• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern That One LGTBQ+ Club


Jason Lee

I’d rather be hated for who I am, than be loved for who I’m not.
Kurt Cobain

Concerning Other People

Family Members: Jason has a mother, father and a younger sister.

Roommate: Yet to come.

Relationship Status: Single.

Miscellaneous Information

Age: 21.

Birthday: December 2 (Sagittarius).

Personality: He is not known for holding back. Wanting to experience everything there is to experience, he does not mind stepping out of his comfort zone when no one else is willing. Traditions and expectations are secondary to him, if a consideration at all. He loves to experiment with new styles. To him, the world is meant to be felt and experienced. Truth is stranger than fiction, and he prefers to see and do than to wax philosophical about “what-ifs”. He is strongly emotional, and very vulnerable to criticism – he can feel like he has been backed into a corner, sometimes reacting badly. He sometimes ignores and avoids conflict entirely. He tends to say and do what is needed to get out of such situations, then move on to something more fun.

Illnesses or Conditions: He is allergic to cucumbers.

Likes: He likes to eat ice cream on hot summer days while drinking hot soup on cold winter days. He likes to creative things to keep himself busy though he also enjoys listening to music or just watching a movie on his free days.

Dislikes: He does not like to eat sweets however he can have days where he just wants to eat everything. He really dislikes to be looked down upon as if he is not worth anything. Also people blaming him while he did nothing wrong can piss him off.

Favourite Colour: Lime.

Favourite Number: 7.

Clubs: Track team.


Sexual Orientation: Homosexual.

Closeted or Out: Out.

Friends/Family Accepting: His friends are.

Feelings Sexuality: He feels that it is just the way he is.

Gender: Male.

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Charlie Schwartz

"Too much to do and write and think."

(All The Bright Places)

Concerning other people:

They got any family members we should know of?

None of note. But he's got a Mom, a Dad, four brothers and two sisters back home.

Do they have a roommate?

Joshua Berry

Relationship status?

(Ditto above)



How old are they?

Twenty Two

When is their birthday?

7th September (Virgo)

What's their personality like?

He's very enthusiastic, (sometimes, much too enthusiastic), and very positive. He's found that it's much easier to look on the bright side because negativity can only lead to bad things. He tries his hardest to be friendly to everybody. He can come off as obnoxious at times but he doesn't care. As long as he doesn't seem miserable, that's good enough for him.

Any illnesses or conditions?

Body/gender dysphoria issues.

Minor Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

He's suffered from depression in the past but things have been much better recently.

What do they like?

Musicals, movie soundtracks, foreign candy, books about strange and wonderful adventures, puzzles and quizzes, sunny days, pizza.

What don't they like?

Math (nobody likes math), rain/snow/any kind of poor weather, boring things, tea or coffee, other people getting upset, feeling miserable.

What is their favourite colour?


What is their favourite number?

Three hundred and seventy-four.

Do they have any extracurriculars/clubs?

Yep; LGTBQ+, newspaper club, musical theatre.



What is their sexuality?


Are they closeted or out?

Out to his friends, not to anybody else.

If they are out, are friends/family accepting?

Everybody that he's told is pretty cool about it. For whatever reason, some of his guy friends still worry about him hitting on them. He really doesn't understand why this is because he's told them repeatedly that he's not into them.

How do they feel about their sexuality?

It's not like he can change it. He's kissed both girls and guys in the past before and he's decided that girls kinda suck. They probably have cooties anyway.

Do they worry about anything to do with their sexuality?




What is their gender?


What are their preferred pronouns?


Are they on hormone blockers or boosters or anything like that? Have they had surgery of any kind?

He's been on regular testosterone doses for a while now. He hasn't had any kind of surgery because it's just easier and cheaper to bind. In the future, he might consider surgery but he's good for now.

Are family/friends accepting?

He's made sure that nobody knows about it. During highschool, people knew and they weren't particularly nice about it. So, he's made sure to keep it quiet.

Do they worry about anything to do with their gender?

He worries about people finding out his birth gender.

(On the same note, he worries about his binder being spotted or his chest not looking flat enough)

(I like all the colours. After writing this, I'm starting to lean towards green though)
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Yves Brisbois

"The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years." -Audrey Hepburn


They got any family members we should know about?

They have a mom and two older sisters! Their father, however, has been absent most their life.

Do they have a roommate?


Relationship status?

None yet. (Again, GOOD LUCK)


How old are they?


When is their birthday?

June 29th (Cancer)

What's their personality like?

Extremely pretentious and can come off as rude. They tend to give their two-cents and input when it isn't asked for and then get confused when someone gets mad at them because hey, they were just trying to help! They have a lot of good intentions but tent to go about them the wrong way which can give you the wrong impression about them, actually a super lonely individual and tends to get angsty at times, tries to overcompensate their low self-esteem by strutting their stuff and acting like things don't affect them.

Any illnesses or conditions?

General anxiety (though shows little outside symptoms)

What do they like?

Coffee, black and white films, sun hats, good conversation, reading, hanging out around coffee shops, sleeping until late in the afternoon.

What don't they like?

People who ask too many questions, young children, spicy foods, dogs, most animals actually, hot days

What is their favourite colour?

Light blue

What is their favourite number?

3,737 (there is a reason I swear)

Do they have any extracurriculars/clubs?

NONE ASIDE FROM LGBTQ+ CLUB they usually don't get involved with things easily.


What is their sexuality?

Demiromantic grey-asexual

Are they closeted or out?


How do they feel about their sexuality?

They tend to feel like they're making it more complicated than it needs to be so they avoid the subject usually.

Do they worry about anything to do with their sexuality?

They worry that there won't be anyone who would be willing to date them and that they'll end up alone.


What is their gender?


What are their preferred pronouns?


Are they on hormone blockers or boosters or anything like that? Have they had surgery of any kind?


Are family/friends accepting?

They usually don't talk about it but their family does respect their pronouns.

