• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones! (OOC)

Let me pretend its the same pool as Dainasha's

Poor mermaid probably has a bad first impression on the males of the school lmao
Let me pretend its the same pool as Dainasha's

Poor mermaid probably has a bad first impression on the males of the school lmao

It is the same pool as Dainasha's actually lol, don't you think its time for some rescue romance? lol *secretly masterminds all of these events for ships* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Thats alright, if you feel that somebody hasn't responded in a reasonable amount of time just go on ahead and proceed without them. Gotta keep this thing moving after all. They can try to catch up if they come back.

@Quinn Sheon
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An art student? Bloody hell, can you draw me like one of your french girls?!


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