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That Which Separates

Liam carefully took Mouse from his shoulder in his hands, looking at the creature sulking slightly at just having upset her. "You shouldn't have called her small Mouse, I told you people don't like that, you should go apologise tomorrow." He spoke in a hushed yet slightly strict tone, not wanting to bother anyone. "No, you heard her. I'm tall and scary!" Near the end of his sentence his voice got a bit too loud and proud to be good, his excited hopping returning to his stance. "And she did like your gears, so I think it went pretty good. People usually are scared from you, so maybe if you're nicer you'll get a new friend." With a little spring in his step he returned to his pack at the fire, holding mouse carefully to his chest. For a little while he looked at the flames, sniffling a bit as the smell of Cade's herbs was still lingering in the air.

As he let his head fall sideways, there seemed a small change in the light in his eyes, reaching beyond the initial state of curiosity and turning in the rare event of thought. "I wonder..." His voice trailing into intelligence more than innocence, before he waved his hand in a gentle gesture at the fire. Apparently, whatever he had wondered was right, as the flame flared up blue and swept sideways, as if cut off from the base.

Yet as the embers and coals returned to the original colour of fire, his enthusiasm and innocence had returned in full as well. A little excited giggle bubbling up from inside as he hopped proudly and showed mouse. "Look, I did it!" Followed nearly immediately by a big yawn, and he plopped himself down in the long grass. Lifting Mouse up towards the starry sky, looking the creature over happily, then hugging it tightly. "Sleep well Mouse."
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Emmalia had watched the interactions between halfbreed, machination, and child with interest. Well, it seem the girl had a definite trigger about her height. Of course, the huntress kept silent and slowly carved into the twig given her. After she was certain that Liam was asleep, she descended from her perch and kicked dirt over the dwindling fire before climbing back to her little sanctuary. Through the leaves, she could see the stars in the sky, and remembered one of her favorite quotes from a play. "I have loved the stars too much to be scared of the sky." Undoubtedly her favorite line she'd been able to recite on the stage. As night passed, she slowly dropped finished carvings from the tree; different flowers, designs, scenes etched into the wood, even a few simple designs of people. Since it was just her in the quiet, peaceful night, the huntress didn't mind letting herself reminisce on her history as a small, nostalgic smile spread across her lips.

Come morning, Emmalia had some food cooked for those of the team who could eat and needed to eat, and they set off immediately after breaking fast. It didn't take long for them to pick up the trail of the beast again. Cade and herself were mainly the trackers, but they were also more experienced with the darker magic beings.After a few hours of travel, Emmalia stopped in her tracks and knelt to the ground. a bloody mess and a few scraps of fur showed where an unlucky squirrel had been caught. The huntress drew her silver-coated shortsword and scraped the bloody mess off the dirt, bringing it close so she could watch how the blood reacted. "Bloodworms. This kill isn't a half hour old. We're really damn close to the beast."
For the walk through the forest, Liam had been slightly quieter than usual. This was a part of the darker reaches of forest, and sometimes his focus trailed off into something only he could see, occasionally whispering something under his breath, so only Mouse could hear. However, he didn't appear scared or sad, if anything it was just that he was more distracted than usual. So when Emmalia found and examined the kill, he curiously looked over her shoulder, while Mouse only crawled deeper in his clothes. Yet somehow his gaze managed to drift up into the trees and and beyond again. "I'm sure they'll find their own way soon Mouse. They don't want our help, they're just angry now." When he looked down again at Mouse he just smiled knowingly and calm. "Shush Mouse, it's wrong to wish death. Doing good is nicer, even if we sometimes have to make things die for that." Again he nodded to himself, though slightly more unsure this time. "But I don't like making things die..."
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Looking up at the stars as Avelyn Alice had made a small little nest underneath an oak tree, away from the others, a sigh escaped her lips as she connected the stars together. She remembered each constellation very well as she heard a low and deep voice ring through her head, like a memory passing by her. It had been a while since she's seen or heard of him. The soft whispers of the trees and the sounds of the animals at night seemed to always comfort her, knowing she wasn't alone. Avelyn Alice missed him dearly, especially, since now she didn't even know where he was in the world or if he was even alive. However, something inside her knew. . . just knew. . . he wouldn't leave the world just yet, not without seeking her out first. Nevertheless, Avelyn Alice decided to fall asleep to the sound of nature as she slowly closed her eyes and fell into the dark abyss that allowed her another moment with him, as if he was right next to her.