Do they worry about anything to do with their gender?

Not really with gender, no.


Anything else you'd like us to know about them?

They speak French and are originally from France! (In-rp French will be limited if at all since I DON'T KNOW FRENCH THAT WELL)

(favorite color is pink~)​
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Leland Hugo Walton

"I'm sorry, if you were right, I'd agree with you." ~ Robin Williams

Concerning Other People

Family Members: A mother, father, and two older sisters

Roommate: Rooming with Yves

Relationship Status: Single (tell me if you want to be his bf)


Miscellaneous Information

How old are they?: 22

When is their birthday?: August 29th, Virgo

What's their personality like?: Hugo likes to sit back and relax, not wanting to really go out of his way for things. He's lazy, and likes to lounge around, but sometimes may be in the mood to work out, even if he doesn't like it. He's funny and witty, a good person to hang around, but sometimes too lazy to go out with his friends. If Hugo doesn't like someone, he shows it, and doesn't really care if they are offended.

Any illnesses or conditions?: Hasn't had the Chicken Pox, is allergic to pollen

What do they like?: Writing, blogging on Tumblr, acting, small animals but cats specifically, sweets and chips

What don't they like?: Physical activity, discrimination, work

What is their favourite colour?:
Bluish Green

What is their favourite number?: 11

Do they have any extracurriculars/clubs?: Drama Club


What is their sexuality?: Homosexual

Are they closeted or out?: Out

If they are out, are friends/family accepting?: Yes. Friends are more accepting than family

How do they feel about their sexuality?: Proud

Do they worry about anything to do with their sexuality?: No


What is their gender?: Cisgender Male


He prefers to be called Hugo. He won't flip if you call him Leland once in a while, just don't call him that often. Sorry if it's kind of boring, just figured I'd go with my sexuality irl. My favorite color is pink.

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Robert Daniel Hugh

Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.
Kalil Gibran


Any family we should know about?

His father died of Lou Gherigs disease a few years ago. His mother Is In a

Local retirement home where she is suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Their last outing was to a beach, where she mistakenly called him by his uncle's name, who had passed away long ago.

Do they have a roommate?

He lives in a small apartment within walking distance of the college campus. Roommate not required but he has the space and sometimes some company might be nice.

Relationship status?



Age: 37

When is their birthday?

September 13

What's their personality like?

Robert is a positive person with a generally optimistic outlook. He tends to be high energy and rather talkative. But really he is an Introvert, preferring to be alone with his books and laptop. He is also very kind and caring, and doesn't mind sticking his nose In other people's business if he thinks they need help.

What do they like?

He loves nature and prefers to walk everywhere despite having a car. He has a huge sweet tooth that he tries to balance out by eating all things spicy. Also a huge activist for clean energy and wild life conservation

What don't they like?

Robert dislikes anything man made and vast. Cities generally aren't his thing and modern minimalist architecture just confuses him. He also dislikes it when people won't push and challenge themselves.

What is their favourite colour?

He prefers warm colors, his favorite being a subdued yellow that doesn't look like baby puke but Isn't harsh on the eyes

What is their favourite number?

You ask him to pick a number he generally says nine, his lucky number. But he likes the number three as well due to all of the symbolism behind It in mythology and religion.

Do they have any extracurriculars/clubs?

He actually is the professor sponsor for the LGTBQ+ club. Because of this his classroom is actually always open for anyone to come In and relax. He even has a little anti-anxiety station set up in the back corner where you can listen to the lecture and relax. It is cozy and full of pillows, blankets, and plushies.


What is their sexuality?

Mostly Pansexual. But sometimes he feels like he fits under the asexual umbrella

Are they closeted or out?

Definitely out. He doesn't hesitate to talk about both girl friends and boyfriends in his various anecdotes.

If they are out, are friends/family accepting?

His father was begrudgingly accepting and his mother was always confused about it.

How do they feel about their sexuality?

He's going through a transitional period at the moment, redefining what category he fits Into best.

Do they worry about anything to do with their sexuality?

Mainly Robert Is confused about whether or not his usual lack of attraction Is normal for someone with a healthy sex drive


What is their gender?


What are their preferred pronouns?

He prefers male pronouns as that is his usual default. Even when he feels more feminine he doesn't mind male pronouns.

Are they on hormone blockers or boosters or anything like that? Have they had surgery of any kind?

No. None whatsoever

Are family/friends accepting?

His father never knew and his mother just thought he had fun playing dress up.

Do they worry about anything to do with their gender?

Not particularly. He doesn't see why clothes and activities have to be gendered, so he just 'goes with the flow.'


Robert tries to involve himself In student's lives frequently, especially if he sees that there is strife going on. He teaches low to mid level English as well as Mythology and occasionally Word Religion.

And my favorite color is this shade of blue
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?Nora Ilta?

Look, I'm not going to apologize for my heart, okay?
Cosima Niehaus




"I've got a mother and a father. It's a small family, but I wouldn't have it any other way."


Adelaide Kravitz

?Relationship Status?

"...A little lonely to be honest."

[Open via PM and OOC - Do Not Expect Solid Answer]




"I'm not THAT old"



"Surprise~ I'm a Gemini"

May 24


"Ooh ... it's so hard to give a straight answer for this..."

Firstly, Nora is an independent person. She has a strong sense of self, knowing exactly what her strengths and weaknesses are, and can clearly outline what it is that makes her ... well, her! Knowing this, Nora has rarely needed to depend on people to tell her which direction she needs to take, and she prides herself on that.This is also a slight drawback, for the people around her simply take that confidence and overwhelming presence as an overbearing obnoxious personality.

This girl also loves to be around people. She may not necessarily participate in the conversation, but Nora always has her ears open, and when the moment's right, she is more than comfortful with jumping in whenever possible. However, she isn't someone who has loose lips. If secrets, embarrassing stories, or any of the like are being shared around, Nora will keep her lips sealed and bring the information with her to her grave. She values friendship, loyalty, honesty and the bonds she makes very dearly. One could say that she's got a strong moral compass, if anything. She just knows when to loosen up at the right times.

