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Realistic or Modern That One LGTBQ+ Club

DarkledMind said:
Hey you guys. Im feeling really ill. So replies may not be frequent... or that good. I'll try and lurk though.
(Felicity can run things ( :P ) )

@Jaye[/URL] I really like that idea. Looks complicated and all [probably isn't, I'm just dum dum] but looks really organized, and easy on the eyes.
(Actually, I have previous experience coding things - tables like the above especially! I usually do it in the slightly more complex code-language html. The bb-code that this site uses is almost frustratingly simple (> :D ) )
A basic version of the Character List table I made:

«casually edits out the ???»

Name (Click for app link)AgeRomantic & Sexual OrientationsGender &/Or Sex (& Pronouns)Player Account
Jason Lee21Homoromantic/sexualCisgender Male (He/Him/His)TaeYeon
Charlie Schwartz22Homoromantic/sexualTransgender Male (He/Him/His)Leo The Sagittarius
Yves Brisbois24Demiromantic Grey-AsexualAgender (They/Them/Thier)Scolipede
Leland Hugo Walter22Homoromantic/sexualCisgender Male (He/Him/His)Bunny
Robert Daniel Hugh37Pansexual/AsexualGenderfluid (He/Him/His)DarkledMind
Nora Ilta22Demi-Homoromantic/sexualGenderfluid (She/Her/Hers)S N O W B I R D
Adelaide Kravitz20Homoromantic PansexualGender Confused (currently IDs as Female) (She/Her/Hers)Zafirah
Joshua Berry20Homoromantic/sexualCisgender Male (He/Him/His)ChasingRainClouds
Aurelia Damiani21Questioning-Romantic AsexualCisgender Female (She/Her/Hers)Nefarious
Eleanor-Rose Totten20Panromantic DemisexualCisgender Female (She/Her/Hers)Leo The Sagittarius
"Alfie" Kuparr Simmons22Aromantic HeterosexualCisgender Male (He/Him/His)Jaye
Michel Claude Jarre21Panromantic/sexualIntersex (Any Pronouns)ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Jamie Haywood18Homoromantic/sexualCisgender Male (He/Him/His)The Dragon Rider
Rainey Ellwood21Panromantic/sexualCisgender Female, Partially Male (She/Her/Hers)cuddlefishkisses
Felicity Alouis23Panromantic/sexual'Cisgender' Female (Intersex) (She/Her/Hers)Jaye
Please check to make sure I didn't mess up any details!

In particular, I'm not sure on Rainey's pronouns (Rainey's app doesn't say what her pronouns are - I'd assume she/her except Rainey is partially male so... ??? Hence the question marks in the tables above. Or Michel's pronouns are somewhat unclear - the app says "Any" but also says "both" so I don't know if Michel uses literally any pronoun set or if Michel only uses she/her+/he/him. And Adelaide's app also didn't have any pronouns mentioned either hence the ??? next to Adelaide's pronouns.

Also things I noticed while reading everyone's apps (so as to find ages/pronouns) -

[QUOTE="Leo The Sagittarius]Relationship status? (Ditto above)

According to his app, Charlie's Relationship status is Joshua Berry :P

DarkledMind said:
He prefers male pronouns...
Not to be that guy especially after the character is accepted but there's no such thing as 'male pronouns'. The phrase you're looking for is "He/Him Pronouns".

[QUOTE="The Dragon Rider]Jamie Haywood

Woah, wow, jailbait anyone? I mean - uh. Wait when do Americans usually start college? I was pretty sure I was 19 the year after high school finished. Also Jamie's app doesn't actually say Jamie's pronouns or gender anywhere. OP says Jamie's a cisman though so I went with that & assumed pronouns from there.

(I have a sudden want for a controversial Jamie/Robert ship - not only scandalous teacher/student thing but creepy almost 20-year gap between them).