When morning came, Avelyn Alice's eyes fluttered open as she slowly stretched her muscles and moved her arms to get some blood circulation running. She dreamt a well-recieved dream, however, knew what the morning light would bring. It was time to track and hunt a creature that had gone on rampage. Would it be too late for her to talk some sense into it? Nevertheless, Avelyn Alice got up from her spot as she smelled the sweet and savory scent of food, however, she also smelled burnt and crisp as she wrinkled up her nose in distaste. Perhaps she'll stick to the berries and other assortment of fruits for now. Deciding to go and pick some for the journey later, Avelyn Alice decided to hunt for some berries and other fruits, maybe later. . . she'll find meat, but for now, she liked fruits.

Soon, they were all off towards the village they were needed at as she stayed behind Emmalia and Cade, letting them track down the trail of the beast as she kept her eyes open and her ears alert. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, though, the walk towards was a bit silent. Avelyn Alice had glanced at Mouse and Liam from time to time, wondering if she should say something, but then remembered what happened the night before and decided to keep silent. Perhaps. . she had been too rough on them and should've kept her temper in check. Sighing inwardly, she shrugged it off only for her nose to scrunch up.
"Dried blood." She whispered softly to herself, mostly as she looked down at the ground, seeing the mess and trail from an attack. Looking over Emmalia's shoulder, she looked at the scene displayed before her as she sniffed the scent in the air. The smell of decay, the smell of a frightened creature, and a fight had occurred. Scenes played over in her head like another memory passing by as she assumed what could have happened. Walking next to Emmalia as she knelt down, Avelyn Alice heard Liam's voice, listening to him speak to Mouse. She smiled slightly, hearing that even Liam didn't like killing, though sometimes it was needed. . . for the greater good of others. Avelyn Alice had to agree with that as she frowned , hearing bloodworms. "Lovely. Those damned infested things." She remarked sarcastically as she got up from her position. "We should be prepared for anything."
Cade bent down at looked over the remains, occasionally pushing a gloved hand through the scraps of fur and tissue left before he pulled a rather large centipede looking thing out of a hunk of flesh. It squirmed and writhed in his grip, sending droplets of blood and viscera flying as it tried to escape. Cade crushed it, smiling as it gave a satisfying snap. The scent that wafted up from the vermin's body provided enough scent for Cade to pick up the trail. "Weapons at the ready, and expect the worst." Slowly, methodically, Cade led the group further, following the rancid odor that the infected beast left behind.
Emmalia took her buckler off her back and secured it on her left forearm before taking a moment to put on her lion gauntlet. Thanks to being ambidextrous, Emmalia would be able to use her shortsword in her left hand, her lion gauntlet with her right, and maneuver her buckler as needed. They were all very careful on the rest of the journey forward, and the huntress stopped at every sound of movement. When it came to tracking animals, her sense of hearing was better than her sense of smell; with animals, there were too many similar things, unlike humans or the like.

