ... I mean prince here!
. D O V E . D O V E I have a feeling like when she first wake up in from the bed, Shunichi'll be like :"Ojou-sama! I'm your most loyal fan here... Since most people here don't have feeling and you're pretty dead"
Ojou-sama™ : Eugh! Another fan with a creepy sense of humor!
And the diva is done :3
Edit: if you guys wanna form relationships pre-death then go for it though I think people would know her

Second: Emiko would've been a hUGE fan seeing as she's been stuck in the hospital and sees a lot of things she's been on and such c;

Second: Emiko would've been a hUGE fan seeing as she's been stuck in the hospital and sees a lot of things she's been on and such c;
she was shot thROUGH the heart *cue bon jovi song*

and that's cute..like imagine her seeing her idol suddenly popping out in the after life and all confused like "???"
When Emiko first sees her she's probably going to be so excited and happy and then realize that she's dead like all of them lmao
i have alot
ichigo x fuyuki - strawberry shortcake - i mean fuyuki does have the habit of giving people nicknames based on what she bakes
ichigo x aikiro - iced royalties - i mean princess/prince plus both doesn't have the best personalities
shunichi x shiro - checkmate
alia x shiro - whiteout
im not even done
I am so sorry guys! Monday is terrible. I'm making a post right away to start things up and I'll tag you up soon as I can. We'll start first with a regular operation and if that go well then we'll start the first arc. (Normally I think we should start with a secondary character first)
. D O V E . D O V E Oh how can I not love those ships names ~
I am so sorry guys! Monday is terrible. I'm making a post right away to start things up and I'll tag you up soon as I can. We'll start first with a regular operation and if that go well then we'll start the first arc. (Normally I think we should start with a secondary character first)
. D O V E . D O V E Oh how can I not love those ships names ~
ships are my jobs xD
also that sounds good and *sends motivational cats/puppies to you*
I posted ~
Noivian Noivian About you, sorry we cant interact with your character until our operation start and we come to take you down ; _ ;. I'll promise to start the scene early and get to you soon as we can
I posted ~
Noivian Noivian About you, sorry we cant interact with your character until our operation start and we come to take you down ; _ ;. I'll promise to start the scene early and get to you soon as we can
Yo! I think I had this original plan that Ichigo the diva will be the that arrives late (much like Otonashi) is like ??? And so to bring the tenshi Noivian Noivian into the rp right now, perhaps the tenshi found Ichigo roaming around and told her "u ded" or something

Cuz I already have an idea ready for Ichigo actually
Ok so the Ojou-sama would join the A.B later ? Ok that's a better idea, and we have a chance to interact with the Tenshi as well. So maybe she and Tenshi should interact in a different scene. Maybe she'll get caught up in the operation later and picked up by the A.B
Ok so the Ojou-sama would join the A.B later ? Ok that's a better idea, and we have a chance to interact with the Tenshi as well. So maybe she and Tenshi should interact in a different scene. Maybe she'll get caught up in the operation later and picked up by the A.B
Yup ! (So Ojou-sama can drag Angel-kun to the madness)

Edit: but I may have to sleep now but I'll reply later

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