((Because vague paranoia about how tone gets lost on the web - none of the above is meant to be mean. It's barely even meant to be critique. Mostly educational.))
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Hahahaha yeah I think I made Jamie to be the scrappy youngster of the group :P

The images are from one of my favorite drag queens actually (out of drag)

Thought it would be too much to have him do drag in the Roleplay though

In a weird way I can see why Jamie and Robert would work despite the age.

What with Jamie being in the state he is and Robert being so optimistic.


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So it would be breaking the rules a little, but if I'm around at the right time I'll have Felicity post right after the introductions (which would be before four posts had passed). Hope that's okay <_< I won't post with Alfie as well.

Also small tally:

As Felicity's last post mentioned, only Aurelia and Yves haven't introduced themselves yet. Robert isn't in the room yet (as DarkledMind has already told us) and Rainey is the only student MIA. Maybe they're very late or maybe they'll come to the next meeting instead (:3)
I think most of us - and Leo - would be alright with breaking that particular rule. It isn't just a 'reply to so-and-so' kind of post, but more of a recollect and hauling everyone's collective behind to the next part so we can continue.

Perhaps we can tag her in the OOC? She isn't listed in the 'Watchers' and is only watching the Sign Ups so she may have missed everything else or assumed that it hasn't been accepted or started. [should probably tag the other people who haven't posted yet just in case. Otherwise, it's probably just a timezone issue =w=;;;]
@Scolipede[/URL] & @cuddlefishkisses ! The meeting is pretty well under way - are either of you watching the main IC thread? (Also cuddlefishkisses you were totally accepted. I know the sign-up thread got a little messy but Rainey is included in the IC character list. So feel free to post!) «casually speaks on behalf of GM» «ah ha»
Jaye said:
Yeah what you said :3 I figured it was a good reason to break the rules because of what you said^^^ Hm... yeah tagging might be good.
@Scolipede & @cuddlefishkisses ! The meeting is pretty well under way - are either of you watching the main IC thread? (Also cuddlefishkisses you were totally accepted. I know the sign-up thread got a little messy but Rainey is included in the IC character list. So feel free to post!) «casually speaks on behalf of GM» «ah ha»
aaaa thanks so much for tagging me it wasn't telling me I had notifications but I thought I watched the thread?? my computer has been funky lately but yeah I'm going to post now. Again, thanks so much !!


Scolipede said:
aaaa thanks so much for tagging me it wasn't telling me I had notifications but I thought I watched the thread?? my computer has been funky lately but yeah I'm going to post now. Again, thanks so much !!
Ah ha! So S N O W B I R D was right! Glad I tagged you guys then. Horray for replies.

Also fun facts - I call dibs on a brief reply from Felicity next. Now that all the intros are done.

but its cool i read it all

i totally laughed at this

Jaye said:
According to his app, Charlie's Relationship status is Joshua Berry :P
speaking of relationships, anyone want to be friends with my lil Joshua? he and Charlie are (i think) going to be friends (??) and it'll be great, but i'm thinking Joshua's gonna be intimidated by pretty much everyone at the meeting and as such will read his book. but if someone talked to him then it'd be nice uvu (also totally open to romance pfff--)

also, could someone tag me every now and then in the OOC? i watched it but i'm still kind of a noob at this site so i'm not sure it's notifying me when someone comments ^^;;
ChasingRainClouds said:
but its cool i read it all

i totally laughed at this

speaking of relationships, anyone want to be friends with my lil Joshua? he and Charlie are (i think) going to be friends (??) and it'll be great, but i'm thinking Joshua's gonna be intimidated by pretty much everyone at the meeting and as such will read his book. but if someone talked to him then it'd be nice uvu (also totally open to romance pfff--)

also, could someone tag me every now and then in the OOC? i watched it but i'm still kind of a noob at this site so i'm not sure it's notifying me when someone comments ^^;;
(I can try tag you every new page, if ya want).

Felicity is totally there to be chatted with! I am down for friendships with either of my peeps, but Feli might actually get along with Joshua.