All in all, Nora is a confident young woman who just loves life.

?Health Ailments ?

"I'm rather lucky, 'cuz I'm pretty healthy as far as I know..."


"I wouldn't mind some these as a birthday gift ... hint, hint"

+Plush Toys+

+Star Gazing+

+Ice Skating+







"I might hate you forever. No really."




-Spicy Food-


-Messing Up/Guilt-

-Cloudy Nights-

-Slow Things-

?Favorite Color?

"It's hard to choose when there are so many, you know?"

Soft Oranges - Almost Pink

?Favorite Number?

"Everyone's got to have their lucky number, right?"



"I'm pretty boring..."





"Labels ... [sigh]"


?Closet or Out?

"Well ... not EVERYONE knows..."

Out to the Club ... mostly her friends, though Nora suspects that her family may have caught onto her.

?Reactions [Friends and Family]?

"Everyone was pretty cool about it ... pretty accepting, it was nice. I hope it goes the same way with my parents ... that is, if I ever decide to tell them."

?Nora's Thoughts?

"Quoting my favorite quote, "I'm not going to apologize for my heart," I'll love whoever I love."

?Nora's Worries?

"I feel like my dating pool is small ... like what if I date a few of them, and it doesn't work, but then they all hook up together ... like that's just so unfair!"




"Ah ... well, I was born with a vagina."


[Dear Google, it's a word.]


"Her and She work fine."



?Reactions [Friends and Family]?

"My mother just can't understand why I have some ... unladylike clothing in my closet at all ... it's not like I don't wear dresses at all ... and everyone else is cool with what I wear, like, at least my tits aren't hanging out, right?"

?Nora's Concerns?

"Nope. Quite happy with myself."



Although Nora adores and can handle motorcycles and cars, I personally have absolutely no clue what goes on with that stuff. It's just for her character.

?Theme Song?


My favorite color is a ... this kinda blue
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Adelaide Kravitz

" Well behaved women rarely make history"

- Marylin Monroe

Concerning other people:

Five brothers and one very exhausted father.


Nora Ilta

Relationship status:

One of the single ladies

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.2654df1499e29fcc6f43ee662d92aa8e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66342" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.2654df1499e29fcc6f43ee662d92aa8e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





April 2, Aries


Adelaide is a very bundle of, well, everything. She's rather childish and very eccentric, making random jokes and references that most people won't understand. Laughing is a lifestyle in her case, making someone laugh is the easiest way to get in their pants. Adelaide enjoys being around people who are different then her, loving the new perspectives on love and life. Summing it up, she's a Aussie weirdo who can sing.


Well, Adelaide has monophobia which is the fear of being alone. Even staying the night by herself is difficult which is why she's avidly looking for a roommate.


?? Cheeseburgers

?? Vegemite

?? Storms

?? Tumblr and Netflix

?? Singing

?? Playing the ukulele

?? Hip thrusts

?? Children

?? Accents

?? Sweetened condensed milk


? Milk. Actual milk

? Mountain Dew

? Sterotypes

? Not knowing what to say

? Gardening

? Snobs

? Wheat crackers and bread

? Crushes

? Hot dogs

? Peanut butter



Light Purple



Extracurriculars/ Clubs

She's in a band and cuisine club


Pansexual but homoromantic

Out or closeted:

A bit of both because she usually never talks about it or plays it off as a joke so it will take a bit for her to straight out tell you.

Are family/friends accepting:

Her family is horrified and most of her friends think she's kidding.

How do they feel about their sexuality:

Adelaide is on and off with it. The pansexual aspect, she is mostly fine with since there is a chance she may end up with someone of the opposite gender yet the fact that she is only romantically attracted to those of the same gender thus canceling the idea that she will only end up with a male unnerves, sometimes even scares her.

Worries about her sexuality:

Well, I basically put it above but if you need me to go into detail, just say.


Adelaide's feelings about her gender are mixed. A good percent of the time, she's happy to be female but others, she believes that she may be happier and more comfortable as a male. Sometimes, she considers researching it but she knows her family and possibly friends would go
berserk on her.


Adelaide introduces herself with her full name and expect you to find her a nickname. She has a rather prominent Australian accent.

Today, it's whatever this color is. I thinks it's seafoam green though.



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(He wears contacts)

Joshua Berry

Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.
Peter Pan

Concerning Other People

They got any family members we should know about?

Just a mom, older brother and younger sister.

Do they have a roommate?


Relationship status?

Single, possibly ready to mingle.

Miscellaneous Information

How old are they?


When is their birthday?

January 3rd (Capricorn)

What's their personality like?

Joshua is a dreamer, above all else. He loves fairy tales and happy endings, and he often gets lost in his thoughts. He can often be seen reading books or writing down ideas he has, and if someone were to ask him about a book he’s reading he’ll start to ramble on and on. He then would catch himself after rambling for a good five minutes, and he would apologize profusely and go back to reading or flee.

He is not very good at handling arguments or insults, as he takes insults to heart, and he often closes up whenever someone does so and then just leaves. (He is able to tell when someone is joking, though.) He doesn’t voice his opinions very much, often keeping the majority of his thoughts to himself, and he is typically not the first to initiate a conversation.

He is very organized and has sticky notes over all of his things, and if he finds one of his things out of place he internally freaks out. He loves to plan ahead and helps his friends make plans. He also enjoys cleaning, and wouldn’t mind if someone told him to cleanup after them.

He cares very deeply for all of his friends, but he can seem rather cold and stand-offish to people when he first meets them. If one were to pry a little, they would find that Joshua is a huge dork who gets flustered very easily. He is easy to befriend once you get him interested in a topic (and it’s rather easy to get him interested in a topic), but he doesn’t enjoy talking much about his own feelings or opinions on things. (He worries it’ll start an argument.)