So of course, she heard it before she saw it. The moment she was certain that it was it, the beast also realized the party was near and started toward them. "Duck," was all she said before swiftly stepping backward and bringing her buckler up to block the impact of the falling beast, taking it on a slant so it wouldn't hit the intended target - Avelyn Alice. That had been one Hel of a leap, having landed it yards from where it had jumped. The force made Emmalia slide back as she pushed the beast away, slicing at it with her shortsword as she threw it from her shield, making it land a few yards away while she rolled backward and jumped right back up. It was just as ugly as the picture showed, and likely was just as lethal as they had discussed in the meeting. Her calm demeanor never broke as she instructed, "Don't let it touch you, or you'll get infected. Avelyn, use your long range. I can keep its attention. Liam, use some spells or something as fast as you can. Cade, help me with close-range."
By the time Emmalia had shoved the beast aside Cade had launched himself forward, darting between the beast's legs as he pulled his sword across the inside of it's thigh as he dashed out, taking up in front of Emmalia. The beast roared as it thrashed about, trying to understand it's now weakened leg and get accustomed to moving slower. Cade drew his pistol from it's holster and fired off a round, striking the beast in the chest twice before holstering it once more. "I'm going for the legs, cripple it's weapons."
Liam had taken out a stack of paper charms before the battle even began. Hiding Mouse away in his clothes, knowing something scary was coming. While Emmalia and Cade kept the beast at bay, he shifted through his stack until he had found two he needed.

"It's not a nice doggy. I don't like it." That was his cue to determine that this was indeed a creature worthy of 'making dead'. Yet his first task regarding spells wasn't to target the beast. While he ran from one tree to the other to stick his charms on them, bugsies spilled from his sleeves. Immediately they drew intricate runic lines, connecting the charms. With a few words and his hand on his heart, white mist rose up from the line, creating a protective barrier between the beast, and him and Alice.

Returning the bugsies to his side, he placed several charms in front of him, making one big circle together. Far more intricate than the charms used for the barrier, he knelt in front as if sunken in prayer. The mechanical bugs finishing the lines, as they drew circles around him, interwoven with the one on the paper. However, his spell took time. Enough time for the building of energy to attract unwanted attention.
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Listening to Cade's words, Avelyn Alice looked in her bag, seeing her bows and arrows, as well as some daggers. Keeping the bag tightly to the side, Avelyn Alice's expression changed as she looked on ahead with intent. Carefully walking with the team, Avelyn Alice looked around at her surroundings, letting her hearing move her in the direction of where the beast laid. It seemed that she wasn't the only one of the team that had absolute hearing as she walked behind Emmalia. However, the moment they stepped closer, they not only heard the beast, but so did he. Hearing Emmalia's command, Avelyn Alice ducked as Emmalia managed to block the impact of the falling beast. Quickly getting back up, Avelyn Alice listened to her instructions as she turned around, mumbling a thank you, as she looked for a high distanced area where she could see the scene laid before her. On the other hand, Cade had went and gone on the offensive side, firing at the beast while Liam jumped from tree to tree, chanting and placing magic charms on each of them. Finding her range, Avelyn Alice jumped on a branch of a tree, feeling that the tree was old enough to hold her weight, as the scene display underneath her while Liam knelt below her as if he was in prayer.

Taking out her bow and arrow, Avelyn Alice inhaled and exhaled, as she held the bow on her left hand and steadied her arrow in her right-hand. Pulling the string back with the arrow, aiming her target at the beast, she waited patiently for her moment of opportunity. Avelyn Alice narrowed her eyes, looking for a soft, fleshy spot that could weaken the beast's state as she aimed for the side of the beast' neck. Soon, the arrow was strung as it flew towards the beast's neck, landing perfectly where she had wanted it to be. However, she drew another arrow and aimed it for his hind leg this time, being careful as to not hit her teammates. The arrows struck with precision and swiftly as she heard a "whoosh", though it wasn't enough to kill the beast, but enough to subdue him for the time being. Jumping down from the tree, seeing that she was able to hit her mark, she waited to see if Cade and Emmalia still needed anything else as she stood near Liam, keeping her bow up as an arrow laid on her fingertips, waiting to be strung. Yet, at the same time, she kept her eyes and ears on alert in case anyone wanted to attack Liam in the process, protecting him as he continued his spell.
Emmalia used the diversion of Cade to her full advantage, and Avelyn's attacks helped significantly with her plans. She had moved behind the now-crippled beast, and positioned herself just right before getting a running start. If her plan worked, it would be unable to move, if not dead. If hep plan didn't work, well, that would be messy. She was careful not to move so quickly as to arouse suspicion, but she was definitely faster than normal to the average eye. Once she was close enough, she made a leap over the beast and slashed her sword down and across, cutting its spine as her momentum pulled her away. She hit the ground and rolled out of it, then dragged the claws of her lion gauntlet across the dirt to slow herself down, leaving deeply embedded claw marks in the dirt. The beast was now unable to move the back half of its body; she had intended to go for the heart, but had missed just enough for it to survive.
Liam's spell finally took effect, the circles around him lighting up with a strange concoction of white mist shifting into blue flaring flames higher up. At the same time his body fell slightly backwards, like a puppet tangled in his lines. When he let out a shivery breath, he exhaled a similar white mist. It send a shiver through the forest, colouring it in an eerily peaceful twilight. It revealed those who shouldn't even be there; pale silhouettes of animals that once lived there floating past.

