Chitchat Tell me something good that happened to you today!

Kestrel said:
I'm sick, so I'm drinking tea.
*Gives you hot chocolate* Nuuu! Don't be sick! Deny it ever happened! DENY IT'S VERY EXISTENCE IN TIME!
Daisie said:
*Gives you hot chocolate* Nuuu! Don't be sick! Deny it ever happened! DENY IT'S VERY EXISTENCE IN TIME!
Nope. I've been coughing up my lungs, and have been unable to speak for the last for days. The doctor said I have

laryngotracheobronchitis, which is really just croup in adults. So I've just been drinking tea and taking naps. I will, however, gladly accept hot chocolate.
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Someone responded to my thread for an RP partner this morning (Morning for me anyway, lol ^.^)!
I just ate the best cookies. Did you know they're softer if you don't put eggs in?
I saw my parents for the first time in 5 months when they came to help me move out from college! I am currently lying in my own bed at home :)
Only one good thing? There are too many to choose!

1. I have a new job which I have zero practical experience in. It's simultaneous interpreting, basically now I'm one of those chicks who do voice-overs in real time for important conferences and similar events. It's really difficult because you have to focus on so many different things, it strains your memory and you're in constant stress. I somehow managed to land the job while still being a student, I don't even have my degree yet. So today, after a particularly tiring day, I got to chat with my boss. "So, you look very young. How many years have you been doing this?" "Ehmm... A week." "A WEEK? And you're that good already? Damn!" She proceeded to praise me for about ten minutes, which did wonders for my confidence. I thought I was subpar, but apparently that was just me being perfectionist again.

2. A free weekend! While I love my new job, it's tiring and I'm thankful to have some rest. Now I finally have the time to write!

3. My sister baked a cheesecake for me. Yum!
I have a loong looong weekend in the middle of final exam which I can use to stay in my bed all day long
Mordecai said:
Hi! :D
So, I've started doing this thing where, everyday, I say one good thing out loud that happened to me that day. Even on my worst days, I make sure to find something that was good. I started doing this after hitting a really slow slump in my life, and decided to continue to try and maintain some positivity.

So, tell me one good thing that happened to you! It can be something big, or something small. It can have to do with roleplay, or it can not!

I'll start us off:

Today, I had a great ride on my horse.

Your turn!
Mordecai said:
Hi! :D
So, I've started doing this thing where, everyday, I say one good thing out loud that happened to me that day. Even on my worst days, I make sure to find something that was good. I started doing this after hitting a really slow slump in my life, and decided to continue to try and maintain some positivity.

So, tell me one good thing that happened to you! It can be something big, or something small. It can have to do with roleplay, or it can not!

I'll start us off:

Today, I had a great ride on my horse.

Your turn!
I got a hug from my bf
I got a new car. Cute little PT Cruiser.

So begins the long task of buffing up and growing a ZZ Top beard so I can weird people out when they see me enter/exit it.

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