He is interested in romance, but he isn’t experienced with it and as such doesn’t understand when people flirt with him unless they make it painfully obvious. He gets crushes on people a lot, but he never really does anything about them as they fade within a week or two.

Any illnesses or conditions?

Seasonal allergies

Allergic to shrimp

Asthma (caused by exercise)

What do they like?

He loves loves looooves fairy tales and stories. He would be happy just camping out in a library for weeks on end (with food, of course). He also loves the rain and dark skies, and he enjoys watching lightning. He likes clouds and, when he was younger, was an avid cloud watcher. He likes nighttime and looking at stars, but if he thinks about how vast space is and how much is unknown he gets a little freaked out. He likes the cold weather and he likes snow, and he loves to wear sweaters and scarves and drink hot tea. He has a sweet tooth towards all kinds of chocolate and pastries. He also likes fruit a lot.

What don't they like?

He’s very afraid of toads (due to an accident that happened when he was younger). He doesn’t like fish at all (either to eat or to catch). He thinks they’re just slimey and pointless. He dislikes spring because of his allergies, and because wasps and bees come out at that time. He doesn’t enjoy going to the ocean, and he hates swimming in it. He also dislikes being hot, but he also dislikes having his skin exposed, so he often wears long sleeves even in summer (are you okay joshua). If the heat becomes too much, though, he changes into a lightweight shirt.

What is their favourite colour?

All shades of purple.

What is their favourite number?


Do they have any extracurriculars/clubs?

He works part time at a bookstore (he’s been working there less often though). He’s only in the LGBTQ+ club.


What is their sexuality?

Homosexual/Demisexual/Asexual (pretty much ????sexual right now) Homoromantic

Are they closeted or out?

Pretty much closeted. If someone asks him about it, he will tense up and most likely avoid the subject (unless he's very close with the person who asks). He's told his family.

If they are out, are friends/family accepting?

His brother was initially surprised and called him a freak, which left a very bad impression on him and made him afraid to tell anyone else. However, his brother got over it very easily and now his family is very accepting of it. His friends kind of think he’s asexual, but others are starting to really wonder.

How do they feel about their sexuality?

His family supports him a lot, and just want him to find happiness. His friends don't really know, but they don't pressure him to tell them.

Do they worry about anything to do with their sexuality?

He worries that if his friends found out, they’d call him a freak and distance themselves from him. He also is second guessing himself, but he doesn't have anyone to talk to about it (he could talk to his family, since they all know more about all of it then he does, but he doesn't want to bother them).


What is their gender?



Anything else you'd like us to know about them?

He secretly wants to be called Berry cause he thinks it’s cute.

(My favorite colors are blues, greens and purples~)
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3c0b6a12_AureliaDamiani.jpg.0039c9409ce1d2fd3c1f64d2a4624751.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66479" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3c0b6a12_AureliaDamiani.jpg.0039c9409ce1d2fd3c1f64d2a4624751.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aurelia Damiani

"They ask me what's better than sex, I tell them world domination." -Anonymous

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3c0b9f1c_AureliaDamiani2.jpg.a4181d7fda62b8aa18fce580bd5f474c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66480" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3c0b9f1c_AureliaDamiani2.jpg.a4181d7fda62b8aa18fce580bd5f474c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Family:

    She has one older sister and a father, and an extremely distant mother.


    None so far

    Relationship Status:




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Ahh, so much variety! So much creativity!! Everyone is accepted!!

(@Zafirah @S N O W B I R D @DarkledMind @Bunny @Scolipede)



Eleanor-Rose Totten

"People will look at the ashes of Westerburg and say, 'Now there's a school that self-destructed, not because society didn't care, but because the school was society'. Now that's deep."



They got any family members we should know about?

She's got her mom, that's it.

Do they have a roommate?


Relationship status?



How old are they?


When is their birthday?

3rd October (Libra)

What's their personality like?

She likes to think that she's considerably smarter than everybody else and often comes off as very pretentious. She also can be rather cold as she doesn't like to make physical contact with other people or stand too close, (she's got a thing about germs). She pretends to be confident to hide her nerves.

Any illnesses or conditions?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

What do they like?

Retro movies, quiet indie music, math, piano playing, radio podcasts

What don't they like?

Germs, illness, uneven numbers, her personal space being invaded, parties

What is their favourite colour?

Pastel pink

What is their favourite number?


Do they have any extracurriculars/clubs?




What is their sexuality?


Are they closeted or out?


If they are out, are friends/family accepting?

Her mom doesn't really understands what it means

She's particuarly lacking in the friends department currently

How do they feel about their sexuality?

Sometimes, she wonders if there's something wrong with her

Do they worry about anything to do with their sexuality?

Only that nobody will ever like her because of it



What is their gender?

Cisgender female


Her OCD means that she repeatedly washes her hands and struggles to deal with certain numbers- usually odd numbers. She thinks that if she doesn't perform tasks a certain amount of times, something bad will happen (e.g. opening/closing a door four times before she can go through). She also likes things to be in certain places and will strongly object if they are moved.

'A????' K????? S?????s


Now you may say I'm cheeky, but I'd be satisified | To rebuild your convict ships and sail you on the tide.


Unknown birth parents, Natalie Simmons (adoptive mum), Dick Simmons (adoptive dad)

Sibilings: Amanda 'Mandy' Simmons (older sister), Kayla Simmons (younger sibiling)

Alfie's adoptive family is well-settled in the US, with the extended Simmons all living around the same few neighbouring states. His parents still live in his childhood home as they finish getting Kayla through school. He does not know who his birth parents were and doesn't really know how to find out. He suspects they will be lost to him forever. All he knows is that they were from Australia.

Though Alife's dated in the past, he's currently not seeing anyone. In fact he broke up with his last girlfriend not long before last year's classes finished for the year. He's currently rooming with Jason Lee.