All but one spirit; around the wolf appeared a black aura, dripping down like a thick liquid oozing out of it's very soul. Having found what he had been looking for, Liam came back to life. His grey eye now burning brightly white with mist. The crippled beast locked eyes with him and growled loudly, but had no means of preventing the inevitable. With a simple flick of Liam's hand, the ghostly figures returned to white mist, hanging there for a mere moment, before shooting towards the wolf in a flash of light. Accumulating there at the same time, reaching into the beast's soul and then pulling upwards into the sky. Like a reverse waterfall dispersing into a void, pulling all the darkness with them.

With the mist disappearing the forest and Liam returned to its usual self, apparently undisturbed, except for him yawning a bit and rubbing his eyes. The only thing that had truly changed was the wolf, which was now just that; a very unfortunate dying wolf. Sad howls and whines filling the air, not so much fighting that it was going to die, but accepting that it had been supposed to a long while ago. With a slightly tired smile Liam pulled out Mouse and showed him the danger was gone. "See, now it can pass on. They'll guide it."
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Observing Cade and Emmalia before her, Avelyn Alice kept her ears open for any oncoming surprises or attacks, but hearing that there were none, she still never let her guard down as she stood firmly by Liam's side, watching her surroundings like a hawk. However, at seeing Emmalia's quick springing actions, she noticed how swifter and faster she moved than most normal humans. But, it seemed this whole group was more than meets the eyes since none of them were truly. . . well . . human it seemed. Soon enough, Emmalia had managed to safely slash the beast's spine with her sword and Liam's spell was in effect. The actions displayed before her was truly a sight to see. It was magnificent as it was awe-inspiring. Seeing the glowing mark of the magic circle as it rised up in mist, shifting into blue flames, Avelyn Alice lowered her bow slightly as she almost reached over to Liam, seeing how his body contorted backwards like a puppet. However, when he exhaled, Avelyn Alice felt some sort of peace flow through her as it did the forest as white mist dispersed everywhere. She and the Forest were connected and once the Forest was engulfed in the white mist, she allowed whatever spell Liam had done to allow it's leery peace. But, her eyes opened widely to the sight of the spirit of animals whom have passed before. She knew most of them, all of them, they were all family, but taken away from her. But, if there was a chance she didn't know some of them, then they were relatives of the ones she knew. Regardless, to see them through this light, had Liam done this? So, he could see spirits which means Mouse's soul was contained into the mechanical body he had made for him?

