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The Abyss Calls Below Us {Ambela}


The Short Emo

The small sailboat tosses through the waves. The huge expanse of water stretches out through the horizon, covering everything like a blanket.

This isn't my first time sailing the Atlantic. It's beautiful. Albeit they say September isn't optimal sailing season, but a hurricane isn't likely after one happened so recently. The boat continued to cruise along the waves, so I decided to slow down a bit, and head downstairs to see how Marc is doing.

"Marc! Still nervous about this?"

-Your reply-

"Well either way, we're here now. It's beautiful. And everything is going great!"

I walk around the cabin and connected galley. I grab an orange, peel half the skin off and bite it.

"You hungry?"

"I could eat..."

I toss you the orange.

I pick up a picture of us.

It still has the writing...


Thought you might want this.


It's us back in high school before graduation. I just find it amazing that we're still friends despite high school being over. And we didn't even need Facebook to find each other.

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