((If you wish to talk roommates or dating, feel free to tag me in the OOC or to message me.))


Age: 22

Birth Date: 18th of September

Star Sign: Virgo

Medicial Status: N/A

Colour: Lavender or Lilac

Extracurricular: Swim club, Rugby team reserves

Likes: Freeform dance, personal expression, dubstep, guidance, wild flowers, mixed colour eyes.

Dislikes: Line-cutters, assumptions/stereotypes, classical music, cricket, spicy food.

Alfie thinks himself a pretty approachable dude. He's not, as he tends to speak over people without realising, but he also takes constructive critism to heart. He's usually got a smile on his face, even if it's more of the cocky demeanour. He's the kind of guy that loves plans but loves getting creative around them even more than keeping them strict. When he gets sad he gets morose, sulky and liable to snap at even friends. At least when he gets mad he tries to work off all the energy with a jog or a visit to the gym. That or constant muttering under his breath.


Alfie has known he's heterosexual since puberty - despite the all boy's boarding school, there wasn't much fluctuation in that department. The difference was when it came to the not-sex stuff. At first he assumed what he felt was normal - he heard from peers about not understanding girls and how girlfriends where meant to be 'needy'. That guys like them where meant to just think about sex.

But in the final stretch of high school he realised that wasn't it. There was macho posturing and putting sex first like a lot of his friends did and then there was him: literally not understanding romance at all. After this small epiphany his dating life took an odd turn - it became harder and harder to make himself do romantic things. After a few failed girlfriends he settled for being a 'player boy'. He figured one-night stands was all he was made for.

But still, he had this desire to date. Alfie always thought of it as "Can't I date and have sex but without all the romantic parts?" Always he ended up giving a woman a chance but it never changed how he felt. After having broken up with his last girlfriend at the end of last year, he did some Google researching and found a word that he thinks describes how he feels. Alfie suspects that he's aromantic. He's not sure if he's anywhere in particular on the 'spectrum' but he's pretty sure he's on it.

He's semi-closeted in that he hasn't officially come out, but he isn't actively hiding it either. The main problem is that no one seems to know the difference between him and the next cishet guy. Alfie's still pretty confused about the whole identity thing, but he knows there's a club on campus and he's hoping it could help him out. He doesn't feel particularly bad about the idea that he might be aromantic.


Alfie is a sex-typical, cisgender man and uses he/him pronouns.


May vaguely change as I get into his mindset :3 I've got one more I'm writing, but I might not finish it tonight. (I forgot to mention this when I first submitted this, but I fully expect character's to mistake Alfie as black or possibly Indian).

((I love lots of favourite colours plz don't make me choose.))

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Rainey Ellwood


"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference'' ~Winston Churchill


They got any family members we should know about?

She has a younger brother and a mom and dad.

Do they have a roommate?

No, not yet at least.

Relationship status?

Single :)


How old are they?

21 years old

When is their birthday?

November 24th (Sagittarius club)

What's their personality like?

Rainey is a often known for being a very friendly person that likes to be a social butterfly. But afterwords she then needs to recover for a few days in her own living space. She is mostly known as the ''mom friend'' and likes to put others needs before her own. Often she will miss out on opportunities in life because she fears the danger or potential outcome of someone hurting themselves. Also known as a people pleaser, she takes great care to keep up her public appearance and what peoples perspective of her are. And while it doesnt sound like she is much fun, she enjoys going out and trying new things that the world has to offer (within reason). Rainey enjoy music by playing the bass guitar and occasionally singing, but does not indulge in it very often because she gets stage fright even in front of very few people.

Any illnesses or conditions?

Has a history of depression, but nowadays it only comes around every once in a while.

What do they like?

Bass Guitar


Dream Catchers



Logic Puzzles

Bad jokes



What don't they like?

When people chew with their mouth open






Wearing glasses


What is their favourite colour?

Navy Blue

What is their favourite number?


Do they have any extracurriculars/clubs?

Jazz band and LGBTQ+ Club


What is their sexuality?


Are they closeted or out?

She's come out to her friends casually and brought it up with her mom once (Never again)

If they are out, are friends/family accepting?

Friends are accepting, family is still rather in the dark.

How do they feel about their sexuality?

She really feels like she can like anyone. Often times she feels pretty nuetral over every gender and doesnt have a particular way she sways.

Do they worry about anything to do with their sexuality?

Rainey worries people wont want to be her friend after they find out her sexuality.


What is their gender?

She feels female most of the time but there are particular weeks where she feels more Male than Female.


Anything else you'd like us to know about them?

She does enjoy the technical world and enjoys different gaming platforms.

(Sorry, I saw this and then it slipped my mind. My favorite color is Black)

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They got any family members we should know about?

Well Michel is....

Excuse moi, this is my profile non? Go wait it the car.

But you hired me to....

I changed my mind go...

Sigh) Fine.. Not sure why you needed...

Bon, what was the question... Ah, D'accord. Mon pere and ma mere of course , I don't know where they are but I must have them I guess seems to have lost them. I have foster parents though with a little sister.

Do they have a roommate?

Anyone care to stay with me? I promise I won't climb into bed with you... Often.

Relationship status?

Single and the prowl. Grrrrr What are you doing tonight cutey?


How old are they?

Can't asks a girl that. That part of me is offended! The other says 21.

When is their birthday?

A cool Gemini at the 29th of May.

What's their personality like?

I think you get the idea. A shameless flirt, a constant jokester, all round awesome kinda guy if a little bit of a bitch at times but take everything at my stride. Poor profiler, was a bit harsh on him and he was just being a pal. I will make it up to him later.

Any illnesses or conditions?

Rather than be ridiculously awesome, nothing really.

What do they like?​

  • I like to sketch or paint people and object. Which I am pretty good at
  • As one can imagine I like Art in all its forms.
  • I am also fascinated by science particularly chemistry.
  • Unlike what my french accent might suggest I like good comfort food and the beer.
  • Video games need I say more.
  • A loyal dog is the cities thing

What don't they like?