However, what happened next was truly remarkable in Avelyn Alice's eyes. He purified the beast that had been running rampage and allowed a reversal switch to happen, as the wolf's soul was suspended into the skies, switching it with his pure, untainted one. The once demonic wolf was no more and now laid a normal wolf with only the inevitable future of dying. Her heart ached around her chest but no later, Liam had finished his purifying spell as the mist cleared the Forest and Avelyn Alice found the peace and spirits slowly drift away from her to now the 'reality' at hand. Hearing Liam's words, Avelyn Alice let out a sad smile next to him, only to smile slightly as she approached Liam, squeezing his shoulder.
"Good job," she whispered softly towards him and Mouse. No later, Avelyn Alice made her way to the wolf, hearing sad howls and cries. Once she reached the sprawled out wolf, Avelyn Alice kneeled down next to him, "My friend, " she whispered towards the wolf as she laid down a hand on his forehead, "you are okay now. No one is going to hurt you anymore. You can now go in peace and join your brothers, the ones you've missed so much." Avelyn Alice said softly as she leaned in, placing her forehead against the wolf's own. "I know what you have done and I know what had happened. You will be able to make up for your wrong-doings, my friend." The wolf had allowed her to get close to him, seeing that she was able to understand his emotions and feelings, but most of all, himself. He hadn't mean to kill and run amok. Something inside of him had clicked and soon, he had no control of what he was doing. Softly cooing at him as she gently caressed the side of his unbloodied fur, Avelyn Alice hummed a soft song towards the wolf, giving him a peace of mind as she helped him relax a little before his passing. Avelyn Alice knew of the terrors of what he had caused, killing innocence and other damages. But, what laid before her now was just a wolf who understood his mistakes and only wanted redemption to do what he could do.
Cade watched the exorcism with little interest. It didn't matter if the soul left or not, the bloodworms still needed to be dealt with. Cade walked forward and laid a hand on Avelyn's shoulder. "Step back. And, you might not want to watch this." Once Avelyn was far enough away Cade turned his attention back to the wolf. For all rights that is what it looked like; just a normal, albeit mangy, wolf. Slowly Cade knelt down beside the wolf and laid his hand on the beast's chest. He could still sense a mature bloodworm writhing about in it's heart. The wolf, having sensed Cade's true nature, began to whine and growl, baring it's teeth with what little strength it had left. Cade stared at the wolf quietly before shaking his head, it was a heartfelt attempt, but a pathetic one.

Cade stood up and pulled his glove off before nicking his hand on his blade, just enough to draw blood. Within seconds the blood formed out and around his hand, creating a solid shape in the likeness of a clawed hand. Cade stepped forward and struck fast and precise, removing the heart quickly enough to capture the bloodworm and provide the deathstroke with minimal pain to the wolf. Once the heart was free it began to burn, and after a moment Cade crushed it in his hand before dumping the ashes into the wolf's body, which sparked to life itself.
Emmalia had grimaced when the wolf whined and whimpered. The poor beasty had been cursed, no fault of its own. She almost wished that Liam had held back on the purification until after it was dead. Avelyn's actions only played on her heartstrings more, but outwardly, Emmalia was just as impassive as ever. But what intrigued her most was Cade's actions. Blood magic of some form. The scent of his blood tripped off her senses. It was completely unnatural, nevermind the manipulation of it. She had known he was some form of undead, but had she needed any proof, that scent was it. It also narrowed down what he could be. Once the body was sent to burning, Emmalia said, "We should get going. If we're fast enough, we can get back to the village before nightfall and collect our pay."
Liam nodded at Emma's words, watching the flames burn with tired eyes, but not disturbed by it at all. Carefully he placed Mouse back into the folds of his robes again, before taking out his pack and grabbing a tiny, slightly crooked and bruised cucumber from it. Nibbling on it on the go.

Had he been distracted by the trees before, now he mostly stared at his feet, following the sound of the gear of the others. Mostly drawn in by the chiming of Alice's golden armbands. Yet he still stumbled behind on occasion, looking up to see the others gain distance. Each time he then walked a bit quicker until he was right behind them again, only for the process to repeat.
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Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she knew the scent before his voice as it was Cade's and the moment of truth had arrived. Saying one last good-bye to the mangy, grey wolf, she smiled softly at him, wanting him to know that she could never hate him and neither could his brethrens. He had suffered and survived during a time where the unexpected came happen to just about anyone and now it was time. Heeding Cade's words, Avelyn Alice took a step back, standing near Liam but close enough to where she can still make eye contact with the wolf. It was true that she shouldn't watch what happened next, but something inside of her flared with determination that she had, no, needed to watch what would happen next. It was her duty. She watched as the wolf attempted to snap back, finding himself in a little danger. Avelyn Alice had to hand it to the little one for his bravery and courage. However, something that intrigued her interest next was what Cade had done. Seeing him using his own blade to cut his hand and watching his blood before him shape and mold into a claw made Avelyn Alice's heart race as it beated like drums in her ears. A blood bender? Seeing the precision of the slash as he managed to get straight to the wolf's heart, he crushed the bloodworm, getting rid of it's disease.

