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Fandom Tartarus Rising: OOC

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving (and anyone else who's just coming in)

So far, everyone's sort of getting up and getting ready for the day. If you're a newcomer, then you arrived last night, whereas if you've been here a while you can just post with you around doing what you usually do. There's a welcoming party by the beach for you all to check out, and I'll try and move things along plot-wise tomorrow.
If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me. Have fun *
omg Hollycrest Hollycrest I totally missed that this RP started, is it okay with you that my guy returned from a Quest?

It's okay that you've been gone but I'd prefer it if you just posted him walking around the camp instead. Nothing too important has happened yet, so you haven't missed much.
It's okay that you've been gone but I'd prefer it if you just posted him walking around the camp instead. Nothing too important has happened yet, so you haven't missed much.
mhm.. but it is possible right that he returned from a small quest?
The CS page is on the first page of this, I believe. Go there and create your character, and then after your character gets approved, jump in and interact!

SAOFanboy SAOFanboy

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