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That Which Separates

Cade didn't know if the villagers expected them to return or not, but judging from the wide berth they were given upon reentering the village he made the guess that they might not have. They seem more scared of us than they did the wolf. He chuckled at the thought. At least they know they should fear me. It didn't matter what any of them thought, not even his traveling companions, Cade just wanted his share of the investment. He led the group in silence to the great hall where they had been issued the contract to begin with. "Time to get this over with."
Emmalia eyed up the large group around them as they returned to the town hall to claim their rewards. Keep your distance if you like. It's not our fault this problem went unchecked and we had to clean it up. Payment was easy enough to receive. Afterwards though, one of the village elders pulled Cade and Emmalia to the side. "We... may have another job for you two. You two seem more geared to... dark magics and humans. A dark hag has made her home in one of the caves, and has been causing issues. Beasts that are... odd, strange happenings... it's her work, we're certain."
Liam had happily taken the coins, which were now of course in Mouse's custody. It had been a long, long while since he'd received such substantial pay, and he needed a plan to make sure it didn't accidentally waste away on biscuits and strawberries. Having made his way out of town, he was now back at his earlier abandoned shack, washing the strawberry out from between Mouse's gears and his own clothes near the creek. It was a meticulous little work; having laid the mechanical little creature on a leather sheet, taking him apart with tiny tools and cleaning out all the little lines, carvings and holes.

"I'll give you your leg back soon Mouse, you know I have to do this right or it'll rust. Then I'll have to bathe you in vinegar." Apparently Mouse wasn't entirely happy about this arrangement of being cleaned, but the foresight of rusting kept him at bay, laying still on the leather turned makeshift workbank. Despite all his childishness and getting easily distracted at anything and everything else, Liam appeared very focussed and orderly working on his companion. Labelling, sorting and accounting for every part he took out and placed back in.

However, he was so enthralled in his job, that he never noticed people approaching until Mouse warned him. A little too late to hide away, or to grab any of his stuff. Meaning he was left surprised in only his boots and pants, without any reagents, weapons or otherwise useful things. At least Mouse had the wits to play dead. With his arms wrapped around his waist, he looked up at the three men approaching, still smiling kindly.

"Hello sirs, are you lost?" Not answering the question, the men simply shared a sideways glare, whispering a bit amongst themselves.

"He doesn't look like an adventurer... or like he has money."

"You sure about it? What's with the weird tattoos anyway?"

"I saw him return with that party, of course he has the money. Probably just some kid from a tribe."

With confusion spelled on his face, Liam let his head hang sideways, staring at them. They didn't make a lot of sense to him. "It's magic, but I don't remember what magic. Maybe a magic tribe?" Mostly he conversed that with himself, not even really looking at the men as his voice trailed of into an unsure whisper.

"What's he blabbering about? You didn't say he was like... ten."

"Sixteen sir, Mouse says so!" He added a little confident smile, proud of his age in a way, as that increased with the years. Unlike his height. Yet that confidence didn't help him very much when the leader of the gang stepped forward and unsheathed a sword.

"Kid or no kid, we need the money, let's just get this over with. Where do you have it?" The sword didn't in the slightest faze Liam, who kept his perpetual smile, even with cold steel pressed against his neck. A promise of blood, pain or even death either not registering, or not worth anything to him. In fact, he seemed mostly upset about it being impolite.

"You shouldn't be mean, it's not nice. Then nobody wants to be your friend. If you ask kindly someone might tell you how to get found."

"I don't need to be found idiot. I need your money." The man hissed between his teeth, yet his facial expression revealed some slight doubt; it appeared he had to be mean simply to keep himself from thinking about the right and wrong. However, that doubt grew into confused fear when a bubbly laugh boiled up from inside of Liam, even as the blade was pushing harder against his throat.

"I'm not an idiot. I gave it all to Mouse, I can't give it to you, that'd be stealing." He was still utterly oblivious to the irony of that statement, and in his mind the idea of the men in front of him being thieves hadn't yet sunk in. It would however very quickly become more apparent, as the man grabbed his wrist, and in anger twisted it behind his back with such force he couldn't do anything else but spin around on his feet. Letting out a pained cry, he looked up to the man with the realisation that they were bad finally enlightening him.

"Stop shitting me kid, just tell me where the money is and nothing bad happens."

"It's just a kid you can't..."

"I can do whatever the hell I want! Don't pussy out on this now or you can join him. Now fess up!" At the last part, the blade was put back against his neck even tighter than before, meaning he had to pull his neck back so far it nearly strained. Yet his expression never became any less calm, and to him it was exactly clear what is answer was.

"I can't. It's not mine. But Mouse says that if you promise to let me go he'll tell."

"I don't think he's entirely right, can't we just let him go?"

"And have him tell the whole town? If he's not entirely right, then none will miss him." The edge of the blade was now slowly cutting into his neck, a thin trail of blood starting to run down. Yet, as Liam's expression finally broke with a pained look, the man didn't quite appear to have the heart to finish what he had started.

"Mouse isn't finished, if I die he can't move. Then he won't be released until the magic runs out. Please don't be mean to Mouse, he's my friend..." This time he actually seemed to be somewhat distressed, as the thought of Mouse slowly running out of magic, unable to move for days, maybe even weeks, was nearly unbearable. Far more than the thought of any bodily harm to himself could ever be.

"Shut up! You're alone for fucks sake." The blade to his neck got replaced by a firm smack to the side of his head, causing him to fall over to the side, instinctively holding his arms over his head. "Just... just tie him up or something. We'll look ourselves."

A little while later Liam was bound in a not particularly pleasant position, watching as the men went through his stuff. Shuddering slightly when they decided to kick the gears for mouse to the side, or when they threw his bugsies in the creek. Yet, they couldn't find his money, as it was well hidden with the remainder of the bugsies and his magical charms. Buried or stashed in the roof. However, that didn't bode particularly well for his or Mouse's fate, seeing as it did little but instigate the men's ire. Yet, no matter how much or with what they tried to persuade him, it still wasn't his money to give, and they never listened when he told them Mouse would tell them if they let him go.
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-> Continuation from the 1x1's

Emmalia had of course noticed his missing hand by this point, but it wasn't her place to ask about it. She had to wonder, though, what kind of holy agency sent out a cripple to hunt a witch? That didn't seem to make much sense. Sure he could handle a one-handed sword, but could he kill a witch? The town was full of noise which threatened to overwhelm the vampiress, but she could make out the general direction of things. "Follow me," was all she said before beginning to run at a very human pace. As they ran she slid her hand into her lion gauntlet, and drew her shortsword. The villagers didn't seem to take too much notice of the pair, since they were busy with their own fear. Hopefully they weren't too late....

About a minute later they were on a scene that involved two rather familiar faces, a bloody conjuration holding a small girl, and a large, armored man.
Well what do you know.... here was little for Emm to do as, Liam was dealing with the conjuration, but the scent of blood was in the air and got her adrenaline pumping.

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