Soon, her nose scrunched up once more at the smell of fresh blood and the taste of iron forming in her mouth. Avelyn Alice closed her eyes softly, offering up a small prayer for the brave, little, wolf as she hoped his soul could find his family. When she opened her eyes, she smelled and saw the Red Flower, feeling and seeing it's destruction and power as it burned the body of her little friend. She turned her body quickly, not wanting to see her dead friend's body and the Red Flower any longer than needed. The smell was too much for her sensitive nose as she tried to block off those scents. Listening to Emmalia's words, Avelyn Alice nodded her head as she made her way back in the direction they had came from. She didn't care about the money, she cared more about stopping the destruction of the area and helping others. However, as they made their journey, only silence filled the group as everyone was lost in their own thoughts or distracted. But, the only sound that was pleasing to Avelyn Alice's ears were the sound her bangels made whenever she moved, like a rhythmic chime. It was only a matter of time before she ended to silence,
"Must this walk back to the village be so silent? If we aren't going to see each other again, maybe, perhaps, we can make an everlasting memory of our journey together, even if it was short. Yes?" She suggested to the group, wanting to cheer up her company, even just a tad bit, or to at least find something that will remind her of her time with them. It would only be a matter of a week that she may start forgetting and she didn't want that to happen, not when something important happened. The group she had been assigned to journey with were more than what she expected and if she could, she wanted to grasp something to keep the memories of them alive. "How about I start? Would you guys like any fruits? I managed to pick some before we left the campsite. It's quite sweet as they are in season. Or maybe a little game?" Avelyn Alice said, walking ahead of the group, before turning to face them as she walked backwards, smiling at them.
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Cade knit his brow together as he watched Avelyn. She was extremely bubbly for some reason. In another time he might have found that admirable, even attractive, but now....

He shook his head at the offer of food. "No thank you, I'm not hungry." What he was, though, was curious. None of the others had said anything to him about his handling of the wolf earlier. He knew it had to be bothersome to see, it had disturbed him to first few times. Yet, silence was his only answer. It was enough to make Cade suspicious of the others.
Emmalia looked to Avelyn and smiled slightly before shaking her head. "I am fine, thank you, though." Emmalia knew very many games for travelling, but she kept her mouth shut. The sooner they got back to the village, the sooner she could get paid, and the sooner she could leave these people, before anybody started getting attached; whether it be her to them or vice versa. The longer she was around people, the higher the risk of her empathy showing; it was best for her to be apathetic as much as possible, when it came to people.

In honesty, the wolf's death had been rather saddening to her. If it hadn't whimpered and tried to fight against Cade, she probably wouldn't have minded so much. Avelyn Alice's talking to the wolf made it hurt that much more. It was so much easier to kill when it was a possessed beast. She knew deep down what it was, but she could have
pretended it was gone. But this was all just another thing to hide under the mask.

Emmalia glanced over at Cade for a few seconds, then back to Avelyn. What was he thinking about? Had the wolf upset him too? Likely not. Now back to the question... what was he?
Liam, unlike the other's found the promise of fruit like being promised eternal salvation. Even in his sleepy, slow head it drove him to quickly hobble up to Alice. Grabby hands stretched initially for the fruit. Yet once he was there, he remembered he was supposed to be kind, and instead it turned into a enthusiastic hug, albeit a bit heavy. He probably would have hugged the first person to talk anyway, he wasn't picky for who he hugged after all.