  • I don't like being alone.
  • Smoking, yikes .. Just no!
  • People who can't just chill.
  • Cats how the hell to people like cats?
  • My biological parents
  • I have no athletic bone in my body arise from bedroom sports.

What is their favourite colour?

A nice crimson red...Mwahahaha ah.

What is their favourite number?

Seven always lucky.

Do they have any extracurriculars/clubs?

Art club, science club, this club


What is their sexuality?

Why limit yourself when your like me. Pansexual for the win

Are they closeted or out?

Out and proud. I am here I am pan get used to it !

If they are out, are friends/family accepting?

I am so awesome, of course they are.

How do they feel about their sexuality?

I think I made my self clear on that earlier.

Do they worry about anything to do with their sexuality?



What is their gender?

Both... impossible you say? Let me drop my pants show you. I kid you but yeah I am a hermaphrodite or intersex. Which ever you prefer.

What are their preferred pronouns?

Whatever I don't care both are rich

Are they on hormone blockers or boosters or anything like that? Have they had surgery of any kind?

A few hormones suppressors to regulate my mood and keep me looking so great.

Are family/friends accepting?

Mostly accepting my foster parents might have liked me to pick a side as it were but respect my choice.

Do they worry about anything to do with their gender?

Not really


Anything else you'd like us to know about them?

Certainment there always is, but what is the fun of saying everything at once.


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ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:





They got any family members we should know about?

Well Michel is....

Excuse moi, this is my profile non? Go wait it the car.

But you hired me to....

I changed my mind go...

Sigh) Fine.. Not sure why you needed...

Bon, what was the question... Ah, D'accord. Mon pere and ma mere of course , I don't know where they are but I must have them I guess seems to have lost them. I have foster parents though with a little sister.

Do they have a roommate?

Anyone care to stay with me? I promise I won't climb into bed with you... Often.

Relationship status?

Single and the prowl. Grrrrr What are you doing tonight cutey?


How old are they?

Can't asks a girl that. That part of me is offended! The other says 21.

When is their birthday?

A cool Gemini at the 29th of May.

What's their personality like?

I think you get the idea. A shameless flirt, a constant jokester, all round awesome kinda guy if a little bit of a bitch at times but take everything at my stride. Poor profiler, was a bit harsh on him and he was just being a pal. I will make it up to him later.

Any illnesses or conditions?

Rather than be ridiculously awesome, nothing really.

What do they like?​

  • I like to sketch or paint people and object. Which I am pretty good at
  • As one can imagine I like Art in all its forms.
  • I am also fascinated by science particularly chemistry.
  • Unlike what my french accent might suggest I like good comfort food and the beer.
  • Video games need I say more.
  • A loyal dog is the cities thing

What don't they like?

  • I don't like being alone.
  • Smoking, yikes .. Just no!
  • People who can't just chill.
  • Cats how the hell to people like cats?
  • My biological parents
  • I have no athletic bone in my body arise from bedroom sports.

What is their favourite colour?

A nice crimson red...Mwahahaha ah.

What is their favourite number?

Seven always lucky.

Do they have any extracurriculars/clubs?

Art club, science club, this club


What is their sexuality?

Why limit yourself when your like me. Pansexual for the win

Are they closeted or out?

Out and proud. I am here I am pan get used to it !

If they are out, are friends/family accepting?

I am so awesome, of course they are.

How do they feel about their sexuality?

I think I made my self clear on that earlier.

Do they worry about anything to do with their sexuality?



What is their gender?

Both... impossible you say? Let me drop my pants show you. I kid you but yeah I am a hermaphrodite or intersex. Which ever you prefer.

What are their preferred pronouns?

Whatever I don't care both are rich

Are they on hormone blockers or boosters or anything like that? Have they had surgery of any kind?

A few hormones suppressors to regulate my mood and keep me looking so great.

Are family/friends accepting?

Mostly accepting my foster parents might have liked me to pick a side as it were but respect my choice.

Do they worry about anything to do with their gender?

Not really


Anything else you'd like us to know about them?

Certainment there always is, but what is the fun of saying everything at once.
cuddlefishkisses said:

Rainey Ellwood


"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference'' ~Winston Churchill


They got any family members we should know about?

She has a younger brother and a mom and dad.

Do they have a roommate?

No, not yet at least.

Relationship status?

Single :)


How old are they?

21 years old

When is their birthday?

November 24th (Sagittarius club)

What's their personality like?

Rainey is a often known for being a very friendly person that likes to be a social butterfly. But afterwords she then needs to recover for a few days in her own living space. She is mostly known as the ''mom friend'' and likes to put others needs before her own. Often she will miss out on opportunities in life because she fears the danger or potential outcome of someone hurting themselves. Also known as a people pleaser, she takes great care to keep up her public appearance and what peoples perspective of her are. And while it doesnt sound like she is much fun, she enjoys going out and trying new things that the world has to offer (within reason). Rainey enjoy music by playing the bass guitar and occasionally singing, but does not indulge in it very often because she gets stage fright even in front of very few people.

Any illnesses or conditions?

Has a history of depression, but nowadays it only comes around every once in a while.

What do they like?

Bass Guitar


Dream Catchers



Logic Puzzles

Bad jokes



What don't they like?

When people chew with their mouth open






Wearing glasses


What is their favourite colour?

Navy Blue

What is their favourite number?


Do they have any extracurriculars/clubs?

Jazz band and LGBTQ+ Club


What is their sexuality?


Are they closeted or out?

She's come out to her friends casually and brought it up with her mom once (Never again)

If they are out, are friends/family accepting?

Friends are accepting, family is still rather in the dark.

How do they feel about their sexuality?

She really feels like she can like anyone. Often times she feels pretty nuetral over every gender and doesnt have a particular way she sways.