I do like the idea of Alfie and Joshua being 'odd-couple' friends, though.
Jaye said:
(I can try tag you every new page, if ya want).
Felicity is totally there to be chatted with! I am down for friendships with either of my peeps, but Feli might actually get along with Joshua.

I do like the idea of Alfie and Joshua being 'odd-couple' friends, though.
omg if you could tag me every new page that would be great!! thank you <33

ahh yeah, I think Felicity and Joshua would get along c: i mean, Felicity could probably explain all these sexualities and romanticisms and genders to him instead of him going back to his room and looking it up all alone. xD

Alfie kind of reminded Joshua of this boy he didn't like when he was younger |D i mean, Joshua doesn't judge people by looks or whatever, but impressions are a big thing for him and his impression of Alfie is that he's very similar to that boy.... but they might be friends later? i think they're personalities would clash a lot honestly, and Joshua might just get so tired of it all and flee XDD
Whew! That's Felicity's reply done. It was... longer than anticipated. Which is silly of course it was gonna be long. I might go back and add some worldbuilding fluff, too. (Fun fact, I'm using personal experience to write Feli right now. Not personally having led a group like this but personally having been in a skill share group before (:3) )

ChasingRainClouds said:
omg if you could tag me every new page that would be great!! thank you <33
ahh yeah, I think Felicity and Joshua would get along c: i mean, Felicity could probably explain all these sexualities and romanticisms and genders to him instead of him going back to his room and looking it up all alone. xD

Alfie kind of reminded Joshua of this boy he didn't like when he was younger |D i mean, Joshua doesn't judge people by looks or whatever, but impressions are a big thing for him and his impression of Alfie is that he's very similar to that boy.... but they might be friends later? i think they're personalities would clash a lot honestly, and Joshua might just get so tired of it all and flee XDD
(No worries, I'll make sure to tag ya.)

Yeee~ Feli will be lingering after the meeting - if that's not enough for him to approach, she'll probs approach him if he lingers vaguely (^.^)

That... was kinda what I meant for Alfie. I mean, he's gonna rub Joshua the wrong way, totally, but I thought it might be kinda funny to see the friction/drama between them. But if it would just be too much for Berry that's okay (:3)
Joshua will probably linger a bit after the meeting, cause he doesn't want to be the first out |D so if she could approach him that'd be cool c:

Yesss yes i approve! I'd like that a lot haha~ I'm actually still getting a grasp on Joshua's personality and his history, so he may open up more or he may close up more as we progress. I can't really say for certain, and even if i did know i wouldnt really say because spoilers~

but yes, please let there be some friction/drama between Alfie and Joshua xD
ChasingRainClouds said:
Joshua will probably linger a bit after the meeting, cause he doesn't want to be the first out |D so if she could approach him that'd be cool c:
Yesss yes i approve! I'd like that a lot haha~ I'm actually still getting a grasp on Joshua's personality and his history, so he may open up more or he may close up more as we progress. I can't really say for certain, and even if i did know i wouldnt really say because spoilers~

but yes, please let there be some friction/drama between Alfie and Joshua xD
Both these things are awesome yes so groovy ( :D ) (I'll have Feli approach him).

Developing chara's via RP is such fun.

Oh that reminds me - I'mma go see who might be roommates

Oh yeah, also @Zafirah Unsure if you saw the table I made (here) but could I grab a confirmation that the pronouns in the table are the right one's for your charas? (Also Zafirah, is the gender accurate? Or as accurate as it can be while still remaining brief?)
Yes everything on the chart looks great! Rainey does go by she/her pronouns. Sorry everyone the timezones have really been hitting me hard.
Timezones are a butt </3 Welcome to the RP though~

Going out - hope the quick post isn't too ... awful.
Oooo! More ace-spec people! D'aw Joshua knows he ain't heterosexual but he doesn't know much else. Will be interesting to see that progress (:3) (You might wanna message Leo about the change so it can be included in whatever version of the table he uploads when he gets back?)

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