"Could I have strawberries please?" This particular hug didn't last long enough to get uncomfortable, and when he spoke he let go of her. Rubbing his tired eyes still, but refusing to let that withhold him from something as wonderful as strawberries. He and Mouse both would do anything for strawberries; never for gold, even less for glory, not to speak about power, only for the greater good, and strawberries were the greatest good of all.
Avelyn Alice pouted slightly at Cade's response, hearing that he wasn't hungry. Walking up to him slightly, she tilted her head as she tippy-toed as much as she could to pinch his cheeks as she pulled on them slightly. "You can give me a threat later for being in your space and touching you, however, if you keep your face impassive like that or if you continue thinking too much, you'll bound to get wrinkles on your fore-head, or even worse, grey hair." She teased him slightly before quickly letting go of Cade's cheeks as she returned to the front of the group, smiling amicably. If she had annoyed or been in Cade's space, she would have to apologize later, but for now, she decided not to think of matters that seemed too trivial or private. She believed in trust and secrecy, plus, if no one brings up the subject, then that should be alright then. It wasn't as if Avelyn Alice hadn't seen something stranger than what Cade, Liam, or even Emmalia had done. Regardless, she was curious how things came to be for the three of them, but decided not to pry unless they stated something about it.

However, Avelyn Alice's attention was now brought back to Emmalia as she noticed she had smiled slightly at her suggestion. Smiling back at Emmalia, Avelyn Alice nodded at her,
"You're welcome, Emmalia. There's no need to be polite, really." She stated before skipping backwards as she paid extra careful to her surroundings, making sure she didn't bump into anything, though, she was confident she wouldn't. Seeing Emmalia's smile, she had to wonder if she normally smiled or not, especially since it seemed it was actually her first time yet to give such an expression besides passiveness. Avelyn Alice wondered, should she start going her separate way again? It was by pure coincidence and luck that she had arrived at the village the same time the request for the mission at occured. The timing was almost too coincidental or rather too perfect to her liking. Nevertheless, Avelyn Alice blinked slightly as Liam had literally hobbled over towards her, wrapping her into a short yet enthusastic hug. If she had to be honest, she was startled and shocked more than anything. When was the last time she had a hug like that? It was warm . . though it was brief, Avelyn Alice laughed and giggled slightly before nodding, getting out of her stupor. "Of course you can have strawberries. But, Mouse, wouldn't you grow a strawberry plant from your ears again?" She asked him in wonder before opening up her bag and placing a handful of strawberries in Liam's palm. "There you go, don't eat it too quickly. Make sure you both share, okay?" Avelyn Alice smiled widely.
Liam chuckled at her words, a happy light shining in his eyes as he looked at the strawberries like they were great treasure. "Mouse says he learnt his lesson. He'll only eat the inside of the strawberry now, most of the time." Though his voice still bubbled through, it was more strained and with more effort, like his enthusiasm was stuck in syrup. Yet he clearly did his best, giving her a slow yet happy nod. "I'll share. Mouse is my friend, and friends share all the good things. And sometimes the bad things, but only if I can't do it alone."

His thoughts were already trailing off again, but Mouse gladly reminded him of the matter at hand, having heard the promise of strawberries too, he peaked his nose out of Liam's robes. Nudging his neck impatiently, waiting for his share of the food. Which was substantial to say the least; when Liam shared something, he shared all of it, and not just a little bit. Biting the strawberry in half, then giving it to Mouse, not taking a next bite until his companion had finished eating. One could argue that this was a bit much for a being that couldn't even eat, but they themselves (especially Mouse) were completely happy with this division.

