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Realistic or Modern That One LGTBQ+ Club

I came in just at 5 mins ... but I don't think you missed much :3 everybody introduced their characters and Jaye - Felicity is leading the group through some more group talking what they expect/want out of the club and all
Yup, I'm pretty much up to date then. I've read all that.

@The Dragon Rider Mhm, if you could edit your post slightly, that would be great. See, it wasn't specified anywhere that the meeting was over and I think we have more room for writing here. But if you want to edit your post so that your character leaves, early that would be fine. (On a side note, if you could increase the size of your posts, that would be great. It's meant to be 4+ paragraphs). Thankin' you!
The Dragon Rider] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15937-leo-the-sagittarius/ said:
@Leo The Sagittarius[/URL]
Updated my reply and made it longer as well. Let me know if anymore updates are needed :)
That's much better, thank you!! > :)
@Leo The Sagittarius

No worries, I want to show that Jamie is guarded and uses his (pardon the french) shitty diva attitude to block out his weakness and that in the club it will eventually force him to face what made him reach breaking point :P

of course the more JamieXRobert is shipped the more i like it :P
OKAY SO I HATE TO SAY THIS but I'm going to need to drop out of this rp! D: some pretty bad family stuff came up and I'll be unable to reply really for gosh... I don't even know how long ?? But I just don't have the time and i'd hate for me to slow down the rp/have crappy posts because of it so ;o; i'm really sorry about this.

As for Yves though, maybe like he just doesn't come back/join the club or anything ??
Scolipede said:
OKAY SO I HATE TO SAY THIS but I'm going to need to drop out of this rp! D: some pretty bad family stuff came up and I'll be unable to reply really for gosh... I don't even know how long ?? But I just don't have the time and i'd hate for me to slow down the rp/have crappy posts because of it so ;o; i'm really sorry about this.
As for Yves though, maybe like he just doesn't come back/join the club or anything ??
It's okay. If you ever feel like coming back or have the time to or whatever, don't hesitate. There will always be a spot open for you. Thanks for staying this long though!! > :) (I hope you get your family stuff sorted out and that everything is okay for you)
You guys I'm going through recovery of a deep sickness and depression. I might be gone for a few weeks or I may never come back. I'll inform you if it's the latter. In the meantime someone can take over Robert if need be. I can give suggestions on how to play him if need be. But how things look right now I don't think I can keep up...
DarkledMind said:
You guys I'm going through recovery of a deep sickness and depression. I might be gone for a few weeks or I may never come back. I'll inform you if it's the latter. In the meantime someone can take over Robert if need be. I can give suggestions on how to play him if need be. But how things look right now I don't think I can keep up...
Shooshh, that's entirely okay. Trust me, I understand. I really do. And I reassure you that things will get better, even if it doesn't seem like they will. Good days are on the horizon!! Take as much time as you need to feel better. Much love x
Ooo~ Good luck you two with your personal stuff (:3)

(So... what's up with the Alt IC??? Also «gently prods» I know where like three of you are but where's the rest~~?)
Jaye said:
Ooo~ Good luck you two with your personal stuff (:3)
(So... what's up with the Alt IC??? Also «gently prods» I know where like three of you are but where's the rest~~?)
Okay, so here's a fun thing. Me and Rain were talking and we decided that we needed more one on one character interaction because I'm always a slut for gay shipping so we set up another thread for one on one interaction. Anyone can use it but to be tbh I mainly created it so that we could write roommare shenanigans without clogging the main thread.
[QUOTE="Leo The Sagittarius]Okay, so here's a fun thing. Me and Rain were talking and we decided that we needed more one on one character interaction because I'm always a slut for gay shipping so we set up another thread for one on one interaction. Anyone can use it but to be tbh I mainly created it so that we could write roommare shenanigans without clogging the main thread.

Thanks because I was just about to ask what it's for ❤️ And yes, we must unleash the gay shipping onto the world !
Ships <3

Gay Ships <3 <3

Either way this rp is just going to turn all our ships into a god damn armada *^*

Can we go into the Alt. IC whenever [Does it need to directly connect with what's going in the Main IC?]
[QUOTE="S N O W B I R D]Ships <3
Gay Ships <3 <3

Either way this rp is just going to turn all our ships into a god damn armada *^*

Can we go into the Alt. IC whenever [Does it need to directly connect with what's going in the Main IC?]

You can use it whenever (and no, it doesn't)
Does anyone know why all the RP rating option aren't available in the second RP? I wanted to rate it 'Character Development'...
I should never be allowed to write an opening scene .... Q A Q I'm taking like 5 lifetimes and this is going to end up like the bible/a novel.
O A O finally done. [Many apologies about grammar, spelling, and some 'wtf this makes no sense' it's late and I feel so guilty about taking forever to start that off @Zafirah ]

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