Do they worry about anything to do with their sexuality?

Rainey worries people wont want to be her friend after they find out her sexuality.


What is their gender?

She feels female most of the time but there are particular weeks where she feels more Male than Female.


Anything else you'd like us to know about them?

She does enjoy the technical world and enjoys different gaming platforms.
I need both of you to go over the rules again. Otherwise, everything seems okay.
Jamie Haywood


  • Name: Jamie Haywood

    Height: 6'1

    Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Brown

    Age: 18

    Birth City: Atlanta, Georgia

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[QUOTE="The Dragon Rider]
Jamie Haywood

  • Name: Jamie Haywood

    Height: 6'1

    Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Brown

    Age: 18

    Birth City: Atlanta, Georgia

Go over the rules once more but other than that, you're fine.
Second chara finished!

Fᴇʟɪᴄɪᴛʏ Aʟᴏᴜɪs


You blew up your towers to justify a war | I don’t really care what your arms are for | 'More money on defence (f*ck hospitals, f*ck human being, f*ck humanity)'


Parents: Philippe Alouis (papa), Christine Alouis (maman), Véronique (mère/servir de mère)

Sibilings: Michel Alouis (petit cadet)

Dating: Sebastian Jørgensen (on/off partner - currently off), Sera Cygnus (girlfriend)

Being an exchange student, her family still lives in France. Felicity decided to strike out on her own and live on campus instead of finding an exchange family. Her room is a share room. The rest of her family, her papa, both his wives and her little brother still live in her childhood home. She writes home about once a fortnight.

Despite having only been in the US for her college years, she's still managed to get involved with two others. Sebastian attends an Ivy League closest to the college. Felicity has been dating him longest though they keep fluctuating their precise relationship - at the moment they're platonic. Sera attends the same college though they didn't meet on campus but at a local bar. Despite their sexuality mismatch, they've been happily dating for a few months. Though she is still interested in more partners.

((If you wish to talk roommates or dating, feel free to tag me in the OOC or to message me.))


Age: 23

Birth Date: 2nd of December

Star Sign: Sagittarius

Medicial Status: Fish allergy (severe), cow milk allergy (mild), Sywer syndrome

Colour: Indigo

Extracurricular: Band, campus government, debate team

Likes: Karaoke, politics, most music genres & music with lyrics especially, (rap & Broadway are her favourites), mornings, debating, her guitar

Dislikes: Ignorance, democracy in government, sweat odor, beer/ale/cider, neons

Felicity is loud - she has a commanding presence and uses it skillfully. She is passionate about her beliefs and firmly believes that you need to fight for everyone if you want anything yourself. That said, she's also thoughtful and has been called a good listener. She adores educating others but knows that to educate you must first listen and find out what your 'pupil' already knows. Politics is a favourite hobby of hers, despite being fed up with how broken many countries political systems are but music is her real wind-down release. She's not a fantastic singer but she's not half-bad. She prefers to sing with her hands fiddling with her electric guitar, though.


Felicity didn't really fret about her sexuality when she was a teen. She figured that, as puberty hit, she wouldn't really know for a while. In her later teens she realised gender didn't seem to have any baring on her romantic or sexual attraction to others. She's firmly a panromantic pansexual.

However Felicity never exactly 'came out' to her parents. She did come home with variously gendered partners but the only lecture it got her was on safe sex. She kept with this tradition in the US - she doesn't really tell people, she just doesn't hide it. She's certainly not closeted, however. Since her little brother is so much younger than her, though, she suspects that he might not be aware.

She does on occassion identify herself as just bisexual: partially for ease of communication but also because she's had more than one poor reaction to the term pansexual/panromantic. People calling her a 'special snowflake' or claiming that she's biphobic or that (for some reason) she's transphobic.

Though she doesn't count it as part of her romantic/sexual orientation there's another atypical thing about who she dates. She's polyamorous - she'll happily date more than one person at a time. Back in France she was quite open and casual about this (especially since she grew up with it) but in the US Felicity has found she's a little more shy about it. She's very open about it if she's negotiating a relationship with someone but she's shy in everyday conversation. (Felicity has the poor habit of silently judging those that count polyamory as a sexuality and of not-so-silently rebutting people who claim being poly* makes one LGBT+).


Felicity is as much a cisgender woman as she can be. That is, she was assigned 'female' at birth and she identifies as female but her sex doesn't actually match any of that.

Felicity has Sywer syndrome which, simply put, means she has dysfunctional gonads. This makes her intersex. While she did not know about this condition her whole life, her parents where mostly upfront about it as she reached her midteens. At her midteens, it was becoming obvious that she was not undergoing puberty at the expected rate. Her parents sat her down and tried to explain what had happened way back at birth. It is, thankfully, quite managable. Even more managable than being 'female sex' since she doesn't have menstrual cycles.

As a side effect of her lack of full-fledged puberty, Felicity remains quite androgynous in body shape. She also tends to look somewhat childlike, aside from her adult proportions. Her childlike features aren't something people usually conciously realise, especially as she can usually mask them with clothes and makeup.

She's semi-closted about being intersex. She speaks out on behalf of intersex people, privately confident that she has the right to do so, but she's uncomfortable with admitting to others that she's intersex. Felicity feels partially justified in this as her being intersex is basically a medical thing and thus is no one else's business.

((Her faceclaim doesn't quite reflect how I imagine her to look. Please use Jessica WIlliams as a starting point and use your imagination.))


She can play both bass and guitar and loves playing electric guitar most. She owns an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar and an electric bass. She likes to try and book herself gigs at the local and campus bars.

I like the idea that she helped found this new LGTBQ+ Club - she's politically active on campus and she's hella queer. Rallying to get this club made and/or rallying to revamp an old club that had no members is exactly the kind of thing she'd do. (I'll wait on word from Leo on whether I can make this canon). This doesn't mean she has to be the groups leader or anything - just that she was a founding member. If this gets made canon, then I'd like to co-ordinate with the Darkled Mind's Richard chara. She's probably his student equivalent. If that made sense.