"I know you're sticky Mouse, I'll wash you as soon as I can. No... there are no more strawberries."
With that motivation gone, Liam fell back into his rhythm of falling behind, then catching up. Speaking in whispers to Mouse along the way, following the sound of chimes. However, more and more often he let his eyes close, his head starting to drop until his chin hit his chest, stirring him up again slightly for a few moments. Long enough to whisper; "No Mouse... we can't sleep. It's not night yet..."
Cade had almost stopped completely when Avelyn grabbed him by the cheeks. His first inclination was to strike her, yet the sheer innocence with which she had done the gesture helped to calm his ire. At least the glamour held. But....would she have felt warmth in his skin, or would she feel the cold pallor of his true nature? Glamours could only disguise so much detail from sight, and some things from touch, yet there was still a possibility that Avelyn would have noticed something off about him. For someone so sensitive to the natural world he was surprised that she hadn't picked up on his very unnatural rhythms by now.
Emmalia had tensed when Avelyn grabbed Cade's cheeks. Not a smart move, girl.... Thankfully, he didn't do anything. Emmalia relaxed a bit and watched the chipper young girl. The huntress found her eyes trailing to the strawberries, more out of nostalgia than anything. She remembered the taste of the sweet berries, and just the scent made her mind wander to memories. Running around to gather strawberries with the other children, so Ma'am Ansel could make them sweet cakes, then further into the history, gathering wild strawberries with her fath - Stop it right now. Don't go back to that. It brings only pain, a different kind for each memory. But if it weren't for that pain would you have met your second family? You shut up right now. Does that bring you pain as well? The less I remember of any of them, the safer they are, and the less my mask slips, so the safer everyone is. Let your mask slip, what will they do? I don't want it slipping. I don't like hurting people. Stop lying to yourself. You are not me. And I'm not lying. You need to fuck off. You're just scared of letting them get close, aren't - Shut up, the boy needs help.

Emmalia glanced at Liam and slowed her pace. "Come on, little mage. Do you need help?" Emmalia paused to pull a vial out of her backpack and held it out for Liam. "It'll lessen the mana burn."
Liam blinked a bit, looking up at Emmalia slightly dazed before his smile finally cracked through. With a grateful nod he took the vial from her with both hands, careful not to break it. "Thank you Emmi." When he opened the vial, he couldn't help but giggle a bit at the 'pop' of the cork, so he tried it twice more just to show Mouse. Trusting entirely on that what had been given to him was okay, he drank it all in one big swig. Only to shudder afterwards and sputter a bit. "Bleh... it's bitter..." Looking up at Emmalia with big eyes as if she had just betrayed him. At least until the potion kicked in and his mind got distracted by other things, and all was forgiven, but mostly forgotten again.
Smiling at Liam's expressions, Avelyn Alice was happy enough to at least be able to help them, even if it was something as small as giving strawberries. However, for some odd reason, just looking at Liam made Avelyn Alice glad she had strawberries with her since the way he was acting made it seem like it was his whole world for him in that short moment. His child-like tendency and rather odd behavior was growing on her and she knew that perhaps it would be better to part ways soon. At the same time, she had been surprised to know that Cade didn't lash out on her, instead, he just remained well . . impassive and quiet as always it seemed. However, when she touched his cheeks, it was rather quite. . . cold and fleshy. She hadn't expected that but nevertheless, hid her thoughts and reactions quite nicely with a bow on top. However, at hearing Liam's words, Avelyn Alice smiled, agreeing, "I think it is nice to have friends. Especially friends to share memories with, through good or bad." She finished wistfully as she pondered on her thoughts. She missed. . having friends. . well . . the animals were her friends, but it was always nice to speak to someone who well . . had flesh rather than fur.

However, before she knew it, she had been lost in her own thoughts that she had just heard and notice Liam's actions and words.
"Liam?" She called out softly, before looking towards Mouse, seeing as they both finished the strawberries. However, soon enough, Emmalia had came to the rescue, giving him a vial that could help lessen the mana burn. Ah, so he was feeling exhausted and somewhat sleepy from using too much of his mana, thank goodness. Seeing Liam's reaction to the vial, Avelyn Alice giggled slightly as she let out a relieved sigh, "I think medicine's like that too. It's a bit bitter, but despite it's bitterness, it'll help you in the long run. Maybe one day we can experiment on trying to make a medicine that's sweeter?" She pondered out loud, not really asking the question to anyone directly. "Will you be alright the rest of the way, Liam? Mouse? I can help you walk if you'd like?" Avelyn Alice asked them before she walked over to stand by Liam's side as she gently wrapped on of her arms around Liam's waist and allowed Liam's left arm to dangle across her shoulder. "Lean on me, if you need to."
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