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Fandom Tears of the Phoenix - OOC

Hey so, with finals coming up and me juggling other RP's, I'm not sure I can keep up the pace with this one. Every time I need to post my muse is low, and I know that's due to real life things taking up my energy. If there was a way to kinda fade Cass out until I can come back that would be great, but if it's not convenient I am alright w/fully leaving. :/
Hey so, with finals coming up and me juggling other RP's, I'm not sure I can keep up the pace with this one. Every time I need to post my muse is low, and I know that's due to real life things taking up my energy. If there was a way to kinda fade Cass out until I can come back that would be great, but if it's not convenient I am alright w/fully leaving. :/
Using the restroom and getting lost perhaps?
Using the restroom and getting lost perhaps?
Ohh, actually that might work, considering she's not v familiar with the magical world. I can imagine her coming back like "so I just got teleported to god knows where. just a note, don't use the 3rd sink from the left in the girls bathroom."
Ohh, actually that might work, considering she's not v familiar with the magical world. I can imagine her coming back like "so I just got teleported to god knows where. just a note, don't use the 3rd sink from the left in the girls bathroom."
Yeah that works!
I'm really sorry for just disappearing like that. I caught the cold last weekend and got a really bad fever. It's starting to get better now but I still don't have the stamina to sit down and do good writing, sorry for ghosting like that.
I'm really sorry for just disappearing like that. I caught the cold last weekend and got a really bad fever. It's starting to get better now but I still don't have the stamina to sit down and do good writing, sorry for ghosting like that.
You're fine- feel better! ^^
Physiicz Physiicz honeylemon honeylemon Bloodshed Bloodshed
Hey guys, I need to see firsts posts for your students please ^^

Currently waiting on the following profiles:
_Nytmare_ _Nytmare_ Female first-year Gryffindor
OnyxMule OnyxMule Male first-year Gryffindor
@monxmiracle Male first-year Slytherin
Wolfsbane Wolfsbane Ministry worker
And were you guys interested in any additional spots?

(@Moonchitchi XxKatelyn_RiverxX XxKatelyn_RiverxX
If you guys still want in, let me know which roles you want and when your profiles will be submitted.)

-First-year male Gryffindor
-Male upperclassman (Ravenclaw)
-Male upperclassman (Hufflepuff)
-Flying instructor
-Arithmancy teacher
Last edited:
Physiicz Physiicz honeylemon honeylemon Bloodshed Bloodshed
Hey guys, I need to see firsts posts for your students please ^^

Currently waiting on the following profiles:
@QuirkyAngel Female Gryffindor upperclassman
RayPurchase RayPurchase Male Gryffindor upperclassman
@monxmiracle First-year Slytherin
Wolfsbane Wolfsbane Ministry worker
And were you guys interested in any additional spots?

CoachA CoachA OnyxMule OnyxMule Bloodshed Bloodshed
Did you guys want any more characters? There are more spots open now.
(@Moonchitchi XxKatelyn_RiverxX XxKatelyn_RiverxX
If you guys still want in, let me know which roles you want and when your profiles will be submitted.)

-First-year female Gryffindor
-First-year male Gryffindor
-Male upperclassman (Hufflepuff)
-First-year female Ravenclaw
-Flying instructor
-Arithmancy teacher
I’d love to grab the spot for first-year Malé gryffindor if that is okay! I’ll be posting for my characters this afternoon as well, finally feverless!^^
Physiicz Physiicz honeylemon honeylemon Bloodshed Bloodshed
Hey guys, I need to see firsts posts for your students please ^^

Currently waiting on the following profiles:
@QuirkyAngel Female Gryffindor upperclassman
RayPurchase RayPurchase Male Gryffindor upperclassman
OnyxMule OnyxMule First-year Gryffindor
@monxmiracle First-year Slytherin
Wolfsbane Wolfsbane Ministry worker
And were you guys interested in any additional spots?

CoachA CoachA Bloodshed Bloodshed
Did you guys want any more characters? There are more spots open now.
(@Moonchitchi XxKatelyn_RiverxX XxKatelyn_RiverxX
If you guys still want in, let me know which roles you want and when your profiles will be submitted.)

-First-year female Gryffindor
-Male upperclassman (Hufflepuff)
-First-year female Ravenclaw
-Flying instructor
-Arithmancy teacher
I'll get my reply up a bit later today. I have three final projects due this week, two next week, and two the week after that. College and the holidays be crazy sometimes XD! But I will get it up ASAP
I'll get my reply up a bit later today. I have three final projects due this week, two next week, and two the week after that. College and the holidays be crazy sometimes XD! But I will get it up ASAP
No worries- I know how it goes!
Sorry to those who are waiting on me! I've been busy and hopefully I'll be able to post tomorrow.
Hello everyone! I'm Kihte and I will be playing Lynne, one of the Ravenclaw first years. I'm always down for plot bunnies (past, present, or future), just let me know! Excited to be playing with you all!
So it looks like it decided I didn't need to know about any new posts to this thread lol. I remember posting in here jist before the rp started and then all of a sudden I come back to check it out and it's 23 pages deep.
So it looks like it decided I didn't need to know about any new posts to this thread lol. I remember posting in here jist before the rp started and then all of a sudden I come back to check it out and it's 23 pages deep.
That does seem to happen ^^"
I had no clue that the person playing Trevor had dropped out and have been waiting for them to respond. Well I suppose I'll get to work on a new post then.

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