Felicity helped found the new LGTBQ+ Club. I'll be talking furher with Darkled on this.

Her personality may vaguely change as I get into her mindset :3

((I still love lots of favourite colours thx for not making me choose.))

Last edited by a moderator:
Jaye said:
Second chara finished!

Fᴇʟɪᴄɪᴛʏ Aʟᴏᴜɪs


You blew up your towers to justify a war | I don’t really care what your arms are for | 'More money on defence (f*ck hospitals, f*ck human being, f*ck humanity)'


Parents: Philippe Alouis (papa), Christine Alouis (maman), Véronique (mère/servir de mère)

Sibilings: Michel Alouis (petit cadet)

Dating: Sebastian Jørgensen (on/off partner - currently off), Sera Cygnus (girlfriend)

Being an exchange student, her family still lives in France. Felicity decided to strike out on her own and live on campus instead of finding an exchange family. Her room is a share room. The rest of her family, her papa, both his wives and her little brother still live in her childhood home. She writes home about once a fortnight.

Despite having only been in the US for her college years, she's still managed to get involved with two others. Sebastian attends an Ivy League closest to the college. Felicity has been dating him longest though they keep fluctuating their precise relationship - at the moment they're platonic. Sera attends the same college though they didn't meet on campus but at a local bar. Despite their sexuality mismatch, they've been happily dating for a few months. Though she is still interested in more partners.

((If you wish to talk roommates or dating, feel free to tag me in the OOC or to message me.))


Age: 23

Birth Date: 2nd of December

Star Sign: Sagittarius

Medicial Status: Fish allergy (severe), cow milk allergy (mild), Sywer syndrome

Colour: Indigo

Extracurricular: Band, campus government, debate team

Likes: Karaoke, politics, most music genres & music with lyrics especially, (rap & Broadway are her favourites), mornings, debating, her guitar

Dislikes: Ignorance, democracy in government, sweat odor, beer/ale/cider, neons

Felicity is loud - she has a commanding presence and uses it skillfully. She is passionate about her beliefs and firmly believes that you need to fight for everyone if you want anything yourself. That said, she's also thoughtful and has been called a good listener. She adores educating others but knows that to educate you must first listen and find out what your 'pupil' already knows. Politics is a favourite hobby of hers, despite being fed up with how broken many countries political systems are but music is her real wind-down release. She's not a fantastic singer but she's not half-bad. She prefers to sing with her hands fiddling with her electric guitar, though.


Felicity didn't really fret about her sexuality when she was a teen. She figured that, as puberty hit, she wouldn't really know for a while. In her later teens she realised gender didn't seem to have any baring on her romantic or sexual attraction to others. She's firmly a panromantic pansexual.

However Felicity never exactly 'came out' to her parents. She did come home with variously gendered partners but the only lecture it got her was on safe sex. She kept with this tradition in the US - she doesn't really tell people, she just doesn't hide it. She's certainly not closeted, however. Since her little brother is so much younger than her, though, she suspects that he might not be aware.

She does on occassion identify herself as just bisexual: partially for ease of communication but also because she's had more than one poor reaction to the term pansexual/panromantic. People calling her a 'special snowflake' or claiming that she's biphobic or that (for some reason) she's transphobic.

Though she doesn't count it as part of her romantic/sexual orientation there's another atypical thing about who she dates. She's polyamorous - she'll happily date more than one person at a time. Back in France she was quite open and casual about this (especially since she grew up with it) but in the US Felicity has found she's a little more shy about it. She's very open about it if she's negotiating a relationship with someone but she's shy in everyday conversation. (Felicity has the poor habit of silently judging those that count polyamory as a sexuality and of not-so-silently rebutting people who claim being poly* makes one LGBT+).


Felicity is as much a cisgender woman as she can be. That is, she was assigned 'female' at birth and she identifies as female but her sex doesn't actually match any of that.

Felicity has Sywer syndrome which, simply put, means she has dysfunctional gonads. This makes her intersex. While she did not know about this condition her whole life, her parents where mostly upfront about it as she reached her midteens. At her midteens, it was becoming obvious that she was not undergoing puberty at the expected rate. Her parents sat her down and tried to explain what had happened way back at birth. It is, thankfully, quite managable. Even more managable than being 'female sex' since she doesn't have menstrual cycles.

As a side effect of her lack of full-fledged puberty, Felicity remains quite androgynous in body shape. She also tends to look somewhat childlike, aside from her adult proportions. Her childlike features aren't something people usually conciously realise, especially as she can usually mask them with clothes and makeup.

She's semi-closted about being intersex. She speaks out on behalf of intersex people, privately confident that she has the right to do so, but she's uncomfortable with admitting to others that she's intersex. Felicity feels partially justified in this as her being intersex is basically a medical thing and thus is no one else's business.

((Her faceclaim doesn't quite reflect how I imagine her to look. Please use Jessica WIlliams as a starting point and use your imagination.))


She can play both bass and guitar and loves playing electric guitar most. She owns an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar and an electric bass. She likes to try and book herself gigs at the local and campus bars.

I like the idea that she helped found this new LGTBQ+ Club - she's politically active on campus and she's hella queer. Rallying to get this club made and/or rallying to revamp an old club that had no members is exactly the kind of thing she'd do. (I'll wait on word from Leo on whether I can make this canon). This doesn't mean she has to be the groups leader or anything - just that she was a founding member. If this gets made canon, then I'd like to co-ordinate with the Darkled Mind's Richard chara. She's probably his student equivalent. If that made sense.

Her personality may vaguely change as I get into her mindset :3

((I still love lots of favourite colours thx for not making me choose.))

Accepted, yo!!! (And the founding stuff is fine by me but you can talk to @DarkledMind about the deal there)

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