That horrible moment when...


Tomato Goddess
You come back to find your 3DS (or phone, PSP, whatever) out of charge... and you haven't saved in about 5 hours. Yeah. Does that happen to you? Post your battery dying tales below!
That horrible moment when your XBOX overheats just before your last hit on Malak and you haven't saved since Lehon temple top with Bastila.
The horrible moment when you are in the middle of a very long, very tactical battle on Fire Emblem, you are so close to final victory, but the light on your 3DS goes red. It is at that moment that you have to make the hardest tactical choice of all....

A. Suspend Game and lose the moment.


B. Keep fighting and pray. Pray so hard that your 3DS doesn't die.

The worst outcome: Your 3DS makes it, your party makes it, then due to the extremely long cut-scene and convos after, your 3DS saves....
[QUOTE="HK 50 09]That horrible moment when your XBOX overheats just before your last hit on Malak and you haven't saved since Lehon temple top with Bastila.

Or you die anywhere and have forgotten that the entire game doesn't benefit from modern check pointing.

See also Jedi Knight 2 and those sodding Rodians
I was 12 hours into Dead Island... then the batteries just stopped working and I couldn't save... the agony... watching the zombies slowly drain my HP (Had max health upgrade)

((And if you get the reference in my post... you're awesome...)
That moment in Dark Souls 2 when you have been fighting King Vendrik for 3+ hours and you're about to strike the final blow the there's a neighborhood blackout. FML.
My bane back in the days of tiny memory cards during the PS1 and PS2 era was that I'd often only keep one save file for a given game to conserve space. This came back to bite me on the ass many times in RPGs, most notably in Final Fantasy Tactics. I got stuck on a boss fight and there was no way for me to go back and level up or stock up on consumables.

One of these days I'll get my revenge on all of those games.
I am a very anxious person, so my save button is hit every 3 minutes, after every pokemon capture, before and after anything and everything important. So I don't have battery issues.

What I do have issues with is the lack of Colress' Theme Space Jam remixes.

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